Japanese Imperial family attended New Year's Greeting

On January 2, 2020, Japan's Emperor Naruhito, his wife Empress Masako and other members of the imperial family greeted well-wishers from behind the windows of a balcony at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. The new emperor also gave his first New Year speech. About 68,000 people came to hear Emperor Naruhito's speech according to the Imperial Household Agency.
Emperor Naruhito, his wife Empress Masako, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Mako, Princess Kako, Emeritus Akihito and Empress Emerita Michiko
In his speech, Emperor Naruhito expressed hope for a "peaceful" year without natural disasters in Japan and for the happiness of people around the world. Former Emperor Akihito and former Empress Michiko joined them to greet New Year well-wishers, making their first public appearance with the emperor since last year's imperial succession.
Emperor Naruhito, his wife Empress Masako, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Mako, Princess Kako, Emeritus Akihito and Empress Emerita Michiko
Emperor Naruhito, his wife Empress Masako, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Mako, Princess Kako, Emeritus Akihito and Empress Emerita Michiko
Emperor Naruhito, his wife Empress Masako, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Mako, Princess Kako, Emeritus Akihito and Empress Emerita Michiko
Emperor Naruhito, his wife Empress Masako, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Mako, Princess Kako, Emeritus Akihito and Empress Emerita Michiko
Emperor Naruhito, his wife Empress Masako, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Mako, Princess Kako, Emeritus Akihito and Empress Emerita Michiko
Emperor Naruhito, his wife Empress Masako, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Mako, Princess Kako, Emeritus Akihito and Empress Emerita Michiko
Emperor Naruhito, his wife Empress Masako, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Mako, Princess Kako, Emeritus Akihito and Empress Emerita Michiko
Emperor Naruhito, his wife Empress Masako, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Mako, Princess Kako, Emeritus Akihito and Empress Emerita Michiko
Emperor Naruhito, his wife Empress Masako, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Mako, Princess Kako, Emeritus Akihito and Empress Emerita Michiko
Emperor Naruhito, his wife Empress Masako, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Mako, Princess Kako, Emeritus Akihito and Empress Emerita Michiko
Emperor Naruhito, his wife Empress Masako, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Mako, Princess Kako, Emeritus Akihito and Empress Emerita Michiko
Emperor Naruhito, his wife Empress Masako, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Mako, Princess Kako, Emeritus Akihito and Empress Emerita Michiko
Emperor Naruhito, his wife Empress Masako, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Mako, Princess Kako, Emeritus Akihito and Empress Emerita Michiko
Emperor Naruhito, his wife Empress Masako, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Mako, Princess Kako, Emeritus Akihito and Empress Emerita Michiko
Emperor Naruhito, his wife Empress Masako, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Mako, Princess Kako, Emeritus Akihito and Empress Emerita Michiko
Emperor Naruhito, his wife Empress Masako, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Mako, Princess Kako, Emeritus Akihito and Empress Emerita Michiko

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  1. Anonymous2/1/20 13:17

    Princess Mako's two-color outfit is great on her. The fabric is well worth a close up, it looks beautiful (as always with the ladies of the Imperial Family). Empress Masako's dress is splendid. I think Crown Princess Kiko's dress is not new ?

  2. Empress Masako's dress (silk brocade?) is gorgeous. Her earrings are stunning. Unfortunately, her brooch does not stand out against the gold of her dress. Former Empress Michiko is adorable and her pearl necklace, earrings and brooch are very pretty (especially the brooch). The photo showing the former Empress touching former Emperor Akihito's arm is a lovely image. I like the color and smocking of the Crown Princess's dress. The young princesses are very pretty but look as though they would prefer to be elsewhere.

  3. Magnifique robe de Masako dont la couleur lui va à merveille ; superbes les perles du collier et des boucles d'oreilles. Jolie sa broche mais quel dommage de ne pas mieux la voir car elle se confond avec le doré de sa toilette !

  4. Magnifique robe de Masako dont la couleur lui va à merveille; superbes les perles du collier et des boucles d'oreilles. Jolie sa broche mais quel dommage de ne pas mieux la voir car elle se confond avec le doré de sa toilette!

    1. Anonymous2/1/20 19:55

      C'est vrai, la robe est magnifique !

  5. This family exudes class. Great tailoring. Tasteful jewelry. Empress Masako looks beautiful in her dress, I like the neckline. The former Emperor and Empress look fantastic. I also think Princess Mako's two toned outfit is very flattering.

  6. Anonymous2/1/20 17:55

    All the Imperial Ladies look splendid. But I love this silk brocade dress on Empress Masako. I must say she stepped into her new role with grace and confidence. I like it not everyone wears the same style and color of gowns.

  7. MASAKO:elegantisima,fina, que charme

  8. May be I am wrong but I think the lady on the left in the last pic is Ayako Moriya. Hadn't she lost her title of princess after her wedding with Mr. Ken Morilla??

    1. Anonymous3/1/20 02:00

      She is Princess Tsuguko, the eldest daughter of late Prince Takamado.

  9. Toutes les mêmes robes en tissu satiné, les mêmes perles, les mêmes gants, le même sourire, le même salut... on dirait des robots ! Aucune spontanéité n'est permise à la Cour Impériale du JAPON!

    1. Virginia3/1/20 08:59

      I do not think you have the right to criticise the decorum of the Japanese imperial family, as you are indirectly attacking the culture and customs of a country about which you seem to know very little.
      They remind you of robots? I have the greatest respect for their dignified presence. Queen Elizabeth
      also exudes a similar quiet dignity although her cultural background is completely different.

    2. En aucun cas je ne voudrais critiquer la culture ou les usages en vigueur au JAPON, pays pour lequel j'ai le plus grand respect.
      Cependant, les usages millénaires de l'Empire Nippon pourraient quand même évoluer pour permettre aux membres de la Famille Impériale de pouvoir se comporter d'une façon plus naturelle, moins guindée, plus en phase avec l'époque actuelle. Les membres de la Famille Royale Britannique sont quand même plus modernes, plus "vivants"!!

  10. Why is the emperors daughter never at any official events? She’s 18, not a child anymore.

    1. Anonymous3/1/20 05:18

      In the Japanese Imperial Family, age 20 is considered an adult

    2. In the Japanese Imperial Family, age 20 is considered an adult.

    3. Anonymous3/1/20 08:24

      Why the same question again and again? The answer to this question has been given so manu times .....

    4. 20 is the age when public appearances start in the Imperial Family. 2 years to go for Aiko.

    5. She's still a minor. Adulthood is currently 20 in Japan. The law to change adulthood to 18 goes into effect in April 2022.

  11. Je remarque au Japon les femmes ne portent pas de décolleté ! Ces robes sont toutes sages, au carré, et assez rigides il manque un petit grain de folie et un zeste de fantaisie! Mais toutes ces femmes rivalisent d'élégance les unes les autres dans les règles de l'empire japonais, je suppose!

    Lady de Seine

  12. The ladies look absolutely lovely. Mako's outfit resonates. I am not a particular fan of all matchy-poo, but I know that's what they do, with the various nuances of a larger piece of jewelry for the empress. She looks radiant and I am so glad that she seems happy and settled in her role. I think someone else said here that she took on this role gracefully and I could not agree more. We are seeing much more of her personality.
    I also always enjoy the father and son looking so similar. It's sweet.

  13. I love the former empress's glasses!!

  14. Empress Michiko needs a new person in charge of the royal eyebrows.


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