Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie visited the Amis des Musées

On January 24, Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie visited new office building of The Association of Friends of Museums (Association des Amis des Musées) in Luxembourg. The Association des Amis des Musées was founded in 1981. The Hereditary Grand Duchess is the Patron of the Amis des Musees since 2013. The Amis des Musées are the ambassadors of Luxembourgish museums, promoting Luxembourgish culture nationally and internationally. They are composed of art and history enthusiasts.
Princess Stephanie. Cravingfor Jewellery baroque pearl earrings. white embroidered wool cashmere crepe dress Oscar de la Renta
The Amis des Musées (Friends of the Museums) also organise private guided tours of exhibitions in Luxembourg as well as day trips, weekends or week-trips to visit exhibitions abroad, always guided by curators, directors or artists themselves.
Princess Stephanie. Cravingfor Jewellery baroque pearl earrings. white embroidered wool cashmere crepe dress Oscar de la Renta
Princess Stephanie. Cravingfor Jewellery baroque pearl earrings. white embroidered wool cashmere crepe dress Oscar de la Renta
Princess Stephanie. Cravingfor Jewellery baroque pearl earrings. white embroidered wool cashmere crepe dress Oscar de la Renta
Princess Stephanie. Cravingfor Jewellery baroque pearl earrings. white embroidered wool cashmere crepe dress Oscar de la Renta
Princess Stephanie. Cravingfor Jewellery baroque pearl earrings. white embroidered wool cashmere crepe dress Oscar de la Renta

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  1. Adorable, rayonnante Stéphanie sur ces photos pleines de naturel ; tunique originale et pantalon bien combinés.. J'aime beaucoup ses boucles d'oreilles ; il me semble que ce modèle est également apprécié par la princesse Victoria de Suède !

  2. Doesn’t Stephanie look wonderful in that dramatic top! I love that she wore black pants and shoes to match the predominant color of the sweater, for a sophisticated, streamlined look.

  3. Great top. From the front view you can hardly tell she is pregnant. Well done at this stage of the pregnancy. Once again, she looks absolutely glowing in these photos

  4. Anonymous25/1/20 22:02

    She just looks adorable

  5. Anonymous25/1/20 22:32

    Great look on Stephanie. She has never looked happier and more relaxed. We can only imagine that the pregnancy must have lifted a huge weight off her shoulders. I guess we will start seeing more of her and HGD Guillaume now that the GD family seems in trouble - there are more and more calls within the country for the GD Henri to abdicate and leave the throne to Guillaume. We only see the glitzy photos on this blog but things are far from well in the GD court.... Maria Teresa is at the center of a financial scandal that the whole country is angry about and this must explain why she has disappeared from public eye for several weeks now. Pity!

    Luxemburger Magpie

    1. Anonymous27/1/20 03:49

      Oh, wow, thank you for sharing this information. Apart from the fashion, I am always curious about these people's lives.


  6. Stephanie doit aller au coiffeur.

  7. What a lovely, glowing, mama-to-be!
    This is so much better than the tight look-at-my-baby-bump styles that some people wear nowadays.

    1. Anonymous26/1/20 04:55

      Totally agree. She just looks so happy.

  8. Anonymous26/1/20 02:02

    The white detailing on the top is beautiful. I would have preferred a slimmer cut pant with the longer, looser top. Her hair looks great. I agree that she is glowing but think she needs either a little more mascara or eye liner to make her eyes pop.


  9. Love what Stephanie is wearing, she looks glowing and happy.

  10. She looks lovely. I think her outfits often tended to look a bit uninspired and not very fashionable, which is okay as it just doesn't seem to be her thing - but now whatever she wears is just outshone by her radiance. I wish her best of luck for her pregnancy, she will be a wonderful mother, I'm sure.

  11. Anonymous26/1/20 17:56

    HGH looks lovely. Pregnancy really look good on her. I am over the moon for them

  12. Anonymous27/1/20 19:17

    I have to say, she does look A LOT more happy now. I still think her fashion sense is lousy (jmo) but her spirits are lifted and a radiant smile can make up for a lot fashion wise.


  13. Anonymous30/1/20 16:37

    Good to see her happy. Fashionwise not much to say, neither about her hair or make-up...but she doesn't seem to care.


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