Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited The Hubb Community Kitchen

Earlier this week, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited The Hubb Community Kitchen, which is an organization founded by people who came together to cook after the Grenfell Tower tragedy. Photos from the visit were shared on their official Instagram account. The Duchess of Sussex worked for the Hubb Community Kitchen in her first endeavor as a member of the royal family in 2018, in which she worked on and published a cookbook together with the women from The Hubb Community Kitchen.
Meghan Markle wore Massimo Dutti toffee-brown plain silk wool sweater and Massimo Dutti brown satin midi skirt. Reiss Sabel camel wool coat
Meghan Markle wore Massimo Dutti toffee-brown plain silk wool sweater and Massimo Dutti brown satin midi skirt. Reiss Sabel camel wool coat
Meghan Markle wore Massimo Dutti toffee-brown plain silk wool sweater and Massimo Dutti brown satin midi skirt. Reiss Sabel camel wool coat
Meghan Markle wore Massimo Dutti toffee-brown plain silk wool sweater and Massimo Dutti brown satin midi skirt. Reiss Sabel camel wool coat
Meghan Markle wore Massimo Dutti toffee-brown plain silk wool sweater and Massimo Dutti brown satin midi skirt. Reiss Sabel camel wool coat
Meghan Markle wore Massimo Dutti Toffee Brown Plain Silk Wool Sweater
Massimo Dutti Toffee Brown Plain Silk Wool Sweater
Meghan Markle wore Massimo Dutti brown satin midi skirt
Massimo Dutti Brown Satin Midi Skirt

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  1. Anonymous11/1/20 12:13

    Not A fan of instagram as a form of social Media. Meghans hair is messy.Harry looks okay. This was done at the time they had made a web site and then decided to leave their royal role. Well I'm in AUSTRALIA and have had to leave my property on several occasions due to the heat and the change in the weather and fires threatening us and I have to say I HOLD MY SON AND THE OTHER VOLUNTEER FIRE FIGHTERS IN GOOD STEAD. I'M over harry and meghan

    1. I know, there are bigger problems in the world than worrying about what someone wrote about you in the Newspaper. The irony is that the charities they support are of people who have lost their homes, struggling to pay rent and barely getting by. If only we would switch lives.

      Sending love to Australia 😍

    2. Anonymous11/1/20 16:48

      Agree anon, I'm totally over them and hope I never see another post on H and M. Praying for you in Australia and all the problems there. That is where our concerns should be, not on some self created royal mess. Amy R

    3. Very much agree Anon, and other commentors. Sending my best wishes (and donated) for you in Australia.

    4. From one Aussie to another. Stay safe, thinking of you all. Sincerely N.S.W Australia


    5. à Anon 15h13 11.01.2020 - Bonjour à tous et à toutes.. Afin de faire peut-être un don pour l'Australie (je réside en France) pourrais-je avoir des renseignements ? Merci à l'avance Courtoisement !

  2. Tout à fait entre nous... désormais on s'en ficherai presque de leur soit disant philanthropie...

  3. Anonymous11/1/20 14:04

    Its same outfit she wore during the day.
    The press give them good PR, these images on their jobs are great!

    In the past year, The British public have came out in millions to support them.
    At the end of the day they ruin their own image by releasing awkward statements. I feel like we have been stabbed in the back simply because they read some negative articles that most of us never get see anyway! Every celebrity goes through that, just don't read that junk.
    Are these smiles even real or just acting!


  4. Anonymous11/1/20 14:27

    This visit and these photos speak volumes to me.
    This is the kind of outreach this couple wants to do, to be involved right in and amongst the people to whom it means something, instead of just arriving, walking around and shaking hands. Diana was like that too, remembering her experiences with the mine fields and the AIDS patients. If they feel that their new lifestyle will allow them to help more people at a ground-roots level, then they have my total respect and admiration. Bravo!
    (To keep this fashion related, I like that Harry has kept it casual and relaxed. It is in sync with the relaxed nature of the event and makes others feel comfortable.)
    Anon 9:13

    1. Are you sure that this is the kind of people they want to meet? Probably it's more the kind of Oprah Winfrey, Hillary Clinton, Beyoncé...

    2. Anonymous11/1/20 15:40

      The Sussex are an example of how to destroy positive things with media agitation.
      I can not understand why they did not solve their relations with the royal family quietly, in private, but first they did such a circus.
        Besides, it is easy for them to do charity for foreign money, right?

    3. Anonymous11/1/20 15:47

      Correction of my previous post: I wrote "foreign money," it was supposed to be "other people's money, that is - not their own money." Sorry for my English.

    4. Anonymous11/1/20 18:23

      @Coralie: If they didn't want to meet such people they wouldn't have gone there to meet them, hug them and eat with them, would they? To imply that they did all that only for their own personal gain is mean spirited. This the third or fourth time that they've gone there to be with those women. And if they meet with the likes of Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, Beyonce and talk show hosts in the future, it will be to bring important issues to light by using their celebrity. That's how it's done. They have between GBP30 and 40 million of their own money so they won't be in any immediate need of other peoples money. But if they do work on behalf of 'other people' then it is also fair that they get paid by those 'other people'.
      Anon 9:13

    5. I totally agree with you. If she sold her jewelry and used that money to do good deeds, then maybe I would respect her a little, but it's just too easy to do charity with the Crown's money. It just seems like photo ops to me.

    6. Anonymous12/1/20 04:55

      Why didn’t they post this the same day they made the visit instead of waiting four days? Hmm...

    7. Anonymous12/1/20 04:58

      Why didn’t they post this the same day they made the visit instead of waiting four days? Hmm...

    8. Anonymous15/1/20 14:20

      Because they want a rival court- that is the big issue. Go be on your own but public monies and other dynamics belong to the royal family. They don’t care about the impact on others as long as they get their and they will say whatever they want to try and get it. Do you think they are really traumatized by all the public attention, if so why have they mapped out a very public future.
      This is why they are like Edward & Wallis and why the Queen, even under threat of tell-all interviews but cut the chord & make the exclusion from the “Firm” (obviously not her family)very clear.

  5. There are many really worthy causes, helping people at grass roots level supported by those who go about their work quietly and without making a fuss or whining about how hard done to they are. I have particular respect for Princess Alexandra, the Duke of Kent and the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester--the Kents in their 80s and the Gloucesters in their 70s. The Duke of Kent was 5th in the line of succession at the time of his birth (1935), Princess Alexandra was 6th (1936). the Duke of Gloucester was also 5th (1944) They are now miles from the succession but out of duty and loyalty they still turn up to organisations they have supported for years. They are worthy of respect and admiration. The lack of respect and sense of entitlement of this pair is such that sadly I find it difficult to see past it to the worthiness of their charities.

    1. Anonymous11/1/20 19:13


    2. I like what you wrote, and I totally agree. Puts things into perspective.
      Surely, the media scrutiny has changed and is a lot more these days compared to 50 years ago, but while that can be challenging, it also has its advantages that Meghan and Harry know to use in their favour. And running away from one´s duties, after signing up for them (she knew what she was getting herself into) is poor form, and doing so through media is simply ironic because it causes the exact sort of upset that they blame being the victim of.
      Anyway, both Meghan and Harry should know that it is not media they work for or with, it is the people. It is their job to represent the british crown. And choosing to leave that job is letting down an entire nation.
      I am disappointed, but not surprised. As soon as that guest editing thing in Vogue happened, I knew that Meghan wouldn´t play by the rules. However, I didn´t expect such an early and drastic withdrawal, but maybe it´s for the better. They wouldn´t have worked dutifully anyway.
      Meghan may make Harry very happy on a personal level, but for his position and the duties that come with it, she clearly was not the right person to marry.

  6. You don't the hand that gave you a priviledged like. Instead of meeting with the RF and quietly moving back, they went rogue. Now the press will be relentless. Meghan is back in Canada in her comfort zone, and I wish them well.

  7. Both tared to the same brush..."Attention Seekers*
    On a fashion note "Hair"

  8. Anonymous11/1/20 17:23

    Lets keep it to the fashion otherwise the risk is that we get endless discussions on behaviour and relational matters we really donot know enough about!

    1. Anonymous11/1/20 18:05


    2. Anonymous11/1/20 19:15

      Well then this outfit was a mismatch before and it still is- satin skirt and velvet high-heeled shoes to a kitchen- really?
      At least in their post they picked the pics that hid the pit stains

    3. Anonymous11/1/20 21:27

      I agree with you anon at 8:23. I can't believe my eyes when I see how cruel and childish people write and act here. The newspapers know how to write to sell more. And simple people believe everything they read. Daily Mail is the worst of all to mock Meghan, has always been.
      I like Meghan's outfit very much and Harry looks relaxed and handsome as always. I don't see Meghan's hair being messy. It looks shiny and healthy.

    4. Her hair often looks like it needs cutting and styling, and the loose tendrils look messy. She is always pushing them out of her face. Her hair is beautiful, but when it looks like it needs grooming, that's what you notice the most.

  9. I'm over them. It appears what Samantha was saying is true

  10. Anonymous11/1/20 18:07

    They both look good - happy, relaxed and engaged. (V.M.)

  11. Anonymous11/1/20 19:45

    These are lovely pictures of Harry and Meghan, both look great. Sadly I cannot look at these the way I looked at pictures of them before, in light of all that has unfolded this week.

    1. I have to say I am in agreement (with both your points). Not happy with their behavior. Don't mind they they chose another path but how they did it was immature, self-centered, and they dissed the Queen, the process, the staff that has protected them all this time, and I'm a little tired of Megan thinking she has it rough. Honestly. Get some perspective. I'm afraid the Hollywood set will just tell them they are right and no lesson will be learned. Strangely, royal service includes sacrifice and she was clearly not up to the task. And then she flees to Canada to leave him with the mess, alone. Amazing.

    2. Anonymous12/1/20 03:15

      Just read on bbc that she has a deal with Disney doing a voiceover that will benefit a charity; this was done before Christmas. There are all sorts of tax ramifications that I wonder if their Canadian agents know anything about...

  12. Anonymous11/1/20 19:56

    Sadly this felt like a kick in the teeth. If Harry wanted out he should have done it long a ago,before he married.He said he wanted to live in Africa,he should have done so,he loves Africa so did his Mother. This would have open'd the door for him to exit. He and Meghan want the Perks of Royalty but not the Responsibility.that is sad. His late Mother Pss Diana was a free spirit too, but she respected the Institution of Monarchy and did her job very well. This is what made her the Peoples Princess,I think. I believe this moment, she Diana would not be very happy about her younger son,for tossing Tradition and Loyalty to Country and Queen and family away,like he is doing. Harry and Meghan want to be celeb's and hang out what is called the cool crowd,well I got News for them Celeb's are here today and gone tomorrow. There are too many has been's. It seems to me Money Fame and Title is what is important to them not so much the work, ego and self importance are stronger then loyalty,to the Queen and Country. If I am wrong I am sorry. I always looked for what she was wearing.

  13. Anonymous11/1/20 20:29

    Just because her hair is not 100% 'silky' all the time doesn't mean that there is something wrong.

    Just because her hair is past her shoulders doesn't mean that she wears extensions.

    She is a biracial woman with naturally curly hair. She could have her hair straightened (use heat) three times a day, but all of that effort would be a waste of time if it rained or if there was moisture in the air...which I'm sure happens a great deal.

    She could chemically straighten her hair, which I've heard her discuss in an interview. However, she will probably always have some texture to her hair...and there isn't anything wrong with that!


    1. Anonymous11/1/20 22:35

      Why did she straighten her hair? Is it some duty for bi -racial people to straighten their hair? I don't care what hair style she's wearing, it's just a little curiosity from me. I don't really want to offend anyone, but they seem to be ashamed of their natural hair. (In my country we very rarely meet bi-racial people and people of non-European origin)

    2. I for one like her hair and I think it suits her. This may be a moot point now but with not being in line directly they don't have to do things according to a formula, and that includes growing her hair long and wearing it down, etc.

    3. Thank you for standing up for people of color with differing complexions and hair. Why should Meghan even have to straighten her hair, if she doesn't wish to? There is no reason she should attempt to look like a British Blue blood to satisfy the likes of these naysayers. Just to be clear: I am a conservative white American, but I appreciate being respectful of others' views, style choices and ways of life.

  14. D M Mitchell11/1/20 21:00

    Meghan and Harry look appropriately casual in this setting and everyone looks at ease. Can’t help noticing that the bulk of comments here only prove the claim that media commentary about this couple is nasty or inflammatory.

    1. I disagree. I would suggest that the comments are indicative of how genuinely hurt and bewildered people are that a couple with a privileged and comfortable lifestyle, who were massively popular with the bulk of the British public should stomp off petulantly because everything was not done exactly as they wished it. I think the majority of comments are more in sorrow than in anger.

    2. Anonymous11/1/20 23:43

      Agree with you totally.

    3. Anonymous12/1/20 03:17


    4. @AnnieM you are so right. Its difficult to even look at her style the same again. Its all an act! We supported them and they are making a mockery of us!

  15. Anonymous11/1/20 21:03

    J ai de l admiration pour ce couple.
    Harry me semble un homme généreux, sympathique et équilibré.
    Ils n on commis aucun crime jusqu à ce jour.
    J attends toujours un communiqué de la reine ou du prince Charles signalant qu Harry et Meghan ne leur ont pas annoncé leur intention d aller vivre au Canada.
    La presse britannique est toxique.
    Je m en méfie comme la peste.
    Ils ont l intention de travailler et non de mener une vie oisive comme un bon nombre de membres de la famille royale.
    Ils ont mon respect.

    1. Je suis d'accord avec votre déclaration bien choisie.

    2. No, SOME of the press is toxic - and not just in Britain.

      They should be careful - Diana, and Charles to a lesser extent, thought they could control the press and it went very badly for them. I don't think it's wise to get into a war with them because they can never win.

      As to "un non nombre" of the family leading " une vie oisive" who are you talking about? Apart the utterly appalling Andrew (and even he had some useful initiatives) I think that is an unfair comment.

  16. I like that they are involved in these kinds of initiatives - I hope that once things calm down and way forward that works has been decided we see them at more of these types of events.

    As for the fashion - I like what Meghan is wearing - satin skirt and knitwear is very in at the moment and I think she carries it off well. Harry looks nice and casual here. I prefer Meghan's hair a bit shorter but that just my preference.

  17. Anonymous11/1/20 23:15

    The comments on this blog have become so destructive. Every fun to read is gone. Nothing witty, warmlyl, intelektually is left free.


  18. Yes, I know this is a fashion blog so I will say that I like Meghan's beautiful flowing skirt. That said, I am so disappointed in her and Harry. Meghan couldn't stick it out.
    We all remember when Camilla was the most hated woman in the UK and the press were far worse on her than Meghan. Today Camilla is respected and appreciated for the joy and contentment she has brought into her husband's life. She is appreciated for her warmth and humor. She's a hard worker with a continual stream of engagements both with her husband and solo. This could have happened with Meghan too. She has nothing to do with her father and uncle and now she has put a wedge in between Harry and his family.

  19. They do both look relaxed and happy here.

  20. Anonymous11/1/20 23:56

    Meeting the Hubb Community (a task she abandones from now on anyway) is all she came back for? Leaving Archie back, in order to use him as an excuse to disappear again immediately, leaving the difficult part of the mess she caused for Harry to negotiate ...

    Fashionwise, this is the very same jumper she wore in the previous Meghan related post on this platform, so why again ... (Ann.)

  21. I think these comments mostly endorse H & M choosing to step back
    from being 'senior royals ' .
    After each appearance there are confident predictions of divorce ,
    a critical analysis of their spending patterns , personal relationships & characters

  22. Fashion wise, I am not a fan of satin- daytime visit. The blend of different fabrics and colours overall with this outfit is not for me. Velvet shoes are lovely but again not with this combination. I'll refrain from commenting on the current situation with the Sussex's its being talked enough.

  23. Very much talk about an adult married couple who is finally moving out from the granny's house, hahahah ������. Everything will be fine with the time, I am sure about it.
    In fashion wise I do like very much Meghan's outfit, suits her. Harry looks very good too. Meghan's hair looks healthy and good. - Rita -

  24. Wenn diese Frau nicht mehr für das Königshaus UND für das britische Volk arbeiten will , dann sollte der Titel aberkannt werden !! PUNKT

  25. I believe there is nothing wrong with their decision, but they made a huge communication error, not discussing it with the RF. But maybe the RF is not open to change, was it impossible to discuss.

  26. I don’t think it is a problem, that they’re taking a step back. They are not the heirs, I can understand that. I think the problem was with the way how they communicated the changes. Just take a look at the swedish royal family. They’ve communicated so nicely how things would change and everybody or almost everybody made peace with it, because they could see the point of their decision.
    In H and M’s case, this announcement should have happened at least 3-4 years from now, when they actually did some work, as a couple and Meghan individually as well. And also Meghan should’ve taken the higher road and not care too much about what tabloids say. This way, I feel they’ve just let the tabloids win. I’m sure it is extremely hard to read so many made up things about yourself, but unfortunately this is part of the life she has chosen by marrying Harry. I don’t know how true it is that Harry’s relationship with his family is getting worse and worse. I honestly don’t know what to think of Meghan or Harry anymore. I have always been a “supporter” and never really believed all those lies about Meghan, but I just don’t know anymore. They’re a huge dissappointment at the moment.

  27. T0morrow, Monday the RF will probably divorce from M&H. Sad, but to much has happened. Invictus 2020 - Netherlands will be with or without Prince Harry? It was his responsibility? I can not blame Prince Harry, he wanted to have a true family and Meghan as well. It seems to be the tale of the fisherman and his wife...is it?

  28. Well,I sad it before,that Meghan is a problem,both for her old family and the new one.
    She has only love for herself and money.
    She was and will never become a Hollywood star, she was in a Tv-serie and was never that good at all.
    Perhaps she thinks that Hollywood will open the doors for her ,but I think not.People all over the world will let them be private,as they wish.

  29. Anonymous14/1/20 19:20

    I hope they get what they want,to be Private people, so they can come and go as they like.I don't think they get rushed by people with cameras if they are only be known as Mr and Mrs Mountbatten Windsor. In the US no one know this Name.And if they stay away from controversial people and do their own thing,they will have and need what they want be private. I wish them the best what ever that may be.

  30. Prior to becoming a Royal I thought MM had great style. Not any more. She often looks disheveled: messy hair, dirty too big shoes, wrinkled, tight clothing that she looks like she's going to bust out of.


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