British Royal Family attended the 2019 Remembrance Day Service at The Cenotaph

On November 10, 2019, Sunday, the Queen and members of the Royal Family, that is, The Duchess of Cornwall, The Duchess of Cambridge, The Duchess of Sussex, The Countess of Wessex, The Prince of Wales, The Duke of Cambridge, The Duke of Sussex, The Duke of York, Princess Anne and The Earl of Wessex attended the annual Remembrance Day Service at The Cenotaph. The service started at the Cenotaph on Whitehall, London, and was held to honour the service and sacrifice of the Armed Forces community, as well as the British and Commonwealth veterans, allies and civilian servicemen and women from the two World Wars and other conflicts.
Queen Elizabeth, Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Cornwall, the Countess of Wessex at Cenotaph
Queen Elizabeth, Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Cornwall, the Countess of Wessex at Cenotaph
Queen Elizabeth, Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Cornwall, the Countess of Wessex at Cenotaph
Queen Elizabeth, Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Cornwall, the Countess of Wessex at Cenotaph
Queen Elizabeth, Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Cornwall, the Countess of Wessex at Cenotaph
Queen Elizabeth, Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Cornwall, the Countess of Wessex at Cenotaph
Queen Elizabeth, Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Cornwall, the Countess of Wessex at Cenotaph
Queen Elizabeth, Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Cornwall, the Countess of Wessex at Cenotaph
Queen Elizabeth, Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Cornwall, the Countess of Wessex at Cenotaph
Queen Elizabeth, Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Cornwall, the Countess of Wessex at Cenotaph
Queen Elizabeth, Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Cornwall, the Countess of Wessex at Cenotaph
Queen Elizabeth, Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Cornwall, the Countess of Wessex at Cenotaph
Queen Elizabeth, Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Cornwall, the Countess of Wessex at Cenotaph
Queen Elizabeth, Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Cornwall, the Countess of Wessex at Cenotaph
Queen Elizabeth, Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Cornwall, the Countess of Wessex at Cenotaph
Queen Elizabeth, Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Cornwall, the Countess of Wessex at Cenotaph
Queen Elizabeth, Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Cornwall, the Countess of Wessex at Cenotaph
Queen Elizabeth, Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Cornwall, the Countess of Wessex at Cenotaph
Queen Elizabeth, Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Cornwall, the Countess of Wessex at Cenotaph
Queen Elizabeth, Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Cornwall, the Countess of Wessex at Cenotaph
Queen Elizabeth, Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Cornwall, the Countess of Wessex at Cenotaph

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  1. Love D. Catherine’s entire outfit - especially the very fitted, strict coat with the embroidery that mimics the shape of military braid. Her hair and hat are outstanding too! Of the others, C. Sophie and D. Camilla’s hats are winners. D.Meghan looks fine. (V.M.)

    1. Royalty fan

      Anon 4:16, yes all the ladies look pretty, and appropriate, for this tribute.Kate's jacket, reminds me of Diana's, white suit, which she also had on, for a military event.

    2. I agree. For this most formal and solemn occasion I think they look great. I think Meghan looks just lovely here but I think with either the netting in her top or the silver belt rings/loose belt give her a more casual vibe which is out of sync for this event. It’s a great effort just misses slightly the formal/military aspect. She’ll learn. Agree with Joann @ 8:16 about Stella’s comment being in bad test with Remembrance Day.

    3. She looks immaculate, everything fits, Meghan does not have to copy anyone. She should stay as she is.

    4. Of course Meghan should not copy anyone- she is unique- as are the Queen, Camilla, Catherine, Sophie and Anne. Each one has their own individual take on this very formal and historical event attire- it’s in the details. The Queen with her bow and multiple poppies honoring her many branches of the military, Camilla has a badge of her father’s regiment, Catherine her poppy honoring her Grandmother’s WW2 Bletchley Park service, Sophie the badge of the regiment of which she is a Colonel and Anne (most unique) in full uniform. Meghan has her poppy too - which is also obviously expected as part of the family business, just as not looking too casual at this very formal event is. It’s a tricky dynamic that I am sure she will continue to grow in mastering with time- as have the others.

  2. Lovely Megan!

    1. I agree.

    2. That hat looks great on Meghan & perfect Make-Up!!!
      Shame about the belt much higher than her waist again. Not flattering at all.

      Kate's coat fits perfectly, and she looks impeccable as always, but it reminds me on the "Nutcracker", a bit operetta like?

  3. Beautiful hat on Meghan. Kate's updo is very nice but I don't like the hat or coat. Sophie has a nice coat (as much as we can see) but I don't like the hat. Camilla and the Queen looks ok.

    1. Totally agree. Meghan's hat is my favoite style, something so simple and yet classic for this soleumn event. She looks lovely and has a nice fresh youthful look about her.

    2. I totally agree. Meghans hat is wow and she looks incredibly beautiful.

  4. All the ladies are outstanding. Gorgeous hats!
    It's very interesting what kind of conversation each of them has.

  5. Love Catherine’s hat. While I appreciate she went with a military inspired jacket for the event, I don’t like the tassels. I like Meghan’s wide brim hat and find the bow detail charming. I think a non- belted coat would be more flattering. Her make- up is flawless. I like Sophie’s hat. The Queen’s jacket is my favorite today- classic & timeless.


    1. Anonymous E.B.B.: You nailed it! Nothing more to say :)

  6. All five ladies look smart though I am not sure I like the military look of the Duchess of Cambridge's coat. The Duchess of Sussex was criticised for netting on her hat at a remembrance occasion. Here is Kate with the same and personally I don't see that is it is too frivolous.

  7. Alle Damen sind sehr elgant gekleidet - die Hüte sind allesamt wundervoll. Bild 13, Herzogin Meghan, zeigt, was für ein wunderschönes Gesicht und welch warmherzige Ausstrahlung sie hat. Ein phantastisches Foto! Irgendwie erinnert es mich an Audrey Hepburn.
    Bild 5, die Queen mit geschlossenen Augen und Duchess Kate, die sich zu ihr herunter beugt, als wenn sie fragt, ob es ihr gut geht. Macht ein wenig den Eindruck, als ob Q. Elizabeth sich einen Moment lang nicht wohl fühlt.
    Herzogin Kates Mantel finde ich sehr schön, erinnert leicht an die Zarenzeit. Ich hätte gern ein Bild wo man den Mantel komplett sieht!

  8. I love the DoS's hat! It's perhaps my favorite one that she's worn. Proper hats look soooooo good on her! I appreciate the coat as well, it's simple and the wide lapels compliment the lines of the hat. I just wish the belt was a little neater rather than a D-ring contraption in which she tucked the rest of the belt strap away. That's a minor quibble though.

    I find the DoC's coat very costume-y. There's military inspired then there's military cosplay, I think she's waded in the territory of the latter. The fit is impeccable, but in just find the tassels + a zipper fasten to be jarring in terms of adornment. Also, the fascinator with netting doesn't go thematically. That's a more feminine detail whereas the coat is essentially a blues and royals frockcoat cosplay. The little bits and pieces that are stuck in the fascinator are rather distracting and do not add to it. They actually disrupt the balance.

  9. All the ladies look wonderful. Meghan is very beautiful...her makeup is perfect!

    1. So ein an Freizeit ähnelden Hut trägt man zu diesem Anlass auf keinen Fall ! Natürlich fällt dass nur einen INSIDER auf , sie wurde auch schon dafür kritisiert! !

  10. Catherine is here the most beautifull of beauties!
    So dignified!
    Everything matches.
    The three “Queens” on the balcony: I love them all.
    The other Duchesses are O.k.

    1. IT should be noted that the Duchess of Cambridge is also aging and looks older than her years. Too much eye make up calls attention to the bags under her eyes.

    2. Agreed. Made the same point yesterday (didn’t get published, made this time?), she needs lighter makeup, it’s drawing too much attention to the wrong spot - and she has lovely facial features. Nothing wrong with dark spots under your eyes at her age and with three little children, just that it needn’t additional emphasis by way of makeup.

      Also, her hat is boarder line inappropriate. This is not a cocktail party or trooping the colour, where fancy hats are not just justified, but also desirable. If you add the slightly costume-y coat, makes for rather uncomfortable feeling of ‘look at me’ display. She did very well in earlier years, so it’s not like she doesn’t know what is appropriate, which is why I am quite puzzled by her sartorial choices.

      Even Camilla’s hat is a tad questionable (although to a much lesser level), so many feathers are drawing attention (but, in all fairness, these Philip Tracy hats are her ‘comfort’ zone, plus this particular hat she has for almost a decade, so perhaps it is acceptable).

      Her majesty clearly is there for the deep, perhaps quiet and certainly personal reflection on the solemnity of the occasion. And her outfit reflects that. I’d say the same for Sophie and Meghan.

      At 11 am our hearts we’re all in unison beating for those who perished in so many useless wars. May they all Rest In Peace.


  11. The Queen always hits the right note. Kate's coat, a thing of beauty, but the entire look is so so severe. Meghan's hat, lovely in its simplicity. Makeup is flawless. Her skin glows. -B

  12. Joann
    Meghan looks great here. I love her hat She's blending in beautifully, like she's been doing this all her life.

  13. Meghan is majestic!
    Thelma de Seine

  14. Love Kates hairdo, and with the hat she really looks amazing.
    I’m not a fan of Megans hat and coat.
    Camilla looks really nice.

  15. Wow, Meghan looks absolutely gorgeous with her hair neat and this fabulous hat. I love it. She has gone for yet another belted coat which again will probably not do her any favours but we can't see the rest of it. Like the hats worn by both Camilla and Catherine but less keen on the one worn by Sophie. I like the Queen's coat, and Sophie's and Camilla's look fine again form what one can see. Like the fitted structure of Catherine's coat, but not the tassels and hussar style braiding. I fear Camilla may also have tassels either on her sleeves or her gloves. Don't understand the attraction myself.

  16. Catherine's hair is gorgeous. I'm confused by her hat...what are those curlicues? She seems always to dress according to the event/occasion, and her military style coat fits the bill. I like Camilla's hat. The rest of her attire, from what I see, is nondescript. The Queen's coat is lovely and makes a great backdrop for her poppies and brooch. She was obviously moved by the ceremony. Meghan's hat is the best of the lot, in my opinion. It sits high enough not to obstruct her view and our view of her lovely face. Her makeup is sublime. I wish I could see the full length of her coat. It fits well through the shoulders and bust. Not a fan of Sophie's hat, but her coat is nice, and her necklace and earrings are pretty.

  17. Love the RF's presents at this important event.All the RL look fantastic. Like the whole outfit of Kate. The Q always a class act. I like Meghan's hat she looks very good with it the coat looks nice but the way the belt is placed make's her look bigger than she is. Dss Camilla looks great I like this hat a lot. Sophie looks very good too.

  18. I don't really like Meghan, no reason I don't not know her, therefore I try not to comment on her as I know im biased. But this time I have to say she really looks lovely with the hat however I think the coat shape is the wrong one for her figure.
    Love the rest of the ladies

  19. I love Camilla's hat!!

  20. Whoa, Catherine's ravishing updo makes me forget about pretty much everything else. Swoon!

  21. They all look fantastic at this occasion. I like Kates hairstyle a lot, but I like her hair even more, when it is darker.
    I'm still a fan of Meghans makeup, especially the eye-makeup.

  22. Kate in one word gorgeous, esp hair and hat. The Queen and Camilla so chique. Meghan, looks really great as well.

  23. Meghan looks incredibly beautiful and always calm and at peace. She's a smart cookie, you can tell. Her sister-in-law on the other hand looks way too old for her age. I think Catherine is quite dim (my very instinct)and they try to dress her smart but she's a very insecure person. Lee S.

    1. I appreciated your comments. This was a very solemn occasion and did not need to call attention to elaborate hairstyles, curlicues or swirls or feathers, ribbons and tassles. Just simple quiet elegance, dignity and reflection .. all that is needed here.

    2. Sure - cos dim people get into St. Andrews.

      What an extrapolation - you don't like her hat so she's dim... 🙄


    3. Agree Gladys, St. Andrews must have given our Art MA 2:1 honors like candy in her day (eye roll) :)

  24. moving seeing The Queen wiping away tears at today remembrance. Everyone looks nice today. Though I find it odd that some like to wear false lashes even for day time events, instead of evening events.

    1. Who is wearing false lashes? No -ones seems to be wearing false lashes, just a lot of mascara.

    2. Not something I have ever thought of wearing. Looks to me as if Meghan probably is--she certainly has been at recent events. I have both staff and pupils who wear false eyelashes to school so don't see the issue with wearing them by day.

  25. Superbe manteau original de Kate mais j'aime moins son chapeau ; celui de Meghan a une forme simple qui va très bien à son petit visage !!!

  26. Aren't you a biased blogger :( While you happily post Megan criticisers but moderate any negative towards Catherine. Why didn't you post my comment! Pathetic ! Lee S.

  27. Joann -
    One of the other royal sites has mentioned that Stella McCartney posted on her Instagram account a photo of either just the coat or of the Duchess of Sussex wearing it for Remembrance Day Service. Anyway the designer was expressing her pleasure at the Duchess for wearing her coat. Very bad taste, in my opinion. If this were a purely social occasion, okay. But for the Remembrance Day event, No.

    1. It could be just the way how Stella McCartne is supporting the Duchess. It is possible that there are only a few private supporters of/for Meghan within the family.

  28. Why didn't you post my comment from yesterday? It was my very first comment but today you post my disappointment in your biased blog. Not nice and I'm disappointed to have followed you all this time.. Lee S.

  29. forgot to say:
    I really like Meghans hat, it fits her perfectly and looks really good, just looks a bit unusual for this occasion. Coat and dress seem to be nice, can't see much of it at the pics.

  30. Kate par ci kate là! Bonne élève, assidue, appliquée mais pas une élève brillante... Si les gens critiquent Meghan, c'est parce qu'elle fait de l'ombre à la future future future reine consort Catherine!
    Thelma de Seine

    1. Meghan can cast a huge shadow - she still won't be the Queen. Catherine will. They have different roles to play - and both are doing fine.


    2. By the way, Kate (like Camilla) will only be Queen Consort. There is a rather significant difference. It's funny when I read some of the comments, it only shows rather uninformed perspective. As far as we know, there isn't actually a true, actual queen in the future of the united kingdom. Not unless George's first born is a girl.

      meanwhile, in agreement with some of the notes above, I do believe Kate's hat is rather over the top (perhaps Megan's was a little a few days ago as well, although this IS the main remembrance Day event and so it there is a slight difference). Not to mention the operetta-like costume coat (Nutcracker imagery works as well, per one of the notes above), which typically reflects the propensity to stand out versus bend in. I am willing to think it maybe not so much intentionally - but at minimum subconsciously. Well, again like another comment before said it, Mary has done so well at balancing these difficult conundrums.

      In this case, other than Her Majesty, I prefer the choices that Sophie and Megan
      made. Dressed to be respectful, not 'different' and glamorous.

    3. By the way, Kate is called Catherine - and she will be Queen - you can quibble about the Consort if you like. The point is Meghan is significant for quite different reasons and people can try to make it a competition as much as they like.

      I find nothing disrespectful in anybody's clothes. Making an effort is a sign of respect. Neither Catherine nor Camilla are dressed for a night at the Folies Bergeres. And I'm pretty certain that Meghan put just as much thought into her outfit. They are all faithful to their individual styles.

    4. Let’s be clear: a Queen is or will reign. A Queen consort will not. Not ever. In case you haven’t still figured out the difference between a Queen and a Queen consort, this May give you some insights:

      Or, you can continue to comment without interest in basic information - we’re all free to have opinions. I just prefer the fact-based ones. But that’s me.


    5. LA
      I think that the point is what she will be called. First she will move to being Princess of Wales then, like QEQM it will be Queen Catherine with her role and precedence being second only to the King. I don’t think most people expect her to be like QE2 especially because of King William V. Whereas Megan’s role (while still important) will be Duchess of Sussex or Princess Henry (officially) although some may say Princess Meghan as they did Princess Diana. What I think will be most interesting is if later on Princess Charlotte becomes Duchess of York (if/when Prince Andrew is no longer-ugh that sounds morbid) in her own right or not (going to Prince Louis) due to the 2015 changes in the line of succession. Will she be Princess Royal only or if they have another girl then would she get that or Charlotte be both? So interesting, really.

  31. Finde Herzogin Catherine wieder als absolut eleganteste und schönste Frau dieser Familie !!

  32. I am not a fan od Meghans coat. It looks extensive. Also the belt... All togather it's a no. Hat on the other side is perfect.

  33. Me encanta el sombrero de Camilla y los detalles:Kathy el broche honra a su creo abuela espía y Camilla a su padre héroe de guerra con el broche


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