Princess Charlene opened Parrozzani Primary School in Abruzzo

On November 9, Princess Charlene visited Isola del Gran Sasso d'Italia municipality in the Abruzzo region to re-open Parrozzani Primary School destroyed during the earthquake of August 24, 2016 that affected this region of Italy. Isola del Gran Sasso is a town and commune in province of Teramo in the Abruzzo region of southern Italy. The school was rebuilt with the contributions of the Italian and Monegasque Red Cross. President of the Red Cross of Monaco, Princess Charlene, was invited as a guest of honor to open the school. In addition to that, Princess Charlene received a gold medal from the Italian Red Cross for her commitment in the actions of the Red Cross.
Princess Charlene wore Louis Vuitton wool cashmere grey coat with black Jimmy Choo pumps. Italian and Monegasque Red Cross
Princess Charlene wore Louis Vuitton wool cashmere grey coat with black Jimmy Choo pumps. Italian and Monegasque Red Cross
Princess Charlene wore Louis Vuitton wool cashmere grey coat with black Jimmy Choo pumps. Italian and Monegasque Red Cross
Princess Charlene wore Louis Vuitton wool cashmere grey coat with black Jimmy Choo pumps. Italian and Monegasque Red Cross
Princess Charlene wore Louis Vuitton wool cashmere grey coat with black Jimmy Choo pumps. Italian and Monegasque Red Cross
Princess Charlene wore Louis Vuitton wool cashmere grey coat with black Jimmy Choo pumps. Italian and Monegasque Red Cross
Princess Charlene wore Louis Vuitton wool cashmere grey coat with black Jimmy Choo pumps. Italian and Monegasque Red Cross
Princess Charlene wore Louis Vuitton wool cashmere grey coat with black Jimmy Choo pumps. Italian and Monegasque Red Cross
Princess Charlene wore Louis Vuitton wool cashmere grey coat with black Jimmy Choo pumps. Italian and Monegasque Red Cross
Princess Charlene wore Louis Vuitton wool cashmere grey coat with black Jimmy Choo pumps. Italian and Monegasque Red Cross
Princess Charlene wore Louis Vuitton wool cashmere grey coat with black Jimmy Choo pumps. Italian and Monegasque Red Cross
Princess Charlene wore Louis Vuitton Wool Grey Coat
Louis Vuitton Wool Grey Coat

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Simple but elegant look ... but mostly I see that frowny face, even on the pic with the little girl ...

    1. Indeed, totally agree with you Miracle.

    2. Adorable petite fille qui aurait mérité un petit sourire... Sur toutes les photos, je n'en ai vu aucun même pas esquissé !!!

    3. That darling little girl is so thrilled, she is just beaming! What a cutie.

    4. Agree. Is she sad? Tired? I've always thought that this Monaco-Family is a kind of species in it's own right, if you know what I mean (I am no native speaker in english.)

    5. I know, right? I was thinking, "She looks great in this coat but sad and disinterested." I'm not saing saying she was - disinterested - but anyone looking at these photos who doesn't know who she is will think it. Ghosh.


    6. to Jola
      The photo taken near the Christmas tree is from last year: the date is given in the left corner 14 Dec 2018

    7. For goodness sake. We don't have to fantasize or pretend we know what state of mind she is in. I can be so simple that Charlene don't like to smile on every picture. Maybe it makes her feel awkward or that this blog only picked photos that she in not smiling on as usual, and if We look We can see her smile on several of the photos. Not from ear to ear, but still.

  2. ce sont vos commentaires à tous qui sont désolants !

  3. Charlene is back- simply wear black and no smiling. Beautiful Lady

  4. Very nice outfit, somber color palette that is appropriate for the occasion. The coat is beautifully fitted, the dress the perfect length and the shoes are fabuloso! I admire Charlene's neat, understated hair and makeup. But, BUT it's hard not to notice that she doesn't manage more than a tiny half-smile in any of these photos. Heaven knows, I don't like constant big grins and effusiveness -- but this is her normal demeanor and it does seem odd. Princess Grace was also quite restrained and dignified in public, but she did manage beautiful smiles to give pleasure to others. Charlene is so lovely, and does good work for the Principality -- it just frustrates me that with all her potential, she seems reluctant to look happy. (OK, end of rant 🙂)

    1. Royalty fan

      Jane Chantal, I'm sure every one will forgive your "rant." And most agree with you. I'm sure, she also make people around her tense, and anxious, for not at least smiling a few times

    2. Jane Chantal, I agree with your rant. Some people have that society smile and some don't. I don't think she is sad though, She is a wife mother and she has her charities that I'm sure complete her life. How does Royalty fan know that she makes others tense around her. I guess she is a regular guest at the palace...NOT!!!

  5. Elle a l'air toujours tellement ravie de faire ce genre de chose... ça laisse songeur...

  6. Well it's made my day. I'm so pleased to see her back in public life. And her outfit is perfect for the occasion and the winter weather. Bravo Charlene.

  7. I note that she left the “r” out of her name when she signed the big wall. That makes me wonder if she was nervous - and could that be why we don’t see her smile much? (apart from obvious use of fillers and Botox which make natural smiles less easy to produce - and possibly sometimes quite unhappy). Apart from that, she looks sweet and approachable and kind at this event, and I guess she made the people of the school feel special, which is lovely. Cheers, Jem

    1. It never occurred to me that Charlene might struggle with paralyzing shyness; if that is the case it would explain a great deal.

  8. Es ist schön endlich mal wieder etwas von Fürstin Charlene zu sehen. Der graue Mantel mit schwarzem Kleid steht ihr sehr gut, der Schal frischt den Outfit auf mit etwas Farbe.
    Was fehlt, ist ein fröhliches lächeln, wo ist das nur geblieben in letzter Zeit?

    1. Frage ich mich auch. Entweder Tristesse oder Langeweile oder zu viele Schönheitsbehandlungen, die sie daran hindern mal eine locker-flockige Mimik zu zeigen. Vielleicht bräuchte sie auch einfach mehr royale Aufgaben. Man sieht sie doch gar nicht auf dem internationalen Parkett. Aber vielleicht ist sie auch eine eher introvertierte, subtile Frau.

  9. ps. Das Foto mit dem Schal stammt vom letzten Jahr ,habe das jetzt erst gesehen! Nichts verkehrt mit grau und schwarz, aber es wäre schön die Fürstin mal in etwas farbenfroher Kleidung zu sehen.

    1. Is this the "Red Cross-coat"? Not a'n eye-catcher. Could be Primark, but is Luis Vuitton. It is a shame she can't move her face for a smile with all her heart. I don't know, maybe to much Botox? The hairstyle does no favour either.
      I like her very much, because she handles her public appearances with the folks always very good. No fake or "showtime". But no laughter or happiness? That's strange. B.t.w.: that little happy girl made my day!

  10. Elle a signé Chalene ,donc ce n’est pas la princesse. …

  11. Sehr schön und elegant gekleidet. Aber was ich am allerschönsten finde, ist ihre Frisur. Die Haarlänge ist perfekt für Charlene. Irgendwie weiblicher, weicher.
    Das Blumenmädchen ist zuckersüß und ebenso schön angezogen.

  12. She definitely does not have a "Maxima" smile, but I don't see a "frowny" face. In many of the photos she has a sweet smile; in others she is more serious. She looks very nice in her gray coat, black dress and black stiletto heels. We don't often see her in heels, perhaps because she towers over most people. I think she is very much a minimalist when it comes to jewelry. It appears that she is wearing small stud earrings and a ring. The little girl who presented flowers to her is a perfect match, which is a sweet coincidence.

    1. Maxima thrives on being the centre of attention. I think that Charlene does not, perhaps even the contrary, she seems shy and a bit nervous and tense when out in public functions. I find that endearing. The Maxima laugh I do not care for, a lot of acting going on there..... Her shyness could also be the reason for her not accompanying Albert on official events.
      Lily T.

    2. Lily T, I totally agree, well said!


  13. Beautiful coat, elegant look
    What happened to her during these two months of absence, she seems very tired, depression?

    1. Royalty fan

      Anon 6:23, I so agree with you, why didn't she go with Albert to the enthronement of the new emperor?

    2. She does not do sate visits after she got married. she did not go to Netherlands state visit of coronation of Dutch King. I think she only does her own stuff now, Red Cross is part of her foundation.

  14. Joli visage, élégante tenue, coupe féminine

  15. La petite fille est très souriante ....

  16. Leidet sie an Depressionen?

  17. Charlene porte un très beau manteau et de superbes chaussures.
    Je la trouve sobre et élégante.

  18. laissons la tranquille, elle a peut être des arguments.
    pour moi, je l'adore et mon rêve est de les rencontrer tous les deux. les enfants sont en bonne santé, c'est top et belle famille

  19. Guter Anlass, nette Klamotte, gelangweilte Fürstin? Oder geht das nicht mehr mit dem Lächeln?

  20. Love the outfit. Don't care much for the hairstyle today. Nice to see her again.

  21. Glad to ses Princess Charlene looking lovely and unfortunately without her little ones.

  22. Cette princesse n a de compte à rendre à personne,excepté à son époux.
    Quand je vois les images de ce dernier il ne me semble nullement malheureux.
    Nous ne la connaissons qu à travers des photos.
    Nous ne connaissons rien de sa vie privée.
    Je préfère sa tête à d autres princesses ou reines qui sourient bêtement peu importe l événement
    Certains commentaires sont affligeants
    Voir méchants.

    1. You are right - she and Albert seem happy with their marriage.
      We don't know them - we can only make commentaries based on what they show and tell us. But this Princess seems a very different one to the one in the pub.
      I can't think of any princesses or queens who smile stupidly whatever the event - there are many who are exuberant, maybe a bit too much sometimes but every single one of them knows when they should not smile.
      There is nothing wrong with smiling in social circumstances - it isn't fake, it makes people feel more comfortable and shows that on the few times she is there that she can make an effort to seem interested. It is easy to excuse her rudeness and apparent lack of interest as a sign of how genuine she is.

      Sorry you find the comments an affliction - people have their own opinions, usually because they can see how Charlene behaves now and how she used to behave are totally different.

  23. If that's what botox does, I never want it! A smile is such a good gift to give to the world. She does appear to be smiling a tiny bit in some of the photos.
    Did anyone besides me have the thought that she could be pregnant? You can't really see her shape in that black dress...

  24. Since we are not privy to their private lives and can't understand what they might be going through, let's not pass judgement or be critical. Be kind.

  25. What did she do to her face? Why do lovely women go and mess up their faces, there is no shame in aging gracefully.

    1. Agree there is no shame in ageing gracefully... when you are still young!
      It is always time for corrections when you really need it , later in life.

    2. I totally agree with your remarks, when you compare her former face with her present one, the change is obvious and in my opinion unflattering. There are also long-term medical aspects to consider.

  26. She looks much better with that hair than really short ones.
    She reminds me of Charlize Theron( movie actress) on some photos.

  27. Endlich wieder passend elegant !!

  28. Quelle tristesse de voir cette personne a toujours faire la tête c’est désolant !!!!!!

  29. Je n'aime pas ce manteau

  30. Yumiko Kokuryu12/11/19 10:31

    I am very impressed with commitments of Princess Charlene of Monaco to humanitarian assistance as President of the Red Cross of Monaco. Empress Masako is also President of the Red Cross of Japan.

  31. Dear Helen Electra,
    Could you, please, stop posting photos of Charlene of Monaco. People (at least most comentators here) are interested in her or the way she dresses herself only as a subject of nasty remarks. She does not deserve it. Even today when she appears after two months of non-appearance it's one negative comment after another. It is not pleasant to read. Usually I only check photos and do not read comments. This time I became curious as there was 57 comments, exceptionally many, usually found only about British royals. I made a mistake. There was more hate than ever before.
    If photos of Charlene are left out, they can be found on several other sites for those who really are interested.

    1. Margot, there is absolutely no "hate" in the comments here.

    2. Dear Helen Electra

      Please feel free to publish whatever you see fit on your blog. If people don't like other people's opinions they don't have to read them. They can make a big grown up decision about that rather than expecting censorship for those of us who can cope with people who think differently.

      Commenting on how someone behaves when they have a public role is not "hating".



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