Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako attended a symposium

On February 3, Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako attended an international symposium on water at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies in Minato. The subject of "Water and Culture" International Symposium was the relationship between water and the local community and culture. At the symposium, the latest research on the relationship between water and local communities and cultures was shared. The symposium was attended by about 260 people from 43 countries.
Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako attended an international symposium on water at National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako attended an international symposium on water at National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako attended an international symposium on water at National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako attended an international symposium on water at National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako attended an international symposium on water at National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako attended an international symposium on water at National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies

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  1. Love the colour of this suit. It has been wonderful to see how Masako has blossomed since she became Empress both in fashion choices and the fact that she looks so happy and relaxed.

  2. Love the color. She is always elegant. I'm not as thrilled with her in a one-color pants suit but that is a stylistic preference on my part.

  3. Anonymous4/2/20 14:42

    My first thought is a huge credit to the Emperor as we've often noticed on here, for the way his tie often coordinates with the colour that his wife is wearing. It is a lovely way of displaying connection and harmony between themselves and to their people.

    I like the colour of Empress Masako's suit. The long shawl collar of the jacket suits her tall frame and the white blouse beneath suggests a business look for a symposium, synonymous with the participants around her.
    - Anon 9:13

    1. Yes, I noticed the tie co-ordiation before I read your post. As you said it often offsets the colour/s his wife is wearing. Always a joy to see the photos of this royal family. Can't wait for there visit to England this year.

  4. Cette couleur Bordeaux va à merveille à l'impératrice tant dans son tailleur-pantalon que sa pochette et ses chaussures ; les perles de ses boucles d'oreilles éclairent le tout... L'empereur a accordé sa cravate dans la même teinte mais avec des petits motifs blancs ; il est toujours très classe !

  5. Anonymous4/2/20 16:42

    Another gorgeous colour on her. I wish she had added one of her lovely brooches, but it certainly looks very nice as is. (V.M.)

  6. Anonymous4/2/20 19:56

    Nice to seeing Empress Masako wearing a trouser.

  7. Anonymous4/2/20 20:17

    She always seems to look so good in trousers; I wish she could wear them more.


    1. Anonymous5/2/20 00:29

      totally agree. it even shows her independence


  8. Notice in the 4th photo the impeccable fit and tailoring of the Emperor's suit jacket. It must also be beautiful fabric, because it lies smooth without a bump or wrinkel

  9. Anonymous4/2/20 21:19

    Great look for E Masako. She looks happy and more relaxed. Nice to see.

  10. This is a rich luscious colour for the Empress, she looks so elegant. The trousers fit perfectly. The tailoring of the outfit is excellent. She looks beautiful.

  11. En regardant mieux les photos, j'ai pu remarquer le changement de coiffure de Masako ; un peu plus longs, cela a permis de les ramener en arrière dans un joli mouvement du côté gauche pour faire un chignon très bien travaillé !

  12. Anonymous6/2/20 04:52

    Long live empress Masako

  13. Long live Emperor Naruhito n Empress Masako


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