Dutch Royal Family attended Prince's day 2019

On September 17, 2019, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima, Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien attended Prince's day 2019 in the Ridderzaal in the Hague. The King gave a speech on the Prinsjesdag (Prince's Day) to members of the Upper and Lower Chamber. In the Netherlands, Budget Day is known as Prinsjesdag or ‘Prince’s Day’, and is held on the third Tuesday in September. On this day, the King gives a speech from the throne, and thus, he officially opens the parliamentary year. Queen Maxima wore a new dress by Jan Taminiau.
King Willem-Alexander, Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien. Queen Maxima wore a new dress by Jan Taminiau
King Willem-Alexander, Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien. Queen Maxima wore a new dress by Jan Taminiau
King Willem-Alexander, Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien. Queen Maxima wore a new dress by Jan Taminiau
King Willem-Alexander, Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien. Queen Maxima wore a new dress by Jan Taminiau
King Willem-Alexander, Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien. Queen Maxima wore a new dress by Jan Taminiau
King Willem-Alexander, Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien. Queen Maxima wore a new dress by Jan Taminiau
King Willem-Alexander, Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien. Queen Maxima wore a new dress by Jan Taminiau
King Willem-Alexander, Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien. Queen Maxima wore a new dress by Jan Taminiau
On Prince's day, King Willem-Alexander, Queen Maxima, Princess Laurentien and Prince Constantijn greeted the crowd from the balcony of palace Noordeinde in the Hague.
King Willem-Alexander, Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien. Queen Maxima wore a new dress by Jan Taminiau
King Willem-Alexander, Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien. Queen Maxima wore a new dress by Jan Taminiau
King Willem-Alexander, Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien. Queen Maxima wore a new dress by Jan Taminiau
King Willem-Alexander, Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien. Queen Maxima wore a new dress by Jan Taminiau
King Willem-Alexander, Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien. Queen Maxima wore a new dress by Jan Taminiau
King Willem-Alexander, Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien. Queen Maxima wore a new dress by Jan Taminiau

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  1. Wooow! It has been years Laurentien looked so stunning! Gorgeous lace dress and it seems to fit her good too. Well done!
    And Maxima... love it. Not so fond of the cape-idea, but the rich fabric and the deep colour are fantastic on her, her hair is nice and the look is overall well-styled. She looks wonderful.
    I saw the first picture and was like: Yay! Finally a real and beautiful Jan Taminiau again! This is how I know her, him and how he makes stunning creations for her that fit her like a glove. Bravo!!

    1. Anonymous17/9/19 20:14

      Agree with you Rosalyn.

  2. Wenn's drauf ankommt, dann sitzt alles. Ich liebe die Farbe und das Minicape. Respekt, aus dieser Höhe herabzuklettern und dabei noch so gut auszusehen! Ganz schön hoch, diese Kutsche!
    Laurentien ist für ihre Verhältnisse sehr dezent geblieben. Alles in allem erinnern mich beide Outfits ein bisschen an die glorreichen Hollywoodzeiten der 1930er Jahre. König und Bruder im Morningsuit (LBD für Männer) machen auch nix falsch.

  3. Wow Maxima ! Perfect ! I hope WA is going to shave tomorrow and he looks as if could use a good night sleep !

    1. Yes I see it too, now that you've mentioned it. The king looks very tired indeed.
      And I also hope he's going to shave; lots of royal men have or grow beards, but in his case, I think it ages him.

  4. Anonymous17/9/19 18:40

    Very nice dress and color. Don't care much for the capelet or the hat but the rest is fine. The jewelry is fantastic.

  5. Pictures from a fairytale...wonderful!

  6. Anonymous17/9/19 19:16

    Beautiful dress and her hair looks so nice. While I know she likes the very large hats, I like her better in this size. You can still see her face and it is tasteful and elegant.

  7. Anonymous17/9/19 19:26

    Laurentien... please-please-please keep it up. Wow, what a great look for her. Not a crazy outfit or outlandish color. I'm impressed.

    Màxima... lovely colors. I would hate to walk down those carriage steps in long gown and heels.

    Willem-Alexander... he looks great with his beard and in dark colors.

    Why no (visible, anyway) order sashes for the men?


    1. @Julie: Rule No 89 for the royal gentleman: no sashes with morningsuits:-)
      I would never manage to climb this steps in evening attire and shoes without falling headlong on the orange carpet.

    2. Anonymous18/9/19 00:38

      @HEDY: Thank you for "Rule No 89". I've learned something. /Julie/

  8. I like the colour of maxima her dress.
    The top of the dress with the cape looks stunning. The bottom of the dress is soooooooooo boring.
    I like the hat. Her hair is for my taste a bit to much to the front.

    I like laurentien's dress.

  9. Anonymous17/9/19 20:52

    Both ladies look lovely, but since the Queen wears my favorite color, she wins for me.

  10. Wow Máximas hair is amazing for a change! ;)

  11. Anonymous17/9/19 21:13

    Lovely elegant look in Laurentein. Now for Maxima, lovely gown, incredible jewelry. Even don’t mind the cape let or the hat. The gloves are the ones letting this look down.

  12. Love both dresses and agree that for Laurentein, it's one of her best looks for a while. For the Queen, I'm not so sure--massive yes for the dress and the deep claret colour but the cape is a different colour to the dress and the hat is darker than either and the gloves are a different colour too. Look at the picture where both ladies are waving. Are there not too many slightly different colours of wine? I feel that this detracts from the overall look.

  13. Maxima has too much going on here. Replace the strange-looking capelet with a bolero that matches the dress, eliminate the daytime decolletage, eliminate the wee gloves, and voila: a beautifully and appropriately attired royal lady. (That deep magenta truly is a glorious color on her.)

  14. Anonymous18/9/19 02:02

    The Queen looks stunning. I love the top half of the dress especially. The colour is gorgeous on her. Jewelry is perfect. She is a beautiful woman.

  15. Princess Laurentein looks great.

  16. I miss princess Mabel!

  17. Anonymous18/9/19 11:44

    She isn't a member of the Royal House, but it would make a lovely picture.

  18. Anonymous18/9/19 11:45

    She isn't a member of the Royal House, but it would make a lovely picture.

  19. Actually I like that the capelet is of a different fabric, and stays within the same color pattern without matching, otherwise it would just be the perpetual cape-dress that lately has been everywhere. The hat is delicious, and the hair looks fantastic, but the gloves are totally unnecessary and take away from the outfit.
    All in all, she looks fantastic.

  20. Queen Maxima, and princess Laurentie, look stunning!Maybe, the flower on the Princess Laurentien, is a bit over the top for the occasion.

  21. Maxima looks stunning !!!!!!!! I really love her dress !!!!!!!!!!!


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