The Duke and Duchess of Sussex shared new photos on International Day of Education

Yesterday, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex shared new photos relating to their education activities on their official instagram account, sussexroyal, to mark International Day of Education. On the International Day of Education, the Duke and Duchess highlighted the importance of access to education for everybody.
Duke and Duchess of Sussex shared new photos relating to their education activities on their official instagram account
The Duchess of Sussex has focused on the matter both prior to becoming a member of the Royal Family and now as patron of The Association of Commonwealth Universities.
Duke and Duchess of Sussex shared new photos relating to their education activities on their official instagram account
Working closely with CAMA, the Duke and Duchess has engaged in activities to ensure the access of young girls to education. On their recent tour to Southern Africa, the Duke supported the initiatives of the Campaign for Female Education in Malawi.
Duke and Duchess of Sussex shared new photos relating to their education activities on their official instagram account
In addition, the Duchess has worked in developing communities, such as in Rwanda and India, to eliminate the hindrances to girls’ ability to go to school. These can include lack of access to clean water, cultural taboo, and many more reasons.
Duke and Duchess of Sussex shared new photos relating to their education activities on their official instagram account
In their message on Instagram, as President and Vice President of The Queen's Commonwealth Trust, the Duke and Duchess thanked everyone who are working to ensure the access of people to education.
Duke and Duchess of Sussex shared new photos relating to their education activities on their official instagram account
Duke and Duchess of Sussex shared new photos relating to their education activities on their official instagram account


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  1. Anonymous26/1/20 12:13

    Fashion aside they seem authentic and charming, as they support THE most important initiative on the planet. Everyone wins when the women in their family have access to an education. MB

    1. Anonymous26/1/20 17:14

      Absolutely. Good on them.
      Anon 9:13

    2. Excellent contribution to society. Congratulations and never waiver from the course.

  2. they can do this from England also, they don t have to live in canada therefore

    1. Anonymous26/1/20 21:51

      That is why they have retained Frogmore House to be their UK home, which was a gift from the Queen to her grandson, and are repaying the public funds spent on the renovations, so that the house will be more fully theirs. Sometimes they will do this work from England and other times they will be free to live in other parts of the world for extended periods of time as they choose - to be closer to their work or for other reasons. I don't see anything wrong for the 6th in line to the throne to want that kind of freedom.
      (To me it's similar to young adults leaving the family home so they can be independent and spread their wings. Every mother will say "Well you can do that from here, you don't have to go" but the child knows that they have to go, and it's the right thing to do.)
      Anon 9:13

    2. Anonymous26/1/20 23:05

      They were living in England during the time of their South Africa work.

    3. Anonymous27/1/20 03:42

      Yes, Gil, this is true. But thankfully we in England are rid of them for now.


    4. True, they were living in England during the time of their South African work; they were also being relentlessly harassed by the British press. It’s amazing they were able to function so beautifully while living under those conditions. Moving away from the constant vitriol makes perfect sense.

    5. Anonymous27/1/20 15:38

      The Queen retains ownship of Frogmore Cottage it's part of the Windsor Estate. It wasn't a gift to them but she has allowed them to keep Frogmore as their home when they are in the UK. The money they are paying back is money the UK public paid for them to have all the work done so it was how they wanted it. The work they did was on behalf of the Queen they will continue their own private work in Aftica but no work for on behalf of the Queen.

    6. The money to pay for renovations to Frogmore was from the Sovereign Grant. The money raised for the Sovereign Grant is taken from the revenue of the Queens various estates, which she gives to the Government. From this money, the Government pays the Queen a percentage back so she can pay for the upkeep of her estates and other expenses. So the UK taxpayers money did not go into the renovation cost.

  3. LΓ  je m'excuse mais je ne comprend pas bien, ils sont parti mais ils n'ont jamais Γ©tΓ© aussi prΓ©sent??? c'est un peu ironique non?

    1. Anonymous26/1/20 16:32

      Mais non, pas du tout. Pourquoi?
      Leur dΓ©part est une grande perte pour la famille royale d'Angleterre. Mais heureusement ils continuent avec leur travail
      social humanitaire. fabiana

    2. Exactement ce que je pensais aussi. Et ils pouvaient s'occuper de tout Γ§a depuis le royaume-uni. Je n'y comprends rien. Harry va perdre patience et de sentir perdu si l'amour n'est pas assez fort et Meghan fait Γ  sa tΓͺte.J'espΓ¨re pour le petit Archie que ses parents savent ce qu'ils font.

    3. Anonymous26/1/20 21:37

      Moi aussi, j'avais cru comprendre qu'ils ne s'occupaient plus de rien Γ  part leur business.

  4. I don't understand them ! They looked for privacy, left the UK and royal duties and titles behind them. Well, they are more present then ever before !

    1. Anonymous26/1/20 16:45

      Agree, Trudy! Posting pictures from the past does not make sense. They are invading their own privacy...too late, not interested. Ann S

    2. Anonymous26/1/20 17:13

      When you understand the difference between publicity related to their work, and publicity related to their personal lives then you will understand them. Or maybe even after that you might not, but that won't be on them any more.
      Anon 9:13

    3. Not for you to understand.

    4. Anonymous27/1/20 07:33

      Agreed, once was keen, now so over Harry & Meghan

    5. I also agree! Believe me there is no hatred towards anybody in my message. BUT they want privacy, unfortunately for them there is no half-way. As long as they will be under spotlight there will be positive & negative messages about them! Privacy would need no messages, no picture from them for a while, just work... no spotlight reward about their good intentions...

    6. Anonymous27/1/20 10:20

      They stated its about independence, not privacy. Think about all the useless formalities they had to attend just for show? They want to do things that matter, not just be a decoration on the balcony.

    7. Anonymous27/1/20 11:50

      The difference is as someone clearly mentioned above. Meghan won't be racially abused by the British tabloids. They no longer own her. If you're over H&M move on. Those of us who love seeing their kind work will continue to enjoy their positive presence

    8. Anonymous27/1/20 16:26

      "racially abused"...that is hilarious!
      I will sign my name and not be anonymous because I stand behind my words.


    9. @Rene How brave of you to stand by your ignorance and callousness.

    10. Anonymous28/1/20 04:10

      A recluse or a hermit shuns communication in general. A private person asks others to respect their space. A concept that should not be that difficulties to grasp...M.

    11. They are not stepping back till Spring
      You will continue to see them until then. This was noted in the Queens announcement.

    12. Anonymous3/2/20 22:10

      Rene is not ignorant or callous! She is just correct and factual. It is nice you think her brave, Anna!


  5. Anonymous26/1/20 14:05

    There is No new fashion.

    Why do i get the feeling they are only going to post pictures from the past. Any new philanthropy work, projects? When you realise your past was your greatest Legacy. Its not too late to turn back.


    1. Why does it matter to you?

    2. Anonymous26/1/20 19:30

      @J agreed. it seems like they regret their move reminiscing on the past

    3. Anonymous27/1/20 08:02

      Do you really have problem that they post photos and try to do their on a important subjects like this? It was the international day of education so of course they share photos about that. Stop the hate and show respect for their choice. They are allowed to post what they want, when they want and be public royals when they want and private when they want. To continue to complain about this just shows who we are not the Sussex's.

  6. Anonymous26/1/20 14:56

    Erst ziehen sie sich aus der Γ–ffentlichkeit zurΓΌck , nun lassen sie sich
    als symphatische WohltΓ€ter ablichten , Ich halte nichts davon und mΓΆchte sie auch nicht mehr bewundern.

  7. Pas certaine du-tout mais il semble que ces photos ne sont pas rΓ©centes.. Que ce soit en tenue dΓ©contractΓ©e ou plus habillΓ©e, ils sont bien charmants tous les deux !

  8. These seem to be indeed old photos. I don't understand them,are they now in or out and what's the meaning of posting old photos? Do they want us to understand that they can still play a role; then why do they want to opt out?

    1. Anonymous27/1/20 08:04

      Really? You don't understand why they share photos about meeting and trips they have done about education on the international day of education?

  9. Anonymous26/1/20 16:29

    Beau couple.
    Je pense qu ils vont nous Γ©tonnΓ© par
    Les actions qu ils vont entreprendre.
    Je leur souhaite d Γͺtre heureux avec leur bΓ©bΓ©.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I don't want to see them any more. They want to be private persons? Well, they don't behave like that. They behave like Hollywood-people. Preparing to start their new fame and business. That's not private.

  12. The pictures all were taken a while back, making a collection of photos over a certain period of time. They show the Sussexes (even Meghan before her marriage to Harry) supporting the cause over the last couple of years. It's about them being close to this issue, nothing else. And they continue to support such causes and charities, whether they hold a royal title or not. So, they are perfectly right to post such a message. It has nothing to do with them leaving the royal family, nothing at all.

    1. Anonymous26/1/20 21:53

      Thank you for a sensible and thoughtful comment — they are really needed here when talking about the Sussexes. It seems people are letting the British tabloids to decide what to think.

    2. Anonymous27/1/20 04:30

      Glad to see that some of the people on this blog understand how Instagram works, and how do you do a recopilaciΓ³n of pictures to conmemorate a particular anniversary . There seems to be a lack of comprehension regarding this issue. Privacy, generally means that you don't want pictures of you when you going about your daily life, with long lenses prying into your life for the consumption the nosy and idle public. The suxess are taking control of what they want to share, and it's their right, regardless of all your ridiculous indignation. Get a life, take care of your own business and keep your nose off people you don't know ( and never will)

    3. Anonymous27/1/20 08:26

      Agree DSC. It's about time people stop all this nonsense and hate. They can share what they want. Participate on the official events they want, and live their life the way they feel is right for their family. Just like MΓ€rtha from Norway, Madeleine from Sweden. Amedeo of Belgium, Christina and Elena of Spain, Constantijn of the Netherlands and other royals who have made the same choice. Respect is free.

    4. Anonymous27/1/20 13:09


  13. Anonymous26/1/20 17:48

    Both need to make up their mind as to what they want! Glare into the camera or not.While standing in line at the Supermarket yesterday, there are Globe and other mags, they had not very nice headlines about them. Maybe they haven't seen them or they could start suing them, these mags need it.

    1. Anonymous27/1/20 10:22

      They already did, the had meetings for months as stated by the Queen to figure out the best way to do what would work. They're not stupid. Goodness Gracious

  14. ���� no comments anymore

  15. They are paralleling what the Royals do in UK like Kate's survey on education. They are competing ... simply said...

    1. Anonymous27/1/20 16:03

      Except the Sussexes are just posting saying and pics of what they used to do- no actual work even the visit to the women’s shelter came off very awkwardly. The Royals are posting pics of what they are actually doing. As a matter of fact today, Holocaust Remembrance Day, pics were released of Catherine, who had been interviewing and taking pics of Holocaust survivors.

  16. Anonymous26/1/20 19:15

    They can post as they see fit within the limits of the agreement that was made. The question is what made them give it all up? The jewels, the easy money, the easy life at the top of the food chain, travel,houses etc. The answer lies somewhere behind the palace walls..Ana

    1. It must be not much more than an exquisite gilded cage. A life of luxury without privacy, a wealth without autonomy or freedom to choose. A life a servitude to an ancient institution from birth to death. I still mourn Princess Diana. I married and had two sons just as she had but our station in life was of course working but we had love for each other on abundance. That's all Diana wanted. IDK what Meghan imagined life married to Prince Harry would be. But as am educated young American woman how could such a life sound appealing? IDK. I don't judge. We are Al imperfect. Thank God nobody is scrutinizing my life through the camera on a day by day, hour by hour basis as they have done to this young women. As they did to Diana.

      We all have to find our way through life's tunnels, valleys,hill, life's obstacles. They will find their way. They have the right to pursue their path.

  17. Totally agree with you DSC...why can't people just chill and leave them alone. All of us keen followers of the British royal family should realise that it's high time to pay "respect" where and when it's due, and for the BRF it's NOW simply because they're also human like the rest of us and are experiencing a tumultuous period due to us our being busybodies on social media platforms like these and also the VITRIOLIC print media headlines and other forms of mass media debates in regards especially to Meghan and Prince Harry. WHEN WE POINT A FINGER AT SOMEONE WE MUST "NEVER FORGET" THAT "THREE" OTHERS ARE POINTING BACK AT US! So that suggests a great deal about us who are pointing that most probably the "problem(s)" lies more with us but not "them".

  18. Anonymous26/1/20 23:43

    It looks like a retrospective of their charitable activities in the field of education. There’s no harm in posting these on their account. Hopefully they will continue to lend their support for this important issue. As we’ve seen D. Meghan’s outfits before there doesn’t seem to be any point in commenting on them again. We either liked them or didn’t like them the first time around ;-). (V.M.)

  19. Definitely valued causes over the last few years.

  20. The DoS has always been so charitable, way before she found fame. I'm excited for her to use her position to continue to highlight and support important causes.

  21. On another note it kind of silly for people to bash on her for continually showing her support for important causes. This was way before it was her "job" to do so, so to speak. She showed up to support these women and girls even when she was relatively unknown. It speaks volumes that she has quietly been involved in these initiatives for the duration of her adult life.

  22. There is no reason we can't be kind to people trying to make the world a better place.

  23. Anonymous27/1/20 04:03

    Well said KTMonty!

  24. Anonymous27/1/20 04:36


  25. Anonymous27/1/20 04:38


  26. Anonymous27/1/20 13:34

    Anon 9:13

  27. ::YAWN:: a lot of photo opportunities for them. Why don't they do charities and good works anonymously if they want to be left alone?


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