Today, The Principality of Monaco celebrates Monaco’s National Day 2019 or “la FĂŞte du Prince". This day is also known as Sovereign Prince Day. Celebrations of Monaco's National Day started with a Te Deum service held in the Monaco Cathedral. Prince Albert II, Princess Charlene, Princess Caroline, Princess Stephanie, Pierrre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Andrea Casiraghi, Tatiana Santo Domingo, Princess Alexandra of Hanover, Louis Ducruet and Marie Chevallier were present at the Te Deum service. |
Beatrice is favorite because she is Beatrice, chic is her second name, but Tatiana has the best outfit. Marie doesn't look warm. The rest is just fine.
ReplyDeleteCharlene:La plus belle et la
ReplyDeleteplus élégante .
La classe personnifiée
Stéphanie égale à elle-même.
Caroline est vieillotte.
La nouvelle génération :Bof,bof
Les enfants sont adorables.
Caroline is almost 63 years..... we are not used anymore to see famous older women who have aged without plastic procedures.
DeleteShe was a great beauty, who has chosen the chic way to age naturally. Besides that she is very slim, whereas many of her Peers are not as slim but have the advantage of a fuller face .....
Lily T.
I would say that Charlene is in the middle between Caroline and the ‘ younger’ generation as you call it. While her outfit is elegant, I would not extend the adjective to her personally. When she cannot pretend to smile (facial surgery or not, it’s irrelevant in the end), I would rather look at a less ‘elegant’ outfit on a more truly elegant and heartfelt woman. Caroline wins by a mile. Mostly because we have in fact all seen Charlene can smile quite well when it comes to embracing race car drivers or whatever sports person she may congratulate.
DeleteI am a big fan of Beatrice, but in fact Tatiana wins today. Armani or not, Beatrice’s coat swallows her. I was hoping for better from her.
Lily A
The whole family are also sun whorshipers going way back. A lot of what you see in her and Stephanie is from sun damage and not properly protecting their skin when they were younger. Let it be lesson for all of us especially the young. Protect your skin!!
I would say that Charlene is in the middle between Caroline and the ‘ younger’ generation as you call it. While her outfit is elegant, I would not extend the adjective to her personally. When she cannot pretend to smile (facial surgery or not, it’s irrelevant in the end), I would rather look at a less ‘elegant’ outfit on a more truly elegant and heartfelt woman. Caroline wins by a mile. Mostly because we have in fact all seen Charlene can smile quite well when it comes to embracing race car drivers or whatever sports person she may congratulate.
DeleteI am a big fan of Beatrice, but in fact Tatiana wins today. Armani or not, Beatrice’s coat swallows her. I was hoping for better from her.
Lily A
The most unhappy looking group of people, even children on balcony have sour faces.
To be fair, the kids were very happy waving flags. These pictures just dont show that. only Charlene has taken not smiling to another level!!
Delete@ "Anon 3:56 PM"
DeleteSo true. Is it National Day or Remembrance Day? Jeepers. I know we are to focus on the fashion but something not good is going on in that household. I do not know what - and they are allowed some privacy - but wow.
Agree with you Winnie.
DeleteWell fortunately today (20th) some more positive pictures have been added IMV
Deletewhat a sad ceremony, I think Charlene is very unhappy. No smile, nothing ….
ReplyDeleteBravo Charlene and happy "FĂŞte" day to the Principality of Monaco.
ReplyDeletePrincipality of Monaco
Are we on a movie set here? In my view, Tatiana and Beatrice look as if they were to be in a movie taking place in the 50ies, they are lovely, but...? Marie Chevallier looks as if she is in an 80-ies movie (not the best fashion era in my view) and Alexandra some kind of western movie. Stephanie, Charlene and Caroline look as they are going to the same thing; a Te Deum. (I wish Charlene would stop injecting things in her face).
ReplyDeleteEveryone super serious!! I know nothing to laugh about, but still...
ReplyDeleteAnd Marie Chevalier, a catastrophy, poor girl
I thought the same about Mme. Chevalier, maybe a'n Operetta?
DeleteJust Mme. Casiraghi with her little son on her arm - well, she made my day! :)
I would have loved to see Charlotte Casiraghi with her family, but...
What is Charlene trying to say with that face? She looks like a prisoner...
ReplyDeleteShe may feel like that. Obviously she is very unhappy. Why do people keep criticizing her. Let's have compassion on her. She looks depressed. She also may have a medical condition. Poor lady. We can pray for her.
Deleteshe seems to do it on purpose when posing for pictures. there was a Boy George event she attended 2 days ago, the video on instagram shows her engaging normally and smiling people but when the pictures are being taken she changes her expression.
Delete@Anon 9:42 thank you for your statement, agree with every detail you said. Mars
DeleteUm Himmels Willen, Charlene strömt die Traurigkeit ja inzwischen aus jeder Pore... Ich finde es völlig unangebracht, ihr in diesem Zustand einen öffentlichen Auftritt zuzumuten. Da ist Albert ihr gerade wirklich kein guter Ehemann.
ReplyDeleteInsgesamt scheint das fĂĽr die FĂĽrstenfamilie kein glĂĽcklicher, freudiger Tag zu sein. Schade, das tut mir sehr leid.
Die Damen sind durchweg sehr gut gekleidet, den Mantel von Beatrice finde ich sehr gewagt, das könnte außer ihr kaum jemand so tragen.
Tatiana sieht angenehm normal aus, endlich wird ihre Schönheit einmal nicht von ihrem Outfit erschlagen.
FĂĽr Alexandra finde ich die Farben ihrer Garderobe etwas zu dunkel, sie ist doch noch sooo jung, da kann sie durchaus auch zu einem solch ehrwĂĽrdigen AnlaĂź ein biĂźle Farbe tragen.
Und Caroline ist und bleibt einfach eine außergewöhnliche Schönheit mit einer ganz eigenen Ausstrahlung.
Im europäischen Adel kann ihr da, meiner Ansicht nach, nur Madeleine von Schweden das Wasser reichen, die beiden spielen in punkto Schönheit wirklich in einer eigenen Liga.
Nun : Charles hat nicht nur den FĂĽrsten geheiratet , sie hat sozusagen ganz Monaco mitgeheiratet und somit Pflichten zu erfĂĽllen !!
DeleteObligations are her dearest hobbies imho when you have a look on the pics with her children or swimming-teacher-thing. Mars
DeletePrincess Charlene outfit, I think is very nice although, makes her look a bit bloated, on the other hand it lacks a nice smile on her face, or put it other way, posture.
ReplyDeleteWow, so much to unpack here 🙂. For me, the best dressed ladies, by far, were Beatrice and Alexandra -- they really look put together and carry themselves with panache. They also are the only ladies who look as though they are, at least occasionally, having a good time (although you just have to think that some of the others managed a smile or two, away from the cameras).
ReplyDeleteTatiana Santo Domingo's outfit frustrates me because of what we can't see. Normally, she dresses in what appear to be quirky thrift shop finds -- but the hat she is wearing here, and what you can see around the edges of that strange coat, suggest something very, very chic. Caroline's hat, with all that granny-ish netting, is a baffling choice as it ages her by at least two decades. Otherwise, she looks fine. Marie Chevalier needs structured garments with simple, clean lines -- a Chanel suit coordinated to her nice pillbox would have been perfection. And what to say about Stephanie, except that she looks like doom and gloom personified. Charlene's weird head-to-toe white is just...weird.
And OK, I know it's the obvious, perennial, beating-a-dead-horse question at this point, but why in the heck does this bunch look so grumpy? Isn't National Day supposed to be a celebration? It's only a couple of hours out of your lives, can't you give the Monegasques a beaming smile or two, even if you don't feel like it?
"It's only a couple of hours out of your lives, can't you give the Monegasques a beaming smile or two, even if you don't feel like it?"
DeleteAmen. Well said.
Oh mein Gott - die Gewinnerinnen sind fĂĽr mich eindeutig Prinzessin Stephanie in ihrem schlichten schwarzen Mantel, Prinzessin Alexandra jung und frisch in ihrem Outfit mit der braunen Weste stylisch mit dem GĂĽrtel in der Taille.
ReplyDeleteUnd zuletzt Beatrice, sehr elegant mit dem Capemantel und dem kleinen Schleierhütchen. Sie hat meines Erachtens mehr Charisma als die Fürstin und eine sehr warme Ausstrahlung. Sie macht den Eindurck als ruhe sie in sich im Gegensatz zu Charlene, die immer verhuscht und wie gefangen in ihrem goldenen Käfig ausschaut, sorry.
Die Fürstin in ihrem weißen Outfit ist zwar hübsch (wobei das Gesicht sehr zur Maske erstarrt aussieht) aber in dieser Jahreszeit von Kopf bis Fuß weiß?? Und wieder nicht eine Mine verziehend. Auf einer anderen Plattform habe ich eine Verleihung von Medaillen anlässlich Sportleistungen / Ehrungen an Bürger Monacos gesehen. Es ist schon fast peinlich wie Charlene dort neben ihrem Ehemann Fürst Albert steht - sie verzieht selbst beim Gratulieren nicht einmal den Mund zu einem kleinen Lächeln. Stur und ernst und mehr nicht. keine Wärme im Blick, nicht in ihrer Gestik. Sollte so eine Fürstin ihrem Volk gegenüber treten? Mitnichten.
Tatianas Outfit finde ich mit den Kitten Heel Pumps sehr alt machend.
Louis Ducruet und seine Frau sind ein schönes Paar. Den Mantel von Marie finde ich nicht so vorteilhaft - sie hat eine sehr weibliche Figur und der Mantel / das Mantelkleid ist um die Bauch - Po Partie doch ein wenig zu straff, denn er schlägt Falten... Das kann sie besser.
It's nice to see the family gathers. However, it appears they are all in their own world and detached. As for aging gracefully, less is more.
ReplyDeleteStephanie looks great with her short haicut.
ReplyDeleteWho is the person in the white/grey combination and what on earth has she done to Tatiana Casiraghi? *winks* Good one, this time, Tatiana! A look which clearly could have originated from her late grandmother-in-law, Princess Gracia. I know that Monagasque National Day is quite a solemn event, however, in the days of said Princess Gracia, there were a lot of smiles on the faces of the princely family, in particular when it came to the balcony appearance of all of them. Nowadays, barely a smile, only Beatrice makes a friendly face. Sadness seeps from them on almost all accounts, and that makes others sad, as well. Like me.
ReplyDeleteGabriella's 'pancake' on her head is ridiculous, but it's a bit of color at least.
ReplyDeleteFashion-wise, my favorite is Princess Caroline. Her sky blue coat is beautiful, and her veiled hat shows respect for the event. I like Princess Stephanie's red handbag. As for Princess Charlene, her hair and makeup are nice; and her earrings are gorgeous; but too much white with her hat, coat, trousers and blouse.
ReplyDeleteJ'ai vu en direct sur TV Monaco toute la cérémonie...
ReplyDelete1. Les neveux
La tenue de Béatrice avait du vert (irlandais)... Vu que cette édition de la fête du Prince prévoyait un hommage pour l'anniversaire des 90 de la naissance de la Princesse Grace, j'y ai vu un petit clin d'œil sympathique. Tout comme la tenue de Tatiana avec un style de chapeau qui faisait très 'Grace Kelly' (pour une fois, je l'ai trouvé très chic, très élégante et pas hyppie...
Alexandra n'avait pas une tenue très appropriée pour la journée, et le marron était un peu triste... Pour moi, c'est une tenue de bureau....
Marie aurait pu être très chic avec cette robe qui fleure la fin des années 80 / début 90. De plus, cette robe semble la boudiner un peu. Elle ne semble pas être confortable entre sa tenue et les hauts escarpins...
Les soeurs :
Caroline avait une tenue sobre mais qui la vieillissait un peu... Mais elle dégage toujours une classe naturelle...
Stéphanie, bien que tout en noir, était discrète et je l'ai trouvé en pleine forme !
J'ai apprécié que dans la cours d'honneur, les deux sœurs et le prince (pas Charlène) aient chanté l'hymne national en monégasque.
Le Prince, la princesse et les jumeaux
Le Prince Albert est Ă©gal Ă lui-mĂŞme, des sourires, des petits clins d'oeil....
Les jumeaux très bien vêtus. Le Prince Jacques était à croquer avec son bel uniforme et ses tentatives de faire le salut militaire... Il a l'air d'avoir aussi un bon sens de rythme..
La princesse Gabriella, tout sourire et à saluer la foule. Très mignonne...
La Princesse Charlène... Comment dire... Je n'arrive pas à comprendre... Une tenue blanche qui la grossissait un peu... Un chapeau où sur certaines photos, ça fait Al Capone ! Et aucune expression de visage. Aucun sourire.. un regard vide... Une démarche lourde et pesante... comme si elle traînait un boulet et souhaitait être partout ailleurs sauf là ... Étrange, très étrange....
Aux fenêtres, ça ne respirait pas la gaité, ni même l'envie de communiquer avec la population (seul Albert souriait vraiment...). Sauf erreur de ma part, je n'ai pas vu Stéphanie, ni Louis et Marie..
Un qui avait un vrai sourire et un plaisir non dissimulé à être 'là ', c'est le Ministre d'État (avec lui, on arrivait à comprendre que l'on assistait à la FÊTE du Prince (pas si clair aux vues des non sourires de la famille princière.
Je partage assez votre ressenti.
DeleteTatiana et Beatrice Ă©taient superbes.
Caroline et Stephanie comme d'habitude, chic.
Charlene, Ă©nigmatique ....
elle n'essaye rien ; je reconnais sur son visage les signes d'une sévère dépression. J'ai eu qq dans ma famille qui était comme ça.
ReplyDeleteça ne sert à rien de toujours la critiquer (je ne parle pas pour vous Anja).
La vie n'est pas faite que de toilettes de bijoux et de sourires !
sur la dernière photo, elle semble se raccrocher à Albert.
Elle est néanmoins très belle, même triste !
La dernière photo a Ă©tĂ© prise pendant un des hommages Ă la Princesse Grace, beaucoup d'Ă©motion, l'orchestre a interprĂ©tĂ© "Amazing Grace", plutĂ´t un soutien de Charlène envers Albert qui Ă©tait très Ă©mu, StĂ©phanie pleurait…
DeleteAvant de juger ces photos il faut savoir ce que les personnes sont entrain de regarder, beaucoup d'Ă©motion avec les multiples hommage Ă Grace..
Zellie je partage tout à fait votre avis, il faut arrêter de taper sur la Princesse Charlène ; je suis convaincue moi aussi qu'elle souffre d'une dépression sévère... peut-être serais-t-il judicieux que le Palais communique officiellement sur le sujet.
DeleteJe suis assez d'accord, ok l'instant est à l'émotion mais en toute circonstances et je dirais lorsque toute la famille est réunie, elle est comme ça : triste et très peu souriante.C'est une situation très récurrente chez cette princesse. Je pense, pour faire partie du personnel soignant, que cette femme est en souffrance quoi qu'on en dise.
Deleteelle n'essaye rien ; je reconnais sur son visage les signes d'une sévère dépression. J'ai eu qq dans ma famille qui était comme ça.
ReplyDeleteça ne sert à rien de toujours la critiquer (je ne parle pas pour vous Anja).
La vie n'est pas faite que de toilettes de bijoux et de sourires !
sur la dernière photo, elle semble se raccrocher à Albert.
Elle est néanmoins très belle, même triste !
Caroline´s hat gives the impression that she walked into a cobweb. Maybe Charlene has had some bad injections close to her mouth-muscles thus preventing her from smiling...............
ReplyDeleteFürstin Charlene looks beautiful, man vermisst nur das Laecheln. Der weisse Mantel ist wunderschön, aber im ganzen: Zu viel weiss. Und die Hose scheint nicht dasselbe sondern ein helleres weiss zu sein. Für den Pullover hätte ich mir auch etwas Farbe gewünscht.
ReplyDeleteCarolines hellblauer Mantel gefällt mir gut, auch Stefanie sieht gut aus, nur hätte ich für diesen Anlass nicht schwarz gewählt.
Peut-on parler l’anglais, svp!
ReplyDeleteQuand je ne comprends pas tout en anglais, je me sers du traducteur dans le sens inverse cela marche aussi !!
DeleteNational Day Monaco 2019. I love Pss Charlene's all white ensemble,Pss Stephany looks best in a long time and she wears heels, very lovely,Like the coat from Caroline, I feel it should not be shorter then the dress. Alexandra looks very grown up. like it a lot.The best look from the married in Family members is Tatiana. Marie's outfit has a nice color but too tight Beatrice today is a no for me. Well Jacques already wears a little Uniform Gabriella's outfit one can't see. There has been no smiles, should have worked better on that.
ReplyDeleteWell, what a glum lot. I don't think I have ever seen an event where everyone looks so unhappy. Even if you look at the photos from Remembrance Sunday, as solemn an event as you can get, there are still some smiles before the ceremony starts. The only person with a genuine smile is Princess Alexandra. Is there bad news in the family do you think? Also, I know little about cosmetic procedures but is it possible that Charlene's inability to smile properly is due to some kind of cosmetic surgery. Even Diana when making her unhappiness manifest at the end of the 80s/ early 90s never looked as miserable as this all the time.
ReplyDeleteAs to the clothes, I like the colour of Princess Caroline's coat and I love Tatiana Casiraghi's hat. The rest--bof! as the French say
Smiles from Beatrice, Pierre, Alexandra and Albert. That’s good. However all the others seems to have been forced to attend and therefore super gloom.
ReplyDeletePrincess Caroline was seen smiling as well.
Only sad faces...
ReplyDeleteA little smile is hard to buy...
Am I missing something? I thought a national day is something to celebrate...
ReplyDeleteI like Beatrice's clothing. It's fun and a little bit quirky. I'm a sucker for that colour combination.
Beatrice looks great, very chic.
ReplyDeleteCarolina elegante es innato;idem Beatriz, hermosa Tatiana y joven Alexandra,stephanie es ella misma;--creo charlene esta depresiva..
ReplyDeleteBeatrice is such a smart lady. Mars
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