Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited the Broom Farm Community Centre in Windsor

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex attended an event for military families. On Wednesday morning, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited the Broom Farm Community Centre in Windsor where they met with military families who have family members currently deployed overseas. Windsor is home to regiments from the Coldstream Guards and the Welsh Guards, and in addition, some members of the Household Cavalry. The families of members who are deployed in these military groups regularly get together at the Broom Farm Community Centre in Windsor.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle visited the Broom Farm Community Centre in Windsor where they met with military families
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle visited the Broom Farm Community Centre in Windsor where they met with military families
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle visited the Broom Farm Community Centre in Windsor where they met with military families
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle visited the Broom Farm Community Centre in Windsor where they met with military families
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle visited the Broom Farm Community Centre in Windsor where they met with military families
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle visited the Broom Farm Community Centre in Windsor where they met with military families
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle visited the Broom Farm Community Centre in Windsor where they met with military families
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle visited the Broom Farm Community Centre in Windsor where they met with military families
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle visited the Broom Farm Community Centre in Windsor where they met with military families
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle visited the Broom Farm Community Centre in Windsor where they met with military families
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle visited the Broom Farm Community Centre in Windsor where they met with military families
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle visited the Broom Farm Community Centre in Windsor where they met with military families
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle visited the Broom Farm Community Centre in Windsor where they met with military families
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle visited the Broom Farm Community Centre in Windsor where they met with military families
Meghan Markle wore Massimo Dutti long wool coat with belt
Massimo Dutti Long Wool Coat With Belt

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  1. Anonymous8/11/19 15:13

    Total sympathische Fotos mit viel Wärme.

    Die Farbe von Meghans Mantel gefällt mir nicht. Ich finde, dass ihr Khaki (oder Braun) nicht so gut steht.
    Bin aber immer ein totaler Freund ihrer Blusen und Hemden. So auch hier.

  2. I don't really understand the details of the blouse, apart from that quite ok for this type of event.

  3. Her hair looks unkempt. A hairdo like princess Marie of Denmark would look nice on her.

    1. Anonymous8/11/19 19:10

      Her extensions will soon become a controversial issue. She preaches feminism and yet this human hair is obtained in very inhuman ways, women are forced to cut their hair off for the trade.

    2. Do you personally dress her hair or is your statement purely conjecture?

    3. Hi Anonymous mo-, I think it would be nice not to contribute to the controversy, and leave Meghan try to reconstruct her image. I think she deserves that, and her couple as well. I could add that in some parts of the world some women need this income, and would very much regret not to have it.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Joann
    Meghan and Harry really seem to be in their element at these types of events. Both look genuinely pleased to be there and everyone is relating to them in a personal way. But Meghan's hair gets too much attention. I wish she wouldn't wear it that way. It just seems too distracting. But, overall, I think they are out and about in a relaxed, unassuming way. It is clear the people appreciate them.

    1. Anonymous8/11/19 19:08

      they said they put on an act. i hope they find peace

  6. Anonymous8/11/19 17:22

    Nice to see both with all these children at this event. I must say Meghan must be careful her husband has all these little fans. I like the pic #2 and 4 the best. Maybe her hair in a ponytail would have been nice for a change.Can't say much about the outfit,one don't see that much about it. I do like the coat in the last pic.The main thing is their interaction with the kids.

  7. Five stars for Meghan with the exception of her hair. Very much needs to be trimmed. The ends are very uneven and the style is too long.

    1. Anonymous9/11/19 15:55

      Totally, totally agree. I am not a fan of scraggly ends.

  8. Relaxed outfit for this event and I like the coat in the outdoor shots. Someone said ion a different post this week that brown is a horrible colour but it doesn't have to be as this outfit shows. Main minus point is the long straggly hair--like Maxima it gets to the point where commenting on it becomes tedious. It's really unflattering but she's probably not going to change it.

    1. Anonymous8/11/19 20:23

      Agree with your comment regarding her and Maxima's hair. At least Maxima has been wearing it up lately which is quite an improvement.


  9. Anonymous8/11/19 19:24

    Everything seems ill fitted, and the hair indeed looks in the way.

  10. Harry ist hier für mich der "Gewinner". Ich mag diese Pulloverkombi und auch den Bart. Am besten gefällt mir aber, wie niedlich er mit den Kleinen ist!

  11. I am actually quite a fan of Meghan's hairstyle, but lately I must say, her hair doesn't look good anymore. It does not look well looked after. It is way too long, almost waistlong - seriously? - way too heavy, that much hair is overwhelming for her face as well as for her petite figure, it takes away from her clothes and is way too thick. Way too many extensions, that don't even blend well with her natural hair. Not shiny any more, damaged ends....Honestly, I don't get it. Because I am quite sure, she has help with her hair. Does her hairstylist not see that this gets all out of control? Is it supposed to be like that???

    I liked her hair much more like she had it styled three or four years ago. Shorter, lighter in colour, less extensions. Like in this picture e.g.

    This is by the way a very nice fanpage, that shows a lot of pictures of Meghan prior her dating Harry. She looked much better then, which is not a question of being couple years younger. Her hair, make-up and mostly her fashion choices looked so much more modern and fitting her individual style.

    P.S. No need to tell me about the special challenges of Meghan's hair. I am myself in a mixed race marriage, our children have most likely the same hair structure as Meghan's. I have been dealing with the special needs of black or mixed hair for more than thirty years. That's why I can say, her hair does not look as good as it could.

    1. Anonymous9/11/19 19:34

      Thanks for beautiful pictures.
      I love it very much.

  12. Anonymous8/11/19 20:29

    I think the outfit is fine for the occasion, not too fussy or formal. More importantly they both look relaxed and engaged with the group. (V.M.)

  13. Anonymous8/11/19 20:43

    And what if the woman wants her hair extra long? It's beautiful and feminine. Why her hair is "too long"?

    1. Anonymous9/11/19 02:43

      Exactly, I totally agree with your question. And I don’t understand the talk about extensions, I don’t see any trace of those. What I see is African type of hair straightened and growing longer than it was a couple of years ago. Her hair type is very different from the other royal ladies, as someone already commented above. What’s more, she has had a baby and that probably has affected her hair as well. Her hair colour is
      wonderful, too, lighter hair doesn’t suit her — and it doesn’t suit Kate either.


    2. Anonymous9/11/19 16:01

      I like her hair color and I like Kate's darker as well. Chocolate brown hair is gorgeous on many women, and I don't understand why they highlight it to lighten it...only when one reaches their late 40's into late 50's is lighter hair better on the skin tone. This is pure conjecture, but I wonder if sometimes Meghan is trying to emulate Kate's thicker wavy hair with the extensions? She doesn't have to. She looks great in her own straight hair, but should trim it a bit. This trend of women who are almost 40 or 50 or even 60 (Melania Trump included) to wear their hair very long like teenage girls is a bit silly, especially because hair tends to thin out at those ages.

  14. She has lovely hair, but sometimes it does not look well groomed.

  15. Anonymous9/11/19 01:12

    Clothing is casual, all right, but it doesn't inspire me. I will repeat after the previous co-debaters, Hair - bad. Her elongated hair doesn't look good. It looks like a wig. I wonder what her natural hair looks like. My male friends, including my husband, claim that they hate artificial things on women - artificial breasts, artificial nails, hair with extensions.

  16. Anonymous9/11/19 01:33

    She looks beautiful with her hair, imho nothing to complain about.

  17. Ava Pittman9/11/19 04:28

    A lovely visit by the Royal couple. Lovely to see them out and about. I like the colour of the coat, but doesn't really go with the outfit. Skirt looks ill fitting. The top is quite nice. The idea is their it just doesn't all go together. I do like the necklaces she wore, I don't like bare necks and these look lovely pieces.

  18. Anonymous9/11/19 05:14

    Since a lot of comments regarding duchess hair, I thought I might throw this out there. Perhaps she experiences hair loss after pregnancy and has to use extension etc.to cope until things are normal again. So I'll cut her some slack. Though I think she looks better with shorter layer cut a few years ago.

  19. Anonymous9/11/19 06:49

    I have read way too many comments on her hair. and I want to know what they think a woman's 'Ideal Hair' lengthwise and texture-wise should be. Because from where I come from,long thick hair is seen as a sign of pride and beauty. It's very curious that different regions have different perceptions. It is a genuine question and I hope the regulars give me a reply. Mimi

    1. Hi Mimi you are right, there are as many perceptions of the "ideal hair" as there are people. I usually express my opinion only on a case by case basis. I already also pointed out that current trends need to be taken into consideration, and not exclusively the classic standards. Well I probably did not really answer your question, sorry.

  20. Nouvelle venue! Bonjour à toutes et à tous! Je suis une fan inconditionnelle de la Duchesse de Sussex! Je trouve étonnant que des femmes soient là à juger d'autres femmes ! Pourrions nous aussi juger les hommes!Leur façon de parler, de marcher, de se tenir, la couleur de leurs chaussettes, leurs moustaches etc. . Ces commentaires reflètent la dimension spirituelle et intellectuelle de chacune et chacun de nous. Alors le sujet le plus important est la coiffure de Meghan. Heureusement on ne voit pas ses culottes, alors je n'ose pas de penser aux commentaires. Tout est prétexte à saboter le travail de Meghan et parler de superficialité ! Ici on nous parle de ses cheveux prélevés sur des pauvres femmes qui sont obligées de les couper pour le commerce ! Et demain ce sera quoi? Elle met le rouge à lèvres pris sur les pauvres plantes! Elle porte des chaussures en cuir, oh les pauvres animaux!
    Elle n'est ni présidente des USA ni présidente de la Chine! Il faut ramener les choses à leur juste valeur! Toute chose égale par ailleurs et il fait raison gardée !
    Certains personnes ici prospèrent dans la polémique et leur sujet de prédilection, sabotet le travail de Meghan..

    1. Bonjour ??? (3:41) Je partage très largement votre avis, ce matin encore j'écrivais ma demande de ne pas alimenter la controverse à propos de Meghan. Un rappel toutefois nous ne voyons que des photos donc impossible de commenter les différents points que vous mentionnez.

  21. Anonymous9/11/19 12:53

    The couple is in their element at these events. They are warm and engaged. @MaryT well said. Millions (yes! millions) of women wear extensions and it is all reportedly 'human hair'. Where are these women who supply this demand? 10:10 should google 'The gift of the Magi' a beautiful story about hair as an income that dates back to 1905. Once again, some allow a small detail to overshadows the sense of community and human contact seen in this visit. -MB

  22. I would love if Meghan let her curly, her natural hair.

  23. Hair can never be to long if it is clean and in good condition.
    As a women to another,the hair if it is cut or long is not a problem.

  24. Anonymous9/11/19 16:20

    For this engagement her hair didn't look as healthy and shiny as next day for Remembrance engagement, but I really don't see there is much to complain about.

  25. She has too,mich extensions in the hair.

  26. Anonymous9/11/19 18:41

    Solo la encontrais despeinada a ella?,pues si Maxima en general no va bien peinada y usa extensiones, resultan monotonos, repetitivos, tristes estos comentarios tan criticos, Meghan es cariñosa, agradable, se comporta de manera natural, espontanea.

  27. I always think she's playing her best role, that of a kind benevolent princess. Fashion wise, I like the coat, but her hair is a little too much for her face

  28. There are plenty of photos on the internet of Crown Princess Mary and Princess (now Queen) Letizia In their early days as royals with terrible outfits and hair. They are both now polished and professional in their clothing choices and grooming. They are public figures so it’s not unreasonable to comment on their public persona. Meghan is still in her early days as a Duchess. Yes, her hair is unhealthy, untidy and unprofessional- looking. And her clothes are frequently not tailored right to her body. But she will find her groove. She will find her royal style. And just like the other princesses, queens and royal ladies of the world, by becoming a royal, she has opened herself up to criticism. I think most commenters here are fair in their judgements.

  29. I think one of Duchess Meghans biggest obstacle is that she has a small face and you have all her thick hair in her face, sometimes a fascinator and then a large bulky coat covering her face and you cannot see her face. When she wears her hair pulled back you can at least see her face!!!

  30. I love it when Harry and Meghan interact with children, they react very spontaneous and always look truly engaged. I really like the sleeves on Meghan's blouse, very interesting. Also her hair looks natural and suits her loose, perhaps a good trim would smarten up the look to avoid it looking straggly.

  31. The Duchess of Sussex looks beautiful here. The only thing I don't like is the hair.



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