Queen Silvia received Zoleka Mandela at the Royal Palace

Queen Silvia of Sweden received Child Health Initiative Global Ambassador Zoleka Mandela at the royal palace to discuss the impact of road traffic injuries on young people and to receive information about his work on road safety. Zoleka Mandela visits Sweden on the occasion of the third global ministerial conference on road safety.
Queen Silvia of Sweden received Child Health Initiative Global Ambassador Zoleka Mandela at the royal palace
Queen Silvia of Sweden received Child Health Initiative Global Ambassador Zoleka Mandela at the royal palace

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  1. Quelle magnifique jeune femme tant dans le turban que la robe du même style ; superbes les grosses boucles d'oreilles... La reine est vêtue plus classique dans ce joli tailleur-pantalon ; mignon petit col-roulé dans une couleur mauve très clair !

  2. Anonymous21/2/20 11:43

    What an incredible dress. It's fits perfect,gerät color ans pattern and I love the boatneck. 100 points.

  3. Taxies in SA have no respect for the road, intact just driving on the roads is a death trap.

  4. Anonymous21/2/20 18:14

    Great cause. Do like this blazer.

  5. Anonymous21/2/20 19:10

    Wow, such a pretty dress and headpiece! Love the colour.

  6. Anonymous21/2/20 22:24

    Both look elegant, each of her own, impressive.

  7. Anonymous21/2/20 22:25

    Both look elegant, each of her own, impressive.

  8. Anonymous21/2/20 23:57

    Not a fan of the Queen's jacket, wonder what the rest of the outfit looked like. Zoleka Mandela's outfit was terrific in style, colors, patterns.... JT

  9. I love what the woman on the left is wearing. Gorgeous: her dress, head-covering, and her smile!

  10. Please. Nothing in South Africa gets done for the children. Money gets stolen and doesnt get to the people in need. Nothing elegant about this.

    1. Agree, but unfortunately they are all blinded by the corruption in SA

    2. Anonymous22/2/20 20:54

      Agree, Amelia 7:56am. Makes one wonder exactly who benefits from donations to a foundation/fund/fond/stiftelse. ~Laurel~

  11. Queen Silvia looks lovely, the jacket is superb, its beautifully crafted, love the collar. The addition of the brooch is a nice touch. Oh that is an extradionry beautiful blue and white dress, I adore the boat neckline and beautiful sleeves. Would have loved to see a full length picture of this outfit. Splendid look and sensational smile to match.

  12. Anonymous23/2/20 12:37

    Queen Silvia seems to be a very nice person, mostly stylish too, but:
    I think it is about time she did something to her hair! It is too long and, in my eyes, looks oldfashioned. Perhaps she also could find a better color...
    ~ bc ~


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