Princess Stephanie and her family attended the 3rd day of the 44th International Circus Festival

On January 18, 2020, Princess Stephanie and her daughters Pauline Ducruet and Camille Gottlieb attended the 3rd day of the 44th International Circus Festival in Monte-Carlo. Princess Stephanie of Monaco is the President of the organizing committee of the International Monte-Carlo Circus Festival. The 44th Monte-Carlo International Circus Festival is being held from January 16 to 26.
Princess Stephanie and her daughters Pauline Ducruet and Camille Gottlieb
Princess Stephanie and her daughters Pauline Ducruet and Camille Gottlieb
Princess Stephanie and her daughters Pauline Ducruet and Camille Gottlieb
Princess Stephanie and her daughters Pauline Ducruet and Camille Gottlieb
Princess Stephanie and her daughters Pauline Ducruet and Camille Gottlieb
Princess Stephanie and her daughters Pauline Ducruet and Camille Gottlieb
Princess Stephanie and her daughters Pauline Ducruet and Camille Gottlieb
Princess Stephanie and her daughters Pauline Ducruet and Camille Gottlieb
Princess Stephanie and her daughters Pauline Ducruet and Camille Gottlieb
Princess Stephanie and her daughters Pauline Ducruet and Camille Gottlieb

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  1. No to Camille`s satin jumpsuit. That`s not even a good idea in theory.
    Also, no to Pauline`s outfit. That cape looks weird with bare arms, and the collar is almost clownishly large.
    Stephanie is the best dressed here in my view, although the white trousers are a bit too thin for a tucked-in look. With the black jacket on top, she looks great.

  2. Anonymous19/1/20 20:02

    De très belles photos.
    Des filles fières de leur mère.
    Pauline est gracieuse.
    J aime beaucoup sa tenue.

  3. Anonymous19/1/20 20:42

    Pss Stephanie looks wonderful again today,great hair and makeup too. Pauline's outfit well it is something different ,but really don' like Camille's one piece what ever. To me this looks like a launch suit.

  4. Anonymous19/1/20 20:52

    Camille what were you thinking! looks like pyjamas

  5. Camille, you are a really beautiful girl, and most of the time, I love your style.
    But this outfit is for the bedroom, not for official occasions.

  6. Anonymous19/1/20 21:43

    I still can't believe what Stephanie has done to her face - it doesn't look good at all. It's simply sad.

    1. I disagree, Stephanie looks wonderful, even if it changed her face! Just a matter of getting used to her new face expression. She renewed also her entire style, nice!

    2. Joann
      I agree with Mary T. Stephanie has always looked so sad and worn out in past photos. She needed to have something done, even if it changes her "personality." Change is what she needed. I'm repeating myself here, because I've posted this before. But Stephanie is just too young to be so sad and worn looking, Now, she really looks happy and glowing.

  7. La tenue de Camille n'est pas vraiment flatteuse ; c'est quand même une belle jeune fille pleine de naturel.. J'aime beaucoup ses boucles d'oreilles !

  8. Als ze maar in het cirus is, dan is Stephanie gelukkig.

  9. Stephanie looks fantastic! I happen to like Pauline's pantsuit, with the cape. As for Pauline, it's not my favorite, but I like it better than the pink one from the other day. This one doesn't make her look bigger than she is, and the pajama look is in fashion (even if I don't care for it, as I rarely care for satin).
    But all 3 women look happy to be there, and their beauty looks are great.

  10. ik heb genoten van de mooie foto,s!!!
    en hele leuke mensen.

  11. Regardless of what Princess Stephanie may have had done to her face, its more important to focus on and note how happy and engaging she appears, smiling, accompanied by her two lovely daughters to something that obviously she has a lot of passion for. She looks lovely in her pantsuit. I like what Pauline is wearing it is on trend. Love Camille's pearl earrings, gorgeous.


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