Queen Maxima attended the 40th anniversary of De Kindertelefoon

On September 5, 2019, Queen Maxima attended celebrations of the 40th anniversary of De Kindertelefoon (Child helpline) in Utrecht. The Kindertelefoon was founded in 1979 as a local initiative by parents in Amsterdam city. Today, more than five hundred trained volunteers work at seven locations in the Netherlands. Every day an average of a thousand conversations are conducted via telephone or chat with children. (Queen Maxima wore a leaf print tweed half sleeve dress by Carolina Herrera.)
Queen Maxima wore a new leaf print tweed half sleeve dress by Carolina Herrera. De Kindertelefoon (Child helpline)
Children and young people between the ages of 8 and 18 can contact Kindertelefoon for any questions or problems which they have at school or at home, and for which they would like information, advice or support. De Kindertelefoon (Child helpline) gives children the opportunity to talk or chat in confidence about everything that they are dealing with. In an emergency, they can be put in contact with people who can help them, as long as the child agrees.
Queen Maxima wore a new leaf print tweed half sleeve dress by Carolina Herrera. De Kindertelefoon (Child helpline)
Queen Maxima wore a new leaf print tweed half sleeve dress by Carolina Herrera. De Kindertelefoon (Child helpline)
Queen Maxima wore a new leaf print tweed half sleeve dress by Carolina Herrera. De Kindertelefoon (Child helpline)
Queen Maxima wore a new leaf print tweed half sleeve dress by Carolina Herrera. De Kindertelefoon (Child helpline)
Queen Maxima wore Carolina Herrera Leaf Print Tweed Half Sleeve Dress
Carolina Herrera Leaf Print Tweed Half Sleeve Dress

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  1. Anonymous5/9/19 12:03

    Wow, what a beautiful dress: the design, the fabric, the style... And the perfect person to wear it too. Fab!
    Anon 9:13

  2. I like the dress, I think she really looks good with it.
    I would like to change de shoes for something more "open", I would love to take the gloves because their is no need and I also would like to take the neckless, it's very beautiful but it's not necessary in this look IMO.
    But and overall she looks very good, the dress it's really beautiful!

  3. Anonymous5/9/19 14:57

    Lovely dress, luscious pearls, beautiful smile and terrible shoes.

  4. Again not sure this celebration required that hat. I am not a big fan of the dress, and for once I might say a little bit too short for her.

    1. MaryT: The dress is way to short indeed. The shoes are a big No, but the hat is a Must. Without it she is not the real Queen Maxima :)

    2. I rarely saw such an agreement on the length of the dress... Regarding the hat I have difficulties in appreciating it on every occasion. If you search about her on this website, you will see that there are also visits without hat, of course then her haistyle is not appreciated

  5. I like this dress, but it is just too short on Maxima. She really needs to keep her dress/skirt length at or just below the knee to look her best. I don't think the necklace was necessary. There is enough going on with the print on the dress. I also think a simple shoe would have been better. I think the T-strap is more detail that she just doesn't need with the pattern on the dress. If she had kept the accessories to a minimum, this could have been much more successful.

  6. Zwischen gut und besser liegen manchmal nur ein paar Zentimeterchen. Das Kleid ist wunderschön und der Schmuck dazu einfach perfekt. Heute passt der Hut zum Anlass und die Schuhe sind ein Traum. Allerdings: das Kleid ist zu kurz um WOW zu sein. Jede Frau sollte sich der schwierigen Aufgabe stellen und die richtige Längen für ihren Körper herauszufinden. Auch für die Knieregion. Für Queen Max ist diese Länge nicht von Vorteil, was wirklich schade ist, denn sonst wäre es PERFEKT gewesen. Die Länge des gestrigen Spinnenkleides war gut für sie.

    1. I totally agree - nice dress, just way too short.

  7. En effet, c'est une belle robe mais juste à la hauteur du genou, elle serait encore plus élégante !!!

  8. Nice dress, but definitely too short and I think a little too tight on the upper arms. It kind of gets out of proportions like this. The hat is fine this time, perfect size and shape and a good accessoire with the dress. The shoes not so much. Maybe it is just me, but I don't like T-strip-sandals/shoes.

  9. When I saw the first picture on my phone, I literally thought: O no, 101 Dalmatians! And yes, the dress is too short too.

  10. Hat, necklace, too much. As to the length of the dress, even a queen doesn't have good looking knees, and she missed again.

    1. I am replying to myself - A nice dress doesn't look so nice when it's too short - It's not the dress that's not nice, it's her knobby knees. Another 5 cm and it would have been perfect.

    2. Hihihi I laughed at the 'knobby knees' 😁 Funny statement! I think I'm keeping this one in mind :-)

  11. Anonymous5/9/19 18:08

    Only one word stunning. Great dress, the jewelry is fantastic.

  12. Does sh e have to walk in her underwear???
    You had the same negative comments yesterday.
    I think you are

    1. Anonymous6/9/19 02:14

      It is her fashion that is being discussed, not her personality. Please recognize the difference. There are people who are trained or have a good eye for fashion who offer their opinions. Rereading the comments, no one has stepped out of line.

    2. Alors il faut dire que tout est magnifique ! Et bien non! Nous sommes unanimes : robe trop courte , chaussures peu élégantes et nous pas jalouses !

  13. Lovely outfit. Like every bit of it even the t-bar shoes but it’s so badly spoiled by being too short. On the knee would be so much more flattering.

  14. Anonymous9/9/19 01:55

    I don't like the pattern but how is it too short?? Why are we still discussing the length of clothing?? Why can't women wear things above the knees? No matter what they're age?? t's 2019 there's nothing wrong with it. Women have knees and legs and the stigma of showing knees or legs REALLY needs to stop. It doesn't mean anything. It's not a bad thing as people seem to still think. - Capt. Marvel


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