Queen Elizabeth II visited the headquarters of MI5 in London

On February 25, 2020, Britain's Queen Elizabeth II visited the headquarters of MI5 at Thames House in London. MI5 is the UK's domestic counter-intelligence and security agency. During today's visit, The Queen viewed exhibits in the MI5 museum which included displays highlighting the work of WWII double agents GARBO and TATE. GARBO and TATE were integral to the major deception operations against Germany.
Queen Elizabeth II visited the headquarters of MI5 at Thames House in London. burgundy coat, gold brooch, floral dress
Queen Elizabeth II visited the headquarters of MI5 at Thames House in London. burgundy coat, gold brooch, floral dress
Queen Elizabeth II visited the headquarters of MI5 at Thames House in London. burgundy coat, gold brooch, floral dress
Queen Elizabeth II visited the headquarters of MI5 at Thames House in London. burgundy coat, gold brooch, floral dress
Queen Elizabeth II visited the headquarters of MI5 at Thames House in London. burgundy coat, gold brooch, floral dress
Queen Elizabeth II visited the headquarters of MI5 at Thames House in London. burgundy coat, gold brooch, floral dress
Queen Elizabeth II visited the headquarters of MI5 at Thames House in London. burgundy coat, gold brooch, floral dress
Queen Elizabeth II visited the headquarters of MI5 at Thames House in London. burgundy coat, gold brooch, floral dress
Queen Elizabeth II visited the headquarters of MI5 at Thames House in London. burgundy coat, gold brooch, floral dress
Queen Elizabeth II visited the headquarters of MI5 at Thames House in London. burgundy coat, gold brooch, floral dress
Queen Elizabeth II visited the headquarters of MI5 at Thames House in London. burgundy coat, gold brooch, floral dress

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  1. Anonymous25/2/20 17:50

    The Queen looks sooooo nice in this outfit. The dress underneath is so gorgeous together with the hat. It matches perfectly. A fresh and great colour and outfit. Frieda

    1. Totally agree...marvellous...

    2. Anonymous26/2/20 14:00

      Indeed . Me too , totally agree with you.

    3. My thought exactly! Gorgeous.

  2. Anonymous25/2/20 18:26

    She looks lovely, I love this color!! The trim is such a compliment (softening and adding warmth) and the usual black heels, bag & gloves tie into her dress peeking out of the collar. Her makeup in that second picture is so nice too- a very tricky thing to get right as one ages.

  3. Beau manteau de couleur Bordeaux comme le chapeau orné de fleurs dont le style classique printanier se retrouve dans les motifs de la robe. Avec le collier, les boucles d'oreilles en perles ainsi que la broche en forme de gerbe, c'est très élégant !

  4. Anonymous25/2/20 18:57

    Queen E looks stunning. Great color coat and hat,with a splash of spring flowers.

  5. The queen looks fantastic! I don't like hats usually but this one is makes the total look superb.

  6. Anonymous25/2/20 19:33

    Smashing! As always.


  7. Best color in a longtime.

  8. Anonymous25/2/20 20:03

    Her Majesty, an immensly good looking woman, with a warm smile, good spirited, interested and alert.
    Here, the optical details match amazingly well together: her delicate complexion, her snowdrop hair, that extraordinary creamy white flower on her hat, the pearls and the very youthful pattern of her dress.

  9. Her Majesty looks perfect in these photos. I love the colors also.

  10. Wonderful outfit! I like the colour a lot and with this flowers at the hat and the pearls it ftis perfect!

    The pattern of the dress seems to be nice, I would love to see more of the dress.

  11. Anonymous25/2/20 22:48

    Very moving to see her so well dressed with the joyful flowers on Her hat!

  12. I love everything about the Queen's appearance today. She is such a phenomenal woman. I would guess that she is the most recognizable, and most popular woman in the world.

  13. Anonymous26/2/20 00:37

    much respect and adoration

  14. She looks stunning in this outfit. And because of M15 I cannot help but think of the scene in James Bond where James Bond/Daniel Craig walked alongside her after they "jumped" out of the plane. Hilarity.

  15. Anonymous26/2/20 02:49

    Her Majesty looks nice, but I prefer her wearing bright colours. Although burgundy is very elegant, it doesn’t do her any favour and her skin looks darker. Not even her wonderful smile can counterbalance the effect. Chrissy

  16. Oh what a stunning outfit. The colour is superb, just splendid. Love the addition of the strand of pearls. Beautiful Queen of England.

  17. She looks great, love the hat!

  18. Anonymous26/2/20 07:54

    God bless the Queen
    Forever doing her duties and always presenting beautifully.
    The amount of work the Queen still does at her age is just
    Unbelievable I hope she relaxes with her corgis and family at the end of the day.

  19. Similar coat, similar hat.
    Worn so many times before.
    Why not just put on an old one?
    She has plenty, in all colors.

  20. The Queen is always so pretty! I love the colors and the print. But it is her smile and her eyes that show such interest to whom she's talking.

  21. Anonymous26/2/20 23:39

    Her Majesty is an example to us all; straight and steady as she goes. The outfit is perfect;hat, coat,dress all go together, as do the shoes and bag;she is a style icon,no grunge for her, always at her best.

  22. As always, I am struck by her perfect outfits and her continual good humour and cheery smiles. As the younger royals continue to mess up in one way or another, she goes on loyally and faithfully. Love her.

  23. Anonymous3/3/20 01:46

    Queen looks bomb! Love the color! - Capt. Marvel


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