Queen Elizabeth II opened the new parliamentary session

On October 14, 2019, Queen Elizabeth II officially opened Parliament with an event steeped in tradition. The State Opening is the only regular event to unite the three elements of legislature – the House of Lords, the House of Commons and The Queen – together as the Crown in Parliament. The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall attended the State Opening of Parliament in the Houses of Parliament in London.
Prince Charles and The Duchess of Cornwall. Prince Ruby, the Stuart Sapphire, St Edward Sapphire and Queen Elizabeth Pearls
Prince Charles and The Duchess of Cornwall. Prince Ruby, the Stuart Sapphire, St Edward Sapphire and Queen Elizabeth Pearls
Prince Charles and The Duchess of Cornwall. Prince Ruby, the Stuart Sapphire, St Edward Sapphire and Queen Elizabeth Pearls
Prince Charles and The Duchess of Cornwall. Prince Ruby, the Stuart Sapphire, St Edward Sapphire and Queen Elizabeth Pearls
Prince Charles and The Duchess of Cornwall. Prince Ruby, the Stuart Sapphire, St Edward Sapphire and Queen Elizabeth Pearls
Prince Charles and The Duchess of Cornwall. Prince Ruby, the Stuart Sapphire, St Edward Sapphire and Queen Elizabeth Pearls
Prince Charles and The Duchess of Cornwall. Prince Ruby, the Stuart Sapphire, St Edward Sapphire and Queen Elizabeth Pearls
Prince Charles and The Duchess of Cornwall. Prince Ruby, the Stuart Sapphire, St Edward Sapphire and Queen Elizabeth Pearls
Prince Charles and The Duchess of Cornwall. Prince Ruby, the Stuart Sapphire, St Edward Sapphire and Queen Elizabeth Pearls
Prince Charles and The Duchess of Cornwall. Prince Ruby, the Stuart Sapphire, St Edward Sapphire and Queen Elizabeth Pearls
Prince Charles and The Duchess of Cornwall. Prince Ruby, the Stuart Sapphire, St Edward Sapphire and Queen Elizabeth Pearls
Prince Charles and The Duchess of Cornwall. Prince Ruby, the Stuart Sapphire, St Edward Sapphire and Queen Elizabeth Pearls
Prince Charles and The Duchess of Cornwall. Prince Ruby, the Stuart Sapphire, St Edward Sapphire and Queen Elizabeth Pearls
Prince Charles and The Duchess of Cornwall. Prince Ruby, the Stuart Sapphire, St Edward Sapphire and Queen Elizabeth Pearls
Prince Ruby, the Stuart Sapphire, St Edward Sapphire and Queen Elizabeth Pearls

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  1. I love the pomp and circumstance...the splendor of this event! Queen Elizabeth looks wonderful in her royal robe and crown and jewels, and her gown is gorgeous. I love the first two photos where she smiles radiantly at the attendants. The Duchess is also splendidly attired. We've all seen her in this gown and jewels before but today, in this setting, she seems even more regal. Prince Charles looks very nice too with all his medals and badges, etc.

  2. Gorgeous photos as usual.
    Oh, who is the beautiful lady next to Queen in the carriage??

    1. That´s Camilla.

    2. That must be the Duchess of Cornwall, she looks great.

  3. Elle me fait de la peine ,ce n’est plus sa place ,c’est de la maltraitance.

  4. Both ladies look good. What gorgeous diamonds on the Queen! D. Camilla’s dress suits her very well and her beautiful pearls are the perfect accessory. (V.M.)

  5. Wunderschöne Bilder,
    besonders das Letzte gefällt mir richtig gut.
    Ich wünsche ihrer Majestät noch einige schöne und vor allem gesunde Jahre. Nach ihr wird wohl eine andere Zeitrechnung anbrechen mit wahrscheinlich etwas weniger Pomp was ich sehr schade finden würde

    1. Schließe mich den Worten an.

    2. Eine andere Zeitrechnung.....Sie haben völlig recht. Sehr schade!
      "Die letste Königin". (Der Spiegel)

    3. Schließe mich auch den Worten an.

  6. Met bontstola. Vorstelijk. Absolute grandeur. Dit is de monarchie zoals ze hoort te zijn.

  7. oh I love the queen <3

    She looks fantastic! But maybe a bit tired in some pics?

  8. Die schöne Dame neben der Queen ist Camilla die Herzogin von Cornwall.

  9. Camille la esposa del P.Carlos

  10. Royalty fan

    This must be about the 4th time, Camilla had this dress/jacket outfit on, and she's getting her money's worth out of it. It is SO, so stunning, this outfit helps her, to be dressed to the nines, together, of course, with the jewels, tiara

  11. I think the queen looks older in these pictures..

    1. Older than what?! She is older than she was last year - as are all of us!!

    2. If I had to wear that beautiful diamond tiara I would look old to. It must be heavy as lead. I admire her for just getting up and do what she does everyday-She is amazing!

    3. Yes she really is amazing. I was just worried for her - hope she's healthy and fine :)

  12. I think the queen looks older in these pictures.. Hope she's ok, but old! /Sofia

    1. I know her fans will reject this opinion, but I agree with Sofia, HM looks 93 and a bit wizened. In many, many other photos of her appearances she just always looked like herself, ageless and lovely. These photos, sorry folks, show her age is right there and inescapable. AND inevitable.

  13. The Queen, always lovely, God bless her! JT

  14. Ava PIttman15/10/19 19:20

    The Queen looks beautiful, 93 years of age and looks magnificent. She looks so regal and graceful. The Duchess looks lovely, she really can wear tiara's with panache and ease, they suit her so well.


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