Queen Letizia opened new school year in Torrejoncillo

On September 17, 2019, Queen Letizia of Spain attended the opening of 2019-2020 school year at 'Batalla de Pavia' and 'Via Dalmacia' Schools in Torrejoncillo, Spain. Minister of Education and Vocational Training MarΓ­a Isabel CelaΓ‘ DiΓ©guez accompanied The Queen.
Hugo Boss trousers, Massimo Dutti blouse, Nina Ricci pumps, Uterque clutch, Gold and Roses gold earrings and Karen Hallam
Hugo Boss trousers, Massimo Dutti blouse, Nina Ricci pumps, Uterque clutch, Gold and Roses gold earrings and Karen Hallam
Hugo Boss trousers, Massimo Dutti blouse, Nina Ricci pumps, Uterque clutch, Gold and Roses gold earrings and Karen Hallam
Hugo Boss trousers, Massimo Dutti blouse, Nina Ricci pumps, Uterque clutch, Gold and Roses gold earrings and Karen Hallam
Hugo Boss trousers, Massimo Dutti blouse, Nina Ricci pumps, Uterque clutch, Gold and Roses gold earrings and Karen Hallam
Hugo Boss trousers, Massimo Dutti blouse, Nina Ricci pumps, Uterque clutch, Gold and Roses gold earrings and Karen Hallam
Hugo Boss trousers, Massimo Dutti blouse, Nina Ricci pumps, Uterque clutch, Gold and Roses gold earrings and Karen Hallam
Hugo Boss trousers, Massimo Dutti blouse, Nina Ricci pumps, Uterque clutch, Gold and Roses gold earrings and Karen Hallam
Hugo Boss trousers, Massimo Dutti blouse, Nina Ricci pumps, Uterque clutch, Gold and Roses gold earrings and Karen Hallam
Hugo Boss trousers, Massimo Dutti blouse, Nina Ricci pumps, Uterque clutch, Gold and Roses gold earrings and Karen Hallam
Hugo Boss trousers, Massimo Dutti blouse, Nina Ricci pumps, Uterque clutch, Gold and Roses gold earrings and Karen Hallam
Hugo Boss trousers, Massimo Dutti blouse, Nina Ricci pumps, Uterque clutch, Gold and Roses gold earrings and Karen Hallam
Hugo Boss trousers, Massimo Dutti blouse, Nina Ricci pumps, Uterque clutch, Gold and Roses gold earrings and Karen Hallam
Hugo Boss trousers, Massimo Dutti blouse, Nina Ricci pumps, Uterque clutch, Gold and Roses gold earrings and Karen Hallam
Hugo Boss trousers, Massimo Dutti blouse, Nina Ricci pumps, Uterque clutch, Gold and Roses gold earrings and Karen Hallam

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Queen Letizia's blouse, shoes, hair and earrings are very nice. I'm not sold on the slacks. I think the wide white belt which seems too wide for the belt loops, is too bulky.

  2. Tja, meine Kommentare werden langweilig: Perfektion, mal wieder. Die Farbzusammenstellung, die Schnitte der Hose und der Bluse. Die Haare gefallen mir auch. Der Pferdeschwanz ist genau die richtige Wahl. Love it!

  3. Replies
    1. Anonymous17/9/19 18:22

      She was on the floor....with the children..

    2. Anonymous17/9/19 19:52

      Yes, yes, yes MaryT

    3. Oh, sΓ­, sΓ­ , y sΓ­

  4. Sur la premiΓ¨re photo, j'avais cru voir un chignon mais la queue de cheval lui va Γ  ravir ; cela met son port de tΓͺte en valeur !!!

  5. Sur la premiΓ¨re photo, j'avais cru voir un chignon mais la queue de cheval lui va Γ  ravir ; cela met son port de tΓͺte en valeur !!!

  6. Something is not right here. Is it the top or more the trousers... can't exactly put my finger on it. The trousers look odd to me, strange cut and then the big belt... They look too short too.
    But I do like her hair, a nice side swept ponytail.

    1. I agree with you.. I think the shoes would have made the difference. Outfit looks more suited to black flats..

  7. A black belt would have been the way to go! The white belt ruins the look.

    1. Anonymous18/9/19 20:23

      The trousers are sold with the belt by Uterque 89 euros.

  8. I'm guessing this is a new fashion trend. Dont love it- too 80s for me & I dont like anything 80s style. She is always at the front of fashion trends though so I default to her knowing more than me that this is in style. Doesn't she always look polished & lovely though? Classy lady.

  9. Anonymous17/9/19 18:20

    She needed something comfy, she has been sitting on the floor with the children...not a fashion day, the Minister of Culture (a woman) wore jeans..

    3000 people singing "happy birthday to the Queen"...

  10. Anonymous17/9/19 18:24

    On the floor...


  11. Anonymous17/9/19 18:43

    Nice combo,but the belt make it look like something is off.

  12. Anonymous17/9/19 19:13

    Torrejoncillo is a small town in CΓ‘ceres (Extremadura), 3000 people, not a place to dress up yourself.it's a rural place.

    1. I totally agree with you, Queen Letizias’s obsession with her looks and clothes, well documented in the Spanish press, overrides all other considerations she should have as a royal.

    2. .?? What do you mean, it looks to me that @ 9:13 was praising the casual outfit, in respect to the occasion and place. What are those considerations? And just to add my 2 cents, I have to say that your comment about the press is incomplete, for years the press kept bugging her to wear current designers, and to be more adventurous, since she used to be dressed almost exclusively by Varela, well, now she seems to have hired an stylist (smart) and has opened her wardrobe to many local designers, and now the gossipy tabloids
      find her "obsessed " . It looks to me that no matter what she does, there is always room to malign and throw some beef out there. Personally, I find her very chic, and doing what her role demands, just like the rest to the royals.

    3. Anonymous19/9/19 17:12

      Cherry Blossom, that's right, I was only speaking about Spain and Extremadura a very beautiful place but unknown..

      You explained it so well...

      Anon 9:13.

    4. Anonymous19/9/19 17:14

      Cherry Blossom, that's right, I was only speaking about Spain and Extremadura a very beautiful place but unknown..

      You explained it so well...

      Anon 9:13.

    5. Anonymous19/9/19 17:16

      Where is documented in the Spanish press an obssesion? They would like she wears every outfit 10 times.....and even cheaper....then they would say, too much repeat..

  13. Imo Letizia's hair parted on the side like this is by far her most becoming style, whether she does it with a ponytail or a chignon. She looks lovely. I'd have preferred a chignon to a ponytail for this engagement, as for most official engagements -- however there will always a few events where a ponytail makes sense.

    I think this outfit is very chic! Letizia can wear the trendy slightly cropped trouser and still look great (not true for everyone). The belt seems to be getting mixed reactions, but I think both its color and its width are needed to keep the outfit's proportions in balance.

    1. Fully agree about her hair. I think her hair parted on the side suits her better and softens her face.

  14. Another winner for me. I love the paper bag pants. I realize they are not for everyone, but they are executed very well here. I like that the pleats in the blouse mimic the pleats in the pants, and she is wearing kitten heels! The shoes are the perfect choice for her outfit and the school visits. The only thing I don't like about this outfit is the white belt. I have a personal aversion to white belts and shoes. A black belt would have been more to my taste, and I think the white does make the waist look thicker.

  15. ¡Impresionante! Un conjunto joven, moderno, muy cΓ³modo y absolutamente chic. Perfectos el pantalΓ³n ancho y al tobillo, los zapatos de tacΓ³n bajo y la cola de caballo para sentarse en el suelo con los pequeΓ±os. Letizia dando lecciones de moda como Reina del S XXI. Bravissima.

  16. Anonymous17/9/19 20:50

    I absolutely hate paperbag trousers but on her they look amazing.

  17. I love everything about this look. Black and white, high waste, big belt and the cut of the trousers. Modern, and not one more of those dresses.

  18. Anonymous18/9/19 03:43

    The top is totally off IMO. She looks like a balloon on the busy; the pants are ok, although the belt makes them look disproportionate. The only positive I see as far as fashion goes, are the decent heels. Good on her for trying something less than 15cm high.

    Lily A

  19. This look on her its perfect... but get real, this paper bags pants are a nightmare in almost everyone... how she can do it and make it amazing? :)

    Note: She's really careful with all the details, there is one photo from this event her she found a girl crying, she just stop and talk with her. Simple gesture but at least for me a great attitude.

  20. Too much belt for so little waist.

  21. I also agree with Southernbelle.

  22. From my point of view, two colors combination, is nt always elegant.

  23. I am not speaking about designers, what I mean is wearing appropriate clothing befitting the occasion and circumstances. The other day when Queen Letizia took her two lovely girls to school, attention was focused on her clothing rather than on her daughters, all this could be followed in the Spanish press. Of course this was intentional. I, as a mother, would have reworn something simple and inconspicuous, this is precisely what I meant. These are the rules of royal decorum.

    1. Anonymous19/9/19 22:28

      I do not know what are you speaking about...I am a Spaniard...her clothes?? Leggings and a jacket, more focused in the clothes than the girls, not in the Spain I live...what a nonsense and a lie too...All the media were focused in the two girls, your castellano must be awful and you must read South American blogs..or media..in Spanish, not castellano or in Spain.

      You are a bit confused..

    2. Anonymous19/9/19 22:34

      Royal decorum?? And not to spread lies is decorum also...

      And she wore something very simple, In Spain WE mothers dress like that to wear the children to the school, that's decorum in Spain, they children would be ashamed of you in front of their friends.....we have a lot of patient in this country, but so many lies and nonsense are enough.
      You should speak about your country and not about one you are ignorant of the language, the culture and the media or press...because you do not understand a word...

    3. Anonymous19/9/19 22:39

      Virginia...first..was she wearing especial clothes?? So you go to the school as a homeless, not here it is bad perceived by the teachers and the children.

      Second , can you tell me which press was not focused in the girls..here you have some Spaniards writting in English...so , please , do not make up things...

    4. Anonymous19/9/19 22:41

      You should learn castellano, you have no idea what the media in Spain are saying....maybe in Spanish in South America but not here...

    5. Anonymous19/9/19 23:49

      She, as a mother wore a simple black outfit and covered up with a plaid blazer like many mothers who do for the school run. A picture with the caption that the children are being dropped off is never enough. Now there are rules for royal decorum spurred on by frivolous articles full of speculation about hair, aesthetics, prices of the clothing, the sneakers etc., written because SHE sells at the kiosk, and all based on appearance since she is not allowed to speak. Verdict - she is obsessed. From a distance, QL articles in the Spanish press tend to be negative and gossipy, and have little credibility except to those who believe everything that is printed. -Belle

    6. Virginia, now you are making no sense... she was wearing sneakers and a jacket, brushed hair and hardly any makeup, what would you have worn,? Maybe what Charlene chose, a long sheer dress. And by the way Letizia looked like any other Spanish mother, to say differently is just spinning .... and of course why in the heck would the people be commenting about children's school uniforms? I get that you may not like her style, but your comments border on nonsensical.

  24. Virginia, this is the part that I sort of dislike about these forums, some people have very deep likes and dislikes about public figures, mostly based on the gossip rags, personally I find that rather shallow, but to each its own. The part that irritates me is when they get on the pulpit and start passing judgment and make not so subtle accusations about whether this woman is really an inconsiderate mother compared to you, possibly?
    Here are some facts, you know that rare gem that people don't use much nowadays.
    1: Catherine drops children on a Michael Kors dress, Prada shoes, new haircut and color, the photographers go insane, and people can't stop talking about how pretty she looks.
    2: Mathilde drops her kids on an Armani hot pink pantsuit, hundreds od pictures taken, and nobody mentions the boys outfit.
    3: Charlene, I won't even go there.
    Oh the horror! They must be terrible mothers, taking away the attention from the kids.
    4: Letizia drops kids with some sporty leggings, sneakers, and very subdued makeup, she is also carrying her daughters sports bags.
    So I guess in your book, Letizia must be doing something wrong.... because she is dressed like thousand of mothers,appropriate, nice & confortable. If you knew anything about Spanish culture you would know that if she were to show up on a designer dress & heels at 08:00 to drop the girls, she would be crucified.
    Lastly, being critical of her fashion is OK, but your innuendo about her character is just unbecoming.

  25. Anonymous20/9/19 15:40

    @cherryblossom πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


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