Crown Princess Victoria and Daniel's visit to Brå in Stockholm

On November 14, 2019, Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel visited The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå) in Stockholm. The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brottsförebyggande rådet or Brå) is a knowledge center that works for the criminal justice system. The main objective of the center is to contribute to the development of knowledge within the criminal justice system and the criminal policy area and to give support to crime prevention activities.
Crown Princess Victoria is wearing Af Klingberg boots, Tiger of Sweden Molena blazer, Valentino shoulder bag, polka dot blue silk blouse
Crown Princess Victoria is wearing Af Klingberg rakel suede nero boots,  she carres Valentino shoulder bag, polka dot blue silk blouse
Crown Princess Victoria is wearing Af Klingberg rakel suede nero boots,  she carres Valentino shoulder bag, polka dot blue silk blouse
Crown Princess Victoria is wearing Af Klingberg rakel suede nero boots,  she carres Valentino shoulder bag, polka dot blue silk blouse
Crown Princess Victoria is wearing Af Klingberg rakel suede nero boots,  she carres Valentino shoulder bag, polka dot blue silk blouse
Crown Princess Victoria is wearing Af Klingberg rakel suede nero boots,  she carres Valentino shoulder bag, polka dot blue silk blouse
Crown Princess Victoria is wearing Af Klingberg rakel suede nero boots,  she carres Valentino shoulder bag, polka dot blue silk blouse
Crown Princess Victoria is wearing Af Klingberg rakel suede nero boots,  she carres Valentino shoulder bag, polka dot blue silk blouse
Crown Princess Victoria is wearing Af Klingberg rakel suede nero boots,  she carres Valentino shoulder bag, polka dot blue silk blouse
Crown Princess Victoria is wearing Af Klingberg rakel suede nero boots,  she carres Valentino shoulder bag, polka dot blue silk blouse
Crown Princess Victoria wore Tiger of Sweden Molena Blazer
Tiger of Sweden Molena Blazer
Crown Princess Victoria carried Valentino Small chain shoulder bag
Valentino Small Chain Shoulder Bag

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  1. A usual style for her, I like it.

  2. Nun ja, der klassische Hosenanzug , er passt zum ernsten Anlass. Hier gibt es nichts zu bekritteln, ausser der Frisur.
    Ich wünsche mir nur, dass CP Victoria einmal zu einem guten Friseur geht.

  3. Tailleur-pantalon coordonné à un joli corsage à pois ; je ne suis pas fan du col "Lavallière" même s'il est tendance !!!

  4. Nice and professional look for the CPss and her husband.

  5. Back to her "uniform". At least it fits and has a relatively fresh look to it, despite the granny bun and the librarian ribbon-bow. The cool colours and the fun polkadots save this from being yet another unflattering failure.

  6. Beautiful pics, warm smile,flattering colours and makeup, CP Victoria looks good alltough, I do not like the double button jacket.


  7. Sie könnte einen Müllsack tragen - und würde dennoch mit diesem Lächeln den ganzen Raum zum Strahlen bringen....
    Was für eine wunderschöne Frau.

  8. One thing that perhaps we all forget about Victoria is that she is not the spouse of a king or a crown prince. She will be queen in her own right so her load and her responsibility is heavier than other. To me she looks workmanlike and attractive today. The blouse is pretty and suits her.

    1. Exactly! Well said, Elizabeth.

    2. And she will be almost certainly a great, modern queen. There is only one thing she should change - her stylist. I like this suit, but just like many of us have said most of her clothes are unflattering. She has nice body and she has a shining personality, but her outfits dose not boost them. -Siri

    3. Agree with Elizabeth and Haga!

  9. The blouse with the floppy bow ages CP Victoria. She needs to update her blouse selection to include interesting collars that stand up, or are not bow related.... JT

  10. Ava Pittman15/11/19 03:50

    This is a lovely pantsuit. The navy accessories I like. Agree about the bow on the blouse it does tend to be a bit aging. Regardless the CP looks professional and hits the mark nicely

  11. This suit looks better than some of Victoria's other suits. It is funny how the "pussy-bow" has become so fashionable again, and at least in Sweden, rather political. (See this article: ). Those who say that clothes doesn t matter do not know what they are talking about.

  12. La Princesse Victoria travailleuse et efficace! Elle a aussi trouvé le bon partenaire en son époux Le Prince consort Daniel qui l'épaule et remplit ses obligations sans rechigner. Il me rappelle le Prince Philip aux côtés de sa Majesté la Reine Elisabeth! Une très belle équipe !

    Thelma de Seine

  13. I like the blouse, the color and pattern are pretty and look great under her suit. I really appreciate a woman in a great suit. Her smile is so genuine.

  14. Not a bad look at all, but the suit would look better with a blouse with a colar.


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