Queen Sofia and Princess Irene attended a concert at Teatro Real

On January 2, 2020, former Queen Sofia of Spain and her sister Princess Irene of Greece attended a concert performed by recycled-instruments orchestra Cateura at Teatro Real royal opera house in Madrid. For the fourth consecutive year, Cateura’s Recycled Instruments Orchestra performed at Teatro Real.
Queen Sofia of Spain and her sister Princess Irene of Greece attended a concert performed by recycled-instruments orchestra Cateura
The concert, which also involved performances by other Spanish artists, brought together music and solidarity under the concept of recycling. Cateura’s Recycled Instruments Orchestra was created by children and youth from Praguay’s city of Asunción, a marginal neighbourhood built on top of a landfill.
Queen Sofia of Spain and her sister Princess Irene of Greece attended a concert performed by recycled-instruments orchestra Cateura
Queen Sofia of Spain and her sister Princess Irene of Greece attended a concert performed by recycled-instruments orchestra Cateura
Queen Sofia of Spain and her sister Princess Irene of Greece attended a concert performed by recycled-instruments orchestra Cateura
Queen Sofia of Spain and her sister Princess Irene of Greece attended a concert performed by recycled-instruments orchestra Cateura
Queen Sofia of Spain and her sister Princess Irene of Greece attended a concert performed by recycled-instruments orchestra Cateura
Queen Sofia of Spain and her sister Princess Irene of Greece attended a concert performed by recycled-instruments orchestra Cateura

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  1. Anonymous4/1/20 11:05

    Sister Irene needs to glam up. Ladies of high society dont look like that at any age!

    1. Anonymous4/1/20 12:27

      Indeed, but some ladies prefer to be natural and they are few.

    2. Perhaps she does not feel any "need to glam up"? Or does not regard herself as a "high society lady"?

    3. @ Coralie
      Absolutely right. Who cares - she‘s a private person and no society lady.

    4. I don't think the Princess Irene could give a dam about "high society". I think she should stay as she is. There are plenty of other "high society" ladies for the fashion mags who present themselves decorated like a Christmas trees all year round. Stay as you are cher Princess Irene.

    5. Anonymous5/1/20 08:30

      "J" 2:05 PM
      Princess Irene (born Princess of Greece and Denmark) is 80+ and ages worthy with her natural beautiful facical features - and no needs to look in a different way,but I agree, we won't see a CP Mary and Queen Letizia ages without botox and filler!!
      IMO, they use much too much eye-makeup for daytime events!
      Perhaps to look better on pics to be admired on fashionblogs ?


    6. She isn't 80+, she is 78 or about to celebrate her 78th birthday, it's Queen Sofia (much better looking) who is 81.

  2. Queen Sofia looks particularly regal in her purple satin pant suit and pearls. Princess Irene is dressed nicely in her black ensemble. Her top is very pretty and I like her velvet scarf. I am sure the sisters enjoyed their time together.

  3. Anonymous4/1/20 17:03

    Lovely outfit for Sofia

  4. Anonymous4/1/20 17:12

    How nice both sisters together at a concert. Q Sofia looks lovely. Pss Irene don't want to stand out.

  5. Sympathiques photos.. La reine est bien belle dans ces couleurs violet, noire ; superbes toutes les perles.. La princesse Irène est vêtue plus sobrement mais quand même chic !

  6. La princesa Irene se considera princesa y como tal actúa,es sencilla y dona de su herencia a beneficencia mucho dinero;además de viajar a los lugares beneficiados -sin publicidad-

    1. Teresa2424, I am afraid that you are misinformed. Princess Irene doesn't donate anything to worthy causes, she doesn't have a personal fortune, she has been living on an apartment on the Zarzuela Palace since the death of her mother in 1981, and Sophia and Juan Carlos have been footing the bill, which of course comes from the Spanish Royal House and the Spanish treasury. I don't know where you get your information, but you are wrong.

  7. Well, maybe glam up is not the right word, but it's definitely the right sentiment. Irene looks unkept and in need of dental work. She is accompanying the emeritus queen of Spain on a venue where she knows she would be photographed and doing it on her sister's dime by the way. Regardless of age, most women would style their hair and try to look presentable. There is a world of difference between looking natural and unkept.

    1. Anonymous5/1/20 02:45

      @ Cherry Blossom, perfect comment!


    2. Anonymous5/1/20 09:55

      Agree with every word.
      - SF

    3. Fully agree with Cherry.

  8. I'm writing this with all due respect because I just saw an article about skin and bought a new bottle of lotion. Maybe just a hint is all she needs that the skin gets dehydrated in winter.

  9. Vaya, Irene...la que mantenemos todos los españoles. Impuesta. Y nadie dice nada.

  10. Sofia looks fantastic here, that outfit looks wonderful on her. It is a great color, and I'm not usually a fan of a satin fabric, but the flowy fabric suits her and looks great. Her makeup and hair look spectacular, perhaps pointing out her sister's less glamorous look.

  11. What an absolutely marvellous initiative, recycled instruments orchestra. Queen Sofia looks sensational in this outfit. The satin fabric has photographed well in night-time event. The colour is superb. The unconfined pants work really well. Her pearl necklace and earrings are the perfect finishing touch. Princess Irene looks happy and relaxed. I am sure they were grateful to have this opportunity to go out together and enjoy the evening.

  12. Virginia5/1/20 07:10

    I have read that Princess Irene of Greece, the daughter of a king and sister of two monarchs, was very ill many years ago and devotes her life to worthy causes. She probably could not care a fig about her looks. However, as Cherry Blossom so rightly pointed out, she certainly looks unkempt, in fact she always does, wherever she goes. A good blow-dry, discreet camera friendly makeup and simple earrings would certainly improve her careless appearance.

  13. Je verrais bien la princesse Irène avec une coupe de cheveux dégradée facile à coiffer, un léger maquillage et des boucles d'oreilles comme des petites perles ; cela apporterait juste un peu plus de glamour !

  14. Anonymous5/1/20 16:27

    I also remember an article about princess Irene where it was told that she had been seriously ill, but recovered. Often serious illnesses mean that even after recovery continuous medication is necessary. Many medicins have side effects shown in bad hair or/and skin. That may be the case with princess Irene. I'm happy that she was well enough to attend an interesting concert, the excellent musician as she is.


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