Queen Elizabeth and her three heirs came together to prepare Christmas pudding

Four generations of the Royal Family have come together to support The Royal British Legion's 'Together at Christmas' initiative. Queen Elizabeth II, the Legion's Patron, accompanied by The Prince of Wales, The Duke of Cambridge and Prince George, joined forces to prepare special Royal British Legion Christmas puddings at Buckingham Palace. The puddings will become the centrepieces of next year's 'Together at Christmas' get togethers, hosted by the charity.
Queen Elizabeth met with The Prince of Wales, The Duke of Cambridge and Prince George at Buckingham Palace
Queen Elizabeth met with The Prince of Wales, The Duke of Cambridge and Prince George at Buckingham Palace
The events will start in 2020 and be hosted at high street locations, care homes, and other locations across the country. It is hoped that they will provide a sense of community and companionship to help combat the loneliness and isolation experienced by some members of the Armed Forces community over festive periods.
Queen Elizabeth met with The Prince of Wales, The Duke of Cambridge and Prince George at Buckingham Palace
The family stirred four puddings together - which traditionally brings good luck - and each placed commemorative sixpences into the mixture, ready to be found by those attending the get togethers next year. These special puddings will form part of 99 puddings distributed across the Legion’s networks in time for Christmas 2020 get togethers, marking the charity’s 99th year.
Queen Elizabeth met with The Prince of Wales, The Duke of Cambridge and Prince George at Buckingham Palace

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  1. Love, love love.
    Anon 9:13

  2. Very sweet

  3. Looks like George is getting plenty of advice from his elders :-) I think it is admirable that the little prince is being taught that most are not as privileged as he and he will be expected to help those less fortunate, especially military veterans. The Queen looked fabulous in her icy blue dress, her pearls and sapphire brooch.

  4. Omg. They've got crowns in their christmas tree. And dogs! So funny 😅
    Anyways, a monarch and three heirs in one picture is impressive. Little George is cute!

    1. Thank you for pointing out about the crown in the christmas tree. I find it weird.

  5. Four Generations of British Royals. This is great. George is working hard mixing everything together. Love these pics. Merry Christmas to them and all the Posters.

  6. Doubtful that they did a lot of work; but hey, it's shedding light on a good cause. They look like they had a great time, and George got some fun time with a big spoon & mixing bowl. I love his look of being focused on doing his part. Good job and great photos, George in the last one is priceless (wonder what he's thinking). *Rose*

    1. No legacy is so rich as honesty. Mars

  7. The boy is doing all the work

  8. Love this picture ! 4 generations together and doing a great job without any spots on their clothes, not even little George LOL !

    1. its a photo shoot 😅


  9. Moderne tijden, maar altijd The Queen!

  10. I think George is wearing a kilt....I think I see a small part of Clan Campbell-Tartan?...Frieda

  11. Trop concentré, le prince Georges qui est très sérieux dans son dur travail !!

  12. These photos are delightful; they have everything going for them. And the cherry on top is that even while Her Majesty watches George make Christmas pudding, she has her handbag with her 😊.

    1. @3:52pm - And the Queen never seems to use her handbag, unlike Sophia of "The Golden Girls" who carried hers everywhere and also around the house but at least made good use of hers. Gotta love that handbag! *Rose*

  13. This isn't how I dress when cooking

  14. Le sac à main ,déplacé en cette occasion .

    1. Absolument, c'etait ce que je voulais dire - Mais on ne la voit jamais sans son sac

  15. Das ist schon was Besonderes - 4 Generationen auf einem Bild und George ist sowas von liebreizend 💙

  16. Das ist schon was Besonderes - 4 Generationen auf einem Bild und George ist sowas von liebreizend 💙

    1. Da stimme ich Ihnen wieder einmal zu, Hannelore! Das Lächeln der Queen, während sie George beobachtet - herzerwärmend!

  17. Trop concentré, le prince Georges est très sérieux dans son dur travail !!

  18. Sac à mains pour la reine, costumes pour ces messieurs ?!

  19. What a wonderful photo, for several reasons. Mainly, the cause is an important one. Also, just having four generations in one picture is always impressive, no matter who you are. George is adorable. As a footnote, that Christmas tree is hilarious with crowns, LOL.

    1. le monarque et ses 3 héritiers sur la même photo, ça n'a pas du se produire souvent dans l'histoire et je ne parle pas de l'invention de la photographie pas si ancienne mais de la longévité ; sinon la Reine toujours avec son sac à mains "doudou" ; j'ai toujours trouvé cette habitude étrange

    2. Agree with Chel in every detail.


  20. I (even if I'm the only one) think it's an extremely awkward photo shoot. As if the aliens had landed and simulated human behavior. Sorry!

    With aprons and in a kitchen and rolled up sleeves it would be perfect. Without aprons but in white Shirts and in jackets and HMQ even with her handbag, that's not even a good try. The idea itself is good and commendable, but the setting is terrible. Dismiss your advisors or the Head of PR or who ever is responsible for this setting.

    1. @8:00pm - I think a lot of people know deep down that it was mostly for show; but it's still cute. We'll always find fault somewhere with them. At least they had a good time promoting a worthwhile cause. *Rose*

    2. ..mostly for the show..it is. There is a new generation is the message, I guess.

  21. I (even if I'm the only one) think it's an extremely awkward photo shoot. As if the aliens had landed and simulated human behavior. Sorry!

    With aprons and in a kitchen and rolled up sleeves it would be perfect. Without aprons but in white shirts and in jackets and HMQ even with her handbag, that's not even a good try. The idea itself is good and commendable, but the setting is terrible. Dismiss your advisors or the Head of PR or who ever is responsible for this setting.


    1. There may be a misunderstanding here. It used to be traditional - perhaps still is for some families, that every family member give the pudding a stir - then make a wish and add a sixpence. That's what we're seeing here. The wooden spoon is part of the tradition.

      It's not intended as a cooking demonstration - the stir is just for luck. Rather sad that something that used to be the norm is now considered almost alien but few families will make their own puddings these days let alone follow a custom like this.

      The royal family represents traditional customs and values that may seem almost archaic elsewhere - in this case, the pudding is for a lovely cause, representing the many puddings that will be distributed next Christmas.

    2. tout à fait les photos d'Estelle confectionnant des gâteaux avec ses parents dans la cuisine du palais de Haga étaient plus naturelles ; là on n'y croit pas un instant

    3. Julia, thank you for this information!

    4. I disagree - I don't think anyone needs dismissing. It's the symbolism of 4 generations of monarch and future monarchs plus the very British tradition of giving the pudding a stir (as described by Julia). I certainly don't think either the Queen or Charles ever make a Christmas pudding in their real lives so I don't expect them to dress as if it's something they would do. I can see William mucking in in the kitchen and George "helping out" but they are dressed smartly because the photo opportunity to support this lovely initiative was just before the family Christmas lunch.

    5. Ah, that might explain why William arrived to the family lunch with George, and Kate arrived with the other two kids. William and George had to do this with Charles and the Queen first before joining up with the rest of the clan. Thanks for the additional information Julia. We're making our family Christmas pud today and the coins (we put 5 pieces) are parchment wrapped and ready to be mixed with the batter before steaming. Those who were near at hand gave it a stir too.
      Anon 9:13

    6. Lovely, whilst we occasionally buy a pudding to steam, I confess we've never made one from the beginning. How splendid you and your family do. A Happy Christmas to all whatever your traditions may be.

  22. Wishing all four of them a merry Christmas and health and much time together in the next year. The Duke of Edinburgh should of cause also have many chances to take part on those four generations come togethers.

  23. So adorable!! What a fun way to bring attention to a worthwhile cause. The corgis and crowns on the tree are hilarious.

  24. The Queen looks beautiful in her ice blue dress. Love the pearls, her sapphire brooch is divine.

  25. Muy gracioso la reina con su bolso !

  26. One queen and three future kings. Wonderful pics!

  27. I adore Queen Elizabeth and have the upmost admiration and respect for her and I do realize she is very formal. However I think the least she could do is "O-O-H and "A-A-H" over Prince George a little if only for the camera...I still think she is the BOMB!!!


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