King Carl Gustaf hosted Royal Banquet for 2019 Nobel Laureates

On December 11, 2019, King Carl Gustaf of Sweden hosted Royal Banquet dinner for 2019 Nobel Prize Laureates, at Stockholm Royal Palace. The guests were welcomed by members of Swedish Royal family, that is,King Carl Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia and Princess Madeleine at Vita Havet Assembly Rooms. The banquet took place in Karl XI's Gallery. (Princess Madeleine wore a new gown by Swedish designer Ida Sjöstedt.)
Queen Silvia wore a gown by Georg and Arend. Princess Madeleine wore a gown by Ida Sjöstedt. Princess Sofia wore a gown by Ida Lanto
Queen Silvia wore a gown by Georg and Arend. Princess Madeleine wore a gown by Ida Sjöstedt. Princess Sofia wore a gown by Ida Lanto
Queen Silvia wore a gown by Georg and Arend. Princess Madeleine wore a gown by Ida Sjöstedt. Princess Sofia wore a gown by Ida Lanto
Queen Silvia wore a gown by Georg and Arend. Princess Madeleine wore a gown by Ida Sjöstedt. Princess Sofia wore a gown by Ida Lanto
Queen Silvia wore a gown by Georg and Arend. Princess Madeleine wore a gown by Ida Sjöstedt. Princess Sofia wore a gown by Ida Lanto
Queen Silvia wore a gown by Georg and Arend. Princess Madeleine wore a gown by Ida Sjöstedt. Princess Sofia wore a gown by Ida Lanto
Queen Silvia wore a gown by Georg and Arend. Princess Madeleine wore a gown by Ida Sjöstedt. Princess Sofia wore a gown by Ida Lanto
Queen Silvia wore a gown by Georg and Arend. Princess Madeleine wore a gown by Ida Sjöstedt. Princess Sofia wore a gown by Ida Lanto
Queen Silvia wore a gown by Georg and Arend. Princess Madeleine wore a gown by Ida Sjöstedt. Princess Sofia wore a gown by Ida Lanto
Queen Silvia wore a gown by Georg and Arend. Princess Madeleine wore a gown by Ida Sjöstedt. Princess Sofia wore a gown by Ida Lanto
Queen Silvia wore a gown by Georg and Arend. Princess Madeleine wore a gown by Ida Sjöstedt. Princess Sofia wore a gown by Ida Lanto
Queen Silvia wore a gown by Georg and Arend. Princess Madeleine wore a gown by Ida Sjöstedt. Princess Sofia wore a gown by Ida Lanto
Queen Silvia wore a gown by Georg and Arend. Princess Madeleine wore a gown by Ida Sjöstedt. Princess Sofia wore a gown by Ida Lanto
Queen Silvia wore a gown by Georg and Arend. Princess Madeleine wore a gown by Ida Sjöstedt. Princess Sofia wore a gown by Ida Lanto
Queen Silvia wore a gown by Georg and Arend. Princess Madeleine wore a gown by Ida Sjöstedt. Princess Sofia wore a gown by Ida Lanto
Queen Silvia wore a gown by Georg and Arend. Princess Madeleine wore a gown by Ida Sjöstedt. Princess Sofia wore a gown by Ida Lanto
Queen Silvia wore a gown by Georg and Arend. Princess Madeleine wore a gown by Ida Sjöstedt. Princess Sofia wore a gown by Ida Lanto
Queen Silvia wore a gown by Georg and Arend. Princess Madeleine wore a gown by Ida Sjöstedt. Princess Sofia wore a gown by Ida Lanto
Queen Silvia wore a gown by Georg and Arend. Princess Madeleine wore a gown by Ida Sjöstedt. Princess Sofia wore a gown by Ida Lanto

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Don't like Victoria's dress and LOVE everything else!

    1. Agree!
      /Sofia, Sweden

    2. And the Award of the ugliest gowns goes to...
      she is doing it on purpose

    3. Agree! She tried to be original, if not eccentric, but a miss.

  2. Lovely Queen and fairytale Sophia!
    Madeleine: allways good but not really surprising; her sister makes up for that!

  3. CP Victoria has made some odd fashion choices these days. I hate to say that this red dress is even more hideous than her yesterday's gown. And I noticed the absence of Princess Madeleine's husband... were any explanations given?

    1. He is taking care of the kids at home.

    2. Victoria, such a wrong choose!

    3. He's back home in Florida with their children. He's not royal either, so he doesn't have to be there :)

  4. The 2nd day ,again beautiful dresses and jewels. I like the Queens dress and Sofia's and Madeleine's. Victoria's dress has a beautiful color, but the puffiness of the sleeves takes something away.

    1. The Queen is the only ons who really is fantastic. Sorry Victoria, who advised this dress for you ?

  5. Sylvia, Madeline and Sofia look good although not particularly outstanding. Victoria! What on earth was she thinking? This is even worse than the dress she wore yesterday.

    1. I think she was thinking if I am named Victoria I may as well start dressing Victorian. Its absolutely aweful what has got into her lately.

    2. The gowns, dresses, jewelry etc over the last few days have given me great inspiration for the decorations on my Christmas tree. For example, I'm going to have chocolates wrapped in red shiny paper and call them Victorias. I'm still trying to work out where to put the tattoos.

  6. Beautiful Madeleine. Victoria - holeeee [insert word here]!!! Hope a gust of wind doesn't fill those sleeves and launch her skyward. What on earth was she thinking? Did she lose a bet and had to wear a dress that's worse than the one she wore last night? The long bow covering her sash should be a no-no.

    Silvia still looks "off". Sofia's dress isn't up to snuff with Madeleine's; but she looks nice and the high neckline covers her awful tattoo. The dress would look better without the high frouffy collar.


    1. Rose, please remember the Qn is just back from a 5-day trip to India. She must be exhausted, even tough for a younger person.

  7. Princess Sofia's gown is absolutely amazing! Well done.

  8. Princess Sofia's gown is absolutely amazing! Well done.

    1. I have to disagree. It looks like vines are growing up and around her, nearly choking her. Way too dainty and spring-like for a december gown. Can't go with her style at all. G

  9. Good gracious! Hopefully Prince Daniel never lets go of CP Victoria's arm or hand and keeps her well grounded. If not, she might go up in the air like a balloon. - The Queen is winner again for me. Princesses Madeleine and Sofia: floral overload, without any sophistication or whatever could make a dress with flowers to be a fascinating evening gown. Madeleine is beautiful, a goddess - but not because of her dress. Sofias messy strands of hair: they don't get better through repeating this non-style. Messy hair is somewhat like most uneven hemlines, an annoying disturbance :-) (Ann.)

  10. I love Q. Silvia’s gown - both colour and fit are wonderful. P. Madeleine and P. Sofia look beautiful in their flowery, feminine attire. Now on to CP Victoria. I’m completely befuddled by this dress - the enormous sleeves, the large bow at the neck - I think it’s dreadful. I hope some of the posters see some merit in this dress because to me it’s a total fail, aside from its wonderful colour. (V.M.)

  11. Well, although it's difficult not to see the long bow and the enormous sleeves, I'll try to say something positive: red flatters C.P. Victoria and the jewels are stunning.

  12. Okay, I get it, Victoria is not just a princess, she is the future queen, therefore she has to step up when it comes to representative gala events....but as hard she tried yesterday and today, like this it does not work. She needs help. But I get it, there are not many stylists around to style a future queen.....I hope she finds the one.

    The other ladies played safe. Sylvia - sleek gown in royal blue. Sofia - no risk, going for a young flowery gown, freshened up with a casual hairstyle, in three or four years this won't work anymore ;-)) Madeleine - the typical fairytale princess, but in my opinion she somehow gets too old for this look. In one or two years this look will look like trying too much.

    1. Ich habe weiter oben (oder unten?) gelesen, daß Victoria mit diesem Kleid wohl an ein kürzlich verstorbenes Mitglied der Akademie (?) erinnern möchte und das finde ich dann wieder sooo zauberhaft (und typisch!!) von ihr, daß unter diesem Gesichtspunkt das Kleid nur noch eine mittelgroße Katastrophe ist.
      Trotzdem sollten Puffärmel für Menschen, die älter als 5 oder 6 Jahre alt sind, modepolizeilich verboten werden.

      Bei Sofias Anblick kam mir spontan die Überlegung, wie lange sie wohl in dem großen Schloß in Stockholm suchen werden müssen, bis sie den Raum gefunden haben, in dem die Gnädigste die Gardine vom Fenster gerissen hat...
      An ihr merkt man einfach deutlich, daß man Stilbewußtsein und ein gewisses Auftreten nicht lernen kann, sie wird niemals verleugnen können, wo und wie sie aufgewachsen ist.
      (Maxima als Politiker-Tochter und Mary aus dem Professorenhaushalt haben von jeher eine ganz andere "natürlichere Würde", sie spielen in einer Liga, die Sofia nie erreichen wird.)

      Die Königin hat, glaube ich, modisch noch nie enttäuscht, auch zu diesem Anlaß nicht und ihr Herzkönig erinnert mich fatalerweise immer mehr an Freddie Frinton in seiner Paraderolle.

      Madeleines Schönheit ist einfach unvergleichlich und atemberaubend.
      Aber ja, so allmählich ist sie aus den Feenkleidern "rausgealtert".
      Wobei ich eher vermute, daß diese Robe eine Reminiszenz an ihren Vater war, der sich ja extrem schwer damit getan hat, sie erst in die USA und dann auch noch ihre Kinder aus der königlichen Familie zu entlassen.
      Man hat ja bei den "Childhood Foundation" -Feierlichkeiten letzte Woche schon gesehen, daß Madeleine längst einen anderen, erwachseneren Kleidungsstil hat und je seltener sie in Schweden auftaucht, desto seltener werden auch ihre Märchenprinzessin-Outfits werden und in ein paar Jahren hat sich dann auch der König dran gewöhnt, daß sogar seine Jüngste nicht mehr Papis kleines Mädchen ist und sein will.
      Es würde mich außerordentlich wundern, wenn Madeleine künftig noch öfter als zum 14. Juli und den Nobelpreis-Feierlichkeiten in der Öffentlichkeit zu sehen sein würde.

    2. I think Beth is right. Additional Madeleine' and Sofia both wore a 3D-flower fairytail dress. Victoria stuns out, but her dress is too much. The difference in colour (Victoria red - Madeleine and Sofia blush pink) or the difference in style (V with a haevy fabric - M and S in flattering fairytail dresses) would have been enough. But this was too much of all.

    3. Nanni, da möchte ich Ihnen jetzt aber schon etwas entgegensetzen. Jeder Mensch, überall auf der Welt, hat eine "natürliche Würde". Jeder.
      Es gibt nichts, was Sofia "verleugnen" müsste. Und woher wollen Sie wissen, was die junge Frau noch erreichen wird?
      Ich habe das große Glück, für die IT-Branche arbeiten zu dürfen. Sie wären überrascht, wenn Sie wüssten, in "welchen Verhältnissen" viele meiner hochbegabten Kollegen und Kolleginnen aufgewachsen sind.
      Nanni, sprechen Sie bitte keinem Menschen sein Potenzial und seine Würde ab!

    4. @ Nanni
      Such spiteful comments expose the author only.

    5. Liebe Coralie,

      ich habe irgendwie diese Woche kein gutes Händchen für meine Wortwahl hier, vielleicht sollte ich einfach mal ein paar Tage auf meinen Fingern sitzen und hier nicht posten, bevor ich dauernd Blödsinn von mir gebe....

      Sehen Sie's mir bitte (schon wieder) nach, ich stehe unter sehr starken Schmerzmitteln, das vernebelt anscheinend mein Sprachvermögen derzeit.

      Nein, Sofia soll und muß gar nichts verleugnen.
      Was ich meinte, ist eher .... Mensch, ich bekomme es einfach nicht formuliert ..... eventuell geht es über ein Beispiel:
      Ist Ihnen einmal Sofias Handhaltung, wenn sie am Arm eines Mannes defiliert, aufgefallen ?
      Schauen Sie sich doch bitte einmal auf den Bildern oben an, wie die Königin und die Kronprinzessin ihre Hände jeweils auf die Unterarme ihrer Männer gelegt haben - und dann vergleichen Sie das Bild vom Prinzenpaar damit: Sofias Hand baumelt wie ein toter Fisch über dem Arm von Carl Philip.
      Sehen Sie den Unterschied in der Körpersprache ?

      Wahrscheinlich formuliere ich es jetzt wieder mißverständlich, entschuldigen Sie bitte.

      MEINEM Empfinden nach ( und das muß keinesfalls mit dem Empfinden von Ihnen oder anderen Leserinnen hier übereinstimmen) sehen wir hier zwei Paare mit gleichberechtigten Partnern, die einander auf Augenhöhe begegnen, die sich beim jeweiligen Ehepartner "emotional anlehnen" und dennoch alle vier eigenständige Persönlichkeiten sind - und wir sehen Carl Philip, dem halt "irgendwas" (ausdrücklich nicht so böse gemeint, wie es möglicherweise rüberkommen könnte)am Arm hängt.
      Vielleicht der Henkel einer Herrenhandtasche oder die Leine seines Hündchens - nein, Überraschung, es ist die Hand seiner Ehefrau !!!

      Ist es jetzt klarer geworden, was ich meine ?

      Es ging mir nicht darum, ihre Herkunft irgendwie schlechtzureden, aber auf mich wirkt sie nicht, als könne sie den Menschen um sich herum auf Augenhöhe begegnen.
      Sie hat nicht die Persönlichkeit, um für sich alleine zu stehen, sie ist auf diesen Bildern "die Ehefrau von... " .
      Und das meine ich mit fehlender "natürlicher Würde" , dieses "nicht aus sich selbst heraus etwas darstellen ", sondern eben quasi über einen bestimmten Aspekt ihres Lebens definiert zu sein/sich selber zu definieren.

      Ganz ehrlich: Wie viele Jahre ist sie jetzt mit Carl Philip liiert ? Und hat es in dieser Zeit NICHT geschafft, sich wenigstens so viel weiterzuentwickeln, daß ihr bewußt ist, welch unglückliche Körpersprache sie zeigt, wenn sie da wie ein Sack Mehl am Arm ihres Mannes hängt ?
      Liebe Coralie - sehen Sie DA dann ernsthaft noch Potential bei ihr ??

      Wie auch immer: Ich fürchte, unser Dialog hier sprengt gerade dann doch den Umfang dessen, was hier auf dieser modeorientierten hp eigentlich gewünscht ist und ich entschuldige mich bei allen unbeteiligten Leserinnen dafür.
      In den kommenden Wochen werde ich mich hier zurückhalten, bis ich mich wieder nachvollziehbarer artikulieren kann.

      (Ich habe übrigens bei Madeleines Kleid an Sie gedacht, liebe Coralie - ob so etwas in der Art wohl etwas für Ihre Silvesterparty wäre ? )

      Ihnen Allen hier frohe, erholsame Feiertage und ein glückliches und gesundes Neues Jahr 2020 !

    6. Liebe Nanni, jetzt wird deutlicher, was Sie meinen - und vor allem, was Sie NICHT meinen. Ich kenne mich da nicht so genau aus, aber hat nicht Sofia in den USA einiges an Bildung nachgeholt? (Das weiß ich aber nicht genau.) Danke für Ihren Tipp mit Madeleines Kleid! So etwas würde mir persönlich super gut gefallen, aber dann sagen wieder alle "Coco, zieh dich nicht immer so mädchenhaft an, du bist eh so ein mädchenhafter Typ..." also habe ich mir jetzt ein "Kleines Schwarzes" bestellt. Bisschen langweilig, oder? Aber ich bin spät dran, und ich dachte, Schwarz geht immer...
      Ich wünsche Ihnen, Nanni, gute Genesung. Es tut mir sehr leid, zu lesen, dass Sie Schmerzmittel einnehmen müssen. Ihnen ebenfalls ein gutes Neues!

    7. @ Nanni
      This simple view of life just doesn’t work anymore. Sofie does a lot for charity, usually without her husband and she‘s well connected. And she does a good job, whatever one thinks of charity. She doesn‘t put herself in the limelight and doesn‘t damage the reputation of the royal house , like a couple recently did in GB. It‘s all a question of character and intelligence, not of origin.

    8. @Nanni, Sie urteilen über Sofia einzig auf Grund ihrer Herkunft (und vielleicht spielen auch noch Tattoos und Halbnackfotos aus ihrem Vorleben mit hinein) und sprechen ihr jegliches Potential ab, sich auf dem königlichen Parkett zu bewähren, als wäre das eine Aufgabe, die nur Adelige oder Professorentöchter bewältigen könnten. Die Hand, die angeblich wie ein toter Fisch über dem Arm ihres Mannes hängt - ich glaube, dieses Bild ist nur entstanden, weil Ihr Bild über Sofia fertig vorgeprägt ist durch ihren Hintergrund. Das ist Kastendenken ... eine Denkweise, von der ich dachte, sie sei wirklich ausgestorben in unseren Breitengraden. (Ann.)

    9. Liebe Nanni,
      Sie sprechen mir mit Ihrer Erklärung (die ich übrigens schon beim 1. Mal verstanden habe) aus der Seele. YOu can*t buy class. Und so ist es mit Sofia. Das mit dem "am Arm ihres Mannes hängen", habe ich schon vor Jahren in einer Community erwähnt oder auch, wie hoch und einfach unangebracht sie ihr langes Kleid anhob, als sie Treppen herabsteigt. Bei Victoria und Madeleine geht das "so nebenbei". Tja, Kleid von Sofia war sehr hübsch, aber nicht an ihr. GsD war damit ABER auch das schreckliche Tattoo verdeckt. Meine Meinung, Frieda

    10. @Nanni, um Himmels Willen, kurieren Sie sich aus und arbeiten Sie an Ihrer Herzensbildung.!
      @Monty: Absolutely! Thank you!

    11. Liebe Nanni, gute Betterung! Ich habe auch Schmerzen. Ich denke, es konnte immer schlimmer sein!

    12. Dear Nanni, Monty and others, I had my misgivings regarding Sofia early on but now I must say in all fairness, she is doing a good job. Her dress looks like a curtain? That is going too far. The dress is delicate, flowery and somewhat Edwardian and I think she looks lovely. She lacks dignity? I have never noticed anything like that. I totally agree that Sofia is not attention-seeking and more importantly, she does NOT embarrass the crown. However, the tattoo is simply awful and can be removed, as far as I know.....

    13. Some people here just won't ever like her. They are opinionated and unrealistic. Princess Sofia has not put a foot wrong since she married Carl Philip. She is quiet and does her job. Seems to get along with everyone. She and Carl Philip both have done everything the King has asked them to and have done it at his discretion. They have found the causes that they wish to build a platform, speak and educate on and have worked on those causes through their foundation as well as private and public visits. They have two wonderful children and seem truly happy together. Her past is her past. She can't change it. She obviously doesn't want to get rid of her tattoo. I think her royal family loves her for who she is. We don't know her. But she seems pleasant and approachable. Times are changing. Everyone in normal society and even some people in royal houses have a past. Affairs, fraud, using their positions to gain money and power that they shouldn't have, etc. She is not the worst there is in the royal houses. Blood royal or not. By a long shot. Jennifer

    14. You really would think no one has ever seen a tattoo. I personally don't have any. But my cousins and husband do. And that group right there includes teachers, a lawyer, a CPA, a vet tech, and an administrative assistant. It is a matter of personal taste and does not indicate your class---IN ANY WAY. Probably some royals have them. Maybe being royal their whole lives, they knew to hide them. You never know. But I don't think Sofia knew she would end up a princess. I mean really. Of all the immature, judgmental, and unintelligent things to say. If you don't like it, fine. Your choice. But other people don't mind them. They are symbols and artistic expressions for things, events, and people that they don't want to forget. They have to deal with them and look at them everyday. Not you. Most people forget they are even there every minute of every day. It may not look good to you, but it isn't you. And some can not be removed without scarring or some fading anyway. Which would look worse. I think it depends on the ink used and how good the application process was. So please, tell us you hate them once and move on. Leah

    15. Well said Jennifer. You are absolutely right. Some tattoos do not get removed well. Fading and/or scarring. They are supposed to be permanent. Can also be painful and very expensive. Milly

    16. If the world was blind how many people would you impress ?


  13. Bien jolies Silvia, Madeleine et Sofia mais Victoria n'est pas flattée par cette robe rouge qui est pire que la robe portée hier ; de plus, avec une pochette et escarpins de couleur rose ??!! Carl Philip est à gauche d'une dame dont j'aime beaucoup l'imprimé fleuri rouge ; dommage de ne pas voir si elle porte un corsage ou une robe !!

  14. Madeleine looks utterly ravishing here, totally dreamy -- and steals the show, afaic.

    I love the luscious pastels hues of Sofia's gown, but darn, it just has too many flowers on it :-( .

    Victoria's gown simply astonished me. It makes no sense at all, either for the occasion or for Victoria. The high, fussy neck and gigantic leg-o'-mutton sleeves could only work as part of a costume for a Gilded Age theme party -- but not with those huge bow-ends hanging down past the waist, and not in screaming red. This is a really serious fail, all the more puzzling because Victoria has, on numerous past occasions, looked beautiful in magnificent, tasteful evening gowns.

  15. CP Victorias dress is likely an homage to the late Sara Danius.

    Sara was a former member of the Swedish Academy whom passed away recently. Some of you might remember her from last years Nobel when she wore a very.. hmm.. eye catching dress in bright pink and orange. The bow was Saras signature look and I would dare to say that it is most probably the same designer that has made CP Victorias dress for this event that made Saras nobel dresses. (Pär Engsheden)

    Personally, having followed the story around Sara, the Swedish Academy and the cancellation of the literature prize closely, I applaud CP Victorias dress (and shoes! Notice the pink shoes ��), it is a great choice for this evening, honouring Sara without drawing attention from the big event yesterday.

    Nicely Done !

    1. That may well be, but I wish Victoria would be guided by what looks good on her and not by sending some sort of message through her clothes. She seems to actively promote Swedish designs (even when they don't look good); she is especially tied to H&M collections so you'd think she's modelling for them; she often takes diplomatic dressing quite literally; she seems very politically correct by supporting immigrant designers; she is big on symbolic details and styles like this Sara Danius bow thing, etc. Well I don't mind symbolic gestures, but her first and foremost task is to represent Sweden, and she won't do well looking either try-hard edgy, or ridiculously frumpy.

    2. Anna, thank you for providing the probable explanation for Victoria’s surprising outfit — at least I’m no longer at a complete loss to understand it! I have to agree with anonymous at 4:39 AM, though, that Victoria represents Sweden and not just her personal feelings or views; when she dresses in a bizarre or unattractive way, she is not representing herself, or Sweden, helpfully.

    3. Thank you for that info, Anna, on Sara Danius - now Victoria's dress makes sense. I do love the pink shoes. I can now find some love for the big sleeves and the bow! - Katiebob

    4. According to information in Swedish media the principal owner of H&M is a friend of Victoria's.

    5. "Politically correct by supporting immigrant designers". Just wow.

  16. Lovely Madeleine! She looked gorgeous yesterday and tonight as well, she is such a beauty with excellent taste. Sofia looks good as well although I don’t like the high neck of her dress. comment. The Queen looks nice as always, nothing special this time.

  17. Love the romantic qualities of Sofia and madeleine’s gowns. They looked stunning. Victoria—no. Just no. Solo is looked smashing in blue!!

  18. I agree, Victoria’s dress has too much puffiness going on and the sleeves are too long. Madeleine and Silvia are perfect - they are at their best!! Sofia’s dress, it’s okay but I am not a fan of high collar.

  19. Love both Madeline and Sofia's dresses. They look gorgeous!! Love the amethysts with Sofia's gown and Madeline's pearls are pretty too. Queen Silvia looks good also. Victoria--I just don't really quite know what to say. jenny

  20. Victoria's dress was bad enough, but pink shoes... reallY...Who in the world is helping her choose the gowns she is going to wear.

  21. I like Queen Silvia's sleek blue gown, even with the bow on the shoulder. Happy to see her wearing the gorgeous Connaught tiara. I note that a portrait of Princess Margaret of Connaught, wearing the tiara, is the background of the first photo. Her necklace, earrings and brooch are spectacular as well. My jaw dropped when I saw Princess Victoria's red gown with the pussy bow and those billowing sleeves! I almost feel sorry for her. Again Princess Sofia frames her face with wisps of falling hair. I like the color of her gown and the basic style is pretty, but the profusion of appliqued flowers is a bit much. Princess Madeleine's hair is styled well. I like the simple short sleeves of her gown and the bodice is fitted perfectly. Less flowers would have been better, I think. Her fringe tiara and pearl drop earrings are very pretty.

  22. Königin Silvia trägt aus meiner Sicht die schönste Abendrobe. Die ihrer Töchter und Schwiegertochter gefallen mir weniger gut. Bei Madeleines Kleid gefällt mir der obere Teil nicht und bei Victoria eigentlich gar nichts-bis auf die Farbe.

  23. oooook, let's start..

    the queen: wonderful, great dress colour, lovely tiara, perfect style.

    Victoria: beautiful woman as always, but again.. what happened to her fabulous style? This dress is.. I'm sorry, I can't find a nice word for it.. The combination of pink shoes and bag don't fit the red dress. the red colour of the dress is nice. The dress itself is not nice, wth about this sleeves?? Please Victoria, find back to your normal wonderful style..

    Sofia: I like some things on this dress, especially the fabric, but the neckline ruines it imho. Her Tiara is today with diamonds again as far as I can see, that's nice.

    Madeleine: just perfect. Very lovely dress, really great! Perfect from head to toe! Best styling that occasion.

    1. Victoria had a "fabulous style"? seriously AnnaB? maybe years ago. But
      she's gone from bad to worse. Madeleine and Sofia look very nice if a tad too juvenile. The queen looks great.

    2. Victoria, who seems an admirable woman in every way but many of her recent clothing choices, did indeed exhibit excellent style until a couple of months after Oscar's birth. Her pre-summer 2016 clothing with its simple lines was usually elegant. Search the Web and take a look at how gorgeous she looked at the concert the night before her wedding, at her own wedding or at Madeleine's wedding. Victoria has a lovely figure and her enthusiasm and warmth can make her look just beautiful.
      Sometimes she still looks wonderful, as at the 2016 Nobel ceremony, at Prince Gabriel's christening and in hiking gear. I wish she'd get a new stylist. Estelle's clothing is always charming, appropriate and comfortable looking. Maybe Victoria could draft whoever helps find Estelle's clothes, or if Victoria chooses Estelle's wardrobe herself, perhaps she could follow her own instincts instead of those of whoever is putting her in these often dreadful garments. This fussy red gown is wearing her.

    3. Yes Ninius, I'm still fine with a lot of Victorias stylings. Not with all, but there are still very, very nice styles with nice clothes. Some of them I would love to own :-)

  24. What´s wrong, Victoria? This dress is horrible. And if exaggerated puffy sleeves, cuffs up to your elbows, strangling neckline and massive pussybow weren´t bad enough already, the pink shoes + purse with the red gown are sure to make it worse. I am hugely disappointed. Time to let go of that "stylist".

    I like Silvia´s blue gown, it´s pleasantly simple, has a very flattering silhouette and fits her well. I think she needs better undergarments but still looks very beautiful.

    Sofia and Madeleine had the same idea going on here, and I like it though I think that Madeleine´s take is more successful. Her neckline isn´t as high, and her flower appliqué more beautifully done. I´m a bit tired of the netting effect but still appreciate the classic approach to a festive gown with a bit of a romantic touch.
    Both tiaras look gorgeous, but both hairstyles are sloppy. Sofia´s in particular is unpleasing to the eye.

  25. I mean, what else can one add? It’s just self evident, really. Maybe we can discuss which one of Victoria’s dresses we like the least. I still the one she wore the first night was terrible, but this red number is even worse.

    The Queen looked better in the first dress. The electric blue is nice, but this one doesn’t fit that well.

    Madeleine looks better in this flowery number. The fuchsia one was too much of a Prom dress. She is such a beautiful young lady.

    I don’t like Sophia’s dress, but at least it covers her tattoo. Hair is equally disastrous. She’s getting close to becoming another Maxima.

    Lily A

  26. Victoria looks striking and very christmassy. Sylvia's colour is a bit sharp;the dress is nice though. The two girls; Madeleine and Sofia; dresses are quite sheer; I like the detail on both.The tiaras look soft and nice.

  27. Joann-
    Victoria - No, dear. wrong choice. But as I said in an earlier post, I think she realizes her future position as the reigning monarch will discourage forging an identity through fashion. But I think she could achieve that without wearing those horrible sleeves. As for Madeleine, I think she looked great. Loved her gown. Everything perfect. No giant earrings to detract from her looks. And I don't like giant earrings with a tiara. Too much bling around the face. Unless you are one of those women who want to draw attention from your face. And Madeleine with her beauty, is not one of those women. Now on to Sofia. The dress was too much. Too many flowers or decals, or whatever they are. It looked too "costumey." She has a nice figure and can carry off this dress, but, unfortunately, the dress wore her. As the famous designer Coco Chanel once said, " You must wear the dress, the dress should not wear you." And I don't like her hair. I know it's the latest trend, but some trends are just plain sloppy, in my view. The Queen looked fine. She looked like a Queen and she seemed to go for a more understated look. Overall, I like the way the Swedish women turn out for these occasions. They all really look nice, but we posters can't help ourselves by critiquing their choices.

  28. Sofia wins it here. Just love that dress. And the jewelry. Tiara. Earrings. Thst is all she needs with the neckline being high and the flowers need to stand out. Madeline is next. Liked her dress also. Kind of bland next to the detail and more use of color of Sofia’s. Victoria. Sigh. Pink accessories with a red dress. Sleeves. I don’t know. Just not her best look. I don’t care who she is honoring. Just not good. Silvia looks good in her blue dress and jewels. Amber

  29. The Queen looks stunning in that shade of blue -- very majestic! Sofia and Medeleine's gowns are very similiar and have that marvelous whimsical touch; they both wear the gowns well - perfectly fitted. Unfortunately Princess Victoria should not have been let out of her room looking like that. What was she thinking? Even the shoes don't match. Such a poor choice.

  30. Victoria's dress is...well, you know... But it would be GORGEOUS if the dress got rid of the big bow, kept the same silhouette and just had the tiniest of puffed sleeves on top (which is quite trendy atm). It would look so good with that same tiara as well. How would you guys make this dress better?

    1. Hi Anon 4:53 Trendy or not - I would get rid of 3/4 of the massive sleeve width, ditch the bow, cut the high collar into a boat neck. Not a fan of Jerry Seinfeld's puffy sleeves. And I quite like Victoria in the Connaught tiara with a looser updo/knot. That's my two cents.

      Victoria, if you're reading this - we all pretty much hate this dress that you chose - it's more appalling than yesterday's. Who told you to wear either of them?


    2. First of all Its a given that Crown Princess Victoria's gown is off the wall, Having said that if everyone wore ultra conservvative gowns this world would be a boring place to live in. Victoria has a larger than life persona and to me it makes her look unique...I'm sure I will get a lot of feed back but she balances her looks off when she wears simpler gowns also. I think she is truly unique and what matters most is if she is happy!!!

  31. The Queen, lovely shade of blue, dress rather dated with the big bow on the shoulder. CP Victoria, each to his own, but this dress was as bad or worse than the one last night. I also think the tiara is not one of the ones that accents your beauty. Princess M: You are beautiful, the dress was pretty, but as you age, this look will not hold up. Sophia: Again with the messy hair. It's not a good look, it hides the beautiful earrings. The dress has way too many flowers to be elegant.

  32. The Queen looks superb, less is best. She looks so elegant and all class. The colour of her gown is beautiful, love her jewels, perfect choice. I love what Madeleine is wearing. Extremely feminine and very pretty. Sofia unfortunately this is a miss for me. Too much going on. The idea was there. Her jewels looked stunning. CP Victoria, I am lost for words.

  33. I do really not get Victoria's 1880's and 1980's vibes...

  34. Victoria’s gown has an 1800s vibe and I dig it! She knows what’s in fashion and she’s embracing it and I think it’s fabulous. Everyone looks outstanding!

  35. Any guesses on Sophia’s lipstick? I want that color!

  36. MADELEINE looks simply divine in this romantic dress with floral appliation. Love everything about this look. Dress, fit, hair, makeup, posture, smile. So glad she could attend this year. She delivered on both nights.
    SOFIA is close second. Like her dress but I liked Madeleine's gown better. And again the same tiara (with some alternations though). I wish she would try other hairstyles than this central parting and hanging hair that nearly hide her beautiful earrings.
    SILVIA's dress has beautiful color. Simple and elegant style looks good on her.
    VICTORIA. I don't even want to comment on her ugly dress. What was she thinking???? Such a big dissapointment, and on both nights! If she wanted to draw attention to herself, she succeeded. Unfortunately she stood out in a ugly way.

  37. I am quite taken by CP Victorias hommage to Sara Danius. Very regal indeed. Sofia and Madeleine looks like the princess-fantasy of a small child and perhaps not as much as women in their mid-30: s, mothers of severtal Children each and members of a real Royal family. I am not sure if I think that the two flowery princesses have chosen a look that is really regal. Queen Silvia is incredibly stylish and elegant.


  38. OH Victoria, dieses Kleid ist in meinen Augen die falsche Wahl. Sie ist zwar Kornprinzessin und mit ihren guten 1,70 m selbst nicht klein, aber diese riesigen Bauscheärmel und die Schluppenschleife am Hals, das ist zuviel des Guten. Ich bin leider auch kein Fan von Pink zu Rot, auch da muss ich sagen, weniger wäre mehr...
    Sie hatte wohl diesmal keine gute Beratung, auch das schwarz weiße Kleid hat mir nicht gefallen - viel zu viel Gebausche....

    Madeleine und Sofia - ihre Roben sind wundervoll, eine wie die andere.

    Königin Silvia bezaubert in einem schlichten royalblauen Kleid, zurückhaltend und doch königlich.


  39. All ladies look beautiful … I don‘t like the bulky sleeves of Victoria‘s dress but this special red suits her. And Queen Silvia looks sensational for her age.

  40. I love Madeline'a dress. Victoria, I just don't know. She's been making bad fashion choices lately

  41. Well, I'll say it, I actually like CP Victoria's dress. The color is gorgeous. As the CP, it isn't her style to wear frilly styles like Sophia and Madeleine (but they are gorgeous). This is a more streamlined look, like her mother, with exception of the sleeves. The sleeves give it a little kick of fashion, which she needs, as she is still young. With her style being in the conservative tone most of the time, and her hairstyle being always worn up, adding a little interest to a basic silhouette is good.
    Sylvia looks marvelous, always classy.
    And as I stated before, Sophia and Madeleine look gorgeous in their fairytale gowns, they do this style well.

    1. You find Victoria’s dress less frilly? I suppose one can define ‘frilly’ in more than one way. All considered, she isn’t looking good in this cut.


  42. Madeleine looks absolutely gorgeous. Love her dress, hair, makeup, tiara and her sweet smile. My favorite on both nights.
    Sofia and Silvia looked very lovely too.
    Victoria, eh, another messy miss!

  43. Probably I'm the only one, but for me the best look is Sofia, I love that dress specially the sleeves, I would just like to see her with a different tiara.
    Madeleine also looks good, I also like her dress and love the jewelry she chosed.
    The Queen also looks fantastic but for me Victoria made a bad dress choice, except the color that fits her very well.

    1. You are not the only one. Princess Sofia for the win. She looked wonderful. Victoria-no. Madeline and the queen were fine.

    2. Totally agree!!!

  44. Liebe Victoria, zuerst die Medicis und nun der edwardianische Stil. Was kommt als nächstes?

  45. Maybe Victoria id pregnant because her dresses are too big.

    1. Would be surprised if that is the case, but it would be wonderful.

  46. I think I like Silvia's dress the best but I do wish she would wear a bra that gave "the girls" better support. I know when you get older everything starts going south (believe me, I know, lol) but that doesn't mean you have to give in to it - or to even have surgery. Just wear a better/more supportive bra. :-)


  47. Madeleine schaut einfach bezaubernd aus !!

  48. Oh dear! Victoria goes from bad to worse. Don't like the neckline on the princesses dresses, but otherwise their dresses look fine. So does Silvia, but V..big big NO!

  49. CP Victoria I..just...don't understand. P Sofia and P Madeleine their dresses are similar but I like them. They look stunning!

  50. Silvia looks best again. Classic style!
    Madeleine is lovely and elegant, as always.
    Sofia - as a swede I'm glad she covered her tatoo. She is pretty in the dress, and this is the best way to wear her hair. Her forehead will be too big otherwise,in relation to her small face.
    Victoria - yes, a homage to Sara Danius, but would be so nice if she could cool down, relax a bit. She seems so eager to have a BIG majestic image so the dresses are getting more and more teatrical...

  51. Sofia needs a new hair stylist!


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