Spanish Royals attended Spain's National Day 2019 celebrations

On October 12, 2019, King Felipe, Queen Letizia and their daughters Crown Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia attended National Day 2019 celebrations in Madrid. The events began with the arrival of the King, the Queen and their daughters to the Plaza de Cuzco. Then, a parachute jump happened and the National Flag was raised and a homage ceremony to the National Flag took place. Afterwards, the King and Queen hosted the traditional commemorative reception of the National Day at Madrid Royal Palace. Queen Letizia wore a new pink embroidered midi dress by Felipe Varela.
Queen Letizia wore a new pink embroidered tulle midi dress by Felipe Varela. Crown Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia
October 12 is a national holiday across Spain. It is officially called as the Fiesta Nacional, or the Dia de la Hispanidad – Hispanic Day –. On that day, the day Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas in 1492, and Armed Forces Day are commemorated.
Queen Letizia wore a new pink embroidered tulle midi dress by Felipe Varela. Crown Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia
Queen Letizia wore a new pink embroidered tulle midi dress by Felipe Varela. Crown Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia
Queen Letizia wore a new pink embroidered tulle midi dress by Felipe Varela. Crown Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia
Queen Letizia wore a new pink embroidered tulle midi dress by Felipe Varela. Crown Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia
Queen Letizia wore a new pink embroidered tulle midi dress by Felipe Varela. Crown Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia
Queen Letizia wore a new pink embroidered tulle midi dress by Felipe Varela. Crown Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia
Queen Letizia wore a new pink embroidered tulle midi dress by Felipe Varela. Crown Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia
Queen Letizia wore a new pink embroidered tulle midi dress by Felipe Varela. Crown Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia
Queen Letizia wore a new pink embroidered tulle midi dress by Felipe Varela. Crown Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia
Queen Letizia wore a new pink embroidered tulle midi dress by Felipe Varela. Crown Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia
Queen Letizia wore a new pink embroidered tulle midi dress by Felipe Varela. Crown Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia
Queen Letizia wore a new pink embroidered tulle midi dress by Felipe Varela. Crown Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia
Queen Letizia wore a new pink embroidered tulle midi dress by Felipe Varela
Queen Letizia wore a new pink embroidered tulle midi dress by Felipe Varela
Queen Letizia wore a new pink embroidered tulle midi dress by Felipe Varela
Queen Letizia wore a new pink embroidered tulle midi dress by Felipe Varela
Queen Letizia wore a new pink embroidered tulle midi dress by Felipe Varela

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Ce chignon sur la tête de la princesse Victoria n’est pas beau et la reine Letizia nous avait habitué à mieux.

  2. This looks like the work of Varela. Frills, lace, butterflies, Victorian inspired flounces, buttons, a Peter Pan collar, a zipper. Some similarities to last year's pink confection, but too much detail here. The shoes are forgiven. They are hers. Let it be. Fortunately the event is over and the dress can be consigned to the bonfire.
    The little ladies are cute. The have graduated to heels. You can see who has inherited mom's panache, and flair for fashion. Belle.

  3. Magnifique robe délicatement brodée d'une une couleur rose assortie aux boucles d'oreilles et escarpins ; très bien coiffée avec ses cheveux relevés !!!

  4. Hi everyone, I'm Claudia and I'm Italian. I'm pleased to introduce myself because this is my first comment on this blog. I've been following you for a long time, but I had never taken part in the discussion actively.
    I'm glad to start with this publication of the Spanish family, because for the first time I find these three girls all perfect in their outfits. Colors, fit, hair, everything.
    So far I had always noticed that Leonor and Sofia on official occasions were always dressed more as girls than their actual age.
    Today, however, I find them perfect and I like them very much. Hair included.
    Queen Letizia is also perfect (but for her it's not the first time).
    If I have to find a fault I don't like the pointy ballerina shoes of young Sofia (but I'm really looking for the hair in the egg, as we say in Italy).

    1. Buon Giorno, Claudia! (I hope this is correct?)

    2. Dear Claudia, welcome to this blog! I hope you'll enjoy this website, the fashion and commenting :-)
      And thank you for your interesting and well-balanced comment, it was nice to read. I love Letizia's dress, it's gorgeous; I'd love to have it myself! I'm not very fond of her hair, it looks very severe. I don't like the shoes either. I agree about the girls: They look very good, nice dresses and colours!
      Have a nice day!

    3. Young Sofia's ballerinas? Both wear the same ones...

      Her age...Sofía is only 12 years...and Leonor 13....they have no forms...why kind of dresses can they wear??

      They have always worn Spanish aristocrstic style....Girls are girls until 16-17 years old...

    4. Funny that both girls wear a Spanish aristocratic style that even Spanish aristocratic girls of their age don't seem to wear anymore. And their dresses are definitely influenced by their non-aristocratic mother. They look great but I sincerely hope they aren't still dressing like that at 16 and 17.

      Someone definitely looking for the hair in the egg Anon 10.19.

      Claudia has made a perfectly polite and complimentary comment about her perceptions - why jump on the most minor point which she has admitted herself is just a quibble.

      And you're supposed to sign a name at the end of your comments if you are going to post as Anonymous - not that that seems to be enforced...

    5. These girls are fortunate that they do not grow up so fast. Some girls have a woman's body at 12 and can no longer be a child.

    6. Léonor aura 14 ans le 31 ,elle entrera donc dans sa quinzième année. Un an ça compte beaucoup à cet âge

    7. Franny who do do think you are? Non aristocrat far as I know I have not insulted you, and because you put a fake name you are not the police here..

      What are you doing here looking for not aristocrats, all Queens consorts in Europe are commoners...

      You must be very bored to be here the whole day writting things about countries and people you do not know at all...

      In Spain we have our aristocrat rules and we hope , you do not have a clue......probably people who do not live in places when there is Monarcchy enter here to insult....speak of your country..
      As far as I know I only spoke about my country and I did not insult and less childre...which ia the worst thing for an adult..
      People can enter here and judge countries....speak about yours....
      Anon 10:19..

      Because you write afake name you are not less anonimous...

      You all must very adults to speak about children.....I would like yo see yours....

    8. Leonor and Sofia dress formal at formal events as this, they only appear in a very formal engagements, obviously in Spain we see them more, in jeans, etc...

      I do not think that Queen Elizabeth wear gloves and hat in her private life, I do not know...maybe....

      In some countries speaking about chidren under 18 is forbiden and I think adults must be adults...a no children....

      By the way Letizia is HRH Queen Letizia, an aristocrat, the same as Kate Middleton, Maximma, Mary, Silvia of Sweden, Sonia of Norway, Maria Teresa of Luxemburg, etc....all were commoners for your information, maybe you think all of the had titles before marriying.

      Some people her think that they can say anything about others, lies and rudeness....


    9. A los 16 o 17 vestirán acorde a su posición y sólo vestirán libremente cuando estén en actos particulares. Ahora mismo su madre, como todas las madres elige y las niñas deciden... y lo hacen muy muy bien. Más adelante, no somos adivinos.

    10. Hi multiple anonymouses that I can't tell apart and totally aren't fake an accusation I never made but don't let that stop you making wild accusations, and

      My comment wasn't rude, I just pointed out that you seemed to be picking up on something that wasnt intended. You however are incredibly rude not to mention aggressive and ill-informed. And once again, reading too much into what I said.

      How do you know my name is fake? You know nothing about me. The Anonymous comments annoy me because it's difficult to have or follow a discussion, and it leads to trolling...

      The fact that I am not Spanish doesn't mean that I cannot 1. Comment on what the Spanish royals are wearing or 2.know anything about Spain. I have no problem with what the girls are wearing - i just don't agree that it's necessarily an aristocratic style and plenty of young aristocratic Spaniards don't dress similarly. An opinion to which I'm entitled. Nor is my statement that Letizia is a commoner wrong or intended as an insult - I was merely saying that her choice of clothing for her children was more aristocratic than most aristocrats. You see insults everywhere. And no I don't think all those people you mention had titles before they were married... I didn't come down with the last shower of rain.

      Who said anything about Queen Elizabeth? What on earth has that
      got to do with the price of fish?

      If adults don't talk about children why are you making comments about mine? Who are private individuals? What have they got to do with how two girls in the public eye are dressed?

      Some people here (often Spanish) seem to think they are they only ones who can talk about Spain and become utterly hysterical when anyone says anything that they don't agree with, see comments as insulting (whether that was the intention), think only they know anything about the Spanish Royals, make comments about other royal families as if it's some kind of childish point scoring exercise - "my Queen's better than yours, your Queen wears a hat and gloves, the British are so old-fashioned, nah, nah, nah..." Sometimes, it's like the worst of Cotilleando on here.

      And thank you but I'm not very bored nor do I spend all day writing comments on here - do get a grip lady.

      And you can take your suggestion that I'm lying (not quite clear about what) and stick it where the sun don't shine.

      When you've done that take a look at yourself in the mirror and work out what rude means. Or maybe that's different in Spain too. Blooming hypocrite.

      If you thought my last comment was rude I hope you now realise how wrong you were. This post is me being rude, deliberately - the last one is you being over sensitive.

    11. Franny: 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
      Very well said, and still polite. I agree with you. Respect to you for standing up for yourself without being rude and harsh. Bravo!!!

    12. Chapeau Franny, well said

    13. Um, Franny some of your response was rude as is where the sun don't shine for instance. Classism shows itself when people are divided into aristocrats, commoners etc. The queen is simply the queen, resorting to her roots or position in society to make your point is overkill and unnecessary. It follows the poor quality of writing found in some publications that try to outdo each other with negative articles on the queen and have no credibility outside of their borders.
      Fashions for 12 year old girls for formal occasion usually look like those worn by the girls, and have nothing to do with aristocracy. They look like the average Sunday dress worn to church in many countries.

    14. I think Franny was being rude in her comment because she is angry - that's what she says at end

      A bit hard in places but for me I think some of the reactions to her were hard too - and misunderstanding what she is saying.

      I disagree with you for the classism - they're royals, they live in different world,someone spoke of aristocratic fashion. It's normal to speak.of it.


    15. Franny....again insulting, not only rude..I do not know where you come from but you know I am a Spaniard and you can't stop to speak about my country or royal children as anonimous, just what you complain.

      The thing about Queen Elizabeth was an example of protocol...your undestanding is very poor too, and I am writing in a foreign language.

      All you say describe you...


    16. Understandably 'Franny' was angered by the person who focused on a small detail to be a critic. However, it devalues the writer if they rely on insults instead of a thoughtful reply.
      Aristocratic fashion does not exist. The same fashion designers are used by people in many countries. They can afford haute couture which is something quite different. Until a few years ago people bought patterns and cheaper fabrics and copied those same styles with the help of a good seamstress. On average fashions for girls of this age have not changed much except that they are not made of Chanel style tweed. Dressing as mini adults is tacky regardless of county.

      Classism divides people. It is always amazing if a person of 'low class' makes a fortune, they become acceptable. In the case of the queen, as non Spaniard, it is not understood why she has to be reminded that she is some sort of lesser person. In real life terms she seems to be an educated professional, cultured, and attentive to her children and chosen causes, which cannot be said for some 'aristocrats'.

      Finally, royals are just normal people with the good fortune to live on past glory. The recent trimming of the families to make the hangers on work is an indication that they know that the taxpayers do not want to continue supporting a costly privilege of families growing larger and few seem to have a skill that contributes to society.

    17. @Franny, I see that you got quite irritated today, I never seen you lose your cool 😃 Really it seems that we have a language barrier here, and a hypersensitivity of some of the commentators , like the one getting all upset because somebody didn't care for the ballerinas (and yes they were different) I don't think anonymous understood your meaning, and took it as a personal attack towards the queen, which it wasn't, because you never say anything remotely disrespectful. I also think that some anonymous make some affirmations that are simply their views and not the reality, and NO there is no aristocratic way of dressing for kids in Spain, as most of them dress like the rest of the world, expensive brands and trendy stuff. Now, the princess's and infanta dress in a very modest way while in public acts, because in spite of their age they haven't blossomed yet, and it's a very difficult balance to dress them in a way that either they look to young or too old. I love the way they look anyway, there will be plenty of time to look older.
      Anyway Franny, just wanted to say hello,nana add my 2 cents....

  5. Big no for the queen's hair.

    1. Looks like she styled her herself. Too severe a look for her face.

  6. Que mas da de quien sea el modelo que lleva hoy Letizia, es precioso, la sienta divinamente, el moño no solamente es adecuado sino que el pelo retirado de la cara la hace unas facciones muy dulces, Felipe lleva el uniforme como nadie... que hombre, las niñas adorables, muy lindas, saben comportarse, que dulces son, los vestidos preciosos, los Reyes de España con
    sus hijas forman una linda familia. Felicitaciones!

  7. Love, love Letizia's dress and her hair. Make-up looks flawless as always. I'm not a fan of the shoes. The clear strap doesn't work with her dress.

    Sofia and Leonor look great. Their hair looks great curled and you can tell how healthy and well cut it is. Sofia's blue dress pops but Leonor's is the same color as mom's. I wouldn't mind seeing either some jewelry or a slight heel on their shoes.


  8. Fantastic all way around.The Pss's look very up to date ,not over the top.Letizia looks great so btw the King, he is a very handsome man.

  9. Hair should have been more elegant, this is too simple for this dress.

  10. Ok Letizia, looking hot, glamorous, very much a lady of high society 👍😀

  11. Ava Pittman12/10/19 18:11

    The Queen looks stunning. Their is a lot going on with this dress, but she carries it off well. Very soft and feminine looking. Love the collar and the sleeves. Not so keen on the up do, looks a bit messy, and the shoes a rare miss for me. The girls look lovely. Their outfits are perfect for them. The King looks fantastic in his uniform, a handsome man.

  12. Some may find Queen Letizia's dress too much, but I love it. She knows how to dress, and keep everything else simple. The color is beautiful against her skin. The embroidery is lovely. The girls are growing up and look fantastic, very age appropriate.

  13. A beautiful dress for an important occasion and Queen Letizia looks as stunning as always. It is certainly not a dress that would suit everyone, with all its detail, but the queen can carry it off and it suits her well. The girls look perfectly dressed as always.

  14. The girls look lovely in their well tailored dresses; however, the dress wears the Queen this time. It’s just too froo-froo and busy for her small frame.

    1. I finally found a comment which I want to support. Yes Southernbelle I fully agree with you about the girls. Yes the princesses are still girls so should be dressed like girls. No reason to anticipate how they will be dressed when they are 16 or so. Regarding Qn Letizia I mentioned earlier some disapointment as well on this occasion.

  15. King Felipe is so handsome. The Queen elegant, the dress looks beautiful. QL has a perfect figure. Leonor and Sofia are true princesses.

  16. Love the girls' dresses--they are so smart, not at all old fashioned and perfectly age appropriate. They are such lovely girls with Infanta Sofia now about half a head taller than her sister.
    I can't decide on this dress--it suits the Queen down to the ground and on balance I like it. However, I wish the skirt was less flouncy and I just am not sure about the sheer patterned sleeves. Letizia's hairstyle is severe but makes her look very regal and elegant. Lovely photos of the family together on this special day.

  17. This dress is so delicate, as well as intricate, not my style as I find that Varela gets carried away with frills sometimes. That being said, the queen can get away with it, and looks gorgeous, I love these shoes, but not with this dress, they are too edgy for such romantic outfit, and the hair is intentionally severe as not to compete with all the stuff going on with the dress, it is fine, but not superb.
    The girls looks lovely as usual.
    Noteworthy, was that the soldier parachuting to do the flag honors, had a small accident against a lampost, and the Royal Family made a point to go down to talk to him and give him reassurances, the poor guy looked like he could break into tears, the Queen gave him an ovation, and the public followed suit.

    1. @ Cherry. Lovely description of the dress. Even though Varela threw 'everything but the kitchen sink' at this dress, the level of work/sewing that went into creating the final product with such a delicate fabric must be appreciated.
      Letizia can do no wrong. She was the first person at the end who consoled the parachutist and led an ovation for him. He looked so upset. Well done!

    2. Dear Cherry Blossom,I love reading your comments, always so accurate, they reveal a deep knowledge of fashion and its rules.

  18. These two young girls, my Spanish princesses, have stolen my heart. They are as princesses, as pretty and as perfect as their parents. I love them.
    Looking forward to seeing you next week at the Princess of Asturias Awards

  19. It’s not bad, for sure, but a lot of things at odds: overly frilly dress (beyond romantic, imo), edgy shoes and very severe bun. Idly mismatched and it just doesn’t look as elegant as one has come to expect from Letizia. Maybe she was trying to compensate for the plethora of details, but I guess from my perspective it didn’t work. Dress wants to be fairytale-y, shoes want to be latest trend and hairdo wants to say ‘this is a serious, important event’ - which obviously it is. But the result of that ‘conflict’ is rather unpleasant.

    How sweet are the young princesses? They look very kind and seem to have a quiet, soft personality. Lovely indeed. Every time we get to see them, it’s a pleasure.

    Lily A

    1. Unpleasant may be too strong a word to describe the effect reflected in her entire appearance. This sequence, and it's lesson in empathy for the young ladies allows an outfit to be seen for what it is, an idea that will not please the gallery but is respectable and appropriate. It also lets us see that she is more than a mannequin for Spanish designers.

  20. Stunning n all appropriate. Queen is a stunning lady, n guides her daughter’s thru things which most kids would find very boring. Wishing Spain well.

  21. Hola Carolie, I am Spanish.The dress of Queen Letizia, has reminded me of, at first glance, the one dressed by Duchess Catherine in Ascot careers, in blue color. Plus, the bun reminds me, of the Princes' Mary, last dinner in Paris. In any case, I think she looks gorgeous as well as Queen Felipe and their lovely daughters.

  22. Beautiful dress - I think the Queen looks wonderful. I like the ethereal, whimsical style. I don't mind her hair but maybe a few soft curls would look better.

    The two young girls look lovely - I particularly like Sofia's blue dress. They both have beautiful hair.

    Always a pleasure to how close these 4 are.

  23. I like the dresses the two girls are wearing. Very appropriate for their age. Although I do like the dress Queen Letitia is wearing, somehow I don't think it is her style. Too frilly. She usually looks striking in most of what she wears and this is not really her.
    Hello my name is Nanine and I am also new to this blog although I have been following you ladies for years..

  24. I would have chosen, but, another kind of earrings, like a little pearls.I think the earrings and the outfit doesn't match much.

  25. Great look all around.

  26. Ooh, I love Letizia's dress. It's a bit busy, but beautiful

  27. Muy bienvenidas "Claudia"y "Carolie"!!!
    me gusta la tela organiza porque es muy femenina;las caravanas de coral hermosísimas
    Escribo poco porque viajo mucho y en países que voy no siempre tengo conexión,
    Me agradaría toleraremos más todas las opiniones no creo se tenga ánimo de agredir,de repente se escribió algún giro idiomático no usual del país que es la persona; reiteró no soy española,gracias

  28. La cadette est plus grande que l'aînée !!!

  29. El vestido de la reina es precioso pero no me gustan los zapatos. Unas sandalias de tiras o unos zapatos de salón irían más acordes con el estilo romántico. También me hubiera puesto los pendientes de perlas que tiene o de brillantitos. El peinado me parece demasiado rígido. Un recogido más suave hubiera estado bien.
    Las niñas llevan vestidos de ceremonia.
    Por eso son más formales y así será siempre que vayan a actos oficiales.
    No debemos olvidar que son fotos que quedan para la posteridad y por eso son atemporales. A mí me encantan.

    1. Yo también habría cambiado los pendientes. Los zapatos no me importan demasiado. La tira no se nota demasiado y no me importa. Las nenas, pues hasta dentro de mucho, irán vestidas, como bien dices, de ceremonia... porque son princesas y no actrices de alfombra roja y sólo cuando Leonor sea reina, y tenga presupuesto suficiente... vestirá marcas...así que mejor que se acostumbre a ser sencilla porque es muy bonito también ver a un niña tan linda, y que con cualquier cosa , va estupenda.

  30. I have just three things to say:
    1. The Varela dress is very intricate, delicate and beautiful, and the Queen wears it well. Her hair is correct for that dress.
    2. The princesses are dressed neatly and appropriately and look very nice.
    3. I agree 100% with Frannys comments of 1.39 and 12.00. Everything.
    Anon 9:13

  31. Anonymous6/7/20 01:31

    Wow Sofia is huge compared to her older sister!

  32. Anonymous6/7/20 11:11

    Wow Sofia is huge compared to her older sister!


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