Crown Princess Mary handed out Media Contest 2020 awards

On January 29, 2020, Crown Princess Mary of Denmark attended Media Contest 2020 (Mediekonkurrencen) awards ceremony, held at JP/Politikens Hus in Copenhagen. Each year, Sex & Samfund, Mary Foundation and JP / Politics House hold a media contest for 6th-10th grade students where they will test their journalism efforts and will have the opportunity to work with news centers. Winners are awarded. The theme of this year's contest was "Death is something we are talking about". JP/Politikens Hus is one of Denmark's leading media companies.
Crown Princess Mary of Denmark attended Media Contest 2020 (Mediekonkurrencen) awards ceremony at JP/Politikens Hus
Crown Princess Mary of Denmark attended Media Contest 2020 (Mediekonkurrencen) awards ceremony at JP/Politikens Hus
Crown Princess Mary of Denmark attended Media Contest 2020 (Mediekonkurrencen) awards ceremony at JP/Politikens Hus
Crown Princess Mary of Denmark attended Media Contest 2020 (Mediekonkurrencen) awards ceremony at JP/Politikens Hus
Crown Princess Mary of Denmark attended Media Contest 2020 (Mediekonkurrencen) awards ceremony at JP/Politikens Hus
Crown Princess Mary of Denmark attended Media Contest 2020 (Mediekonkurrencen) awards ceremony at JP/Politikens Hus
Crown Princess Mary of Denmark attended Media Contest 2020 (Mediekonkurrencen) awards ceremony at JP/Politikens Hus
Crown Princess Mary of Denmark attended Media Contest 2020 (Mediekonkurrencen) awards ceremony at JP/Politikens Hus
Crown Princess Mary of Denmark attended Media Contest 2020 (Mediekonkurrencen) awards ceremony at JP/Politikens Hus
Crown Princess Mary of Denmark attended Media Contest 2020 (Mediekonkurrencen) awards ceremony at JP/Politikens Hus
Crown Princess Mary of Denmark attended Media Contest 2020 (Mediekonkurrencen) awards ceremony at JP/Politikens Hus
Crown Princess Mary of Denmark attended Media Contest 2020 (Mediekonkurrencen) awards ceremony at JP/Politikens Hus

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Anonymous29/1/20 18:27

    Nice look for Mary today.

  2. I really liked the first picture, from what I could see, but then, scrolling down, my excitement halted, and eventually crashed upon viewing the last photo.
    Anyway, nice to see her back, even if only briefly.

  3. I know that she sends her condolences to Australia because of the fires in there...but with all the money they have they didn't send any to help..while people in my Country like Di Caprio send 5 million dollars and many others..Sad very sad, Mary you are from there don't forget.
    Tania K.

    1. The Danish Royal Family are not wealthy.
      Besides the fact it's not seeming to send money. Same with presidents and P Ms

    2. Anonymous30/1/20 04:58

      Queen Margrethe was the highest paid monarch in the world pulling in an astonishing 82 million between September 2018 and September 2019 says "People with money" publication and it also says that Crown Prince Frederick has taken in the No.1 spot of the top ten highest paid princes for 2020. I find it hard to believe that Crown Prince Frederick and Crown Princess Mary have not made any donations to the Australia bushfire disaster considering Mary is a loyal patron to over 25 charities and organizations through out the world. I am sure she and Frederick has silently supported the relief fund considering her love and loyalty to Australia! Not everyone wants to boast or draw attention to their selves went it comes to money and their wealth.....

    3. Honorable thoughts and donations from people for the suffering caused to the "Aussi" people and property by the fires. Please note that Australia is a VERY rich country. Even without these touching thoughts and donations Australia has no problems to get things back into order.
      The financial richness of the country is the envy of many European and non European countries.

  4. Gabriella30/1/20 00:28

    She's full of herself

    1. And how do you know?
      Sometimes you people need to be reminded like if you were children, if you don't have anything positive to say, just don't say it... carry on. No need to be so rude.

    2. Maybe this is the impression some of us get!!! It's not compulsory to be "positive".

    3. Anonymous30/1/20 11:31

      Cherry Blossom: I do agree to a certain extent....But the same holds for all the extensive praise on character and work ethics....we just do not know..... Look at Maria Teresa.... always applauded for her “warm personality”, solely based on her broad smile. And in the end she appears to be quite horrible....
      Better to stick to fashion.
      Lily T.

    4. Well said, Cherry Blossom!

    5. Anonymous30/1/20 13:45

      Exactly Cherry Blossom. - Siri

    6. Anonymous30/1/20 16:33

      Agreed Cherry Blossom.
      - Anon 9:13

    7. Not a nice comment Gabriella. A comment on fashion would be more in line with this forum.

    8. Anonymous31/1/20 07:16

      Cherry Blossom:
      Why make any comment at all, if it didn't show your opnions, strange point of view,indeed !

      Sometimes you find their outfits/looks amazing and suitable -- sometimes not!
      I'm not crazy about Mary's blouse and I think she definitive needs a haircut!
      Not all is about fashion, but also about their jobs and engagement, IMO.
      That is a reason, I love this blog, actually my favourite! <3

      Mille C

  5. CP Mary is a very dignified and hard working Royal. She has never put a foot wrong. She has wonderful work ethic and supports very worthy causes and charitable organisations. Her lovely family is indicative and a reflection of her as a person. We Australians are very proud of her, a elegant woman.

    1. Royalty fan

      I totally agree with Ava Pittman, Denmark could not have asked, for a better crown princess, and now official, assistant queen. If I can say so. She's an asset to the Danish Monarchy.

  6. Toujours aussi belle ; j'ai vraiment aimé la troisième photo !

  7. @ precipitevollisimevolvente, you are right to be positive it's a choice, but to have manners and be civilized should be "compulsory ". Hiding behind a keyboard shouldn't be a license to pass judgement on people's character, based on a few photographs.

    1. Cherry Blossom - I have to side with precipitev... here.
      Why should we avoid disapproving and negative comments? Without controversy, there wouldn´t be any discussion. Only be exchanging thoughts and ideas, the best solutions can be reached. Only by speaking our minds (and listening to others!) we can make sure that all opinions are heard.
      I`m all for a positivity and harmony, but that doesn´t mean I´ll avoid controversy or stop being honest. If everyone avoided all sorts or criticism, as you want us to, then we´ll end up with a pretend society, where only politically correct statements are given and everything else is taboo. I don´t think that is helpful or desirable in any way. Unfortunately we are already heading that way, and comments like yours, thought-policing discussion forums, are part of the reason why.
      If you at least meant what you say, that one shouldn´t utter any negative comments at all. But clearly, judging from your responses to people´s comments, you apply that rule to only a selection of opinions, clearly the ones you don´t agree with. And most of all, you don´t go by your own rule, because if you did, you wouldn´t have responded to Gabriela in the first place. Clearly, telling her off is a negative comment and therefore shouldn´t exist? This is when the argument bites its own tail, as the saying goes, because a) you did not stay away from commenting although you had nothing positive to say; and b) you did all those exact things that you accused her (and others) of: hide behind the keyboard, judge other people´s characters although you don´t know them, writing negative things like "you people are like children", "rude", "have no manners", "not civilized" - and that´s from this post alone. Is that really any better than the comment by Gabriella ("Mary is full of herself")?

    2. Anonymous31/1/20 07:32

      Vanessa, you are getting a reputation for ill-informed comments. The initial comment was that Mary is 'full of herself'. No one here knows Mary, and cannot possibly have firsthand knowledge of this. This is only a comment based on a personal bias. As adults, at least I would assume we are all adults here, we should have already learned in childhood not to make remarks like this. It is about being well-mannered and properly brought up. I know children that have better manners than some of the people that comment on here. As long as this is supposed to be a fashion blog, the comments should stick to fashion. There is certainly no call for derogatory comments of any kind. We all have a right to our own opinions and to freely state them, but making a *statement* that Mary is 'full of herself' as though it is fact is out of line. Since it is unlikely our mother's are commenting alongside us to give a refresher course in etiquette to the ones that need it, a reminder to those who have forgotten their manners is sometimes necessary. The negativity is what has changed this blog. This should not be the forum for mean comments when it is supposed to be a fashion blog. There are plenty of other places to visit that welcome the controversy. ~d

    3. Fashion, fashion, fashion s'il vous plaît.

    4. Anonymous31/1/20 08:20

      I disagree with your comment Vanessa and agree with Cherry Blossom. I usually like reading the comments on the fashion - I find them edifying. However, spiteful comments like Gabriella's are the trash of the internet. People should have manners. I don't mind people having negative opinions if they're based on critical analysis and not malice. Why should we condone the propagation of hate?

    5. To ~d : Your assertion that Vanessa is “getting a reputation for ill-informed comments” clearly is untrue and only reflects what you wish were the case.

    6. Cherry Blossom, I am not a confrontational person, and normally refrain from engaging with you when you lecture contributors whose opinions you dislike — but in this case I have to add my voice to those recommending that you might perhaps benefit from taking your own advice. You are very quick to post highly judgmental responses to and assumptions about others; I even recently saw you write “I guess it is a reflection of their souls” and almost laughed out loud at such a breathtakingly patronizing remark. I once was on the receiving end of an unpleasant scolding from you, and have since seen you dish it out to others time and again. You clearly enjoy feeling that you occupy the moral high ground, but it doesn’t seem to occur to you that your blistering, knee-jerk condemnations do not elevate the blog; in fact they contribute to a negative tone. Good day.

  8. This is a reply to Vanessa: Well said, and courageously said!

    1. Anonymous1/2/20 01:00

      Jane Chantal, you have aligned yourself with Vanessa in the past and that is fine, but I do think in some cases in the past, she has missed the big picture. (I won't mention specifics because we will just go off on another tangent.) Gabriella's comment was unnecessary and mean, and it served no purpose other than to stir the pot. Random, out of context comments unrelated to the fashion we are here to discuss don't need to be made. This wasn't a situation that needed defending. Gabriella made a statement based on gossip and a personal bias against Mary. It is a very different kind of comment than critiquing fashion, hair, makeup and shoes. Rudeness should not be tolerated on any level. Gabriella's comment qualifies as *rude*. Comments on fashion are *opinions* that are based on our own personal ideas of what looks good and we can have healthy debate. We all need to recognize the difference.

    2. To Anonymous 4:00
      I think YOU are missing the big picture here. Neither Jane nor I defended Gabriella´s opinion. But we defended her right to say it, or more precisely, we opposed Cherry´s attempt to take that right from her.
      I don´t even necessarily agree with Gabriella, at least not judging from the photos in this post, but I would never say that anyone´s opinion is "unnecessary". If that´s her opinion, if that´s the impression she gets from the photos, then who are we to judge that that is not right?

    3. Brava Vanessa! I completely agree with you.

  9. Anonymous1/2/20 20:43

    Gabriella made a personal attack. A random comment based on nothing. That has no place on a *fashion* blog. No one is saying our opinions should be stifled, but not all thoughts should be expressed openly on every forum. Some comments here are offensive, off-topic and meant to stir up controversy. More and more, the posts are full of vitriol. It is not a fun place to visit as much as it once was. I fully support open opinions and dialogue when it is about the subject at hand. I cannot support rude, hateful comments made by people that have a personal bias against a person. It creates arguments among the people commenting. It would be better for all concerned if a person just skipped the royals they don't like and go to the next if they can't refrain from being nasty.

  10. Anonymous1/2/20 22:04

    @ Vanessa, Jane Chantal, It looks to me that you have selective reading. Cherry B , called out a comment from a Gabriella that was a character attack towards person that she obviously doesn't know, she didn't insult anybody. Sometimes people need to let others know that there is still decency, and you can criticize an outfit without diminish the person. Maybe if we all start teaching our children that is never OK to be nasty we won't have the horrible bullying, in schools and social media. BTW I agree with the comment that some opinions are a reflection of people's soul, I know that you try to ridicule that opinion, but many do agree.
    Perhaps you both can benefit as well from your own advice.

  11. I appreciate your responses but I think you didn´t read mine properly.
    We are all stating opinions here, even if we don´t put "imo" or "I think" in front of every sentence. There is no point in disputing Gabriella´s comment, because you cannot prove opinions right or wrong. They are all valid, just like yours and mine. Also, for that reason, calling my comments "ill-informed" makes little sense since I´m not discussing or sharing information but my opinion. We don´t need to know someone in person to form an opinion about him/her.

    Many here call for limiting the discussion to fashion only, which I can partly understand that, but defining the topic of discussion has no baring on the range of opinions. You would still find opinions you don´t agree with, and people expressing themselves in ways that you don´t like. And even if it was fashion only in this forum - does that mean only clothing, like in the strict sense of the word? Are hairstyles and cosmetics part of fashion for you? What about accessories and jewellery? Titles, sashes and regalia? What about body language/posture? What about poise and how people interact with others? All of this, and much more, is relevant to royal appearances and can make a huge difference to how royals are perceived and to the representative role they play. I for one welcome a much broader discussion extending to the causes they support and to their function as heads of states and ideally as role models etc., because to me, this is what makes royals relevant in the first place.

    Many of you don´t share my view on this, and that´s fine, but then again that begs the question, why are you saying things that have nothing to do with fashion? Why do you want to ban negative comments, only to then critizise other commenters - as if that wasn`t negative. Likewise, I don´t see the logic in calling others out for alleged "hate", "malice" etc. and insinuate they have no manners, no decency, had a poor upbringing, call other people´s opinions "the trash of the internet" etc. Honestly, I can hardly think of more negative and hateful things to say. If things of that sort don´t classify as a character attack, then I don´t know what does. And do you personally know the people commenting here? No, you don´t. Similarly, to you, others hide behind the keyboard, but what about yourself? Aren´t you writing those very words from your own keyboard, and oftentimes as an anonymous comment no less? Can´t you see how ironic all this is? If you really meant what you write, you´d lead by example.

  12. Anonymous2/2/20 16:38

    Well Vanessa, again you go on,and on. None of the commenters debating you, said anything about this blog not allowing discussions on other topics than fashion. The original comment from Gabriela didn’t alude to Mary’s work or functions, it was just an insult. Since you seem to mix free speech with disrespect,here are my 2 cents, I find you completely “ full of yourself’ . I would have never said this to you, normally, but according to you “that would just be my opinion “I skip your comments because it seems that you love to hear yourself and your rants put me to sleep, not to mention how ridiculous is to talk about something as complicated as character, based on a few pictures, and perhaps some tabloid reporting,

  13. MM - I think it is just polite to reply when someone addresses me. If you think I´m full of myself then I´ll accept that that is your opinion. And that´s fine! With me anyway. (Cherry Blossom might tell you off though, :-)).

  14. Anonymous2/2/20 22:12

    Vanessa, thank you for proving our point. I realize that you are unable to see what you have done, but thank you nonetheless.

  15. I just wonder why nobody cares about "rudeness" and "decency" when many of you write about queen Maxima's hair.... ;)

    1. Anonymous5/2/20 05:43

      @ precipitevolissimevolmente. I am sure that you understand the difference between respectfully critiquing an outfit or a hairdo, or lacktheroff, on a fashion blog, and passing judgement on the character of a person that do not know. just in case see below.
      The dress seems too long, don't like the color--- fashion comment
      The hair needs a good cut and style-- fashion comment
      I don't like high heeled shoes-- fashion comment
      I don't think the style is flattering-- fashion comment

      She is full of herself-- personal attack
      She is too skinny- personal attack
      She is too fat--personal attack
      She looks pregnant-- rude
      And the list goes on... maybe you could practice.

    2. And please, this is not a school and at my age i cannot be anymore your pupil. Just in case you pretend to give lessons... :)

    3. Anonymous7/2/20 07:13

      So... I am not sure you fpget my point....
      And yes, those examples that you cite, are definitely rude, there are better ways to say that her hair looks pretty bad most of the time, but again they don't speak of Maxima's character.....

  16. Ohh.. I understand... And tell me, how do you list comments like "her hair is always greasy and dirty" or "someone should buy her a comb"?? I ll tell you a secret :bad manners are bad manners everywhere, fashion isnt an exception. Have a bath of humbleness sometimes, it may help you reduce the acid ;))

    1. I`m with you precipitevolissimevolmente.
      Some readers here make a huge point about how not to be rude and no attack the royals featured, and then next thing you see is those exact people insulting and attacking their fellow readers.
      If their point is not to be rude, then that should apply to everyone, including themselves, and be applied when talking to anyone, no matter if royal or some random person on the internet.
      I´m always up for a good debate and a genuine exchange of thoughts. But I just can´t with hypocrisy and double standards.

    2. Vanessa, you said the magic word:hipocrisy. And i would add also a good amount of arrogance, sometimes... :) have a nice day!

  17. Anonymous7/2/20 07:09

    Wow Vanessa!! That's rich....


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