Queen Letizia attended the proclamation of the winner of FPdGi

On February 28, 2020, Queen Letizia of Spain attended the proclamation of the winner of the "Princess of Girona Award 2020" (FPdGi) in the "Social" category at Agora Sociocultural Center in A Coruña. The "Social" category of the award rewards young people who, by means of their leadership and personal commitment in social organizations or companies, have achieved success in the creation and promotion of social projects with new visions and tangible achievements. Queen Letizia wore a new suit and a silk blouse by Hugo Boss. Her shoes were by Magrit.
Queen Letizia wore a new suit and a silk blouse by Hugo Boss. Her shoes were by Magrit
Queen Letizia wore a new suit and a silk blouse by Hugo Boss. Her shoes were by Magrit
Queen Letizia wore a new suit and a silk blouse by Hugo Boss. Her shoes were by Magrit
Queen Letizia wore a new suit and a silk blouse by Hugo Boss. Her shoes were by Magrit
Queen Letizia wore a new suit and a silk blouse by Hugo Boss. Her shoes were by Magrit
Queen Letizia wore a new suit and a silk blouse by Hugo Boss. Her shoes were by Magrit
Queen Letizia wore a new suit and a silk blouse by Hugo Boss. Her shoes were by Magrit
Queen Letizia wore a new suit and a silk blouse by Hugo Boss. Her shoes were by Magrit
Queen Letizia wore a new suit and a silk blouse by Hugo Boss. Her shoes were by Magrit
Queen Letizia wore a new suit and a silk blouse by Hugo Boss. Her shoes were by Magrit
Queen Letizia wore a new suit and a silk blouse by Hugo Boss. Her shoes were by Magrit
Queen Letizia wore a new suit and a silk blouse by Hugo Boss. Her shoes were by Magrit
Queen Letizia wore a new suit and a silk blouse by Hugo Boss. Her shoes were by Magrit

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  1. Très belle harmonie de ce tailleur-pantalon avec la couleur des superbes escarpins ; son haut en satin est particulièrement lumineux.. Avec une jupe-droite, l'allure serait des plus élégantes.. Délicates les boucles d'oreilles déjà portées !

  2. Anonymous28/2/20 16:14

    Queen Letizia is good at switching up different style from suits to dresses . I like her sense of style.
    On a different note, has anyone notice she does not wear her wedding band? Not trying to stir up anything, just an observation.

    1. elle a déjà donné des explications sur le non port de son alliance, donc rien à redire

    2. Anon@7:14 PM. It's widely known although never confirmed by the Royal House, that it won't be optically favorable to do so. The ring was a gift from her brother in law and he supposedly paid with the credit card belonging to the Noos Foundation, which was the center of the entire case that took him to jail. After his arraignment, the ring went back to the drawer and hasn't been seen since. There has been some tepid explanations stating that she shakes so many hands that it sometimes the ring would cause sores in her fingers. I think that it's just common sense not to wear something that could have been bought with dubious monies. Felipe and Letizia have publicly cut off any relationship with Cristina and her husband, of course nobody knows what goes on in private, but the distance is intentional, and in my humble opinion there can't be any other way.

    3. Anonymous28/2/20 21:30

      Vamos que tú preguntas y te contestas, el mismo estilo de escritura, pero no eres nativa. Ese es el anillo de compromiso, no el de boda, tiene ambos y no se pone ninguno.

    4. Anonymous @ 12:30 AM. You seem to be a little obsessed with my comments. I have no desire to engage in debate with you. Please move on.

    5. Anonymous29/2/20 02:35

      Anon 12:30 There is more than one intelligent, well-written woman on this blog. Why be nasty?

    6. Anonymous29/2/20 08:53

      Agree with Cherry Blossom. Anon12:30AM please move on.

    7. Anonymous29/2/20 08:58

      Eres la reina del foro con todos tus nicks!! Y lo que tú dices va a misa. Al menos esta vez no me han contestado todos tus "alias" comentando lo maravillosa que eres.

    8. Querida Cherry Blossom: yo sé que tú nunca harías comentarios malévolos sobre Letizia, pero el asunto del anillo pagado con dinero Nóos fue el de compromiso, no el de boda, que es un sencillo aro de oro como el del rey.
      Y tú, Anónima, hazme el santo favor de no ser tan antipática y confundir a las personas. Cherry Blossom firma con su nombre, es siempre positiva y no se dedica a esparcir chismes.

    9. Anonymous29/2/20 12:11

      Angie, firma con su nombre y 7 más, y borra sus propios comentarios porque se ha equivocado y firma com otro nombre y dice q es de Madrid que es de donde es. Positiva con Cherry Blossom y ataca con otros nicks...sólo tienes que fijarte.

    10. @Angie, it looks like I was confused with both rings, thanks for the explanation.
      Anonymous, please stop your nonsense, I really don't understand you obsession with wanting to know who I am, or where am from. Of course my name is not Cherry Blossom, but it's my google nick-name, and that is how I sign in here. Although, you never, ever use a name, I can assure you that I am not interested to know you, once again, move on and stop talking to me or about me.

    11. Anonymous29/2/20 21:21

      Thanks everyone who provided answers to the ring backstory.

    12. it seems quite strange that the wedding ring is a gift from a brother in law…… never heard such a custom.

  3. I like this a lot! Perfect trousers, great colour, good fit. The jacket is on the long side, but overall a very becoming outfit.

    1. Editing to add: I wish she´d stop pushing up her jacket sleeves.

    2. Anonymous1/3/20 08:27

      Lovely suit and top, gorgeous colours. I think though that the jacket should be a little bit shorter.
      Lily T.

    3. Anonymous1/3/20 22:56

      This is indeed a good suit on her. Good colour and just the right tailoring for the trousers. Sadly spoiled by the‘casual’ sleeves push up. But, nonetheless, one of her best trouser suits.

  4. Anonymous28/2/20 16:56

    Great color and well fitted suit. Super look for Letizia.

  5. Este traje es extraordinario. Ese color verde es maravilloso para Letizia y el tono menta del top es muy delicado y favorecedor. Está muy guapa y muy elegante, nuestra infatigable Reina.

    1. Anonymous1/3/20 02:13

      What about the weekends ?

    2. Anonymous4/3/20 12:02

      Calm down Angie, I mean Cereza !

  6. Oh, I love this. The colour is beautiful and the trousers are perfect. I am also delighted to see the return of longer length jackets, which are especially forgiving for those of us with larger rear ends! Just fantastic

    1. AnnieM, I agree with you, I like the longer jacket. (I have no rear, lol). But this suit looks beautiful on her!

  7. This is a superb suit. The colour is divine. Gorgeous colour blouse, it matches the inner lining of the jacket which I think is wonderful. The pants are a perfect fit and length. Jacket length is great, I prefer them a bit longer and this works well. The finishing touch is those stunning colour shoes, sublime.

  8. Anonymous29/2/20 06:56

    She has had some more work done to her face, it becomes very tight. Lovely color of suit.


    1. Anonymous29/2/20 11:37

      @9:56. Having work done must be some sort of dishonor, even though many society and royal ladies have done the same thing. When there is nothing to criticize smaller wits return to taking cheap shots that have no credibility. MB

    2. Dinos cuándo lo ha hecho, por favor. Letizia está trabajando prácticamente cada día frente al público. ¿Cómo hace para ocultar la hinchazón, hematomas, etc?
      La envidia es mala, envenena el hígado :))

  9. Anonymous29/2/20 11:21

    This suit and the accompanying stiletto heels are a fresh and streamlined look for the queen. The long blazer, the length of the pants and her posture give elegance to this outfit.
    @Cherry..unknown has asked the same question in every forum (in the DM this week). The answer is that there is a man in the recent family pictures and that same person in full uniform stands next to the Queen for the official pictures. Look higher than her hands, she is wearing the biggest tiara/crown in the land. Conclusion.. If he is the King then SHE is the Queen even if the ring is in the vault.
    It would be interesting to know the ideas of the young adults for helping older people who spend a lot of time at home alone. This was one of the initiatives for today's program. Ana

  10. Anonymous29/2/20 17:00

    Resulta molesto que algunas utilizen el "NEWMYROYALS"para hacer comentarios que no corresponden al tono de este sitio, es decir comentar, opinar sobre la ropa, el peinado la joyas,cierto Letizia tiene muchos eventos, lo que hace se la vea mas que a otras rei nas o princesas, pero las mismas criticas recurrentes cansan, todas tiene buenas y malas fotos, pero no se interpretan como resultado de retoques esteticos de Letizia si, hablemos de cosas divertidas, algo frivolas para distraernos no para atacar en general
    ni princesas ni reinas.

  11. Anonymous1/3/20 23:06

    No entiendo porque seguido salen tantas cosas negativas de la reina Letizia. Como lo he dicho antes ella se esmera en hacer un buen papel. Me parece que va muy bien vestida, adecuada, su anillo es lindo y parece que le gusta puesto que slo luce seguido. No es mi estilo pero eso es personal. Mi nombre es Barbara.

  12. Anonymous3/3/20 16:45

    Letizia looks great in this suit. Her makeup reflects the suit color nicely. I like her gold ring, very chic...could care less about other rings and who gave what to whom.


  13. La reina doña Letizia es maravillosa.


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