Princess Benedikte attended the Christmas concert of Copenhagen Girls' Choir at Helligåndskirken

On December 15, 2019, Danish Princess Benedikte attended Copenhagen Girls' Choir's (Sankt Annæ Pigekor) Christmas concert held at Helligåndskirken (Church of the Holy Spirit) in Copenhagen. There was also a Saint Lucia Parade in connection with the concert. Princess Benedikte is the patron of Copenhagen Girls' Choir consisting of 140 students of Saint Anne High School (Sankt Annæ Gymnasium).
Princess Benedikte attended Copenhagen Girls' Choir's (Sankt Annæ Pigekor) Christmas concert held at Helligåndskirken
Princess Benedikte attended Copenhagen Girls' Choir's (Sankt Annæ Pigekor) Christmas concert held at Helligåndskirken
Princess Benedikte attended Copenhagen Girls' Choir's (Sankt Annæ Pigekor) Christmas concert held at Helligåndskirken
Princess Benedikte attended Copenhagen Girls' Choir's (Sankt Annæ Pigekor) Christmas concert held at Helligåndskirken

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  1. Très belle silhouette de la prince Benedikte dans cette robe qui semble ceinturée ; jolie couleur de collants qui change des collants couleur Chair de certaines !!!

  2. Koninklijke Hoogheid: formidabel.
    Het bestaat nog aan de vooravond van 2020!
    Ich verneige mich.

  3. Very elegant,love this dress so is the coat.

  4. Beautiful Benedikte. - Katiebob

  5. I think her fur coat is out of fashion. Is the coat like this still popular in Europe?

    1. I just don't understand a heavy fur coat to keep warm and then have hardly anything on the legs with no boots. But I do realize Benedikte is going from the car right into the church and back out.

    2. I would say that a fur coat is certainly not en vogue anymore and many would never dream about buying one these days, but if you have one hanging in your closet... It does keep you warm in a cold church...

  6. A link furcoat is not done anymore. Seems as if dress has also fur cuffs and colour

  7. Como siempre muy elegante la princesa.

  8. OMG! Quelle silhouette et quelle élégance!

  9. OMG! Quelle silhouette et quelle élégance!

  10. Quelle belle silhouette.. La princesse Benedikte est une très belle femme. Elle allié l'elegange à la discrétion. Sa robe est belle,et lui va merveilleusement. Toujours un plaisir de la voir cette princesse

  11. Love the dress, she looks so elegant and regal.

  12. Royal elegance, as always.


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