Princess Martha Louise's former husband Ari Behn passed away

Ari Behn, the former husband of Norwegian Princess Martha-Louise and the father of her three children, passed away at the age of 47. “Ari Behn was an important part of our family for many years, and we carry warm and good memories of him with us,” the Royal House of Norway said in a statement.
Ari Behn, the former husband of Princess Martha-Louise and the father of her three children, passed away at the age of 47.
After Ari Behn’s death, King Harald and Queen Sonja made the following statement on the King’s website:

    "It is with great sadness the Queen and I have received the message of Ari Behn’s death. Ari has been an important part of our family for many years, and we carry warm, fond memories of him. We are grateful that we got to know him. We grieve that our grandchildren have now lost their beloved father – and have deep compassion for his parents and siblings, who have lost their beloved son and brother. We pray that Ari’s immediate family will be at ease during this painful time."

Meanwhile, Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit made the following statement:

    "For us, Ari was a good friend, a dear family member and an amazing uncle, with whom we shared many of life’s small and big moments. It is with great sadness that we have received the message of his death. We were all very fond of Ari. Our thoughts go especially to Maud, Leah, Emma, Princess Märtha Louise and Ari’s immediate family."
Ari Behn, the former husband of Princess Martha-Louise and the father of her three children, passed away at the age of 47.
Ari Mikael Behn is a Norwegian author and was born on September 30, 1972 in Århus, Denmark. He mostly grew up in Moss, where his parents moved when he was six years old. Ari Behn and Princess Märtha Louise got married at Nidaros Cathedral on May 24, 2002 and broke up in 2016 and divorced in 2017. Ari Behn and Princess Märtha Louise have three daughters: Maud Angelica, Leah Isadora and Emma Tallulah. They share the custody of their children.

This is a terrible and saddening news, and my thoughts and feelings are with his three daughters and the whole family.

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  1. hvil i fred

  2. Truly heartbreaking for both families, keep watch over those amazing girls. You never know what people are dealing with internally😢

  3. Quelle tristesse.
    Paix à son âme.

  4. It is with sadness that i read this. I especially think of his beautiful girls at this time.

  5. So sad and heatbreaking.R.I.P Ari

  6. I was so sorry to hear this news. May his soul rest in peace.
    My deepest condolences to his daughters and his family.

  7. A very sad moment in Norway's history. May their suffering be shortlived.

  8. such heartbreaking news :-( I'm so sorry for the kids and his family :-(
    Poor Ari Behn :-( He wrote a book in 2018 over his struggles with mental health and I'm sorry to hear, that he lost this fight.

    For anybody struggling with things like that:
    Please talk to your family, please see a doctor! You can find help! <3

  9. Sad news my deepest sympathy and prayers to all of them. RIP

  10. Tragic news. Deepest sympathy for his daughters and other members of his immediate family.

  11. Deeply saddened by this tragic news.....may he rest in peace.

  12. 3 Töchter haben ihren Vater verloren - auf sehr tragische Art und Weise !!

  13. No child should hear of a parents death this way, especially not on Christmas. May God give them the strength, to get through this. And the family support should help them too. My prayers are with them. May Ari RIP.

  14. Very sad that Mr Behn couldn't or wouldn't get the help he apparently desperately needed. People who had met him remarked on how kind and considerate he was. *Rose*

  15. Joann -
    My family has experienced this. A niece, only 24, took her life. It left her
    parents shattered and her father has never really recovered from it. A lot goes on when the family tries to help the person - medical intervention, etc. But when nothing seems to be helping, there is a lot of guilt felt by the family. "What didn't we see?" "What could we have done?" Then there is anger. My niece's brothers and sisters turned their grief into anger. "How could she do that to us?" The torment felt by the survivors is endless and their lives are never really the same. This is a terrible blow for those daughters. It's hard enough for the adults to come to terms with it. I can't imagine what is going on in the minds of those girls. I've seen this tragedy close-up and I send my prayers.

  16. What desperately sad news. Thoughts and prayers with his lovely daughters, all his family, Princess Martha Louise and the Norwegian Royal family

  17. Mental illness can strike any one of us. It does not discriminate. It's vicious, ruthless and relentless. This is very sad. Ari must have felt very alone and desolate. Sometimes in there mind the afflicted feel that this is the only way out. A lot suffer in silence. I have watched my daughter fight mental illness for the last 12 years. Sincere condolences to the family and Ari's daughters. RIP Ari, Gods speed with you. xxx

  18. So sad. I feel so bad for everyone especially his girls. Christmas will never be the same for them. It's so awful. Mental health is still something the world needs to work on. If anyone needs help, please know you are loved, there are people who care and there are people you can talk to. - Capt. Marvel

  19. Pensées pour ses trois filles, la maman ayant refait sa vie !

  20. Christmas will never be the same for these three beautiful children. There will always be a sadness around this day.I hope they get all the support they need. My prayers are with them.


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