Royals attended International Holocaust Remembrance Day at the Auschwitz-Birkenau in Poland

On January 27, 2020, King Felipe and Queen Letizia of Spain, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of The Netherlands, King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium, The Duchess of Cornwall, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden, Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg and Crown Prince Haakon of Norway attended commemorations in Poland, held on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of former Nazi concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Queen Letizia, Queen Maxima, Queen Mathilde, the Duchess of Cornwall. Crown Princess Victoria wore Peter Pilotto blouse
The Royals attended a service at the former Auschwitz-Birkenau camp on the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. About 200 Auschwitz and Holocaust survivors from the United Kingdom and several other European countries, the United States, Canada, Israel and Australia took part in the service.
Queen Letizia, Queen Maxima, Queen Mathilde, the Duchess of Cornwall. Crown Princess Victoria wore Peter Pilotto blouse
Queen Letizia, Queen Maxima, Queen Mathilde, the Duchess of Cornwall. Crown Princess Victoria wore Peter Pilotto blouse
Queen Letizia, Queen Maxima, Queen Mathilde, the Duchess of Cornwall. Crown Princess Victoria wore Peter Pilotto blouse
Queen Letizia, Queen Maxima, Queen Mathilde, the Duchess of Cornwall. Crown Princess Victoria wore Peter Pilotto blouse
Queen Letizia, Queen Maxima, Queen Mathilde, the Duchess of Cornwall. Crown Princess Victoria wore Peter Pilotto blouse
Queen Letizia, Queen Maxima, Queen Mathilde, the Duchess of Cornwall. Crown Princess Victoria wore Peter Pilotto blouse
Queen Letizia, Queen Maxima, Queen Mathilde, the Duchess of Cornwall. Crown Princess Victoria wore Peter Pilotto blouse
Queen Letizia, Queen Maxima, Queen Mathilde, the Duchess of Cornwall. Crown Princess Victoria wore Peter Pilotto blouse
Queen Letizia, Queen Maxima, Queen Mathilde, the Duchess of Cornwall. Crown Princess Victoria wore Peter Pilotto blouse
Queen Letizia, Queen Maxima, Queen Mathilde, the Duchess of Cornwall. Crown Princess Victoria wore Peter Pilotto blouse
Queen Letizia, Queen Maxima, Queen Mathilde, the Duchess of Cornwall. Crown Princess Victoria wore Peter Pilotto blouse
Queen Letizia, Queen Maxima, Queen Mathilde, the Duchess of Cornwall. Crown Princess Victoria wore Peter Pilotto blouse
Queen Letizia, Queen Maxima, Queen Mathilde, the Duchess of Cornwall. Crown Princess Victoria wore Peter Pilotto blouse
Queen Letizia, Queen Maxima, Queen Mathilde, the Duchess of Cornwall. Crown Princess Victoria wore Peter Pilotto blouse
Queen Letizia, Queen Maxima, Queen Mathilde, the Duchess of Cornwall. Crown Princess Victoria wore Peter Pilotto blouse
Queen Letizia, Queen Maxima, Queen Mathilde, the Duchess of Cornwall. Crown Princess Victoria wore Peter Pilotto blouse
Queen Letizia, Queen Maxima, Queen Mathilde, the Duchess of Cornwall. Crown Princess Victoria wore Peter Pilotto blouse
Queen Letizia, Queen Maxima, Queen Mathilde, the Duchess of Cornwall. Crown Princess Victoria wore Peter Pilotto blouse
Queen Letizia, Queen Maxima, Queen Mathilde, the Duchess of Cornwall. Crown Princess Victoria wore Peter Pilotto blouse
Queen Letizia, Queen Maxima, Queen Mathilde, the Duchess of Cornwall. Crown Princess Victoria wore Peter Pilotto blouse
Queen Letizia, Queen Maxima, Queen Mathilde, the Duchess of Cornwall. Crown Princess Victoria wore Peter Pilotto blouse
Queen Letizia, Queen Maxima, Queen Mathilde, the Duchess of Cornwall. Crown Princess Victoria wore Peter Pilotto blouse
Queen Letizia, Queen Maxima, Queen Mathilde, the Duchess of Cornwall. Crown Princess Victoria wore Peter Pilotto blouse
Queen Letizia, Queen Maxima, Queen Mathilde, the Duchess of Cornwall. Crown Princess Victoria wore Peter Pilotto blouse
Queen Letizia, Queen Maxima, Queen Mathilde, the Duchess of Cornwall. Crown Princess Victoria wore Peter Pilotto blouse


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  1. Anonymous27/1/20 21:44

    Crown Prince Haakon Magnus of Norway was also present.

    1. Anonymous28/1/20 17:17

      Norway was actually one of the first countries to recognize Israel in the 1940s. The opinion of the Norwegian Foreign Office on the presence of Israel in East Jerusalem has nothing to do with antisemitism. It's an opinion shared by many other countries and a matter of international law, nothing else.

    2. Give us some facts about that statement!

    3. Really! All Norwegians or whom are you accusing of this? I've never heard such rubbish. Give us facts!

    4. Anonymous28/1/20 17:41

      Being antisemitic is something else than being against Israel.
      I think here we remember everyone who has suffered under terrible regimes and oppression.
      Helas I donot have the illusion that mankind learns from such horrible experiences.

    5. Anonymous28/1/20 19:16

      We're not against Israel, nor are we against Jews. But many of us are against Israel screwing over other people's basic human rights. Everyone should be treated as equals, and religion has nothing to with it. Anyways, I don't get why this comment is relevant? I reckon everyone agrees that Holocaust was tragic no matter what political views they have today.

      I'm not antisemitic, but I will call out people when they screw over other people.

      - Norwegian girl.

    6. Yes, if you are only criticizing the one democracy in the Middle East then it is antisemitic, I don’t believe any of you have any criticism for China, Venezuela, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the list goes on and on of countries with Major human rights violations.
      So criticizing Israel only on a holocaust remembrance post is definitely antisemitic.
      Hide it with you political correctness, but call things as they are Antisemitic.

    7. Anonymous29/1/20 05:25

      This might come as a shock for you, Lina, but people are capable of critizing more than just one nation.

  2. Anonymous27/1/20 23:13

    very moving! If they only would do the same for all of those other cultures they wipe off when they colonized the Americas and African countries, the world would have been a better place to live in!

    1. Holocaust Memorial Day takes place on the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau and honours victims and survivors of the Holocaust, Nazi persecution, AND subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.

    2. Anonymous28/1/20 08:54

      I agree. All the remembrance would be much more credible and powerful as a message if it really managed to prevent such atrocities to happen again. But with so much suffering, oppression, persecution and wars going on in the world, I cannot help but find this ceremony hypocritical.

    3. Anonymous28/1/20 14:48

      Hypocritical is from my understanding not the best choice of word, but I get your point.
      Problem is - and I can only speak for Germany - that the percentage of new national right winged people who indeed have nothing against what was going on in Konzentrationslagern, is steadily increasing.
      So, all those representing their country have to do whatever might be done to atract publicity and attention in order to show that we, the majority, are the real society and everybody denigrated can count on our shelter.

    4. Anonymous28/1/20 16:33

      Katrin - that´s not at all what I was getting at. Stigmatizing nationalists and right wing people is not helpful in any way. In fact, it prevents any useful dialogue. In a democracy, all opinions are valid and should be heard, and by discussing and debating, the best solutions will prevail.
      Also, you shouldn´t speak for your country. Please, only speak for yourself. I don´t know about Germany, but in my country (Sweden), there is no increase in people who sympathize with nazi ideology but an increase in people who question globalism - a major difference!
      In any case, I´m all for learning from history, and I wish the world would actually do as they preach. The lesson we should take away from it should be to be kind, to listen more and understand better, to oppose any and all aggression. We shouldn´t divide the people in "us" and "them", even if we disagree. There is only one society, and not the "real" one (that you agree with), and the "wrong" one that has a different stance.

    5. Anonymous28/1/20 17:26

      I don't see the ceremony hypocritical at all. It is one of the many ways the world tries to make way for a better world where these kind of things would never happen again. Would you rather prefer they wouldn't commemorate the liberation of Auschwitz at all? To have these ceremonies does not prevent the other actions that are being taken all around the world. The best way to begin to stop the suffering, hating and wars on this planet is to begin with ourselves. We should not hastily condemn others or read into their actions something that's not there.

    6. Anonymous28/1/20 18:58

      You mentioned the participation of royals on this remembrance day. But besides them, there were top representatives of European countries that you did not mention to you: the Polish President and his wife, the German President and his wife (in the 1st row, near Princess Victoria), the Slovak President Mrs. Caputova (next to the German President in photo 4) and other politicians who were elected to their office and - in my view - have more legitimacy than the royal and their wives.

  3. Anonymous27/1/20 23:24

    Nice to have so much Royal support. All the Royal Ladies looked great. Who will stand up for the survivors when they are all gone.This dark part in History is well worth to remember. Hope no one tries to repeat it again.

  4. Replies
    1. Not everything is about fashion. What happened there is much more important and must be remembered.
      RIP holocaust

    2. Agree... On a fashion-blog accusing people and countries of beeing hypocrits and antisemites??? What is this? Is there an Author out there to stop this?

    3. Elisabet: Thank you :)

  5. May God Bless them all

  6. Beautiful ceremony. The Royal ladies looked superb.

  7. Never again , Love & Respect 🇵🇱🇦🇺⚓

  8. Never again , love & respect 🇵🇱🇦🇺⚓

  9. A lot of Kings and Queens. Britain sends Camilla.

    1. Anonymous28/1/20 12:19

      After HMQ, Camilla is the most senior British royal lady. Who do you think should have represented the BRF ? It was also noted that CP Victoria represented Sweden, and not the King and Queen ! Bel.

    2. I can understand it is to cold for the Queen, but they could at least have sent Prince Charles, the heir, like Princess Victoria of Sweden or Prince Hakon of Norway.

    3. Anonymous28/1/20 20:08

      With Prince Charles currently is in the Middle East. He was,however,in Israel to commemorate the 75th anniversary. Camilla would be the next appropriate person from within the BRF to attend.Bel

    4. It is a matter of respect, sending the right level of people.

  10. Anonymous28/1/20 09:30

    Let us NEVER forget. Even on a fashion blog!!!

  11. También estuvo el Gran Duque de Luxemburgo

  12. Anonymous28/1/20 19:10

    Let us never forget! As someone who visited both concentration camps, I believe we have forgotten to early and too easily. When you see behind glass walls millions of teeth and skulls of real people who have died for no reason than being born in the Jewish religion, including little children, you never forget. I think it should be a mandatory trip for new generations. It touches the very core of your human being. No matter what you may have thought before, you will never be able to forget.

    Lily A

    1. Anonymous28/1/20 22:07

      Thank you Lily A, so true. I read an interview with one of the 200 survivors who go back each year. When asked why he makes the trip every year, he responded that his mother, father, and brother had died there. He has no grave to go to and pay his respects, so he goes there to do just that. This generation will be gone in ten years.. it is up to us to tell our children.


    2. Anonymous29/1/20 01:11

      Very true words Lily A.
      Anon 9:13

  13. From a fashion point of view, everybody on the pics is dressed apprioriately. Only one point of critisism for my own Queen Mathilde, who's hat is covering her eyes.

  14. Anonymous29/1/20 16:46

    Fashion blog!!!!


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