Princess Sofia and Prince Carl Philip shared new photos

As a result of Covid-19, Princess Sofia and Prince Carl Philip are working from home. On their Instagram account, the couple shared two new photos taken at Villa Solbacken which is their residence. In the message added to the photos, the couple wrote that they postpone scheduled visits and hold digital meetings. They also stated that they focus on updating and setting new strategic plans with their employees in their own respective operations as a result of Covid-19.
As a result of Covid-19, Princess Sofia and Prince Carl Philip are working from home at Villa Solbacken
As a result of Covid-19, Princess Sofia and Prince Carl Philip are working from home at Villa Solbacken

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  1. Toujours les mêmes photos de ces royaux penchés, la mine préoccupée sur leurs ordis, leurs tablettes... comme s'ils s'occupaient de la stratégie du pays. Alors qu'ils ne sont que des figurants

    1. Anonymous26/3/20 18:40

      so true!

    2. Anonymous26/3/20 19:51

      Fully agree

    3. Anonymous26/3/20 20:20

      Well, they still have their own responsibilities, even if they don’t make the big decisions. Let’s be civil towards each other — including the royals — at this trying time. Stay safe.

    4. Anonymous27/3/20 00:49

      @Fred: Does the CEO of a corporation do all the work himself or does he have dozens or hundreds of employees each doing their own job? We each have a job to do - large or small. Thanks. ~Laurel~

    5. I agree with Kara! They have their own agenda and have to stay up to date with news, when later they meet involved people.

    6. Laurel:thats the point. They have no real job at all.

    7. Anonymous28/3/20 08:15

      Indeed.... and now that they cannot go anywhere it becomes painfully clear that they are not missed. Dutch royals appear from time to time to give peptalk, but it is all comletely meaningless.
      Lily T.

  2. Anonymous26/3/20 19:21

    Beautiful photos. Love Sofia's shorter hair and white top.

    1. Yes, her hair is beautiful at this length.

    2. They assist their assigned patronages. Here's Carl Philip's:

  3. Nice photos. Comment from Fred seems unnecessarily unkind. They are not suggesting that they are making decisions about the nation but working things out for their own charities and organisations. What is wrong with that? If they were grinning vacuously at the camera, they would be criticised for being too flippant in this worrying time!

    1. Agree with you, Annie. I like the photos too!

  4. Trying to look busy....

    1. Anonymous27/3/20 16:35


    2. Anonymous28/3/20 08:10

      Lily T.

    3. Anonymous29/3/20 17:57

      Agree. Pure theatre.
      - SF

  5. Jolies photos de tous les deux ; ravissante Sofia avec les cheveux légèrement raccourcis mais je la préfère avec sa couleur de brune !

  6. Anonymous27/3/20 16:26

    Lovely top for Sofia. Everyone shares the burden.

  7. Their job is being an ambassador for the charities, orgamizations and parts of Sweden they represent. That entails fund raising, keeping on top of activities, making phone calls, assisting with promotional efforts. Not 9-5 jobs, but there is work they have to do.

  8. Beautiful photos. Good on them for being pro active.

  9. Anonymous14/9/20 21:16

    I love their commitment to whatever causes they support. Sofia is volunteering at the hospital during the COVID crisis. She became trained to assist them in their daily routine to help make way for people to help COVID patients. She is still involved with project playground as recent updates show. She and Carl Philip also have their own foundation which reaches out to different people or groups. I think they do a wonderful job for part time royals. That is what they have always been. Carl Philip was considered part time before he married Sofia. He has his design business and he has also gone back to racing cars. They are very visible. Or try to be. COVID has gotten everyone down a bit. They look professional and engaged. Staying informed is hard from home I would think. I am sure they do this several times a day or week depending on where they are needed. Sarah


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