Princess Laurentien attended a book presentation at OBA

Princess Laurentien of the Netherlands attended the presentation of the book 'Knokken voor je boeken' at Amsterdam Public Library (OBA). During the presentation, the Princess received the first book and opened the photo exhibition of the same name. The book and the exhibition mark the 125th anniversary of the Unlimited Reading Association (Vereniging Onbeperkt Lezen, VOL). The association represents the reading interests of blind or visually impaired people and people with a different reading disability. Princess Laurentien is patron of the Unlimited Reading Association.
Princess Laurentien attended the presentation of the book'Knokken voor je boeken at Amsterdam Public Library
Princess Laurentien attended the presentation of the book'Knokken voor je boeken at Amsterdam Public Library
Princess Laurentien attended the presentation of the book'Knokken voor je boeken at Amsterdam Public Library
Princess Laurentien attended the presentation of the book'Knokken voor je boeken at Amsterdam Public Library


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  1. Une étole légère avec de jolis motifs colorés modernes que Laurentien porte très bien ; j'adore ses boucles d'oreilles dont elle affectionne particulièrement le style imposant..
    Mais alors la coiffure ?!

  2. Anonymous1/2/20 12:25

    Ich kenne Laurentien natürlich nicht persönlich, aber ich denke, sie eine ganz nette. Ihren Modestil mag ich in den meisten Fällen überhaupt nicht, aber hier sieht sie ganz passabel aus ;)
    Nur allzu gerne wĂĽrde ich sie aber mal zu einer richtig guten Kosmetikerin schicken, die sich ihren schlecht geschminkten und gezupften Augenbrauen widmet.

  3. Without the scarf, Princess Laurentien's outfit would be boring, but with it, she looks great. Her earrings are big and beautiful.

    1. Anonymous1/2/20 16:59

      Totally agree with everything you said.
      She loves big statement earrings and she wears them well.
      - Anon 9:13

  4. Anonymous1/2/20 19:05

    Pss Lauentien looks good today,until I seen the shoes. Not my cup of tea.

    1. For me, the shoes fit in with the overall tone of the outfit. Light touch of funkyness. And yes, the scarf brings it all together.

  5. Anonymous1/2/20 20:41

    Bold accessories are very much her signature style. I think she looks great here! (V.M.)

  6. This is a smart outfit all thanks to the gorgeous bright scarf, very clever addition. Earrings add interest. Her hair looks lovely.

  7. In the first photo, the bearded man seems to outshine Pss Laurentien with his fashion co-ordination. Love the style he presents. Quite smart and trendy .... no?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. ‘Fight for your books’ is the translation that I have. I appreciate her support for the subject, more than what she wears.


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