The Swedish ambassador hosted a dinner for Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel

On September 17, Crown Princess Victoria, Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary visited the Swedish Warship "HMS Nyköping" at Amaliehaven. Afterwards, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary attended a dinner at Swedish Embassy Residence in Copenhagen. Representatives from business world of Sweden and Denmark attended the dinner.
Crown Princess Victoria wore MaxMara pink Lilia cashmere wrap coat. Crown Princess Mary wore a Ralph Lauren dress
Crown Princess Victoria wore MaxMara pink Lilia cashmere wrap coat. Crown Princess Mary wore a Ralph Lauren dress
Crown Princess Victoria wore MaxMara pink Lilia cashmere wrap coat. Crown Princess Mary wore a Ralph Lauren dress
Crown Princess Victoria wore MaxMara pink Lilia cashmere wrap coat. Crown Princess Mary wore a Ralph Lauren dress
Crown Princess Victoria wore MaxMara pink Lilia cashmere wrap coat. Crown Princess Mary wore a Ralph Lauren dress
Crown Princess Victoria wore MaxMara pink Lilia cashmere wrap coat. Crown Princess Mary wore a Ralph Lauren dress
Crown Princess Victoria wore MaxMara pink Lilia cashmere wrap coat. Crown Princess Mary wore a Ralph Lauren dress
Crown Princess Victoria wore MaxMara pink Lilia cashmere wrap coat. Crown Princess Mary wore a Ralph Lauren dress
Crown Princess Victoria wore MaxMara pink Lilia cashmere wrap coat. Crown Princess Mary wore a Ralph Lauren dress
Crown Princess Victoria wore MaxMara pink Lilia cashmere wrap coat. Crown Princess Mary wore a Ralph Lauren dress
Crown Princess Victoria wore MaxMara pink Lilia cashmere wrap coat. Crown Princess Mary wore a Ralph Lauren dress
Crown-Princess-Victoria wore Andiata Odnala wool jacket Pink
Andiata Odnala wool jacket
Crown Princess Victoria wore By Malene Birger Amalfi dress
By Malene Birger Amalfi Dress
Crown Princess Mary wore MAX MARA Silk Panama Jacket
MAX MARA Silk Panama Jacket

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  1. Anonymous17/9/19 23:58

    Well both CP couple look quit nice.I do like victoria's dress but so much the sleeves. Lovely dress on Mary, but I think the blazer is not dressy, well OMO.

  2. What a lot of beige/nude/ivory/offwhite/cream/gold. Was there a memo? And even matching collarless pastel wool coats with a tied belt!
    I like those coats. And I wish I could say the same about the dresses. I have a strong urge to deflate Victoria´s sleeves and chop off 10cm from the hem. It´s not an ugly dress but it has too many features, it needs simplifying. And it needs a neckline that´s not choking the wearer.
    Mary´s dress is hidden behind that blazer and is effectively ruined by it. The dress looks nice but nude is not a good colour for her, not even when it´s got a golden shine to it.

    The embassador lady´s dress is a desaster.

    Again, I´m rather disappointed. I had expected a bigger wow-factor.
    And looking at these pictures I get the feeling that getting the right sleeve length in coats and jackets is irrelevant today. Some too long (Fredrik), some too short (Daniel), some weirdly pushed up (Mary) and some folded up like you would for a child (Victoria´s coat). It´s not rocket science to get it right.
    Fredrik´s coat pockets are cool.

    1. Anonymous18/9/19 10:04

      I agree Victoria´s dress is too long. By scandinavian standards, she is rather short so when she buys clothes "off the rack" from Swedish och Danish brands, they are always too long. FilippaK, Tiger of Sweden, Malene Birger etc make clothes for the tall straight scandinavian body type and CP Victoria is shorter and curvier. Very often you see that the sleeves of jackets are also too long. You would think it would be easy for her to have the clothes altered to fit properly

    2. Anonymous18/9/19 12:48

      Totally agree with you Vanessa. Victoria's dress look absolutely awful, especially considering its price.
      Mary is master at recycling. She wore this dress like 9 or 10 years ago and still it looks timeless. She was the best-dressed of the ladies.
      - Maria

    3. Anonymous18/9/19 14:22

      The Swedish women are in average about 167 cm tall, I’ve seen Victoria several times and she seems to be slightly taller than that. Unfortunately many Scandinavian brands make clothes for a body type that hardly exists.

    4. Vanessa, I am in complete agreement with you about the coats and Victoria's dress. Those were my initial thoughts as well.

    5. Anon 4:22, not only scandinavian brands!

    6. Midi length and maxi length dresses are very much in style. Declaring that the dress is too long is not taking into consideration current styles. Both princesses dress lengths are modern and of current trends.

    7. That may well be, but that doesn´t mean that it´s a good look. In Victoria´s case, the proportions are off, the whole dress looks heavy on her, and I find the way the dress sticks out from underneath the coat not very elegant. That length generally looks frumpy to my eyes, and that´s not a good base for an elegant, sophisticated look. My biggest problem with midi-skirts and dresses though is that they are unflattering to most wearers. The hem ends up mid-calf and "cuts" it at its wides point. The visible lower part of the calf makes most legs look stumpy. Also, midi skirts are almost always wide, because a narrower shape would restrict leg movement, meaning that they almost automatically lack a defined shape. Many are floaty, layered, tiered, pleated or ruffled, and I like none of those things. The current trend of uneven hems is another pet-peeve of mine, and keeps me longing for classic skirt shapes (pencil, A-line, bell-shaped etc), but most importantly knee-length (reaching just below the knee).
      I don´t mind maxi-skirts as much as I mind midi-skirts, but to me, they exclusively belong to casual styling. And maxi-length is not to be confused with floor-length which is for formal gowns only.
      That´s my philosophy at least.
      The only thing I can see as a positive in the currect midiskirt fashion is that they are comfortable to sit in, so you don´t have to worry about leg position as much or run the risk of exposing more than you want. Of course, experienced skirt wearers use their purse or a shawl to get the same result.

  3. I'd love to see Mary's dress without the jacket; to me it is very puzzling that she put these two garments together. I do like that Mary and Victoria are color-coordinated, doubtless by accident :-)

  4. Saw the first photo and thought "oh, no. Dressing gowns" However, it looks like a very wet night in Copenhagen. Like both dresses. I would have like to see Mary's dress without the jacket and both, as well as the lady who I assume to be the Swedish ambassador's wife, are wearing relatively dull colours. My overall preference is for the glitter of Victoria's dress. The men look great.

    1. Anonymous18/9/19 19:22

      Mary's dress is her strapless evening gown (shortened) from the time around Victoria's wedding.

  5. Royal Observer18/9/19 01:48

    Love CPS Victoria’s dress although I am not sure what is going on with the sleeves?
    Hair, Makeup and accessories are perfect!
    Not sure about Mary’s “sporty” blazer over a lace dress. Seems to be an odd combination.

  6. Anonymous18/9/19 02:02

    I love Victoria's coat and her dress with the coat on but the sleeves on her dress are too pouffy. The gold embellishments on her dress are beautiful. Love Mary's look the lace dress with a great jacket.


  7. Anonymous18/9/19 03:56

    Is it possible Crown Princess Mary is wearing the dress she wore to the pre-wedding gala for Crown Princess Victoria's wedding with the hem shortened? The bodice looks awfully similar and I think the necklace and earrings are exactly the same for both events. DMP

  8. Anonymous18/9/19 04:54

    I like both ladies' dresses, but I wish Mary had not worn the white jacket. It just seems off with the style of her dress.

  9. Anonymous18/9/19 07:54

    Crown Princess Mary's dress is more than 9 years old, but it still looks absolutly gorgeous. Cool that she keeps on wearing it.
    Princess Victoria's dress is new but looks like it as if the material is from 2005. A little try hard from her.


  10. Yes, she can :) this dress from ‚by Marlene Birger‘ looks great!

  11. Anonymous18/9/19 12:36

    Somehow I find Mary's facial expressions strange since that last few events. Like she had somethinge done to her face. Would not spread any rumors maybe it is the make up but the look is somehow other than usual to me.

    1. Anonymous18/9/19 14:18

      Yes, I Think so.

    2. Anonymous18/9/19 18:39

      Agree, without my clases I couldn"t find her typical facial expression un this pucs.

  12. Ich liebe diesen Mantel von Mary! Er hat diese spezielle Gürtelform, den ich in alten Filmen immer wieder bewundere. Es muss eine beliebte Form in den 1940er bis 1960er Jahren gewesen sein. Ich finde ihn sehr kleidsam, da er zwar die Taille betont, aber nicht rundum, was meiner Figur sehr gelegen kommt (Mary kann natürlich alles tragen). Der "Boxymantel" von Victoria ist, nun ja, boxy. Ich denke, beide Mäntel waren eine Notlösung für das Shitwetter?! Mantelmäßig finde ich den von Frederik am interessantesten. Ein klassischer Slipon, der durch die ins Auge stechenden Taschen einen modischen Twist erhält. Die Kleider: pastellige hübsche Dingerchen. An die Ärmellösung bei Vicky muss ich mich gewöhnen und Mary hätte den Blazer weglassen können. Die Gewinner sind für mich heute die Accessoires - und die Gatten.

    1. Wieso "und"? Die Gatten sind doch Accessoires...(okay, bitte, meine stressbedingte Albernheit zu entschuldigen!)

    2. @Coralie: das stimmt, da habe ich doppelt gemoppelt - oder wollte ich "pc" sein?!:-))

  13. Anonymous18/9/19 14:11

    Very unflattering hairdo for victoria especially picture 8, 9. Her hair was layed to flat. The dress is not helping either!

  14. Both ladies look great! All this gold is almost a bit Christmas-y, isn't it? That does not bother me, I love christmas and already bought the first gingerbread (in our supermarkets already available).

    1. @Coralie: me too - gentle reminder - 14. November - start new film: "White Christmas"

    2. Thank you for the information about the film, Hedy! But for the most important movie I don't need any reminder, I have the DVD: "Drei Haselnüsse für Aschenbrödel". I love Libuse Safrankova! Anyway the character I like most is "Kleinröschen", ha ha ha!

  15. I think, white coat ruins Princess Mary 's look.What a surprise from her!

  16. All the ladies look lovely! The coordinating color & fabrics make for a beautiful photo. One of my favorite looks on Victoria!

  17. Creo que Victoria está a la última moda vi en modelos esas mangas, a Mary no le veo el vestido

  18. Anonymous19/9/19 03:41

    Both women have lovely dresses, however the white jacket Mary is wearing does not quite gel with the dress. Also love the coats they are wearing, take the style of Mary's, make it in the soft dusty pink of Victoria's and I'd buy it!

  19. Anonymous19/9/19 20:10

    I believe Victorias coat is Andiata not Max Mara.

  20. Anonymous19/9/19 20:13

    I believe Victorias coat is Andiata not Max Mara.

  21. Anonymous19/9/19 20:27

    Both ladies are wearing winter coats. Is it so cold in Copenhagen?

  22. Anonymous20/9/19 01:27

    I love Mary's dress. She's worn it a few times before but I like it without the jacket. - Capt. Marvel

  23. Does anyone know what language they speak when they get together like this? Just curious.

    1. Anonymous22/9/19 00:56

      Their own language, as scandinavian languages are quite similar :)


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