Norwegian Princess Martha Louise appeared in Los Angeles

Norwegian Princess Martha Louise appeared in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles for the first time in public after the funeral of her ex-husband Ari Behn that took place two months ago. Princess Martha Louise was photographed with her boyfriend Shaman Durek Verrett, actor James Van Der Beek and his wife Kimberly Brook.
Princess Martha Louise with her boyfriend Shaman Durek Verrett, actor James Van Der Beek and his wife Kimberly Brook
Princess Martha Louise with her boyfriend Shaman Durek Verrett, actor James Van Der Beek and his wife Kimberly Brook

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  1. Anonymous5/3/20 15:10

    I do not even know why Martha Louise wasted a photo-op with a has been D-list tv actor. Perhaps she is not attending or being invited to A-list events. As Bette Davis said in "All about Eve" what a dump!!!

    1. And Betty Davis knew what she was talking about.
      Fashion wise ..... the belt on Princess Martha Louise doesn't flatter her silhouette at all. But maybe she's lost interest taking into account the difficult period she's recently been through.

    2. Anonymous6/3/20 03:22

      It's Bette Davis - Bette.

    3. I took a bet that it was Betty and not Bette. The bet I lost as it's Bette and not Betty. I bet the bookmaker in his betting shop is better off with my lost bet no?

    4. Anonymous6/3/20 20:10

      deadeggs, that's funny. You sure do a lot of betting, which I'm betting you won't be doing much more of. At least this one was a safe one to lose. You're 'bette'r at this wordplay than I am. (I had forgotten to sign my name in my above reply to you.) ~Laurel~

  2. I really can not understand what she finds on this suspect guy.

    I usally also love the van der Beeks, but they should not see people like this dubious 'healer'

  3. Anonymous5/3/20 16:01

    Well, maybe it is a nice couple even though not very successful?

  4. She should be home with her 3 daughters. They need her more than ever. I see trouble in the future and I’m no Shamen.

    1. I agree. Hanging out with actors in LA is the totally wrong signal to send, both to her daughters and to the Norwegian public.
      On a fashion note: the black dress is alright, and the green is a nice accent colour. But the style and position of the belt don´t work well. Her boyfriend´s outfits have always been hideous, and this one is no exeption. I have yet to find anything likeable about this guy.

    2. Anonymous5/3/20 23:47

      Durek answered your question on this instagram picture. He said that the kids were always with them. And that they're in good hands if they're not with them.
      I mean, there's plenty of people who are able to take care of Märtha Louise's children for a couple of days. Grandparents (four of them), aunties/uncles (with company from cousins), family friends...

      It's funny how everyone in this comment section are seemingly perfect. Who are you to judge people from behind a screen? I don't care what they do, or what Durek does. It doesn't affect me personally, so why should I care?

      Now to the fashion... I don't know if that belt is the most flattering belt or the best placement of the belt, but I'm just happy to see her smile.

    3. Ihre 3 Töchter sollten Märtha das Wichtigste sein , ohne ihren Vater haben sie es schwer genug !!

    4. Anonymous9/3/20 11:45

      And how do you know her daughters are not with her? Psychic? Don't judge a book by it's cover. Be nice and the world will be nice back at you ;)

  5. Anonymous5/3/20 16:21

    Princess Martha Louise looks great, nice to see her smile again.

  6. Anonymous5/3/20 16:38

    Well, apparently Märtha Louise doesn't count her friends in "status" like you seem to do, when she or her boyfriend update their instagram..

    1. And on a fashion note ??????? .... any comment ?????

  7. Anonymous5/3/20 18:43

    Why would James Van Der Beek even hang around him in the first place? Maybe this is the last time we see Pss Martha Louise be with him.

  8. No one is entitled to judge any one. LIVE YOUR Life and respect yourself👏

  9. Anonymous5/3/20 22:44

    Hope;fully soon and very soon the wayward Miss ML will look back with complete and utter chagrin on this unfortunate chapter of her life and consider the embarrassment she has caused her loved ones. On a fashion note, I suppose she is dressed properly for a casual hang-out. ~Laurel~

  10. Mir tun die 3 Töchter Märtha Luise's leid - ob diesen Leben mit einem dubiosen Schamanen ..


  11. Anonymous6/3/20 05:30

    Bunch of nosy, judgmental people around here... get a life, clean your own house, fix your bad habits, in doing so you won’t have time to have your nose on other people’s business...
    It actually works, try it 😋

  12. I am glad to see her engaging out and about and smiling. I hope her daughters are doing okay. They have been through a terrible ordeal, bless them.

  13. Quel plaisir de revoir Martha Louise ; elle a toujours un magnifique sourire et un très beau regard !

  14. Hab ein Foto des halbnackten Riesen Schamanen über Märtha Luise gesehen - irgendwie ungustiös !!


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