Queen Maxima attended a workshop at the Dutch Development Bank

On September 11, Dutch Queen Maxima attended a workshop of the "Fempower Your Growth Program" at the Dutch Development Bank in The Hague. The program has been developed by FEM.NL and The Next Women and it focuses on stimulating female entrepreneurship and improving access to finance for female entrepreneurs. The Queen attended the workshop in her capacity as a member of the Dutch Committee for Entrepreneurship. Queen Maxima's outfit is by Belgian fashion house Natan.
Queen Maxima wore Natan crepe jumpsuit. Queen Maxima's outfit is by Belgian fashion house Natan. red sandals and clutch
Queen Maxima wore Natan crepe jumpsuit. Queen Maxima's outfit is by Belgian fashion house Natan. red sandals and clutch
Queen Maxima wore Natan crepe jumpsuit. Queen Maxima's outfit is by Belgian fashion house Natan. red sandals and clutch
Queen Maxima wore Natan crepe jumpsuit. Queen Maxima's outfit is by Belgian fashion house Natan. red sandals and clutch
Queen Maxima wore Natan crepe jumpsuit. Queen Maxima's outfit is by Belgian fashion house Natan. red sandals and clutch
Queen Maxima wore Natan crepe jumpsuit. Queen Maxima's outfit is by Belgian fashion house Natan. red sandals and clutch
Queen Maxima wore Natan crepe jumpsuit. Queen Maxima's outfit is by Belgian fashion house Natan. red sandals and clutch
Queen Maxima wore Natan crepe jumpsuit. Queen Maxima's outfit is by Belgian fashion house Natan. red sandals and clutch
Queen Maxima wore Natan crepe jumpsuit. Queen Maxima's outfit is by Belgian fashion house Natan. red sandals and clutch
Queen Maxima wore Natan crepe jumpsuit. Queen Maxima's outfit is by Belgian fashion house Natan. red sandals and clutch
Queen Maxima wore Natan crepe jumpsuit. Queen Maxima's outfit is by Belgian fashion house Natan. red sandals and clutch
Queen Maxima wore Natan crepe jumpsuit. Queen Maxima's outfit is by Belgian fashion house Natan. red sandals and clutch
Queen Maxima wore Natan Crepe Jumpsuit
Natan Crepe Jumpsuit

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  1. For the first time she looks well dressed for the occasion. That is if you ignore the big earrings and shoes and hair needing a levelled cut

  2. Anonymous11/9/19 17:24

    Ein wirklich schönes Outfit/Jumpsuit, das Maxima mit ihrer Frisur und den schrecklich klobigen roten Schuhen ruiniert.

  3. Ein schlichter Jumpsuit ist meist eine gute Idee. Dieser ist es leider nicht. Irgendwie sitzt er nicht richtig, trägt auf und wirkt altbacken. Rot zu Blau ist eine sichere Bank. Die Clutch ist edel, die Schuhe sind es nicht. Ich assoziiere damit ein ganz anderes Milieu. Es ist nicht immer so einfach mit der Mode und manchmal will man sich vielleicht wirklich keinen Kopf machen oder die Hosenbeine waren zu lang und deshalb musste der Plateauhorror eingesetzt werden...Auf der anderen Seite war in einer Doku zu hören, dass die Königin Perfektionistin ist und alles akribisch vorbereitet wird. Dann ist es vielleicht tatsächlich so, dass sie sich in diesem Outfit gefällt? Dann kann ich damit leben.

  4. First thing to stay:
    The weather was very bad today in The Netherlands. A lot of rain and wind.
    I like M. look a lot. Her hair is one by me. Like I said: nasty weather.

    1. Anonymous11/9/19 18:36

      @Anoniempje: This is an ongoing issue with Máxima. The other women seemed to manage their hair okay despite the weather - and they aren't queens with lots of resources and help. /Julie/

    2. The other ladies had to deal with the same weather. But perhaps the attended Hogwarts and learned some magical spells to keep their hair groomed and neat?

    3. Anonymous11/9/19 20:49

      yes its always windy in the Netherlands, where her hair is concerned

    4. Well, about hair and the weather in the Netherlands: Yes, it is often windy and rainy. But I still see lots of people with a nice, proper haircut. And most of them do not have a stylist ;-)
      If her hair would be naturally frizzy, it would make more sense. I simply can't keep my frizzy curls neat and polished (I wish I could!), but I do believe she can. She has proven that very often.

  5. Anonymous11/9/19 17:47

    Why is there a messy haystack on Máxima's head? Please... get your hair trimmed. The color of her shoes is nice with her lovely dark outfit that fits her well; otherwise, the shoes are ridiculous. /Julie/

  6. Anonymous11/9/19 18:10

    Lovely jumpsuit, love the red of the shoes and clutch. Wonder if her earrings are heavy,at least they do.

  7. Anonymous11/9/19 18:26

    I just don't really understand with the hair. She's a fantastic, well educated, bueatiful woman! Please trim the hair! It doesn't have to a severe cut; just a nice, even trim would work wonders! IMO, her hair here truly ruins the entire outfit.

    1. I do agree - the hair ruined it for me!

  8. Jumpsuit looks and fits well. But one too many red accessories I think. Black stilletos would look better.

  9. IMO, may be her worst "bad hair day".
    Horrible platform sandals and illfitting jumpsuit (belly in pic 10) .I can't find anything I like.

  10. Anonymous11/9/19 19:45

    Eighties disco shoes, but I love her jumpsuit. Very flattering. I’m itching for scissors to Trim that Hair!

    1. Why she doesn't get a cut is totally beyond me. And she should let it be its natural color. Her roots are dark so she probably has been coloring it for many years.

  11. Anonymous11/9/19 20:11

    Sometimes, when she makes an exquisite fashion choice and looks really extraordinarily well, then I am fascinated and delighted by her fashion choice and looks. But as per default, this woman outshines everything she wears for me. Bad hair, giant hat, funny accessoires, too long, too short, whatever - I look at the photo and smile and simply love her. Ontopic: nice jumpsuit :-)

  12. Anonymous11/9/19 20:36

    Nice , very good fitting jumpsuit. Shoes are tacky and do not fit, see close-up.

  13. Anonymous11/9/19 21:13

    Unpolished hair and horrendous earrings ruin what could have been a good look.

  14. I like her hair pulled back. Hanging loose, it's messy but it's "her" look. Hair pulled back and the v-neck of the black jumpsuit is a good look.

    1. Messy hair is an insult to her hosts

  15. I love Maxima's wild hair-look. :D
    It makes me smile in a good way.

    1. Royalty fan

      Anoniempje, it maybe makes you smile, but it makes the people that she comes in contact with, her admirers, and family, cringe in embarrassment. And makes a lot of people, want to grab hair equipment, and start styling her hair, so beautiful, as it was in the beginning, of her married life, and up until +/- 5 years ago, when it started to look, as if she just don't care anymore

  16. Those shoes are awful. She really needs a stylist to work with her (and throw those out). But her smile wins every time.

  17. Her hair looks like a Halloween witch wig, the shoes and earrings could be part of the costume, the jumpsuit doesn't fit well...but oh yes she's smiling so all is well in the world of Maxima's fans.

    1. Anonymous12/9/19 01:23

      @Ninius - Good one. /Julie/

    2. Yep, as fake as at least 50 % of her smiles are, they are easily satisfied, aren't they? I don't get it.
      That hair is an insult to the people she meets. The other women don't have a fracture of her ressources and have to deal with the same weather conditions, yet they somehow manage to look neat and groomed.

    3. Sylvia Anne12/9/19 07:35


    4. Anonymous12/9/19 21:04

      Agree with Romy... the smile her fans are gushing about is often fake, laughing too hard as well, I am not a member of this fanclub, that should be clear .....

      Lily T.

  18. Anonymous12/9/19 01:31

    I love the shoes, just not sure with this long pantsuit as you can't see the bows. I love this pant suit. Maybe Q. Maxima likes the look of messy hair, she wears like this a lot. - Capt Marvel

  19. I like everything about the outfit but the hair.... I notice that her hair looks wonderful later in the day at the dinner -- perhaps she decided to not fix it until later? I just think when she is having a bad hair day -- why not wear it in a ponytail or bun. There is a current hair style that is this messy, stick straight look that I think looks terrible on everyone -- I wonder if that is what she is going for. She is so lovely otherwise and seems like she is a wonderfully fun and real person. Can't be easy to have people analyze her every fashion choice. But such is life in the spotlight.

  20. Anonymous12/9/19 05:48

    Dear, Dear sweet queen maxima, You are very striking, intelligent, you have more charm and charisma than the law should allow, but please never wear those shoes with a short leather mini skirt and fish net stockings because if someone did not know you they would think you were a hooker! Please donate those shoes to your local goodwill ASAP! Your biggest fan.

    1. anon7:48 What a charming way with words you have! Love it!! You make me smile too!!!

  21. Max has a great figure and the jumpsuit looks attractive on her but the red platform shoes kills the outfit IMO. They look like hooker shoes. Not classy for a queen. She could’ve kept the red clutch but worn navy or black heels and that would’ve stepped it up. As for her hair, I think Max suffers from very thin, brittle hair. A good trim and some quality products could make it look healthier and more stylish. No one can fight bad weather but even on fair weather days her hair sometimes looks unkempt and very thin.

  22. Apart from the shoes, I love it, even the scraggly hair looks okay.


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