Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume became the Chief Scout

On October 4, Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume became chief scout of the Luxembourg Guides and Scouts associations. The new leader delivered his promise with a ceremony held at "Kinnekswiss" municipal park. The Scout Association's Chief Scout is the head of its youth programmes. Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie and King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden attended the ceremony as well. The late Grand Duke Jean was Chief Scout of the Luxembourg associations for almost 75 years until his death, in April.
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie and King Carl Gustaf attended the ceremony. Princess Stephanie in red wool coat
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie and King Carl Gustaf attended the ceremony. Princess Stephanie in red wool coat
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie and King Carl Gustaf attended the ceremony. Princess Stephanie in red wool coat
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie and King Carl Gustaf attended the ceremony. Princess Stephanie in red wool coat
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie and King Carl Gustaf attended the ceremony. Princess Stephanie in red wool coat
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie and King Carl Gustaf attended the ceremony. Princess Stephanie in red wool coat
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie and King Carl Gustaf attended the ceremony. Princess Stephanie in red wool coat
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie and King Carl Gustaf attended the ceremony. Princess Stephanie in red wool coat
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie and King Carl Gustaf attended the ceremony. Princess Stephanie in red wool coat

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  1. Anonymous4/10/19 23:50

    Well I see congratulations are in order for the HGD. Nice he joined Scouting, I believe GD Jean was a Scout too. Also nice to see Stephanie supporting her husband. Like her red coat.Even King CG of Sweden was present, it can't get any better.

  2. Why so frumpy, it’s an outdoor activity, but still...; very disappointed!

  3. Very cozy all together and Stephanie looks very sparkling in her red coat.

    1. Sparkling, where!? She does nothing for her county’s fashion industry.

    2. Anonymous6/10/19 16:18

      I agree with Ylle, the coat looks good on Stephanie and she is sparkling.

  4. Anonymous5/10/19 09:40

    We call it press sausage look. Her Royal Highness Stephanie is perfect for the Marina Rinaldi collection. She can order and blindly access. I'm sure she will always compliment wow.

  5. Anonymous5/10/19 10:46

    For this royal couple fashion and clothing is not of their priority . They are enjoying themselves the way they are just looking average . They are lovely I think.

  6. Stephanie is representing her country. She should pay attention to clothing and comb her hair...

    1. Anonymous5/10/19 18:50

      Said by a Luxembourg citizen...maybe as Germans, they do not give a damn.

      And both are very rich coubtries for their people....

    2. Anonymous6/10/19 08:36

      What is wrong with it? It's a nice coat with nice black trousers, her hair looks appropriate for this event. They both represent their country very well. Not every royal has to be a fashion addict. I really like their normality.

    3. Exactly, that's how I feel about it.

    4. Anonymous6/10/19 21:31

      Me too , I agree.

    5. Anonymous7/10/19 11:37

      A country with 600.000 people not thinking in clothes at all....
      As someone else said, they are the richest in Europe and don't give a damn.

  7. Un jean et un blouson pour les activités de plein air ,c’est qu’on fait de mieux , comme le roi Carl Gustav.

  8. Anonymous6/10/19 16:30

    Irgendwie ist es schade, dass Stephanie so selten wirklich typ und figurgerecht angezogen ist. Sie hat ein so sympathisches Lächeln, aber der erste Eindruck zählt nun mal und man wird, als Royal einmal mehr, auch an der Kleidung gemessen. Ihre Kleidung hat selten einen guten schmeichelnden Schnitt, allerdings kann sie es auch viel besser. In diesem Kurzmantel sieht sie leider ein wenig nach Presswurst aus und auch die kürzeren Haare mag ich für sie nicht wirklich. Sorry, dass ich das so sage.

  9. Bei den Pfadfindern reichen ja gute Tagen, da kommt es auf Mode nicht so an. Von daher, alles richtig gemacht.

    1. Ich stimme dir vollkommen zu.


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