Princess Sofia attended Halloween celebrations in Hallonbergen

On October 31, 2019, Princess Sofia of Sweden attended Halloween celebrations at Project Playgrounds Center in Hallonbergen. Hallonbergen (meaning "Raspberry Hill") is a suburb of Stockholm. Princess Sofia shared a photo taken during the celebrations on her @prinsparet Instagram account.
Princess Sofia H&M Balloon Sleeve Sweater, Tory Burc Sport Merino Cropped Turtleneck Sweater
Princess Sofia H&M Balloon Sleeve Sweater, Tory Burc Sport Merino Cropped Turtleneck Sweater
Princess Sofia Tory Burch merino cropped turtleneck sweater
TORY BURCH Merino Cropped Turtleneck Sweater

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  1. Très joli ce vert lumineux ; j'aime beaucoup !!!

  2. Anonymous2/11/19 16:48

    Love the green color on her. She looks pretty slim and happy . No Halloween costumes ?

  3. Anonymous2/11/19 16:55

    Love this sweater,also nice color. Great look.

  4. Great casual look for this lovely lady. Beautiful green sweater.

    1. I agree. Great look, and she is amazingly beautiful.

  5. Ava Pittman3/11/19 17:57

    Lovely relaxed look, the sweater and pants go well together, green looks great on her.

  6. Anonymous4/11/19 15:57

    I just love that green on her. She looks like she is having a good time. Very nice and friendly looking and the outfit looks comfortable. Jenni


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