Crown Princess Victoria attended anniversary concert of Berwaldhallen

On November 30, 2019, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden attended the concert of Berwaldhallen, which celebrates 40th anniversary of its establishment. The concert took place at Berwald Concert Hall in Östermalm, Stockholm. Berwaldhallen was opened in the autumn of 1979. The inaugural concert was on 30 November 1979. Crown Princess Victoria wore a gold flower dress by Dagmar.
Crown Princess Victoria wore Unreal Fur Wanderlust coat
Crown Princess Victoria wore Dagmar Dora gold flower dress, and Unreal Fur Wanderlust jacket, and gold leaf earrings
Crown Princess Victoria wore Dagmar Dora gold flower dress, and Unreal Fur Wanderlust jacket, and gold leaf earrings
Crown Princess Victoria wore Dagmar Dora gold flower dress, and Unreal Fur Wanderlust jacket, and gold leaf earrings
Crown Princess Victoria wore Dagmar Dora gold flower dress, and Unreal Fur Wanderlust jacket, and gold leaf earrings
Crown Princess Victoria wore Dagmar Dora gold flower dress
Dagmar Dora Gold-flower Dress
Crown Princess Victoria wore Unreal Fur Wanderlust coat
Unreal Fur Wanderlust Coat

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  1. Queen Leticia black and gold much prettier. She would look lovely in the same style, pattern, this is too fussy or maybe the pictures doesn’t do it justice.

  2. CP Victoria is a lovely confident royal. She is always simple chic and pretty in her own way. I think she looks very nice, healthy and appropriate dressed for this local event.

  3. I think the dress looks dramatic and chic with Victoria’s black stockings and shoes, and with her earrings. Imo the jacket, though, is dreadful.

    1. And where's Prince Daniel? Maybe he's allergic to fake fur.

    2. About Prince Daniel, we can observe that he is not participating in all the crown-princess activities, potentially for various reasons, among them probably the children. I would not be worried, he was attending a few days ago a preparatory meeting to the Nobel prizes ceremony. He seems to be a very nice man and there should not be suspicions or bad jokes about him.

  4. This is a not a bad look for CP Victoria. The "unreal fur" is a bit bulky, but I am sure it is cold in Sweden and she may have needed something substantial. I think her earrings are pretty and take the focus off her slicked back hair. I wish she had used more color on her lips. Overall, I think she looks very pretty.

    1. @ Debra Agree with you in all points.

  5. Actually rather like this-both the dress and the jacket. The red dress/tunic worn by the other lady would be nice as knee or mid calf length dress.

  6. Anonymous1/12/19 01:03

    She’s gorgeous

  7. Anonymous1/12/19 01:33

    Like this fashion forward outfit. For those who say she dressed to dowdy, this is a turn in the right direction. Wish there would have been more/better photos of her, without the coat, and with the coat on.

  8. Anonymous1/12/19 02:59

    Stunning look of CP Victoria. She lost some weight, especially her face looks thinner or iis it the makeup? Aar

    1. When it comes to weight, loosing or gaining, that should not be an issuue here IMO. Especially when it comes to Victoria as she was anorectic a few years ago. She left Sweden for a few months to get healthy again.

  9. Jolie robe qui serait beaucoup mieux avec des motifs moins grands et une ceinture en tissu... Je ne suis pas fan de la veste en fourrure qui est trop longue !!!

  10. Anonymous1/12/19 09:21

    Not dowdy for me, not at all. The only part I could live without is the neck part. There is enough drama going on with gold and black, a bit more skin instead of this collar-like something would have been nice. She tends to wear very "closed" dresses. But apart from this, she is gorgeous and her hair back s not a problem if whe compensates with a bit of makeup and jewellery.

  11. La veste est affreuse ,elle sent le cadavre d’un animal.

  12. Anonymous1/12/19 09:45

    It does not take much to turn her easily into the ugliest royal woman. I think she should go back to the style she had around the time of her wedding. Simple knee-length sheath dresses. You do not become a style icon with such dresses, but it better for Victoria than this. She can't wear everything.

    1. Anonymous1/12/19 14:52

      "Ugliest"? It does not take much to be harsh behind anonimity, does it.

    2. My impression remains unchanged: she does not want to spend a lot of time on fashion, clothing or hairstyle issues. This may be regrettable but I think she is right in sticking to soberness as a general rule, since it fits her rather well. That is her way of being modern. Soberness is not really on today, we could argue. But this was an evening event...
      Sticking to her "wedding time style" is not the ideal solution, I think there would be criticism about that as well.

    3. Anonymous2/12/19 14:31

      Anyone with such a warm personality and charming smile could never be ugly. I'm not big fan of her (or more likely her stylist's) recent fashion choices, but she is definitely not ugly. -Siri

  13. Dieses Kleid hat CP Victoria erst kuerzlich angehabt, es gefiel mir da schon nicht. Die Kunstpelz Jacke macht es meiner Meinung nach auch nicht besser. Und die schwarzen Strümpfe sowie die strenge Frisur vollenden den ganzen dramatischen look.
    Warum sich CP Victoria so unschmeichelhaft kleidet, wird nur sie wissen. Sie könnte es so viel besser machen, aber die royalen Damen wollen (oder sollen) die Modeschöpfer fördern, da geht es nicht immer darum ob es schön ist oder ihnen gut steht.

  14. Anonymous1/12/19 18:57

    CPss Victoria looks lovely.Also like the jacket nice look.

  15. Je suis d’accord,la princesse était plus élégante,mieux coiffée,mieux en tout avant son mariage. Elle a perdu du charme et de la féminité .


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