Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel visited Malmö

On November 18, 2019, Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel visited Fryshuset organization and Swedish Police Authority in Malmö. Fryshuset is a non-profit youth organization that works to improve young people's life conditions by creating opportunities for them to find and develop their creativity, skills and motivation.
Crown Princess Victoria wore a chela-blazer and brite trousers by Tiger of Sweden. J Lindeberg pantsuit. Longchamp large tote bag
Crown Princess Victoria wore a chela-blazer and brite trousers by Tiger of Sweden. J Lindeberg pantsuit. Longchamp large tote bag
Crown Princess Victoria wore a chela-blazer and brite trousers by Tiger of Sweden. J Lindeberg pantsuit. Longchamp large tote bag
Crown Princess Victoria wore a chela-blazer and brite trousers by Tiger of Sweden. J Lindeberg pantsuit. Longchamp large tote bag
Crown Princess Victoria wore a chela-blazer and brite trousers by Tiger of Sweden. J Lindeberg pantsuit. Longchamp large tote bag
Crown Princess Victoria wore a chela-blazer and brite trousers by Tiger of Sweden. J Lindeberg pantsuit. Longchamp large tote bag
Crown Princess Victoria wore a chela-blazer and brite trousers by Tiger of Sweden. J Lindeberg pantsuit. Longchamp large tote bag
Crown Princess Victoria wore a chela-blazer and brite trousers by Tiger of Sweden. J Lindeberg pantsuit. Longchamp large tote bag

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  1. Business Outfit "normale". Warum nicht, es ist Montag und es regnet.

  2. Victoria is a beautiful, vibrant woman, but imo she could use some help from a stylist because her wardrobe choices are wildly inconsistent and often work against her, as here. The outfit is certainly businesslike, but businesslike can be so much more attractive than this.

    1. I have understood Victoria has a stylist but she should replace her. V has such a warm personality and beautiful but short figure. With a skilful stylist she could look amazing. -Siri

    2. Victoria short? I would not call 172cm = 5,6 feet for a woman short.

  3. Business style, but suitable for the occasion. I would recommend wearing a blouse of bold colors with this gray costume.
    PS: Malmo, isn't it a Swedish city that is reported by the media that there is a gang war raging? Sad to hear it. I have always thought that Sweden is a peaceful and safe country, but that is probably not true.

    1. Yes, you are right. Malmo is one of the cities in Sweden that is experiencing problems with rivalling gangs killing and setting of bombs. It is very sad. Having said that, Sweden is still peaceful and safe overall, well worth a visit.

    2. Yes agree for a blouse in bold colours, for the rest I agree to businesslike style for such occasions.

  4. No bow blouse - yay! But unfortunately, also: no colour. A gray business suit is ok but needs something to make it come alive - a pop of colour, a fresh accessory, a sharp cut. This suit has none of that, and I´m not even sure it´s a suit. Seems like two separate pieces that are similar but not quite a match.
    So, still not a good look, but at least no bow blouse and no frills. I think I´ll take this over the granny dresses any day.

  5. Tenue qui convient bien pour cette visite.. Il me semble qu'une blouse de couleur rose -par exemple- serait plus flatteuse !!!

    1. Mais ce qu'elle fait moche avec son chignon!

  6. Irgendwie bin ich inzwischen echt dankbar, wenn sie mal etwas OHNE Blümchen drauf anhat...
    Wirklich, ich mag sie soooo gerne, aber ihr Stilbewußtsein hat sich nach dem 40. Geburtstag schon ein bißle eigenartig entwickelt. *seufz*

  7. I want Prince Daniel's tailor for the men in my life . . . lol

    1. I am a fan of prince Daniel.
      He seems very clever and humble gentleman.
      These pictures show that he is popular in his country.

    2. I like prince Daniel as well, he can conquer anyone with his smile.

  8. I, too, do not like Victoria's attire. To me, it is too masculine, especially the pants with the front fly. The color does not help. A bright blouse, maybe with a scoop neckline accentuated with a modest necklace, would have helped, I think. Daniel looks fantastic!

    1. Completely agree wrt the problems with Victoria's outfit here.

  9. I don't like this outfit at all. Not very flattering. In the end, however, it's Victoria's great radiation and overall, always true interest in everybody and everything that counts. She has a great personality.

  10. The outfit is OK, just misses some colour.

  11. Crown Princess Victoria's attire looks like what a female security officer would wear!!!...too bad

  12. Ava Pittman19/11/19 19:13

    CP Victoria looks nice but this is a bit bland looking.

  13. Nice business suit,but a little blend.


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