Queen Maxima visited NEMO Science Museum in Amsterdam

On November 21, 2019, Queen Maxima opened the exhibition "Humania" at NEMO Science Museum in Amsterdam. Humania is a new children exhibition about the human race. After the opening ceremony, Queen Máxima was given a tour of the exhibition and spoke with Florentijn Hofman and a number of scientists and young people who have participated in the exhibition. Centrepiece of the exhibition is the 8.5-metre sculpture "A Handstand", a work by the Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman.
Humania is a new children exhibition about the human race. Maxima wore a floral print asymmetric dress by Natan. Natan red coat
Humania is a new children exhibition about the human race. Maxima wore a floral print asymmetric dress by Natan. Natan red coat
Humania is a new children exhibition about the human race. Maxima wore a floral print asymmetric dress by Natan. Natan red coat
Humania is a new children exhibition about the human race. Maxima wore a floral print asymmetric dress by Natan. Natan red coat
Humania is a new children exhibition about the human race. Maxima wore a floral print asymmetric dress by Natan. Natan red coat
Humania is a new children exhibition about the human race. Maxima wore a floral print asymmetric dress by Natan. Natan red coat
Humania is a new children exhibition about the human race. Maxima wore a floral print asymmetric dress by Natan. Natan red coat
Humania is a new children exhibition about the human race. Maxima wore a floral print asymmetric dress by Natan. Natan red coat
Humania is a new children exhibition about the human race. Maxima wore a floral print asymmetric dress by Natan. Natan red coat
Humania is a new children exhibition about the human race. Maxima wore a floral print asymmetric dress by Natan. Natan red coat
Humania is a new children exhibition about the human race. Maxima wore a floral print asymmetric dress by Natan. Natan red coat
Humania is a new children exhibition about the human race. Maxima wore a floral print asymmetric dress by Natan. Natan red coat
Humania is a new children exhibition about the human race. Maxima wore a floral print asymmetric dress by Natan. Natan red coat
Humania is a new children exhibition about the human race. Maxima wore a floral print asymmetric dress by Natan. Natan red coat
Humania is a new children exhibition about the human race. Maxima wore a floral print asymmetric dress by Natan. Natan red coat

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  1. Very nice ( cocktail) dress, but the filt hat is much too heavy for the dress and the red shawl and red shoes???
    Why oh why?!?

  2. A good day for Maxima. Everything here is attractive and color-coordinated -- although bright red is an awkward choice for gloves (if gloves were needed here, navy would have been better) and the earrings are more appropriate for evening. The hat does not overwhelm the outfit, and Maxima's hair is under control. Yes, a good day.

  3. Again, she is absolutely regal, but over the top IMHO. There is a bit too much going on with this ensemble, somehow.

    1. I agree on the over the top comment...... but is she not nearly always dressed over the top or unfit for the occasion? I am not a Maxima fan, although, or maybe because, I am Dutch.
      Not only because of her fashion choices, but mostly because of her exaggerated laughing, or crying, if necessary.... it is such obvious acting, I do not care for that, nor do I find it charming....
      Lily T.

    2. Lily, I could have written that but wouldnot dare to!
      Helas, totally agree ( also Dutch)

    3. I don’t think she is acting, it’s just part of her warm and open personality. I have always liked her and her bold and colourful style. Lovely warm red and the hat looks fun!

    4. Totally agree with the comments on her clothes. Always over the top. Too much of everything. Do not agree with her "acting". That might be true but the point is do people/organisations feel supported by the présence of a royal.
      And I think that is the case with Máxima. Every royal is acting otherwise you cannot do this job. Anna (Dutch too)

    5. Totally agree with the comments on her clothes. Always over the top. Too much of everything. Do not agree with her "acting". That might be true but the point is do people/organisations feel supported by the présence of a royal.
      And I think that is the case with Máxima. Every royal is acting otherwise you cannot do this job. Anna (Dutch too)

    6. The Dutch are out in full force, ha ha, very good.... whether yes or no people feel supported I do not know. I give my personal impressions and feelings. Maxima may have started out, 20 years ago, as vibrant and outgoing (which is in no way the same as being a really warm person), but as soon as the press began describing her as having these qualities, she began to overact her own personality and she started to become fake...... screaming with laughter always is not the same as being warm and empathic.
      Lily T.

    7. @Lily T. I am Dutch too and I agree fully with you. I could not have said it better. Especially your last comment!

  4. Eye makeuo too heavy..... do not care for the dress nor the hat.
    Lily T.

  5. I don't know. When she's outside, I love the look, but inside, not so much. I think she should have lost the hat and gloves inside.

  6. Q Maxima looks better at this outing that the one yesterday. Except for the hem, this dress is very pretty, but seems too sheer for November. The blue hat and earrings match the dress beautifully, and the red gloves, shoes and coat are compatible with the red (or rose) in the dress.

  7. Which is it, is it summer or fall, mmm!
    I love the colors, hat and earrings, stockings too shiny, but I also love her spunky personality.

  8. Alles sehr schön - sind das echte Saphire?

    1. Dass ist Tansanit, Hedy!

    2. Ah, okay, vielen Dank!

  9. Hm overdressed to visit a museum.

  10. Over the top, again. She is lovely without hiding behind all the weird hats, dresses, gloves, coat as a cape type things. Definitely needs a good shorter hair cut to sort out the hair issue. I'm sure she is a lovely vibrant woman, let the inner self show thru Maxima, not the outside 'stuff'.

  11. @Hedy- das sind Tanzanit Edelsteine

  12. Typical Maxima style, why be normal to open a children's exhibit at the museum when you can be totally over the top. I mean, the hat, the bright red coat and accessories which don't go with that dress, and those earrings that definitely don't go with that event lol.

  13. That dress would be lovely if it had an even hem. I hope that 'new' trend will become old very soon.

    1. I hope so too Lizzie.

    2. Anonymous4/12/19 13:46

      The dress is lovely the way it is.

  14. Not amused about this.....

    1. Hi Matychna -- I'm not certain whether you are referring to Maxima's clothing, or to the creepy and frivolous way (imo) the museum chose to bring attention to an exhibition on human anatomy. For my part, I'm sick of skulls and other death imagery in our entertainment and popular culture. Of course, we are all getting so used to it now that negative reactions are probably considered puzzling by many.

    2. Jane Chantal: Wow, very good comment!

    3. Yes, Jane! I have always felt uneasy about the sculls and skelletons, as if to celebrate death. Who wants that? I don´t even find it funny as Halloween "decoration", and even less so as costumes or print on any clothing item. 20 years ago, those things were considered hard core gothic, now they are everywhere and normal.
      Learning about human anatomy is of course very good, but I don´t like the way the museum chose to present the exhibit.

    4. I agree with Jane and Vanessa. I do not like the skulls/skeletons and celebration of death. I will also say that as a teacher for over 10 years, there are many other ways to teach anatomy without the creepy skeleton visuals.


  15. She's super bizarre. She needs to be noticed everywhere she goes. At least the hat covers her hair. I like the dress but in the summer, at a party.

  16. Very nice. Great look from head to toe.

  17. Completely over the top. She should have a stylist.

  18. It's Maxima so it's over the top but not necessarily a bad thing. Her signature look is OTT. Love the red coat, the red shoes and the red bag. I agree that the gloves would have looked better if they were blue. Love the dress, though it seems very lightweight for November and the extra hanging bit on the hem is annoying. Love the hat and the earrings. Altogether it's a bit much for a daytime event but better too much than drab black and beige!

  19. A fun museum if u r in Amsterdam! Q. M has a great eye for colour; stunning, deep colour combo. I love with the coat on n see the whole ensemble.

  20. Encore une robe asymétrique très estivale portée avec un manteau ; ses boucles d'oreilles de couleur bleue la flattent surtout avec son chapeau et les cheveux coiffés d'un chignon bas !!!

  21. Ava PIttman22/11/19 18:57

    Not so keen on the hemline, but the Queen looks great. Earrings are gorgeous

  22. The esemble in particular the combination of the dress and the shiny hosepants remind me on a variation of the littlehouseinthe. Outside, with the coat it´s looking beautiful.

  23. I like it! The hat is what makes it all work. Remember this is her personality and she looks very much true to herself and her style. Excellent, imo, that she isn’t wearing a cookie cutter ‘expected’ style.


  24. Considero nada corresponde a este acto de la mañana, todo inadecuado, el sombrero deja ver un moño mal hecho, no va con el vestido, el abrigo encima de los hombros, los guantes, sus carcajadas todo demasiado!


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