The Duchess of Sussex visited a women's refuge in Vancouver

On January 14, The Duchess of Sussex visited The Downtown Eastside Women's Centre in Vancouver, Canada, where she is currently living with her son, Archie. A photo from the visit was shared on the centre's Facebook page with the caption, "Look who we had tea with today! The Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle". The purpose of the visit to the centre - which provides basic needs and support services, as well as skills development to disadvantaged women - was to discuss issues affecting women in the community.
Meghan Markle wore The Row Cable Knit Swing Sweater and Le Chameau Jameson quilted leather boots. Rachel Zane in the Suits episode
Founded in 1978, DEWC is one of the few safe spaces within the Downtown Eastside exclusively for self-identified women and their children. The center provides service to the Downtown Eastside community characterized by high levels of violence, homelessness, addictions and poverty.

During the visit, The Duchess wore a Row cable-knit swing sweater in antique white. Meghan was first spotted wearing the sweater as her character Rachel Zane in the Suits episode entitled “Bad Faith”, September 19, 2013. The Duchess also wore a pair of Le Chameau ‘Jameson’ quilted leather boots in caramel.
Meghan Markle wore THE ROW Cable Knit Swing Sweater
THE ROW Cable Knit Swing Sweater
Meghan Markle wore Le Chameau Jameson quilted leather boots
Le Chameau Jameson Quilted Leather Boots

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Anonymous15/1/20 14:07

    Meghan in this way proves to take care of people in need without the spotlight, good and brave; her clothing is appropriate and she looks in great shape

    1. ..."without the spotlight"?

    2. Anonymous15/1/20 16:35

      Absolutely. Aar

    3. Agreed. I also work with domestic shelter clients and really appreciate her support in this realm, it's a sensitive situation to navigate.

  2. Anonymous15/1/20 14:23

    Here's hoping the Queen strips them of their titles so we do not have to see her on this site again.


    1. Ouf mdr j'ai eu peur que la reine la dépouille de son souffle de vie. Heureusement que la reine n'a pas de pouvoir de vie ou de mort.
      Ouf nous sommes sauvées...Monica, un titre est libre, duchesse d'York, ça ne vous dit pas. Je vous verrais bien..Essayez de postuler!
      Haut les coupes!

    2. Anonymous15/1/20 16:43

      Wow Monica!! just keep scrolling.

    3. Anonymous15/1/20 17:08

      I’m sorry to say it: I totally agree.
      She evokes too much negative feelings.

    4. She will always be relevant and you will always be nasty.

    5. Anonymous15/1/20 17:21

      @5:23pm - AMEN to that!! ~Rose~

    6. Anonymous15/1/20 17:22

      I do appreciate seeing her very much indeed!

    7. Anonymous15/1/20 19:13

      Good for you, Monica, brave enough to say it. I totally agree!!


    8. Anonymous15/1/20 19:16

      Amen, Monica! Only "royal" new here, please.

    9. Ahhh ... any comments about fashion? I like what she has chosen to wear. Fits in well with the occasion. Sounds as if some readers are having a bad day and Meghan is the bashing board. Hope you're on standby Charlene.

    10. Well, Monica, I'm afraid it's not your decision whether there will be updates about Meghan's duties, events, attendings, etc. She is still a duchess, a royal, and this blog is about the fashion of Royals.
      It is up to mrs. Helen Electra to decide if she will keep us updated or not. I for one hope she does, simply because I love royal fashion.

    11. I totally agree with you, Monica. I couldn't have said it any better. I am so disappointed about her behavior to the Queen. She is no longer of any interest. And she is not really wearing fashion just clothes.

    12. Anonymous16/1/20 02:59

      Please Monica. You jealous? She gets dogged for doing the SAME THINGS as Kate did. Why don't you check out the bias, it's ridiculous from holding the baby bump, to eating the avocado. They both did the same things as modern moms. All this hate of her is BS. Why the hate? What's she done that's too bad? She's doing her royal duties as Kate does. They're not leaving the royal family. They decided not to do as much, I think Diana would be proud of them. Grow up. - Sadie

    13. Anonymous16/1/20 03:23

      Bashing somebody is not brave it’s cowardly.


    14. Anonymous16/1/20 05:28

      What a wonderful person you are. Monica, Lizzie and co. So kind and gracious. My heartfelt congratulations for your class. One can rarely see such depth of understanding.


    15. Anonymous16/1/20 08:14

      I completely agree with Monica. She never wanted to submit to the royal protocol. Why did she marry a person with royal duties.


    16. Anonymous18/1/20 23:03

      UPDATE: Two days later Monica was right, there is no more Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Such a shame!


    17. Anonymous19/1/20 01:08

      I bet they are enjoying to be just "normal" although they are still the most interesting and charming couple on earth. Aar
      "There is perhaps no phenomenon which contains so much destructive feeling as 'moral indignation,' which permits envy or hate to be acted out under the guise of virtue." Erich Fromm
      “Anyone can get angry, but to do this to the right person, to the right extent, at the right time, with the right motive, and in the right way, that is not for everyone, nor is it easy.”
      ― Aristotle
      “...the schoolmaster was one of those men for whom virtuous indignation was a necessity.”
      ― Gabriel Chevallier, Clochemerle
      “Righteous indignation is a poor substitute for a sense of humor.”

  3. Voici une princesse des temps modernes, aller au plus près des problèmes et trouver des solutions. Mettre la main à la pâte, et pas seulement derrercles mains, sourire, poser pour les photographes et partir.
    Bravo Meghan..Tu es entrée dans l'histoire en refusant de courber l'échine dans cette mascarade.
    Celles qui n'ont jamais travaillé iront à la soupe royale à coup de courbettes ou de révérences
    Une mascarade
    Oui il y a une vie après la famille royale.
    Il y a une vie hors de la famille royale!
    Meghan soutien total... Fais nous un deuxième bébé laissons les personnes futiles entre ELLES...
    Haut les Coupes!

    1. Anonymous17/1/20 10:25

      Si vous croyez que pour gagner tout débat quel qu'il soit, ( et le sujet reste en l'occurence, très mineur, ce que vous n'avez pas visiblement saisi, ), il faut faire taire l'autre, vous vous trompez lourdement. Outre votre choix de l'anti démocratie , (et je me demande ce qu'en penserait votre championne), vous choisissez surtout de monter vos limites, votre impuissance à tout argumentaire. Très révélateur. Conclusion, il est préférable de vous laisser à votre médiocrité, c'est toujours démoralisant de s'abaisser à y patauger.

  4. Anonymous15/1/20 16:02

    Hopefully she went to get some care for herself, after all her family, and her husband and his family, have been through due to her ill mental health. Otherwise I would think the husband she left in turmoil on the other side of the world or the baby who has just had his life completely altered would be more deserving of her attn.

  5. Anonymous15/1/20 16:07

    Sometimes I feel that these charities are primarily used to present certain celebrities to the media.

    1. Exactly … part of her weapons against the royals.

  6. Wie war das? Sie zieht sich mit großen Getöse aus der Öffentlichkeit zurück ??
    Himmel, warum MACHT sie das dann nicht einfach endlich ????

    1. Genau - provozieren und kassieren - Henry hat wohl einen kapitalen Fehler begangen. ..

    2. Nanni, das ist ja der Widerspruch: sie wollen sich nur ein bisschen zurückziehen. Aber nicht ganz - dann wären ja Geld und Titel futsch!
      Etwas anderes: wie geht es Ihnen inzwischen, Nanni? Ich hoffe, Sie brauchen die Schmerzmittel nicht mehr?

    3. Anonymous15/1/20 18:42

      Sehr cool Nanni, frage ich mich auch die ganze Zeit. Frieda

    4. Genau. Sie wollen privat leben, dann braucht man über sie auch nicht mehr berichten.

    5. Ich verstehe den Widerspruch auch nicht. Dafür,dass Meghan angeblich kurz vor einem Nervenzusammenbruch gestanden haben soll, wirkt sie ganz vergnügt. Wieso kann sie in Kanada Termine wahrnehmen, aber nicht in GB?

    6. Liebe Damen, das denke ich auch. Sie will Privatmensch sein, dann soll sie sich zurueckziehen, will sie aber eigentlich doch nicht, also Presse beim Abflug, Presse im Heim usw. usw. Man kann sie einfach nicht mehr ernstnehmen, es ist der reine Divazirkus. Sehr auffaellig fuer mich ist, dass sie etwas in der Kanada-Pause etwas mit ihrem Gesicht gemacht hat. Warum wohl?????? Der ganze Sicherheitsapparat muss aber mit Steuergeldern finanziert werden, das ist der wunde Punkt.

  7. Wake up Monica ! It is not for to morrow .

  8. Anonymous15/1/20 16:53

    The Queen and the British public are way too kind.
    I don't like that she is taking her father to court, its a whole new low!!
    Its time to forgive & Reconcile. He was a good father to her, even if he didn't show up at her Celebrity wedding. He gave her away on the first wedding, paid for private education. They seem to have had a good relationship before Harry

    1. She isn't taking her father to court, she is taking the Daily Mail to court - they may call her father as a witness (and it appears that he might be prepared to be one).

    2. Anonymous15/1/20 21:57

      They - Harry and Meghan - have NOT sued her father. Instead, they sued the tabloid that published her private letter to her father - a clear violation of privacy. To my knowledge, it is precisely this particular tabloid that has decided to use Meghan's father as a witness in the court. So no reason to blame it on her or Harry. Instead, you should ask why on earth does a father give an intimate letter sent by her daughter to journalists...??

    3. Anonymous16/1/20 03:05

      Mo, her father seems like a real winner. Remember him trying to stage wedding photos and then giving them the letter? You should be asking what kind of dad does that, talk about wanting the spotlight. Forgive and reconcile are two words that are loosely thrown out nowadays. - Gwen

    4. Anonymous16/1/20 03:36

      Then she should drop the case and stop humiliating her father, he was only defending his reputation

  9. Anonymous15/1/20 17:08

    What does "self-identified women" mean. I've never heard the term before.

    Great to see the Duchess of Sussex getting on with things.


    1. I suppose it's in reference to transgender women, who are often victims of violence as well.

    2. Anonymous15/1/20 22:48

      Oh, thank you Anna. That makes sense. I was a little confused as in my parts of the world we don't often hear of transgender people and the whole term genuinely confused me. One learns something new everyday.
      Then it is a worthy cause.


    3. You're very welcome Tala! Thank you for being so receptive. It is much appreciated and very refreshing.

  10. Anonymous15/1/20 18:22

    I don;t want to come off as mean,but if you want to be as private as possible one does not look for cameras and I think this is what happen here. OMO of course no one needs to agree with me. One other point I would like to make is,this is the 2nd week in Jan.2020 and we should find out the Wedding date of Pss. Beatrice and Edo and so far there is nothing, because this sad story is the Headline.

    1. Anonymous16/1/20 00:29

      Yes! I am far more interested in Beatrice's wedding. Time for some good news regarding the Queen's granddaughter. Enough of the debacle of H &M.


  11. Anonymous15/1/20 19:10

    I like the whole outfit, nice, warm looking sweater and lovely boots, typical stylish Meghan. - Siri

  12. Quel plaisir à voir Meghan pendant cette visite ; elle a su s'investir dans ce centre...
    Elle portait un superbe pull-over torsadé blanc ; magnifique le style des bottes !

  13. I simply see a young, healthy and relaxed-looking woman who seems to be genuinely warm and kind.
    Can she do nothing right anymore? Is she doomed to be in a negative spotlight for the rest of her, hopefully, long life?
    I'm puzzled by the hate lately. Yes, I understand the questions, the anger, the confusion, even sadness and disappointment... but this is more bullying, hate and rage than reasonal talk.
    Give the Royal Family time, give this couple time and give the people time to settle down, to get used to a new way of life and finding a way in it. Spreading hate and dozens of hate comments are not going to change anything - it has no use.

    1. Anonymous16/1/20 05:33

      Thank you for restoring a little my faith in womenkind Rosalyn. Thank you.

      I don’t understand why those hateful messages are published. Last I remember, this site was supposed to not tolerate bullying and racism. What happened?


    2. Anonymous16/1/20 21:26

      Well said Rosalyn. Agree 100%
      Anon 9:13

  14. Anonymous15/1/20 21:02

    Pleasure to see The Duchess doing good work,
    Appropriate attire for the occasion.
    Best wishes

  15. Anonymous15/1/20 21:03

    Great charity. I like Meghan’s casual style. Well done.

  16. Anonymous15/1/20 21:14

    It’s so unfortunate to read the vitriol on social media. This is not the first time that the uninformed people mobs against public persons. Everybody is up in arms about this couple receiving public funds, which it hasn’t been confirmed in any way. British people pay about a pound and a half yearly to maintain the Royal House. Meghan and Harry’s wedding brought several BILLIONS to the country, and not to mention tourism and the fashion sales. Catherine also brings quite the revenue but not to that extent. The Crown has always known the material value of the youngsters and will continue to support them as long as they are an asset.
    Don’t believe everything you read and don’t let the trash tabloids brainwash you.
    Miss Marple 😘😘😘

    1. Anonymous16/1/20 02:10

      totally disagree. William & Kate brought the most revenue. 3 billion across the world watched william's wedding.

  17. Fashion wise she looks fine - love the boots. Glad she is keeping busy and pursuing her area of interest.

  18. I understand that everybody is upset with Meghan, but is it really neccessary to leave so many negative comments that are not related to fashion at all? I suppose She didn’t hurt any of you personally...
    If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything! This is a fashion blog. And I’m not protecting her but it feels awful to read all these negative comments. :(

    1. Agree Larina! Very well said!
      I admit: I was puzzled as well by their decision, and I still am. I also understand the disappointment and confusion (because I am still disappointed and confused too). But all this relentless hate... it doesn't change a thing! It has no use.

    2. I agree Rosalyn!

    3. Anonymous16/1/20 21:17

      Nobody of us likes to read hate comments, it´s not healthy. It is a kind of abuse of the reader. Aar

  19. Anonymous15/1/20 21:54

    I love her outfit here. It seems truer to her personal style than some of her more formal looks and is appropriate for the setting.
    That being said taking a seaplane to visit a charity seems a little tone deaf. I think the Sussexes have a difficult road up ahead to navigate as they attempt to forge a new path. Every choice they make in the upcoming weeks will be scrutinized and they will need to think through the pros and cons of each decision.


    1. Agree with you, E.B.B. I know it's their choice and it will noy have been an easy one, but finding a new way might be even harder.

  20. Anonymous15/1/20 22:20

    What we hate about her are the cruel comments. We can not devide it from her, but we should. And what is more is the fact that she gave up acting with her marriage with Prince Harry. Probably she didn´t like acting very much, especially in real life when it is self-humiliating. Aar

  21. I really wasn't a fan of Meghan, I always looked at her as a gold-digger. I tried to keep my opinion as many of you love her and nobody deserves to be critisized. Accept her decision. BUT! I would never ever leave my husband in such a tense situation alone without his beloved baby to cope with such an important and tough task! Fashion wise : really like those boots.

  22. Anonymous16/1/20 01:57

    At first I couldn’t even find her in the picture, she not wearing anything special, she looks dowdy. Sorry, this is a fashion blog and that’s a comment on her fashion. I’m sure she doesn’t make appearances for free, her patrons deserve better than a mom-chic look.

  23. I know this is a fashion blog but I think people need a place to vent some feelings about this, and lots of us have strong ones, particularly since a certain queen many of us are fond of was put in a spot.

    I have nearly nothing nice to say at the moment. I will just mention to those who are feeling the negatives, you're not alone.

  24. Anonymous16/1/20 03:13

    Let them do what they want, besides whatever Meghan does, no matter how good her intentions are, people will find negative things to comment on her. Sadly, no matter how good you are, even you try your best(applies to anyone), if people don't like you, then they don't like you. You'll always end up getting hurt.

  25. Anonymous16/1/20 03:26

    She looks good here - relaxed, happy, and engaged with the group. The outfit she has chosen is perfect for the occasion. Time will tell as to the extent of her charitable work, but this visit is a good start in my opinion. It’s so disappointing to read such vile remarks from other posters. (V.M.)

  26. Anonymous16/1/20 03:36

    A simple outfit that is meant to make to make the ladies feel comfortable with her. Yes @ Monica! This is the best way to treat our children when they try to leave home to live their own lives. Give them the harshest punishment, strip them of their identity and drive them away. What a poor person you are. MB

    1. Anonymous16/1/20 14:00

      You’re over simplifying it. Of course you would love your child but if they were a VP in your business and wanted to work part-time for your competitor, using their high profile in your company to enrich your competitor, and still demanded your company pay for their car, etc. you would have to let them go or else it would be very bad for your business. Especially if they were so public about it against your wishes- your stockholders would be very upset and it would force you (and your company) into a very public display of difficulty. The monarchy is so much more than just a business requiring things like duty, self-sacrifice, accountability— all things which directly contradict the self-promotion and merchandising these two declared on their website they want to do and still have taxpayers foot their bills, especially through Charles. Letting them go and be independent, it’s the way they’ve done this and the weird definition of “independent” they’ve defined. Demanding the funding but not following any of the rules is unfair to the people of the UK & Canada. Monica is right.
      On a fashion note- love the boots & sweater.

    2. Anonymous16/1/20 18:10

      @glo. Who is this competitor that they have chosen to work for? What convoluted reasoning! At least quote from what they
      have actually written. There were no demands of any kind. Process their words rather than trash tabloid speculations. The main goal of any parent is to create a self sufficient child who can function successfully outside of the family of origin. Would you rather him growing old and bitter weighed down by duty and service? Meghan has gone 2 oceans away and they are not embarrassed that they could not keep her or the other 2 ladies he dated. He deserves our blessing for a successful life. Life is short, let the man be happy. The others can carry the crown.

    3. Anonymous16/1/20 20:33

      Not convoluted. Also dismissing things as tabloid is just putting your head in the sand. You can’t have a rival court. It’s either the “Royal Family” with its protocols or royal (as in NOT the official Royal Family) and do as you like. The partnership between “Royal Family” and public requires this. I did read what they wrote- they gave up nothing- there is no such thing as “senior royal”. They want to throw off protocols- they have trademarked their stuff, separately set up their own website and PR from the Royal Family and ignored the Queen in releasing their statement. At the same time they stated they expected to be protected -at taxpayer expense, said nothing of giving up the Duchy $$$, want to represent the Commonwealth and live in both Canada & UK. Who’s paying for that- especially those exponentially increased costs? Canadian public says, no British public says no- it’s a real issue when you are talking about that kind of money- and no oversight. Also the kind of representation the Monarch requires- are they going to go rogue again when her wishes contradict theirs- like this release & running away?
      Now if they abdicated Harry’s place in the succession, titles, requiring taxpayer funded $$$, especially for security, then that would truly be independent and I could care less what they choose to do- just another celeb couple.

      The competitor is their own pocket/brand as opposed to the Royal Family brand. Their foundation getting $$$ with no accountability is fine as long as public $$$ is not paying the bills while they use their position to rake in the cash for private enrichment.

      I absolutely want them to do what makes them happy but not at the expense of forcing others to fund it against rules which protect from unfairness and corruption. No one is forcing him to be there and “carry the crown” - he should abdicate it, not communicate his & his wife’s expectation to keep it while dictating to Queen and country(ies) their made up rules publicly.

    4. Anonymous16/1/20 21:24

      Yes, that was my question for Glo as well. What other competition are you talking about? There is no competition for the BRF. Please don't make such obscure and incorrect comparisons. In fact H&M have said that they will continue to support and do work for the BRF, only not as much and without the strict rules laid down for the Heir and others. For the 6th in line, I see nothing wrong with H&M wanting this.
      Anon 9:13

    5. Anonymous17/1/20 00:28

      I replied before but it didn’t get posted- probably too long. The competition is brand competition. The Royal Family has a very specific brand that is very clearly defined for many reasons. The Sussexes according to their post want to define their brand as something else. So you have to make them very separate.

  27. Love the boots the perfect choice for snow, and cold weather.

  28. Anonymous16/1/20 04:14

    Very nice to see that Meghan is participating in her new community. @ la hindsight it looks like negotiations were in progress but the aides were stalling and hoping to change their minds. Arriving without the baby was a huge red flag. Harry it is said was asked to put his terms in writing, and they were leaked. There was some catalyst that caused them to go public,and for Meghan to leave. Harry does not belong to the British public,nor does he deserve to live in his brother's shadow as the nice uncle who plays with other people's children and keeps Kate entertained at functions. He deserves a life of his own with his own family. It was very disappointing to see the family leave them to be pummeled by the press for days instead of issuing a more positive statement. MB

  29. Yumiko Kokuryu16/1/20 04:39

    I hope Meghan's visit will heal women's hearts even a little

  30. I don’t understand why people have to be so angry with her ,when she in uk they criticize her in everything she does ,always complaining now they step aside people get angry at her why thus not far at all coz all the ku media wants was bad publicity on her now they wanna move on you get mad thus crazy.And also Harry needs to be his own men and not stay under others shadow he accepted and knows he won’t be king now he wants to have his own part thus a problem.who wants to always live under their siblings shadow all the time and be compared to also

    1. I think the way it went down is what most people have an issue with. Unlike the times the press looks for a thing to make a crisis of, this made a crisis happen and it was selfish and unnecessary. I happen to agree they should carve out a role for themselves since there are others now in the line. It makes me so happy to see Diana's sons happy! It's HOW it happened, so rushed, giving grief to the queen who has already had a tough year, doing it without any seeming thought for how it would affect others is the part I for one am completely disappointed about. Many of the same people cheering them on - thrilled he made a good and happy match and that she made such a fantastic foray into the life (genuine warmth with people) would have preferred and I think could reasonably expect a more mature way of moving into their next phase of life.
      It's not hate; it's correct to be let down when actions are so self-centered. Showing up at things and having people fawn over you does not take sacrifice or by itself even warrant much. Sacrifice (for this role, for your family, including a husband) means you stick with it when times are rough, not run. THAT's the upsetting part about the last week.

      So, yes, she is beautiful, charming, smart, but lacks some basic character traits, I think. My fear is there will be no learning moment for her because she is a celeb and they will always some who applaud. Even sadder.

      Anyone annoyed I said this will be happy to know I will stick with the point of this blog now. Thank you to the blog admin for this wonderful space.

    2. Anonymous16/1/20 14:52

      @Dell. This is not the first time the queen has lived such a situation. In fact she is queen because someone else walked away from the family to live a normal life. Who are you to suggest that a life of showing up to be fawned over is enough for a grown man who wants to live a more meaningful life? He has been hinting for some time that he wanted to live out of the country and the family knew this. Read between the lines. Something happened for them to do this. Leaving H&M to be treated like pariahs by the public and gutter press may be an indication of what they have to deal with in private. MB

    3. Anonymous16/1/20 18:28

      Well said, MB! I completely agree with you on every point.
      I especially agree with "..Something happened for them to do this." I've particularly felt about this after they returned without Archie to the UK. That's a big thing for new parents to do when their baby is less than a year old. Most never want to be separated from their infant. It sends a strong message.
      I support their decision and they have my best wishes for their new life.
      Anon 9:13

    4. Dear Dellbabe68, I agree with most of your points. To simplify, Meghan thought she could reform the monarchy Hollywood style. She could have abandoned this illusion if she had prepared herself properly, which means reading about history, social customs, the European aristocracy etc. etc. Perhaps she would then have realised that her life would become too restricted. INSTEAD she entered this new life with naive expectations and unrealistic ambitions. She might be smart in a certain way but she is not wise and I find her comportment quite alarming.

    5. I fully agree with Virginia!! Meghan has by now (Saturday 18th, 20.00pm after having heard about the latest developments!!) proven to be capricious and immature, no patience, yes quite alrming!!! Harry looked the opposite, being now just manipulated.

    6. Anonymous18/1/20 23:53

      @Virginia ..another soothsayer with access to Meghan's mind who cannot distinguish between assumptions and fact. We can all rejoice, they are gone. Other monarchies have reduced the main players very quietly. This family could have done a much better job. Manon

  31. Anonymous16/1/20 07:41

    What you mean about her is irrelevant, but you don't have to make Harry to a weaK little man. The decision that Meghan should leave is probably a joint decision. Harry is not weak. He stands up for his family we have seen that time and time again.

  32. Anonymous16/1/20 07:50

    Stop this hate. Harry and Meghan have made a decision, not Meghan alone. Harry is a strong pigheaded man with his own meanings we have seen that for years. Meghan is not responsible alone for their joint decision. If anyone are responsible for their decision it's the english hateful press and alle the haters we see daily in the comment section. Respect that they have had enough, and want another life for their family!

    1. Anonymous16/1/20 18:19

      @Anon 10:50: I completely agree with every single point you've made. Exactly my sentiments as well, as I've stated here before on other posts, and on other forums as well. They have my support and I wish both of them all the very best and much success in their new life.
      Anon 9:13

  33. Obviously a few of commentators here believe in fairy tales. This couple, especially Meghan, plunges the monarchy into a serious crisis. The canadians don‘t want royals living in their country and they don‘t want to pay for their security and the english taxpayers don’t want to support a luxury couple as well. This is an opportunity for the monarchy opponents. Harry and Meghan blame the Queen who wanted to prepare for her retirement. She has put her own life at the service of the monarchy and now Harry stabs in her back. If he wants to live as a citizen, then without any titles. … Bad times to talk about fashion.

    1. @monty you said it as it is. keeping it real 😁

    2. Anonymous16/1/20 17:38

      monty, it seems that you are the one believing in fairy tales, like the fantastic 4. This dramatized & exaggerated "crisis" has been created by the gutter press and the uniformed trolls. The fact that the 6th heir you the throne decides to take a reduced role is nothing but an anecdote in history. Please inform yourself about your own legacy, do you truly believe that this is relevant to the Crown? Unfortunately, the gutter press knows that this couple sells, but what sells more is if they are surrounded by scandal.. so, do you believe that William is a bully and has been mistreating Meghan? Do you believe that William had had an affair recently? are you OK with him threatening the tabloids and asking for privacy? is all right for Will to do it, but not for Harry? So do you get to pick what rumors are true?
      Miss Marple

    3. Anonymous16/1/20 21:17

      Well said Miss Marple. You hit the nail on the head with everything you said.
      If a couple cannot create any scandal, then the gutter press will happily create it for them spinning lies and untruths and false headlines to get the nosy public to read and believe nonsense and make money for the press. They don't care if it harms the innocent. Very sad.
      Anon 9:13

  34. Anonymous16/1/20 12:45

    Aye Monty not only do you speak for all Canadians and all the British too, you are putting the queen into retirement. Aesop must have bequeathed his pen to you. The queen has lived her life as she chose. No man should have to ask his grandmother for permission to pay attention to his wife away from the family. There are 3 heirs and 2 spares ahead of him to preserve the crown. His title will not warm his heart,but his new family will.

    1. @Anonymous (Jan.16,3:45PM) Then you are not properly informed. The Queen wasn‘t born the heir to the throne. When her uncle Edward abdicated, her father had to save the monarchy. Elizabeth never wanted to be anything other than lady of the manor and breed horses but the duty came first and she became the Queen after her fathers early death. After all, the Queen should have given this little brat a piece of his mind but she let him pass with everything, his whole life.

    2. Anonymous16/1/20 16:13

      He does if he wants her to keep on paying for his lifestyle and his choices double that cost.

    3. Anonymous16/1/20 22:05

      Monty (7:11), once her father became king, QE knew that she was next up because they did not have a brother. As the heiress, it would have been like William asking to leave today ....a true crisis.... The sixth in line has no real impact on succession and you know this. Duty cannot keep him warm at night if his spouse and child are thousands of miles away. The Queen looks like she could easily live another 10 years, (unless you put her into retirement) what is he supposed to do? It seems you would be happy if he continued to take the money and show up like a robot for the hand shakings and baby kissings. Everyone gets to look for a new job if the old one is not fulfilling, even 35 year old brats! No one should be chained hand and foot to their family... there is a term for that.
      The fact is that... 1. the 'crisis' was created by the press. 2. 'the cake and eat it too' is repeating the words of P. Morgan like a parrot. 3. They have expressed a desire to earn their own money which means they do not expect granny to continue paying. ..According to the rags he arrived early and spoke to his grandmother alone. You do not know what was said. All we know is that there will be clarification later. A little empathy for a young man trying to bridge his old life with a new chapter is not too much to ask. ..Manon

    4. 👏👏👏 Manon!

  35. Anonymous16/1/20 13:36

    Unbelievable all these nasty and judgemental comments about a woman nobody here knows in person. Where oh where does all that hate come from, created by the English gutter press which is the worst press in the world. What they are allowed to write has nothing to do with a free press, they hunt people down till they die, if necessary. When H & M want to escape all this, some people becoming furious, can you believe it, because they are sick of being a sitting duck for the press and want to live their own life.
    GO, you two, I wish you all the best!

    1. Anonymous16/1/20 17:51

      My thoughts also
      This hate has no place in any forum, much less a fashion blog.
      Please moderator shut this down

    2. Anonymous16/1/20 18:34

      Who was chased until they died? Do you mean Diana? All the paps chasing her that night were French not English. There are suggestions that the French driver tipped them off.

      The photos of her dying were NOT published in the British press, gutter or otherwise.

      Honestly, I think any publication that shares this kind of information is trash - and I don't think the British have the monopoly.

      In this case, Meghan has faced a lot of absolute crap from the press which happens to be British but honestly the vilest stuff has been from keyboard warriors on social media all over the world.

      The Daily Mail is particularly awful but is read by people all over the world. It isn't a question of just the British tolerating it - there are people everywhere who lap it up, so it makes money.


  36. Dear Posters, for or against Meghan, the point is, in what capacity is the Duchess of Sussex visiting woman shelters ect. in Canada, and very Media effective at that. Is this the "new progressive role the couple wants to carve out for themselves", (and it seems by themselves!) as they said in their statement to the Queen. That is the whole point, what will this new role entail and is it good for the Monarchy? It does not seem right, they can't have it both ways in my Opinion.
    Fashionwise - non Story! Just a Wintercoat and a sweater.

    1. Yes Janine your point is fully relevant, particularly "they can't have it both ways". In addition she really seems to be obstinate in being convinced she is doing the right choices. Yes of couse to her commitment, if her role is acceptable at the light of the latest developments, but NO to continue to use eg her "pilates" coach, who has to fly from the US! Where is her sense of new concerns, environment, cost etc....

  37. Anonymous16/1/20 16:45

    To me they can stay where the pepper grows... There's nothing against them living their own life. BUT it's hard to support people who obviously want to keep the cake and eat it, too. When plain Mr and Mrs Miller are able to do good to other people without making a fuzz of it Mr and Mrs Mountbatten Windsor should be able to do this, too. Otherwise it's plain PR strategy. Mrs Loki

  38. Anonymous16/1/20 20:40

    I love the relaxed, cool and easygoing fashion of HRH Duchess of Sussex. As for all the other stuff - the tabloids, palace courtiers + certain British outlets have been unkind, racist and relentlessly wicked. I am glad this Royal Couple stuck it to them!!! God bless guide, guard and keep Meghan and Harry always.

  39. Do not agree. This is not a thing of dislike or like somebody. Remember the Duchess of Cornwall or "Duchess do little"... Dehumanizing Always Starts With Language.
    Once we see people on “the other side” of a conflict as morally inferior and even dangerous, the conflict starts being framed as good versus evil.
    How does this happen?
    Successful dehumanizing, however, creates moral exclusion. Groups targeted based on their identity—gender, ideology, skin color, ethnicity, religion, age—are depicted as “less than” or criminal or even evil. The targeted group eventually falls out of the scope of who is naturally protected by our moral code. This is moral exclusion, and dehumanization is at its core.Dehumanizing always starts with language, often followed by images. We see this throughout history.
    I know it’s hard to believe that we ourselves could ever get to a place where we would exclude people from equal moral treatment, from our basic moral values, but we’re fighting biology here. We’re hardwired to believe what we see and to attach meaning to the words we hear. We can’t pretend that every citizen who participated in or was a bystander to human atrocities was a violent psychopath. That’s not possible, it’s not true, and it misses the point. The point is that we are all vulnerable to the slow and insidious practice of dehumanizing, therefore we are all responsible for recognizing it and stopping it.

    Dehumanizing and holding people accountable are mutually exclusive. Humiliation and dehumanizing are not accountability or social justice tools, they’re emotional off-loading at best, emotional self-indulgence at worst. And if our faith asks us to find the face of God in everyone we meet, that should include the politicians, media, and strangers on Twitter with whom we most violently disagree. When we desecrate their divinity, we desecrate our own, and we betray our humanity.

  40. Henry hat hier anscheinend nichts mehr zu sagen ? Hoffe es geht für ihn nicht schlecht aus .....

  41. Lovely to see Meghan looking so beautiful, happy and relaxed.

    Sad to see so much bile spewing forth on this site.

    Personally I believe Harry and Meghan were badly treated by the media and members of their own families.

    Their “rushed” exit from the Royal Family came after months of talks. If the Queen or any senior Royal was “shocked” they obviously weren’t paying attention.

    Please continue to share Meghan’s fashion choices.


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