King Felipe and Queen Letizia received the National Handball Team

At the Zarzuela Palace in Madrid, King Felipe and Queen Letizia of Spain received and congratulated the Spanish National Handball Team, that has been proclaimed European champion for the second time in a row after beating Croatia by 22-20 in the European final played at the Tele2 Arena in Stockholm. With this title, the Spanish National Team managed to qualify for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.
Queen Letizia wore Zara long sleeve polka dot maxi dress and Steve Madden boots. Karen Hallam earings. Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games
Queen Letizia wore Zara long sleeve polka dot maxi dress and Steve Madden boots. Karen Hallam earings. Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games
Queen Letizia wore Zara long sleeve polka dot maxi dress and Steve Madden boots. Karen Hallam earings. Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games
Queen Letizia wore Zara long sleeve polka dot maxi dress and Steve Madden boots. Karen Hallam earings. Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games
Queen Letizia wore Zara long sleeve polka dot maxi dress and Steve Madden boots. Karen Hallam earings. Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games
Queen Letizia wore Zara long sleeve polka dot maxi dress and Steve Madden boots. Karen Hallam earings. Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games
Queen Letizia wore Zara long sleeve polka dot maxi dress and Steve Madden boots. Karen Hallam earings. Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games
Queen Letizia wore Zara long sleeve polka dot maxi dress and Steve Madden boots. Karen Hallam earings. Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games
Queen Letizia wore Zara long sleeve polka dot maxi dress and Steve Madden boots. Karen Hallam earings. Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games
Queen Letizia wore Zara long sleeve polka dot maxi dress and Steve Madden boots. Karen Hallam earings. Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games
Queen Letizia wore Zara long sleeve polka dot maxi dress and Steve Madden boots. Karen Hallam earings. Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games
Queen Letizia wore Zara long sleeve polka dot maxi dress and Steve Madden boots. Karen Hallam earings. Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games
Queen Letizia wore Zara long sleeve polka dot maxi dress and Steve Madden boots. Karen Hallam earings. Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games

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  1. I like the boots+dress combo. I think if the dress was 3-4 inches shorter (mid-calf length perhaps?) The proportions of her outfit would improve. Plus, we would get to see more of those boots! I wonder if she intends to continue to elegantly go grey or if she's been too busy to make a trip to the hairdresser. She looks lovely either way.

    1. Anna, I think a woman like Letizia leaves nothing to chance, so she has decided to elegantly go grey. I am in my fifties and therefore am happy about this decision!

    2. Anonymous28/1/20 17:22

      It's not grey hair. She did that on purpose. Who knows why. Notice that it's not from the root.😊

    3. Anonymous28/1/20 19:16

      Hope she won't dye her hair, it's shiny and not that dry as other womens hair much younger than Letizia and who've been dyeing for years.
      Dress and boots today underlinded her personality beautifully. Simple cut, feminine curves and an alltogether Spanish look.

    4. It looks like she is proud of her grey hairs.

    5. Anonymous29/1/20 01:06

      She is a beautiful woman, she looks gorgeous ! About her gray hair intended or no she always likes to provoque

    6. Anonymous29/1/20 07:12

      I'm going grey too. I'm 45 and admire her for that decision!

  2. Anonymous28/1/20 15:43

    Yo quiero ese vestido... no estoy segura de las botas, pero me encanta el vestido!

  3. Anonymous28/1/20 15:54

    Much “ wilder” than usual: suits her well!

  4. I'm a sucker for a polka dot dress, and this one looks fantastic on Queen Letizia! Love it with the boots. She looks beautiful.

  5. Ravissante dans cette robe au petit décolleté ; un peu plus courte, nous aurions pu mieux voir ses bottes.. Jolis mouvements dans sa coiffure quand elle bouge !

  6. Stunning! I think the beautiful, fierce boots work wonderfully with the style and length of the dress. I’m not a fan of polka dots, but at least those we see here are small enough to be fairly unobtrusive.

  7. Anonymous28/1/20 18:57

    Not sure how I feel about this ‘hairdo’ or lack there of. Whilst it may be more age appropriate, it’s slightly out of character for Letizia. Will give it some time.

    Lily A

  8. Anonymous28/1/20 19:07

    Long time reader, first time commentator!

    Stylish, sharp and rockin' glints of platinum hair. Couldn't admire Q Leti more if I tried. Simply superb!

    Vera Veronika (-_-)

  9. Anonymous28/1/20 19:15

    Just stunning. I think Q Letizia could wear a paper bag,with a gold belt and it would look good.

  10. Anonymous28/1/20 20:05

    She seems to have had more fillers added to her face, especially to her cheeks. I feel uneasy about this - it’s as though a beautiful woman can’t age gracefully anymore. We’ve seen how mask-like P. Charlene’s face has become and I’d hate to see the same happen to Q. Letitia. Yet the grey in her hair seems to contradict the search for eternal youth. It’s very puzzling for sure. (V.M.)

    1. Anonymous28/1/20 23:45

      @AnonV.M.-11:05pm: I was thinking the same thing, mostly because she has lots of lines around her eyes. The face can't move due to fillers, etc; but it has to move somewhere, and it'll move around the eyes where you can't put fillers. I agree about aging gracefully. She is also extremely thin (hello Catherine), so she has to combat facial wrinkles by filling out her face artificially while maintaining her "model" figure. It's scary when you think about it. ~Rose~

    2. Anonymous29/1/20 08:20

      Some people are easily 'scared'.
      When there is nothing to critique about the outfit,the face/gossip is the next intellectual choice. -Dana

    3. Anonymous29/1/20 09:29

      You obviously do not know Letizia at all. She loose weight very easily as her mum and sisters, (one passed away, the poor thing) and now it is not an "easy" moment for the Monarchy in Spain, the actual govermment is doing her schedule smaller and they are not accompaning he. This is a tricky country for them.

      Ps: she lost weight when her baby sister passed away and Letizia 8 months pregnant.

    4. Anonymous29/1/20 17:24

      Anons 11:20 & 12:29 - Yes, I know all that. However, if stuffing your face full of fillers isn't scary, then I don't know what is. My opinion. Thanks. ~Rose~

    5. Anonymous29/1/20 19:17

      Wow, Rose you do scare easily.


    6. Anonymous29/1/20 20:50

      Her body, her choise. She had a lot of criticism about her weight and she was trying to gain it , not to loose it, because she was grieving, doing exercise also. If you are going to be criticized at least, do want you want.



    7. Hay un dicho en España: "Cuando el diablo no tiene qué hacer, mata moscas con el rabo". Eso les ocurre a las pobres haters. Si no hay nada criticable, vuelven a sacar las cirugías, la anorexia, la suegra, el divorcio, etc, etc... Son dignas de lástima porque viven en una envidia estéril.
      Letizia se hace seguramente los mismos cuidados estéticos que las demás royals, pero con más éxito porque la calidad de su piel es excelente. Igual que su genética le permite, con ejercicio adecuado y buena alimentación, conservar la misma figura que tenía cuando se casó. Lo mismo que su cabello, sano, brillante, nunca inmovilizado en peinados-casco ni reseco por los tintes.
      A mí me da miedo el racismo, las enfermedades incurables, el terrorismo, la degradación de nuestro planeta... No el rostro de una mujer hermosa, trabajadora eficaz, esposa y madre extraordinaria.
      Pero cada cual elige sus batallas :))

    8. Anonymous30/1/20 12:09

      When you are photographed from every angle by 30 or more cameras at events, of course there is need to present a polished appearance much like the front row at yesterday 's event. DN

  11. Love the combination of the classic wrap-around dress with the fierce boots... I know those high heels aren't for everybody, but she rocks them. The grey hair seems to me that is just a little playful fashion statement. I respect ladies that go great, some look fabulous, not my thing......

  12. The Queen looks beautiful. Love this dress, understated but elegant. It is the perfect fit and length. Love the addition of the boots.

  13. Q Leti always looks chic, elegant and very fashion forward. I love the wrap dress paired with the skinny boot. I’m not a huge fan of polka dots either (as another person commented too) but these are tiny ones so it doesn’t seem too frivolous or childish. I was disappointed in the hairstyle. Doesn’t seem to have been given much thought...a quick blow dry, brush, and go? The gray or platinum streak is fine, just wish she would’ve tried marble a side part or an updo for a more polished look. Over all, I think she looks marvelous! She knows her personal style, what looks best on her, and which designers are her go-to. And I think I’ve asked this question before but don’t think anyone responded. Does anyone know why Q Leti doesn’t wear her engagement/wedding rings, or at least a wedding band? Is it not the custom in Spain? Just curious! ������‍♀️

    1. Anonymous29/1/20 10:38

      First, polka dots in Spain are called "lunares" and they are very Spanish and traditional in the South of the country, Andalucía, so nothing frivolous or childish in this country at all.

      Second, the wedding ring in Spain is worn on tve right hand and she need to shake lots of hands and it is painful. Engagements rings are not a tradition in Spain, that's a foreign tradition that some people do due to the films, obviously never diamonds.

      Also, most people here do mot wear anything. Marriage is something private, it is not mandatory and you can be married to a man or a woman, who knows??

  14. She looks pretty in this simple natural look.

  15. Anonymous29/1/20 17:00

    Anonymous @1:38 , Angelia was somewhat curious, you seem to be a little hostile in your answer. The Queen statted a while back that with all the hand shaking, her wedding band will sometimes produce sores, because like you stated in Spain is tipically worn on the right hand ( except in Cataluña, where goes on the left) if she want it to wear it, she could have switch it to the left, which is what I have done, since mine has become a little tight, perhaps is just her preference not to wear it, and that is fine.
    Not true that Spaniards do not wear wedding bands, as the exchange of them is still an intrisincal part of the ceremony, and most of them continue to do so, regardless to whom they are married.
    The engagement ring is not a spread custom here, but the royals and many aristocrats do it, and this includes Letizia, she got hers and proudly showed it during the engagement announcement, it has been said that it was a gift from her brother in law, so after the scandal and his subsequent incarceration, it was just a wise decision to remove it, it's called optics, and common sense.

    1. Anonymous29/1/20 20:01

      Lola, I am not hostile at all, only English is not my mother tongue and I try to manage.

      I am a Spaniard living in Madrid, the capital city and where 6,5 millions of people living and working, also most proffesionals find it dangerous, I do not know anyone wearing it. Aristocrats?? Eugenia Martinez de Irujo for example?? is totally outdated, not even my late father used to wear it. Moreover the aristocrats follow the Spanish tradition, a bracelet for the bride and a watch for the groom. Felipe followed a foreign tradition because her mother is not Spanish. Howver Infanta Elena who is very "Spanish", followed the Spanish tradition, she is divorced thought.

      I do not think that wearing the ring as in Catalonia where there are many republicans and issues now would be the right answer, she represents the unit of the counrty, not the independentism.


    2. Anonymous30/1/20 05:53

      Maria, why must you mix politics with wearing a ring? Millions of people wear their ring on the left hand, and has nothing to do with independence.... and I also live in Madrid, I don't know who your friends are, but mine do wear it, and so far they haven't been attacked.. I have no idea what you are talking about....and I suppose that after the wedding, couples just put their rings in a drawer, and never wear it again? Not true!!

    3. Anonymous30/1/20 11:22

      Amparo, I do not think that you live in Madrid at all, where the politics is very strong. Also there are many people who are not married and they are "pareja de hecho". You could wear a ring wherever you want but it has not a meaning because it is not the tradition.
      Millions of people where in other countries where it means "marriage"? Because in Spain if you get married you (your couple) put it on the right hand (4th finger) you could wear it in other finger also or on your it does not mean Spain that does not mean a marriage, so the same as you do not wear it, unless you are Catalan and you got married like that, what a nonsense!!
      It has never been mandatory to wear it.


    4. Anonymous30/1/20 11:25

      I live in Catalonia and most people are not even married, today it is not so common. Back in the day women used to wear it?

      Why William , Kate's husband does not wear the wedding ring?? And nobody asks about it?


    5. Anonymous30/1/20 11:33

      I mixed politics because she is the Queen, not my neighbour. Obviously everybody knows that she is married, and it is a choice, not mandatory. She got married in Madrid, not in Catalonia so the "marriage ring" is on the right hand, you can wear rings, but in Spain (except Catalonia) it is worn on the right hand, otherthings does not mean "marriage" ( in Spain, except Catalonia)

    6. Anonymous30/1/20 18:58

      Ladies, you are a perfect example of how you misinterpret what other people write, in this case ME,
      So I will once again try to elucidate.
      1. Nowhere I said that wearing a wedding ring was mandatory, I clearly stated that many people do wear it, and to stay that " most Spaniards don't " is not true.
      2. The reference that Lola made above about Cataluña wearing the ring on different hand, I understood it to be as a cultural reference, not a political one, and that is my understanding as well.
      3. Yes, there is freedom to wear it on any finger or not to, I never attested to the contrary.
      4. Never did I say that wearing a ring means marriage. Stop making statements to the contrary.
      5. Yes, I do live in Madrid, once again you assume, and then run with it.
      6. And again, wedding rings are exchanged on marriage ceremonies, whether in the church or the court, and people wear them or not afterwards.
      7. Yes, I use public transportation, to include metro, bus, and tren de cercanías, and yet never been attacked for my ring, which is just a very simple gold band.
      I bid you a good day,

    7. Anonymous30/1/20 20:47

      Amparo, hija se te va la olla y eres Lola también.

      Te puedes poner el anillo donde te de la gana, el de bodas en España de toda la vida de Dios es en la mano derecha, si no lo llevas ahí no significa nada, sólo para ti y tu pareja. Vamos que vas en el metro mirando preguntando a la gente que no lo lleva,si estan casados..
      Por lo pronto en este pais tambien se casan los homosexuales, no sabes con quien estan casados?
      Obviamente nadie te va a increpar por llevar un anillo en la mano izquierda que repito, en España no significa NADA...como si te lo cuelgas del cuello, chica!! Y habra gente que lo lleve y no esta casada.

      Aqui cada uno hace lo que le da la gana, pero no me cuentes que si te lo cambias de mano es lo mismo, porque no!! Y mucha gente ni se casa....y otros estan divorciados y otros recasados...que es 2020.

      Letizia se casó en Madrid y su marido se lo puso ahi, te lo puedes poner en el pulgar...porque te está grande, concho!!

      Hala, a descansar!!

    8. Anonymous30/1/20 20:59

      Homosexuals get married too!! Are they part of your friends who wear the traditional wedding ring?? Most Spaniards don't it is true!! Most proffesionals find it uncomfotable....nobody at hospitals, workers, dentists, electricians, plumbers, farmers...etc...., in what wold do you live??


    9. Anonymous30/1/20 21:29

      Amparo, que nos quieres vender que llevar el anillo en la mano izquierda es lo normal en Madrid y eso es lo que hace todo el mundo. A ver tú tampoco lo llevas, porque esa no es la tradicion española. Tu lo llevaras donde te de la gana, la gente que lo lleva es en la derecha o nada...tú harás lo que quieras y eres la excepcion.


    10. Anonymous31/1/20 05:50

      Milagros o cómo quiera que te llames, tu vulgaridad te delata.

  16. Anonymous29/1/20 22:32

    @Angelia. The answer is simple. Your need to know should never transcend this woman's right to privacy.
    999= the number of times the question has been asked in different publications. The answer is her business.

  17. Me encanta este vestido. Tiene gracia, movimiento. se ajusta como un guante y es de lunares :)
    Me maravilla el cabello de Letizia. Con un simple cepillado está siempre perfecto. Sus hijas lo han heredado, chicas con suerte.


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