Crown Princess Victoria and Daniel's visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina

The second day of Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel's visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina began with a visit to the Childhood War Museum in Sarajevo. The Museum is a historical museum that opened in January 2017. Then, Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel visited the Academy of Music in Sarajevo. The Academy was established by the Decision of People’s Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 20 May 1955. Afterwards, Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel visited the Mine Action Group (MAG) and mine dog school in Sarajevo. Since 1989, MAG has helped over 18 million people in 68 countries rebuild their lives and livelihoods after war.
Crown Princess Victoria wore Andiata Odnala wool jacket in Pink. The Princess wore 2ndday check blazer pant suit brown
Crown Princess Victoria wore Andiata Odnala wool jacket in Pink. The Princess wore 2ndday check blazer pant suit brown
Crown Princess Victoria wore Andiata Odnala wool jacket in Pink. The Princess wore 2ndday check blazer pant suit brown
Crown Princess Victoria wore Andiata Odnala wool jacket in Pink. The Princess wore 2ndday check blazer pant suit brown
Crown Princess Victoria wore Andiata Odnala wool jacket in Pink. The Princess wore 2ndday check blazer pant suit brown
Crown Princess Victoria wore Andiata Odnala wool jacket in Pink. The Princess wore 2ndday check blazer pant suit brown
Crown Princess Victoria wore Andiata Odnala wool jacket in Pink. The Princess wore 2ndday check blazer pant suit brown
Crown Princess Victoria wore Andiata Odnala wool jacket in Pink. The Princess wore 2ndday check blazer pant suit brown
Crown Princess Victoria wore Andiata Odnala wool jacket in Pink. The Princess wore 2ndday check blazer pant suit brown
Crown Princess Victoria wore Andiata Odnala wool jacket in Pink. The Princess wore 2ndday check blazer pant suit brown
Crown Princess Victoria wore Andiata Odnala wool jacket in Pink. The Princess wore 2ndday check blazer pant suit brown
Crown Princess Victoria wore Andiata Odnala wool jacket in Pink. The Princess wore 2ndday check blazer pant suit brown
Crown Princess Victoria wore Andiata Odnala wool jacket in Pink. The Princess wore 2ndday check blazer pant suit brown
Crown Princess Victoria wore ACNE STUDIOS Wool and cotton-blend suit
ACNE STUDIOS Wool and cotton-blend suit
Crown Princess Victoria wore Andiata Odnala wool jacket in Pink
Andiata Odnala wool jacket

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  1. Anonymous7/11/19 18:56

    I am sorry but this is a no no, jacket fine but Is too much and I’ll suited trousers.

  2. Thanks, but I hate it. Did Bosnia and Herzegovina forget to send Victoria a Christmas card last year? Is she mad at them? Why is she wearing the ugliest things in her closet? What is this? It's so unflattering.

    I'm starting to wonder if she's wearing really ugly clothes now, so that no matter what she wears at the Nobels we'll rave about it because it's not an ill-fitting plaid suit.

    On a positive note (because I don't want to be too negative), I like her bag and her coat is one of my favourites.

  3. Anonymous7/11/19 18:59

    I don't care much for this suit, it does nothing for Victoria. To much plaid. Victoria and Daniel made a step back into a not so distant history.!

  4. Looks clownish. Sorry. Atrocious outfit.

  5. Anonymous7/11/19 20:18

    Not related to this blog post, but I'm kinda missing a blog post from the PM of Slovenia's state visit to Norway. There was even a galla dinner last night.

    1. Anonymous9/11/19 08:35

      Agree, I wish the same. Mars

  6. Ich mag den Anzug nicht, aber ich liebe den Ausdruck puren Mitgefühls auf ihrem Gesicht. Und das ist mir so viel mehr wert als über "fast" fashion zu schreiben.

  7. Anonymous7/11/19 22:35

    I think the pantsuit would have looked much better as a single breasted style with slightly narrower trousers. The colours suit her very well and I love her cognac coloured accessories. (V.M.)

    1. Completely agree with you about the pantsuit and accessories. But the colour of the bow blouse is really ugly.

    2. I agree....single breasted and more tailored.

    3. "....single breasted and more tailored", I also agree! Colour and accessories ok for me

  8. Anonymous7/11/19 22:42

    I love the coat and purse, the jacket/pants look over-sized, and unflattering. I really like CP Victoria, this is sadly not a good look on her.

  9. Anonymous7/11/19 22:52

    Love her coat. I like the fabric of the suit but the fit is off. The jacket is too big and the pants are too short. Wide- legged trousers should fall fluidly and these don't. The blouse gets lost underneath the jacket.


  10. She should look at princess Mary’s and Queen Letizias elegant pants suits; that’s an I’ll fitting ugly suit she’s wearing.

  11. Anonymous8/11/19 01:30

    Too baggy/bulky and the plaid is too large/too much.

  12. Sorry, just no. This is one of the worst outfits I have seen Victoria wearing. The loud check with the jacket hanging open and the insipid blouse just looks awful. In the last picture it's like pyjamas and dressing gown.

  13. Ugliest suit ever, and brown is such a horrible color!

  14. Love those beautiful boots -- but why not wear them with a mid-calf length skirt and a nice belted sweater, instead of this horrible, unflattering pantsuit?!

  15. Ill-fitting jacket and a very stark, masculine look. A total fail for me!

  16. Ill-fitting jacket and a very stark, masculine look. A total fail for me!

  17. Anonymous8/11/19 04:55

    This is the ugliest outfit ever. It looks like she is cross-dressing. Its especially bad with her slicked down hair, hairy neck and painted eyebrows.

  18. Anonymous8/11/19 07:30

    Talk about low. I hope all of you who said those mean and hateful things about Crown Princess Victoria are proud of yourselves. Honestly, I hope she does not read this. I guess you didn't notice her beautiful smile that came from within.....

    1. Oh, stop it. No-one said anything about Victoria. Everybody here commented solely on her outfit. And although the comments are overwhelmingly negative, it doesn´t mean that they are hateful or mean. It means people react negatively on something - which is a normal form of feedback. I wish people would know the difference between criticism and hate.
      Actually, I do wish she´d read this. That would help her to improve her style. As does any criticism - it leads to improvement. Because surely she wouldn´t dress like that if she knew the vast majority of people thought of it as awful.

    2. Anonymous8/11/19 17:24

      To you wannabe frustrated Mr. Blackwell's there is a wrong and right way to critique some ones wardrobe. When history looks back at her she will be remembered for helping to cure world hunger, helping to stop bullying, helping to find a cure for cancer. With all of the amazing causes she is involved in wearing her hair in a bun is probably the last thing she will be remembered for!!!

    3. Anonymous9/11/19 10:11

      @Anon 8:24PM: CPss Victoria may be patron and visit organizations, hospitals, converences, etc but the hard work is done by all those amazing and smart doctors, scientists, teachers, etc. They are the ones who deserve your praise. Especially when they do all this despite those cuts to science funding or health care (hence overworked doctors, understaffed hospitals).

      This is a fashion blog -- we discuss fashion here. If Victoria's stylist want to dress her in ugly and unflattering clothes, then no need to blame us for her decisions and choices! We can not lie if we don't like something. She's spending tax-payers money, so in a way she should dress so that her clothes won't draw attention away from her cause! I don't want to look at her and sigh again.
      How other royals ladies can be fashionable and dress well? Or she's afraid she's not taken seriously if she dresses feminine and flattering clothes and wear her hair in less severe style? She's very beautiful woman and in good shape. Her stylist does her no favors though!
      / Marika /

    4. Anonymous:
      No-one here wants to be frustrated. We would all much prefer to see her dressed to her advantage and look smashing. Victoria is well-liked which is why people care about her.
      But we must be allowed to respond negatively as well.
      Usually it goes like this:
      Negative comments about causes --> but this is a fashion blog! You´re off topic!
      Negative comments about fashion --> but look at the good she does and her amazing causes!
      Well, I say: you cannot have both.
      Negative comments are ok, they are part of any fruitful discussion.

      And since you have now brought the discussion to what she will be remembered for (btw what a weird thing to discuss about someone in her early 40s...): She is not involved in causes that aim at ending world hunger, stopping bullying or curing cancer. If any, she´ll be associated with environmental issues, and water in particular. But being a future regent, her job is not primarily to shed light on causes but to represent her country.
      Victoria has made her tight bun her trademark. It´s in almost every picture we get to see of her. She WILL forever be associated with that hairstyle, and it´s not great for her. I don´t want her to also be associated with quirky or frumpy outfits as well, especially since she is known to be everything but quirky and frumpy. I for one will not pretend she looks fabulous when she does not. Dishonest positivity can be quite harmful. The emperors new clothes... Her stylist does a terrible job styling her, and that has been pointed out by numerous people on numerous occasions. That´s all. All her good work notwithstanding.

  19. Anonymous8/11/19 08:32

    What on earth she's wearing? Oversized blazer that just hang open. Large plaid. Bow blouse. Tight and severe hairstyle. Brown accessories.
    Doesn't she own a mirror? One of the worst look among royal ladies. Sorry but I expected more from her, especially for the foreign trip!

  20. j'aime beaucoup la princesse Victoria mais je suis souvent en désaccord avec ce qu'elle porte (c'est le cas ici) et avec sa coiffure qui ne la met pas en valeur.

  21. Joli tailleur-pantalon mais un peu trop grand ; j'aime bien sa longue veste !!!

  22. This is a fashion blog, saying things like the suit she's wearing is ugly and ill fitting, and I'm tired of the same pulled tight bun is OK. No matter how much she smiles . Same goes for a lot of Maxima's outfits and hair. I hope both Victoria and Maxima read this blog and become a little more fashion conscious.

  23. OH... At the first three pictures I was lik… yes, this might be good. But then I saw the whole ensemble, and the oversize of everything... Not so nice. The Crown Princess's stylist is not doing Victoria any favours.

  24. Anonymous8/11/19 20:03

    I mean, I like the vibe she's going for, but I think the pantsuit should've been more fitted.

  25. Ava Pittman8/11/19 20:31

    Too big, baggy, shapeless and bulky. It is a shame the idea is their but it doesn't hit the mark

  26. I was really loving this pantsuit and the blouse. Then, I realised I was a teenager in the 70's and I am nostalgic! I would love to see the suit better fitted. I wonder if the colour would look better in person. All in all, to each their own - and I am still loving this. Weird!

  27. Anonymous9/11/19 18:58

    Oh, poor Victoria, she is drowning, not her style at all.
    Lis A.


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