Queen Letizia attended a meeting on disability at CNMC

On September 5, 2019, Queen Letizia of Spain presided over the meeting "Informative Treatment Of Disability In Social Networks" at the headquarters of National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) in Madrid. The meeting was organized jointly by The A La Par Foundation, The Federation of Associations of Journalists of Spain (FAPE) and the Council of the Royal Board on Disability. (Queen Letizia wore a flower print midi skirt by Carolina Herrera.)
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera flower party skirt, Carolina Herrera high-heel slingback pumps, blue diamond earrings
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera flower party skirt, Carolina Herrera high-heel slingback pumps, blue diamond earrings
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera flower party skirt, Carolina Herrera high-heel slingback pumps, blue diamond earrings
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera flower party skirt, Carolina Herrera high-heel slingback pumps, blue diamond earrings
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera flower party skirt, Carolina Herrera high-heel slingback pumps, blue diamond earrings
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera flower party skirt, Carolina Herrera high-heel slingback pumps, blue diamond earrings
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera flower party skirt, Carolina Herrera high-heel slingback pumps, blue diamond earrings
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera flower party skirt, Carolina Herrera high-heel slingback pumps, blue diamond earrings
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera flower party skirt, Carolina Herrera high-heel slingback pumps, blue diamond earrings
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera flower party skirt, Carolina Herrera high-heel slingback pumps, blue diamond earrings
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera flower party skirt, Carolina Herrera high-heel slingback pumps, blue diamond earrings
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera flower party skirt, Carolina Herrera high-heel slingback pumps, blue diamond earrings
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera flower party skirt, Carolina Herrera high-heel slingback pumps, blue diamond earrings
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera Blue flower Party Skirt
Carolina Herrera Blue Flower Party Skirt
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera High-heel slingback blue pumps
Carolina Herrera High-heel Slingback Pumps

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  1. Il me semble qu'elle a déjà porté cette superbe jupe fleurie joliment ceinturée ; sa couleur bleue est harmonisée à son corsage, ses chaussures et les boucles d'oreilles Ah, j’oubliais la pochette !!!

    1. Estrenó este conjunto en París con Hollande en Grand Palais. Después, en UK, visita a la Abadía de Westminster.
      Hoy ha cambiado los zapatos, pendientes y bolso, pero está igual de guapa y elegante.

    2. Angie bonsoir, est-ce à moi que s'adresse votre commentaire ? Je ne comprends pas...
      Achard !!!

    3. Oui, c'est à vous que je réponds, Achard.
      Je vous dis que Letizia portait ces vêtements à Paris avec Hollande au Grand Palais. Puis, au Royaume-Uni, lors de sa visite à l'abbaye de Westminster.

    4. Anonymous7/9/19 02:41

      Yes, according to a Letizia style blog she has actually worn this outfit five previous times.
      May 2015 lunch with the President of Italy
      June 2015 France state visit (Grand Palais)
      Sept 2015 US visit to the state of Florida
      Sept 2016 visit to Cervantes Institute, Madrid
      July 2017 UK state visit
      I think she has looked great each time!

  2. Perfekte Letizia. Sie war ja die angespannteste Braut damals, so jedenfalls mein Eindruck. Es mag zum Teil den Umständen, zum Teil aber auch ihrem Ehrgeiz geschuldet sein, alles besonders gut zu machen. Also hat sie sich mit Verve in das Projekt "Königin" gestürzt und heute sehen wir das Ergebnis. Fehler gibt es keine und: sie kennt selbstverständlich "ihre Längen". Ich bewundere sie, ziehe aber Menschen mit kleinen Brüchen und Eigenarten vor. Als Stilikone taugt sie aber allemal!

    1. Die hübsche Dame mit der blauen Hose versteht übrigens auch das Einmaleins der perfekten horizontalen Linien:-)

    2. La dama rubia es Meritxell Batet, la Presidenta del Congreso y la dama del vestido "cebra" es Isabel Díaz, Presidenta de la Comunidad de Madrid.

    3. Die lady in blue trousers is Ms. Meritxell Batet Lamaña, President of the Congreso de los Diputados (the Spanish Parliament) and Minister of Territorial Policy and Civil service.

    4. @Angie & Sakurahime: Thank you!

  3. Anonymous5/9/19 18:00

    This combination looks very nice. All matches color wise even the earrings. Very lovely look today.

  4. Anonymous5/9/19 18:49

    Love the Look of all three Ladies.

  5. I love this lady's style

  6. Beautiful!

  7. Anonymous6/9/19 00:45

    Este conjunto ya está un poco pasado, pero es mejor que el vestido que llevó el martes, un poco vulgar para mi gusto, demasiada exhibición del movimiento del vestido en una recepción matutina y para un tema sensible.

  8. Anonymous6/9/19 03:33

    Podría cambiar la blusa. Repite todo, hasta la blusa remangada.
    Mucho más bonita la blusa de la modelo, también con una actitud más elegante.
    Los pendientes de medio pelo no me gustan nada, mejor una joya discreta.

  9. An oldie but goodie that always looks fresh at every appearance. The lady officials are stylish and chic. Support for these organizations is vital for their continued existence. The crowd inside and outside are all part of the awareness for these causes. Shout out to Hola for the best article on both the fashion and the event today. Thumbs up to this blog for the best pictorial.

  10. Anonymous6/9/19 08:46

    Very pretty skirt. Queen Letizia looks so elegant and lovely!
    - Marika

  11. She always looks good with this skirt, it's very beautiful.
    She also would look amazing with the dress of the same collection.

  12. Lovely repeated outfit. I too love the perfect blue trousers of the woman on her right in many of the photos.

  13. I love it. Letizia and I seem to have the same taste in clothes


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