Queen Elizabeth and Prince Andrew Attended Church Service

On January 19, 2020, Queen Elizabeth II attended a Sunday church service at St Mary the Virgin Church in Hillington, Norfolk. Prince Andrew accompanied the Queen at the service. The Queen wore a grey and white coat with a matching hat with grey and white flowers. Queen Elizabeth traditionally spends the winter holiday from December to February at Sandringham House, which is The Queen's country estate in Norfolk.
Queen Elizabeth wore a grey and white coat with a matching hat with grey and white flowers. The Queen traditionally spends the winter holiday
Queen Elizabeth wore a grey and white coat with a matching hat with grey and white flowers. The Queen traditionally spends the winter holiday
Queen Elizabeth wore a grey and white coat with a matching hat with grey and white flowers. The Queen traditionally spends the winter holiday
Queen Elizabeth wore a grey and white coat with a matching hat with grey and white flowers. The Queen traditionally spends the winter holiday
Queen Elizabeth wore a grey and white coat with a matching hat with grey and white flowers. The Queen traditionally spends the winter holiday

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  1. Belle harmonie entre la robe -je pense- et le manteau ; ravissant chapeau moins classique que d'habitude.. J'adore sa broche ainsi que les perles du collier et des boucles d'oreilles !

  2. With Andrew? Wow, that is quite a show of solidarity.
    Anyway, she's impeccable as always - I LOVE the coat (no pastel colors for once) and the elegant hat - good make up; she looks very composed after what must have been trying days.
    I can't express the respect I have for the Queen, decades of service in her role, decades of doing her duty without any. Shenanigans. Whatsoever. They don't make them like that anymore, I think.

    1. Of course with Andrew, he's his mother, mother's love never ends and in the end - we don't know, what really happened and what didn't.
      He can be guilty or they made a trap he ran into. We don't know yet.

  3. Anonymous19/1/20 16:34

    Lovely, lovely!
    She shows us also that whatever happens: family is family.

  4. The Queen's coordinated coat and dress are perfect for a January day. The hat with gray and white flowers is perfect. The brooch, of course, is beautiful. She looks at ease.

  5. Does he use his HRH title ? If i'm not wrong he's also steped back, hasn't he ?

    1. He does use it. He has been forced to step back but I don't think it is something he will easily give up.

      But then I think the Harry Meghan thing is more about allowing them more freedom to make commercial decisions - it distances that from the Royal Family.

    2. I think that Harry stepping back is a BIG mistake!! Obviously Magan doesn't GET his position- did she not KNOW who she was marrying?? No excuse!!

    3. Anonymous20/1/20 13:52

      This is a fashion blog, please don’t keep making mean remarks.

    4. Anonymous20/1/20 13:53

      This is a fashion blog, please don’t keep making mean remarks.

    5. Anonymous20/1/20 13:53

      This is a fashion blog, please don’t keep making mean remarks.

    6. Anonymous20/1/20 13:53

      This is a fashion blog, please don’t keep making mean remarks.

    7. Anonymous20/1/20 17:21

      Depending on your definition of "mean remarks"...they are make on this blog routinely. If you cannot handle it, you could leave.
      Unknown, you are spot on!!


    8. Sorry, hurtful comments are not easy to handle and for this reason imho nobody should be kicked out.

  6. I love this houndstooth print on Her Majesty. The hat is beautiful and the pearls are the perfect addition.

  7. Anonymous19/1/20 19:43

    This is a very nice look for the Queen. Like the whole ensemble.

  8. Encore une nouvelle tenue ! Je plaisante !

  9. Her Majesty looks great here. Love the outfit.

  10. Beautiful coat on Queen Elisabeth, very flattering.

  11. Anonymous20/1/20 00:15

    Her Majesty looks beautiful;such a striking outfit,and the hat looks jaunty.How does it go;Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone.

  12. Anonymous20/1/20 00:22

    I respect the Queen. She is a gracious lady!!!

  13. Harry and Meghan out and Andrew in ! Probably his friend Epstein was strangled . I never believed in suicide. He was too dangerous in case he opened his mouth . Many of his dirty friends were happy he "committed suicide". Apparantly he did not ! FBI will investigate the case and I suppose Andrew will be heard too. So he better step back and if there is one "royal" who should lost his titles it's him when he is guilty of having sex with girls under 18 .

    1. Agree 100% with Trudy. And not to forget his friend Ghislaine Maxwell. Until you are 25 years old your frontal cortex is not finally developed. If you are in a symbiotic relationship until this their is only a very little chance to live a normal life not even a happy life.

    2. He hasn't been found "guilty" of anything other than being a pompous ass with extremely poor judgement, an unbelievably huge ego and an overwhelming sense of entitlement.

      I wish the FBI would hurry up with their investigation and just interview him - and charge him if they think there is enough evidence.

      In the UK sex with 17 year old girls when you're in your 40s is tacky, gross, inappropriate (pick your word) especially when you have similarly aged daughters but it isn't illegal. I know that is different in the US.

  14. Ohhh she looks so nice, I'm in love by this hat!
    Just would like to change the brooch(the color), it's the only thing that it's, for me, a mismatch.
    But she looks lovely.

  15. As for Andrew, there will be much to talk about. Up to now nobody knows anything for sure. But one very important thing is clear: the Epsteins in this world don't get away with it any longer! It won't be possible any more to hide very bad "secrets" about crime and abuse.
    As for fashion: her Majesty looks wonderful as always. She has such a lovely smile, hasn't she!

    1. There is but "innocent until proven guilty". At the moment it is just she said, he said.

      I'm not sure, that until he is interviewed by police and charged there is much more that can be done. He has in effect lost all the pomp and circumstance of his life (and by all accounts that mattered to him), the Queen may have a soft spot for him as her son but I'm pretty certain he is done in public life - Charles will see to that.

    2. Franny, I agree with your assessment, and as usual we only know what the tabloids, and reputable press have published, not to mention his unfortunate interview. So as of now my opinion would be based on optics, and that's not enough. That being said I don't have any illusions about the decadent lives of the rich and privileged. If I can only unsee what I have seen.

  16. Anonymous20/1/20 18:05

    Great look for the Queen. I am glad she included her son.

  17. Love this outfit, the Queen looks lovely. The brooch is divine, but a bit lost in the background of the coat, regardless gorgeous. The pearls are the perfect finishing touch.


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