King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima held a dinner at Noordeinde Palace

On September 11, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima held a dinner for the members of the Dutch Council of State at Noordeinde Palace in The Hague. The Council of State makes recommendations to the government and parliament about legislations and administration and is the highest general administrative judge in the country. The King is the President of the Council of State but rarely attends the meetings. Queen Maxima wore an organza-printed wide sleeves dress by Luisa Beccaria.
Queen Maxima wore an organza-printed wide sleeves dress by Luisa Beccaria. Luisa Beccaria Spring 2017 RTW collection
Queen Maxima wore an organza-printed wide sleeves dress by Luisa Beccaria. Luisa Beccaria Spring 2017 RTW collection
Queen Maxima wore an organza-printed wide sleeves dress by Luisa Beccaria. Luisa Beccaria Spring 2017 RTW collection
Queen Maxima wore Luisa Beccaria Organza Printed Wide Sleeves Dress
Luisa Beccaria Organza Printed Wide Sleeves Dress - Spring 2017 RTW

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  1. Anonymous12/9/19 01:35

    Va-va-voom! Somebody got her disastrous hair done after her earlier "Fempower" engagement. Beautiful transformation. Lovely gown; but, as usual, it's too tight across the bust and hence doesn't fit properly on top. She looks beautiful. /Julie/

    1. Agree. The dress doesn't fit her properly. But it still looks lovely!

  2. Anonymous12/9/19 01:36

    Interesting , beautiful, flowy dress, Q Maxima looks beautiful! K. WA rocking the beard. I like a lot of the royal men have beards. - Capt. Marvel

  3. Anonymous12/9/19 01:38

    Oh yeah... the King is looking particularly nice on this occasion in his beard and dark suit. /Julie/

  4. Maxima is beautiful.

  5. Maxima is beautiful.

  6. Rather like this grand gown. I like the colour and cut and although there's so much material in it, Queen Max can get away with it Nicely styled hair, too. Not a fan of the king's beard. Think it ages him

    1. I don't like the beard either... 🙈 I like men more clean shaven. But that's personal taste of course ;-)

    2. It's a trend, and an ugly one in my opinion. May of the royals have beards, i.e. Frederik of Denmark, Felipe of Spain, Carl of Sweden, etc.. I'm surprised Philippe of Belgium doesn't have one yet! And almost every Hollywood actor I can think of.

    3. I think that a beard can enhance some men's appearance, while on other men, not so much. It's very much an individual thing, having mainly to do with a man's facial bone structure. My favorite example of this is Prince Michael of Kent, who imo looks much, much better with his beard, very distinguished. I also think that Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume of Luxembourg looks better with a beard.

  7. Now we're getting somewhere. What a dreamy, delicately beautiful gown! And gorgeous but not oversized or gaudy jewelry. And nicely conditioned and styled hair. I can't think of a single quibble :-). More of this, please...

  8. Now why can't she wear her hair nice like this more often? It looks clean and healthy.

    1. Anonymous12/9/19 11:05

      Agree. She does have a hair stylist.
      I am convinced that her usual terrible hair is the responsibility of her hair stylist.

    2. Agree with Ninius! Her hair looks wonderful here!

  9. Stunning from head to toe, and she recycled!

  10. Anonymous12/9/19 08:12

    This expensive gown is unfortunately looking like a shower curtain.


    1. A bad fitted shower courtain to be more precise. You can see the marks of her bra at the back. Showing her teet all the time doesn't excuse the frequent fashion-bloopers.

  11. Anonymous12/9/19 08:13

    WOW, was für ein Unterschied zu den Bildern weiter unten: Kleid phänomenal, Haare schick, Geschmeide wunderschön, über ihr schönes Lächeln brauch ich nicht zu reden, das ist wie immer herzerwärmend - Queen von Kopf bis Fuß!

    1. Der König hat viel Glück mit dieser Frau !!

  12. Anonymous12/9/19 08:56

    Incredible dress and it goes well with necklace. D

  13. Max found her hair brush, curling tongs and some more family sparklers. She looks gorgeous but why OH why did she have to cut herself in half with that ugly belt? In fact why do so many royal ladies keep adding belts to everything.

    1. Anonymous12/9/19 12:03

      Yes, of course, perfect dress and beautiful hair!! Love it. What I would like to add: She obviously has thin and very straight hair. Myself: the same ...and in order to look that flowy, wavy and beautiful, it needs to be worked on. Every day, because the beautiful waves do not even last from morning till evening and are completely gone the next morning. So I at least can understand if she simply does not want to waste that much time for styling her hair - every day.

    2. While I think that Maxima's belt is fine here, I have been noticing the many belted dresses lately too, and the way that the wrong belt can detract from, rather than enhance, a garment's appearance. I never thought much about belts until lately, and about just what a delicate business choosing one can be. Should it contrast with the garment, or coordinate with it? Should it be thin or wide? Shiny or matte? It's the one job of a stylist that would give me nightmares.

  14. I loved this dress the first time I saw it and still do. The combination of the soft and more bright blue flowers, the flowing fabric... Yum! Her hair is nicely styled too.
    The only thing I don't like about this dress is the fitting. The bodice doesn't fit properly and looks rather poorly tailored on her. Pity.

  15. Looking good, Maxie! She's looked a mess all week!.

  16. Anonymous12/9/19 14:56

    Por una vez esta bien en todo. Así debía de llevar siempre su pelo.

  17. Macht mir sehr viel Freude sie so hübsch zu sehen. Der König sieht super aus mit Bart. Ein schönes Paar. Mode: keine besonderen Vorkommnisse, einfach gut gemacht.

  18. Anonymous12/9/19 18:38

    Wow, super look for the Queen, the jewelry is great too.

  19. Queen Maxima is gorgeous!

  20. She finally has her hair done and not looking like a disaster! However, she needs to get in touch with Queen Letizia's tailor.

  21. Anonymous13/9/19 19:54

    Is the king slimmer or is it just an illusion caused by the beard?

  22. Anonymous13/9/19 19:57

    Can you imagine if Max had worn the dress the way the model did? :-o LOL. But doesn't her hair look so much better with a little curl to it instead of its usual straw-ie mess?

  23. Always happy and smiling,


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