New photos of Crown Princess Elisabeth were released before her 18th birthday

On October 25, Friday, Belgian Crown Princess Elisabeth will celebrate her 18th birthday. On the occasion of that birthday, new photos of the Crown Princess were released yesterday. The photos were taken at Laeken Castle. Crown Princess Elisabeth's 18th birthday will be celebrated with a series of events to be held at Brussels Royal Palace. Members of the Royal family, the authorities of the country and in addition, young people who were born in 2001, like the Princess, were invited to the celebrations.
Crown Princess Elisabeth wearing bridesmaid blue v-neck chiffon maxi dress, Sandro  red dress, Zara sweater, Ole Lynggaard earrings
Crown Princess Elisabeth wearing bridesmaid blue v-neck chiffon maxi dress, Sandro  red dress, Zara sweater, Ole Lynggaard earrings
Crown Princess Elisabeth wearing bridesmaid blue v-neck chiffon maxi dress, Sandro  red dress, Zara sweater, Ole Lynggaard earrings
Crown Princess Elisabeth wearing bridesmaid blue v-neck chiffon maxi dress, Sandro  red dress, Zara sweater, Ole Lynggaard earrings
Crown Princess Elisabeth wearing bridesmaid blue v-neck chiffon maxi dress, Sandro  red dress, Zara sweater, Ole Lynggaard earrings
Crown Princess Elisabeth wearing bridesmaid blue v-neck chiffon maxi dress, Sandro  red dress, Zara sweater, Ole Lynggaard earrings
Crown Princess Elisabeth wearing bridesmaid blue v-neck chiffon maxi dress, Sandro  red dress, Zara sweater, Ole Lynggaard earrings
  1. Alles in allem - eine süße 18jährige!
    Das rote Kleid finde ich das rote Kleid zwar hübsch, aber diese Farbe steht der Kronprinzessin gar nicht. Auch die Schuhe wirken sehr billig.

    1. Was die roten Schuhe betrifft, gebe ich ihnen recht. Ich finde sie weder schön, noch stehen sie Elisabeth. Aber ansonsten: Klasse. Was für eine bezaubernde junge Dame. Tolle Fotos. Tolle Outfits.

  2. Delightfully pretty, confident and elegant young woman.

  3. Lovely young lady and a proud father. Beautiful photos!

  4. Magnifique jeune fille qui s'épanouit de jour en jour elle sera une reine superbe

  5. Beautiful pics ... stunning young Lady...

  6. A truly gorgeous young lady. Happy Birthday to Princess Elisabeth.

  7. She is beautiful in all of her outfits. I particularly like the photo with her father. Happy birthday, Princess Elisabeth!

  8. Lovely. The blue gown is very pretty

  9. En tenue décontractée ou vêtue d’une belle toilette, elle est superbe.. J’aime beaucoup sa coiffure..Très belle princesse !!!

  10. Beautiful and classy like her Mom!

    1. And her grandma, Italian beauty!

  11. Princess Elisabeth looks very nice in all her clothes.

  12. That means she will be her father's deputy after her 18th birthday, she might act as Regent for him in case of illness or other hindrances. She takes on great responsibilities now and I wish her all the best. She's a beauty already and in few years time she will be most eligible on the marriage mart. The blue gown is lovely on her, the red not so much, and best look is her most casual appearance in jeans, sneakers and jumper. Gorgeous. I'm looking forward to see her more often at official events from now on.

    1. To my eyes, she looks better in the red dress and in the purple jumper, whereas blue is not her colour at all. But she looks beautiful and radiant, all the same. The red shoes seem to echo the shoes seen in the painting behind her. A funny coincidence. :-) I wish her all the best!

    2. I think these are delightful photos. When I first saw the red shoes, I found them rather common. However, Dear TK, you might be right, perhaps they purposely echo the shoes portrayed in the painting. An interesting remark.

  13. Do you have any information on the earrings in the last photo? They are beautiful!

  14. In the photos where she wears a sweater and jeans, for the 1st. time, I see Paola. She is beautiful in every outfit.

  15. Happy birthday! A very natural beauty, please, stay this way!

  16. The 3rd is my favourite picture, very authenic probably.

  17. Muy feliz cumpleaños hermosa princesa ,es fina,elegante

  18. Great photos of the CPss. What a beautiful young lady she is. A very happy 18th Birthday to her.

  19. the most beautiful princess. Elizabeth of Belgium.

  20. She looks so grown up, especially in the blue gown! The second sweater, jeans one is very sweet with I think pictures of her father and his sister & brother as little ones.

  21. Ava Pittman25/10/19 04:18

    What a refreshingly beautiful young lady, such grace and poise for one so young. The blue gown is divine, very age appropriate for her. The red dress I love, especially with the strappy red shoes, gorgeous. Her hair and makeup are perfect, she is a nature beauty.

  22. Photos superbes... Bon et joyeux anniversaire à la princesse !!!

  23. She is a beautiful. Love the formal dresses, especially the red one. Lovely to see the next generation, especially all the heiresses growing up into such beautiful young ladies.


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