Princess Beatrix and Princess Laurentien attended the 17th Holland Dance Festival

Princess Beatrix and Princess Laurentien of The Netherlands attended the opening of the 17th edition of Holland Dance Festival at the Zuiderstrandtheater in The Hague. During the festival, about fifty performances from all over the world will take place in theaters in The Hague, Amsterdam, Tilburg and Delft. During the opening gala, the Jiří Kylián Ring Award was handed out. The award is presented to people who have contributed to the development of dance in The Netherlands.
Princess Beatrix and Princess Laurentien attended the opening of the 17th edition of Holland Dance Festival at the Zuiderstrandtheater
This year, the award was given to the Dutch dancer Marian Sarstädt. Holland Dance Festival is being held between January 22 and February 8 in The Hague, Delft, Tilburg and Amsterdam.
Princess Beatrix and Princess Laurentien attended the opening of the 17th edition of Holland Dance Festival at the Zuiderstrandtheater
Princess Beatrix and Princess Laurentien attended the opening of the 17th edition of Holland Dance Festival at the Zuiderstrandtheater
Princess Beatrix and Princess Laurentien attended the opening of the 17th edition of Holland Dance Festival at the Zuiderstrandtheater
Princess Beatrix and Princess Laurentien attended the opening of the 17th edition of Holland Dance Festival at the Zuiderstrandtheater
Princess Beatrix and Princess Laurentien attended the opening of the 17th edition of Holland Dance Festival at the Zuiderstrandtheater
Princess Beatrix and Princess Laurentien attended the opening of the 17th edition of Holland Dance Festival at the Zuiderstrandtheater
Princess Beatrix and Princess Laurentien attended the opening of the 17th edition of Holland Dance Festival at the Zuiderstrandtheater

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  1. Laurentien porte à merveille cette robe originale très chic avec ce léger petit gilet ; j'adore sa petite pochette.. Jolies boucles d'oreilles mais j'espère qu'elles sont légères car elles semblent un peu imposantes pour ses lobes d'oreilles ; il est vrai qu'elle adore ce style !

    1. Anonymous26/1/20 22:14

      Je suis en accord avec toi. Il est bien évident qu'elle préfère ce style de boucles d'oreilles suspendues de son choix. Les gens peuvent dire que ce type de boucles d'oreilles ne convient pas toujours à la tenue, mais s'ils lui plaisent de les porter, ils sont à la mode pour elle. Oui, plus ils sont légers, plus c'est le mieux.
      Anon 9:13

  2. Princess Beatrix and Princess Laurentien looks very pretty, and appear to enjoy the event. I think Laurentien's dress is spectacular, as are her earrings. Princess Beatrix's dress and cape are pretty, but I especially like her pearl and gold jewelry.

  3. Laurentien's tiered dress is pretty, andras great movement (how appropriate for a dance engagement). Beatrix looks lovely, her jewelry and cape go well with her dress. Both ladies have good hair and makeup. They look to be having a good time!

  4. Anonymous26/1/20 17:41

    Both Royal ladies look very nice.

  5. Anonymous26/1/20 23:38

    I think they both look great, each in her own style. Plus they look very happy together on this engagement. P. Beatrice’s hair looks a bit softer than usual, and it suits her very well. (V.M.)

  6. Both Royal ladies look marvellous. I especially love the cape and brooches Princess Beatrix is wearing, beautiful.

  7. Anonymous27/1/20 15:42

    With due respect, but I dare say the woman standing next to Princess Laurentien in this simple black dress and this elegantly straight and sleek hair and with this exellent posture is my favorite here.

    1. Anonymous27/1/20 20:08

      I agree Karin..... Laurentien has never ever looked elegant in her entire life so far, her hairdo is anti-elegance. Beatrix has always looked presentable but never chic or elegant either, I am sorry to say...
      Lily T.

    2. Royalty fan

      Anon 11:08, what? Are you for real? Laurentien looks much better than Maxima. Her hairstyle has always been short, professional, elegant, much suited for a royal lady. I so wish we could have seen more of her. And she also always dress elegant and appropriate for the event. I even dare to say, her hair looks better than Mary. And I know, we only on family gatherings see Mabel, and she can also get a few hair tips, from Laurentien!

  8. Anonymous27/1/20 19:58

    That fragile , elegant woman is Alexandra Radius. A former Prima Donna of the Dutch Ballet. Her husband is standing next to her, with his arm around her waist. He is also a well known ballet dancer . They danced as a couple. His name is Han Ebbelaar


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