Emperor and Empress attended Agriculture and Fishery Festival

On January 24, 2020, Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako of Japan met with laureates of the 58th Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Festival Awards at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. The Agriculture And Fishery Festival Awards is an event which rewards people and organizations that succeed in promotion of agricultural products and sea food of Japan for their efforts in doing so. There are 14 winners in 7 categories.
The 58th Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Festival Awards. Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako and Aiko visited Ryogoku Kokugikan
The 58th Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Festival Awards. Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako and Aiko visited Ryogoku Kokugikan
The 58th Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Festival Awards. Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako and Aiko visited Ryogoku Kokugikan
The 58th Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Festival Awards. Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako and Aiko visited Ryogoku Kokugikan
The 58th Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Festival Awards. Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako and Aiko visited Ryogoku Kokugikan
The 58th Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Festival Awards. Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako and Aiko visited Ryogoku Kokugikan
On January 25, 2020, Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako and their daughter Princess Aiko attended the New Year Grand Sumo Tournament held at the Ryogoku Kokugikan in Tokyo. The last time the couple went to sumo matches was 2017 when they were crown prince and crown princess. Former Emperor Akihito and former Empress Michiko visited the Ryogoku Kokugikan almost every year, including last year's New Year Grand Sumo Tournament.
The 58th Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Festival Awards. Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako and Aiko visited Ryogoku Kokugikan
The 58th Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Festival Awards. Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako and Aiko visited Ryogoku Kokugikan
The 58th Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Festival Awards. Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako and Aiko visited Ryogoku Kokugikan
The 58th Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Festival Awards. Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako and Aiko visited Ryogoku Kokugikan
The 58th Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Festival Awards. Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako and Aiko visited Ryogoku Kokugikan
The 58th Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Festival Awards. Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako and Aiko visited Ryogoku Kokugikan
The 58th Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Festival Awards. Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako and Aiko visited Ryogoku Kokugikan

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  1. My goodness, the Empress is more lovely than ever! This role seems to be positive for her. I love the suit with the velvet collar.

  2. La couleur vert foncé va à merveille à Masako surtout dans cet ensemble à revers noirs ; elle est lumineuse avec ce superbe maquillage qui lui donne un teint de pêche sublimé par des reflets Auburne dans ses cheveux.. Comme toujours, parfaits le costume et la cravate de l'empereur !

    1. Fashion wise, only one word ....... perfection (including the Emperor).
      What a joy to see these photos.
      I'm looking forward to their visit to the U.K. this year.
      Question? In the royal box, is the big man standing behind them their bodygard? Whoever he is, would be nice if he could give a smile from time to time.

  3. Anonymous25/1/20 17:48

    That is a lovely suit that Empress Masako is wearing at the first event. The colour is deep and serene, and the lovely braided velvet collar reminiscent of a 1920's style, gives the outfit a lovely focal point, enhanced by the contrasting white pearl necklace and brooch. Her coiffure suits the outfit perfectly.
    I also like her kimono at the second event, and cannot wait to see what kind she will take with her on their UK State visit in the Spring. However best of all, I'm happy to see her smiling and happy.

    Even though we cannot see too much of Princess Aiko's dress I like what we can see. It looks like a modern design and seems properly fitted for her. Very nice all round!
    Anon 9:13

    1. Anon 9:13, I agree with you in all respects.

    2. Anonymous26/1/20 04:53

      Completely agree.

  4. Anonymous25/1/20 17:53

    Nice green suit at the Agriculture Festival then a beautiful Kimono at the Sumo Tournament, also very nice dress on Pss Aiko. It is so nice to see this Family.

  5. Anonymous25/1/20 18:05

    Love seeing their daughter attend functions. The green suit is beautiful with the color, details of braiding etc, and her hair looks especially lovely in these photos. He smile is always enchanting.... JT

  6. These pictures of the Empress just make me smile. She looks just marvelous. Her hair in those first pictures is absolutely perfect, and that velvet collar! And in the last set of pictures, she looks to be having a great time, and her traditional dress is absolutely beautiful.

  7. The Empress Masako looks superb in this green suit. Lovely shade of green. love the velvet collar and beautiful braiding, it takes this suit to a whole new level, exquisite. Complimented by gorgeous strand of pearls. So elegant looking.

  8. Yumiko Kokuryu26/1/20 08:58

    On the occasion of Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako's attendance at Agriculture and Fishery Festival at the Imperial Palace, May Japanese Agriculture and Fishery industries be promoted further.

  9. Anonymous27/1/20 01:31

    Parece otra persona Masako en comparación con ella de “la época deprimida” en la que vivió durante más de una década! Ahora se ve bastante activa y positiva y así veo con certeza que se ha recuperado totalmente. Espero pronto escuchar su propia voz que desde hace mucho que nunca habló en público.


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