Crown Princess Victoria, Daniel and Oscar received 2019 Christmas trees

On December 18, 2019, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel and Prince Oscar received Christmas trees from forestry programme students from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences has presented Christmas trees to the Royal Palace of Stockholm since the late 1960s. This year, five Nordmann firs were presented. The Nordmann fir is commonly known as "the King's fir" in Sweden because of this tradition.
Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel and Prince Oscar received Christmas trees. Victoria wore a red skirt and jacket
Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel and Prince Oscar received Christmas trees. Victoria wore a red skirt and jacket
Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel and Prince Oscar received Christmas trees. Victoria wore a red skirt and jacket
Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel and Prince Oscar received Christmas trees. Victoria wore a red skirt and jacket
Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel and Prince Oscar received Christmas trees. Victoria wore a red skirt and jacket
Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel and Prince Oscar received Christmas trees. Victoria wore a red skirt and jacket
Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel and Prince Oscar received Christmas trees. Victoria wore a red skirt and jacket
Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel and Prince Oscar received Christmas trees. Victoria wore a red skirt and jacket
Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel and Prince Oscar received Christmas trees. Victoria wore a red skirt and jacket

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  1. Victoria looks wonderful. And little Oscar is such a cutie! What a pity that Estelle is not there.

  2. Victoria is beautiful in this Christmas red suit. Prince Daniel and Prince Oscar look very handsome too. Sweet photos of Prince Oscar.

  3. Wow. Victoria looks spectacular, so Christmas-y and beautifully put together from head to toe. And father and son look pretty awesome too 🙂. Lovely, lovely pictures.

  4. Replies
    1. and WOW from me also. Very happy Christmas to the Swedish Royal Family.

  5. These photographs are so charming you can't help to smile while looking at them. Victoria looks perfectly festive in red and Oscar is adorable. Love seeing him being so interactive and laughing and smiling so much. Happy Christmas to them all.
    Anon 9:13

    1. I wonder if we will get one of their little family videos this year. Those are always such a treat. I think my favorite was when they were in the little house baking bread (or something in the oven) and Victoria was still pregnant with Oscar. That video was so charming and sweet.


    2. Me too, Europa. I love those little Christmas videos and I'm hoping we will get one from them this year. I loved last years, and also the Danish CP family did a lovely one last year too. I remember Prince Vincent running off with the cookie cutter. This year the Danes did a video of decorating the trees in the stables. I'm still crossing my fingers that we will get one from the Swedish CP family. I'd also love to see one from the Cambridges, since their children are around the same ages but I don't think they've ever done one yet, just photos which are also very cute.
      Anon 9:13

  6. Oscar found his smile, gorgeous!!
    Nice red outfit, very christmasy!

  7. Zu niedlich und Vics Ensemble ist wunderschön!

  8. Nice pics, so just nice words, perfect

  9. Adorable. The last picture of Oscar carrying the tree so cute. I like Victoria's red suit with the black accessories. Red is a great color on her.


  10. Proud little Oscar … sweet :)

  11. Great look for the CPss. Always loved this outfit. She looks great in red. It seems Prince Oscar has lost a little of his shyness, he has a very nice smile. I think he secured his little tree.

  12. Belles photos.. On a plaisir à voir Oscar qui est devenu très souriant ; la présence d'Estelle me manque !!!

  13. Was für ein herziger kleiner Kerl !!

  14. This really is A very good Classic look on Victoria!
    Nice, happy, merry pictures of them all.

  15. Victoria looks stunning! This color and cut is beyond fabulous.

  16. CP Victoria's red suit is divine, the colour suits her well. The fit and flow of this outfit is spot on.

  17. Ein sehr weihnachtlich anmutendes Outfit der Kronprinzessin, gefällt mir sehr gut. Diese knallige rote Farbe mag ich gerne! Ja, die beiden Männer ;-) schauen auch gut aus.

  18. Cute Oscar!
    Victoria's outfit is very lovely :-)


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