Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie arrived in Morocco

Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie of Luxembourg are making a 4 day working visit to Morocco on September 23 to 26 together with an economy delegation consisting of a group of Luxembourgian officials and businesspersons. Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie arrived in Casablanca-Settat on September 23 and were welcomed by Moroccan economy minister, Mohamed Benchaaboun at the airport.
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie arrived in Casablanca-Settat, Morocco. She wore floral print blouse, yellow dress
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie arrived in Casablanca-Settat, Morocco. She wore floral print blouse, yellow dress
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie arrived in Casablanca-Settat, Morocco. She wore floral print blouse, yellow dress
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie arrived in Casablanca-Settat, Morocco. She wore floral print blouse, yellow dress
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie arrived in Casablanca-Settat, Morocco. She wore floral print blouse, yellow dress
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie arrived in Casablanca-Settat, Morocco. She wore floral print blouse, yellow dress
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie arrived in Casablanca-Settat, Morocco. She wore floral print blouse, yellow dress
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie arrived in Casablanca-Settat, Morocco. She wore floral print blouse, yellow dress
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie arrived in Casablanca-Settat, Morocco. She wore floral print blouse, yellow dress
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie arrived in Casablanca-Settat, Morocco. She wore floral print blouse, yellow dress
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie arrived in Casablanca-Settat, Morocco. She wore floral print blouse, yellow dress
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie arrived in Casablanca-Settat, Morocco. She wore floral print blouse, yellow dress
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie arrived in Casablanca-Settat, Morocco. She wore floral print blouse, yellow dress
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie arrived in Casablanca-Settat, Morocco. She wore floral print blouse, yellow dress
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie arrived in Casablanca-Settat, Morocco. She wore floral print blouse
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie arrived in Casablanca-Settat, Morocco. She wore floral print blouse
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie arrived in Casablanca-Settat, Morocco. She wore floral print blouse
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie arrived in Casablanca-Settat, Morocco. She wore floral print blouse
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie arrived in Casablanca-Settat, Morocco. She wore floral print blouse

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  1. The outfit is nothing to write home about but great to see this lovely couple again

    1. Anonymous23/9/19 23:10

      Tend to agree, her outfit is rather 'plain', and her hair is not done well. Lovely to see them again. Ally

  2. Very nice to see Guillaume and Stephanie again !

    1. Agree. Sweet couple.
      But sometimes Guillaume's very red face worries me. It doesn't look healthy to me and I see it almost every time they show up.

    2. I agree! I think none of the looks healthy actually.. :(

  3. It has been a while since I've seen them, and I didn't even recognize Guillaume. He has really put on the weight and thinning hair. How many years have they been married now? I assume they are not going to have children or have they had one and I missed that announcement? Stephanie looks the same as always.

    1. Next month they have been married for seven years.

    2. Karen, about your question: I think no one knows for sure if they will ever have children. Before they got married, they said they wanted a big family. Perhaps there a fertility problems, I don't know.
      I've always loved Stephanie and I would be very happy for them to have a child!

    3. Royalty fan

      Is it 7 years now! Long time. And she "must" provide the heir to the throne, or else Louis, or Felix and Claire's children must step in.

    4. Me too, Rosalyn -- I would love to see Guillaume and Stephanie have the family they desire. My heart goes out to them. The good news is that in showing their love for the people of Luxembourg, they will be loved in return, regardless.

    5. Rosalyn and Jane Chantal, I totally agree with you both. It would be wonderful to see them between little Stephanies and Guillaumes running around in the garden. I really hope they are happy - and do not feel under pressure… Royalty fan is right, Felix and Claire as well as Louis already have children, how must Stephanie feel??

    6. Coralie, yes, I think that those who struggle with infertility, particularly when others around them are having no such difficulties, experience feelings that only people who have "been there" can understand. I had such sympathy for Princess Charlene of Monaco during the years when babies were being born to others in the family, but not to her and Albert.

      I know that speculation about who is/isn't/might want to be pregnant is highly annoying to some people. Imo it does no harm to anyone if the subject comes up occasionally -- and in fact it seems to me a good, kind and natural thing to hope that royal couples will have children.

      Now the "spandex vs. tent" maternity wear squabbling -- _that_ is annoying 😊.

  4. Anonymous23/9/19 22:32

    Nice to see them again.This outfit of HGD is soso nothing special, but she looks good. Hope we see more of them in the very near future.

  5. Anonymous23/9/19 22:56

    Why is she so uninterested in her appearance?

    1. Stephanie looks very good in that yellow. She is a pure and modest woman.

  6. Anonymous24/9/19 00:10

    She really suits that goldenrod colour of the first outfit, and it fits her well too. The second outfit looks a bit haphazard to me - trousers and shirt do not seem to complement each other, and the hair style is lacklustre to say the least. She’s a beautiful young woman but definitely not a ‘clothes horse’. Oh well. (V.M.)

  7. In the first set of photos with the bright yellow pant outfit, I think she looks just fine, not great, but presentable. And her hair is more interesting while shorter with the side part. I like the earrings, too. It is a simple, pleasing look. However, the second set with the ordinary blouse, navy slacks and pony tail - well, she looks all prepared to go to the grocery store. It seems a bit insulting to have so little regard for being her home country's representative and also for showing the best(?) it has to offer. I like his clean-shaven face.

    1. I think she must be unwell because she’s not even dressed appropriately for church.

    2. Anonymous25/9/19 16:59

      At least in this blog there are no photos showing a visit to a church. They did visit the royal mausoleum. Photos where Stephanie is wearing a white scarf are from that visit. Loose clothes and a scarf covering her hair are appropriate.

  8. My goodness, the outfit with the top from the 70’s and dark slacks is shockingly inappropriate. It looks like she left her brush and she used her hands to do a pony tail. I have no words. Just hope that she is ok.

    1. Anonymous24/9/19 02:31

      @2:58am - Stephanie certainly gives the impression that she did not care on or about this occasion. She can look really lovely when she tries. /Julie/

  9. Anonymous24/9/19 02:55

    Oh gosh!I understand that you might not be into fashion, then get a stylish and follow his/her instructions, you will be done with the subject and show respect and pride in your position.
    Both look heavy, unkempt and so far from his parents...

  10. Anonymous24/9/19 03:16

    Nice to see this couple. I like the goldenrod color but think the fit could be better. The blouse and pants are so so. There are so many more stylish options out there available to her.


  11. Luxembourg is a rich count; she has the means to dress better in representing her country. No effort is put in her appearance. While the color is pretty, the suit is very baggy and falling off her shoulders. She need a personal dresser. As for her hairstyle in the 2nd set of pictures.😒

    1. Most of all she needs a good tailor or seamstress. Even the few times she wears a really lovely outfit, the clothes never fit well.

  12. Stephanie lack of style, or plain carelessness about the way she looks, are an embarrassment for Luxembourg

    1. Anonymous25/9/19 09:54

      Are you from Luxemburg? I do not think that people there is thinking about fashion at all, just the contrary it is how they are..modest..

    2. Dear Tatiana, I find your remark uncredible. This is not a visit to Madame Macron, where Parisian chic would be called for, but to Marocco where protocol dictates a completely different dress code. Stefanie knows exactly why she is wearing what. She might not be overly interested in clothes, nothing wrong with that, but she is doing her sartorial duty.

  13. Anonymous24/9/19 04:47

    I like Stephanie in the yellow/golden color and her hair looks quite nice styled to the side.

  14. The shape of the yellow/golden outfit, along with her hairstyle is a cohesive look, and decent. Nothing super fashionable, but she isn't known for being amongst the best dressed. The flowered top and dark pants remind me of pajamas (not in a good way).

    1. I very much agree regarding Stephanie's appearance in the yellow pantsuit. I think it was spot-on (particularly in a culture that highly regards modesty in dress), and the jewelry and clutch were reasonably nice and her hair was beautiful. The haphazard blouse, pants and ponytail, otoh, seemed utterly inappropriate. Puzzling!

  15. She is hopeless...

  16. There have already been events when Stephanies beauty was breathtaking. Unfortunately this is not one of them. Agree with those who say "I hope she is well". I like her.

    1. Wow, bravo Coralie! Very well said!!! Totally agree with you!

  17. Anonymous24/9/19 10:14

    She isn’t hopeless at all. She is very intelligent and has a sweet personality. Even if this is a fashion blog, I wish people wouldn’t be so ruthless in their judgements. And I really love the yellow colour of her pantsuit!


  18. I agree with those who have said that Stephanie needs the help of a stylist, someone who will consistently help her to look her best in her role as Hereditary Grand Duchess and, in the future, as Grand Duchess of Luxembourg. Imo she has great natural loveliness, with her red-gold hair, "peaches and cream" complexion and charming face. Her figure is fine and as someone else noted, she can look very chic in the right clothes. The people of Luxembourg could, rightly, be so proud of her. Like Southernbelle, I am a bit concerned and hope that she is ok.

  19. Anonymous24/9/19 12:45

    Nice to see this lovely couple again . Both outfits are good in color and appropriate for the visit but I think the fitting is quite ill.

  20. C’est un grand plaisir de revoir Guillaume et Stéphanie qui est lumineuse dans cette jolie couleur jaune.. Je préfère Guillaume portant la barbe !!!

  21. Anonymous24/9/19 21:43

    A bit too much yellow for me.But Stephanie looks good anyway. Nice to see them again, it has been a while.

  22. Anonymous25/9/19 16:49

    Oh, they're the nurses again, who can tell from a pic if the patient is fine or not.
    I like the yellow suit. It fits her well.Liz


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