Dutch royals applauded all medical staff fighting against coronavirus

At 8 pm last night, entire city of Amsterdam opened their windows and applauded in unison to appreciate the brave efforts of medical staff and healthcare authorities fighting against the coronavirus. From the balcony of the Royal Palace, King Willem-Alexander, Queen Maxima, Crown Princess Catharina-Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Ariane took part in the applause for all healthcare workers to support them in their fight against the coronavirus and because of their commitment to the health of everyone in the Netherlands.
Queen Maxima, Crown Princess Catharina-Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Ariane
Dutch royal family applauded all medical staff fighting against coronavirus - VIDEO

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  1. Anonymous18/3/20 12:25

    Was für eine Show...so lange Maxima&Fam. noch dazu lachen, ist doch alles in Butter.

    Ein Hoch auf all das medizinische Personal in den Kliniken weltweit für ihre Aufopferung während dieser Zeit👍DIE arbeiten wirklich schwer!

    1. Genau - hier ist " Show " nicht angebracht !!

    2. Wie sind Sie denn bitte drauf ??
      Die königliche Familie ist selbst in Quarantäne, ich wüßte keinen einzigen Grund, weshalb sie sich nicht wie viele andere Betroffene an den weltweiten Dankesbekundungen beteiligen sollten.

      Schade, daß offensichtlich nichtmal eine solch globald Krise Menschen wie Sie dazu bewegen kann, einfach mal NICHTS zu sagen, bevor Sie böse über Andere sprechen. Nichts gelernt bisher.

    3. Anonymous19/3/20 08:28

      Ich arbeite als Pflegekraft in einem Krankenhaus und kann Ihnen versichern, dass dort bisher niemand, trotz der Ernsthaftigkeit der Situation, das Lachen verlernt oder seinen Humor verloren hat. Gehen Sie bitte weiter optimistisch und mit einer positiv-fröhlichen Grundeinstellung durchs Leben - auch das ist wichtig!

    4. I hate the german comments.
      Sorry to say that, but
      Germany banned their own royals.
      And did much worse thinks in WO2.
      So don't pick on our/my royals

    5. Anonymous21/3/20 14:26

      Are you seriously saying that? WW2 doesnt have anything to do with most Germans still alive today. And also, niet iedereen over 1 kam scheren (I suppose you are Dutch like me, but if you dont understand it, it means to not judge everyone as if they are all the same when only a few did terrible things in the past.
      Just wanted to get that off my chest. This is a place to follow the royals, check out their outfits and adore their kids, not a place for racism.

      Other than that, I think it's great to see the family applauding everyone who is doing so much good in a time when so many people are sick and they are in quarantine themselves. Lovely family!

  2. Anonymous18/3/20 13:55

    Are they under self-quarantine now since they have just returned from the Indonesia state visit?

    1. Yes they are in quarantaine. Not because of Indonesia only but because odmf their trip to Lech. They were among people of wich 5 people appeared to have Corona.

  3. Anonymous18/3/20 17:38

    A lovely gesture. Lets hope this COVID 19 brings out the BEST in people,especially to the one's in greatest need of help.All the dissatisfaction intolerance and hate,is very small compared to this Virus. I wish you all the best,where ever you are or who you are. Stay healthy. And a great Thank you to everyone who does their part of helping. God bless.

    1. Anonymous18/3/20 19:36

      A very thoughtful way to share their message and thanks to the medical staff fighting against Covid-19 reaching out without having a lot of TV technicians inside the castle.


  4. J'ai réussi à voir la vidéo.. Quel beau geste de la part de la reine Maxima, le roi Willem-Alexander et leurs trois filles qui ont pris part et exprimé leur soutien alors que le pays est touché par le coronavirus !

  5. Wow! I read about the initiative this morning but I didn't know our Royal Family joined too. Very nice and emphatic.

  6. Lovely show of support. Well done. Never thought of not needing technicians etc in the Palace, but you are right, of course, Julie, which is another plus point.

  7. Anonymous18/3/20 20:44

    Great example-setting. Unlike BRF. Lavinia

  8. Anonymous18/3/20 21:14

    Not only in Amsterdam, but everywhere in the Netherlands!

  9. They wear homewear, nice to see


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