Duke and Duchess of Sussex's visit to Cape Town, 2nd day

On September 24, 2019, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited Waves for Change, an NGO, at Monwabisi Beach in Cape Town. Waves for Change supports local surf mentors to provide mental health services to vulnerable young people living in under resourced communities. Afterwards, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited Auwal Mosque in Cape Town. Auwal Mosque is the first and oldest mosque in South Africa and for the Muslim community. (The Duchess of Sussex wore a jean jacket by Madewell.
Meghan Markle wore Jennifer Meyer diamond bezel and turquoise marquise stud earrings and Madewell jacket
Meghan Markle wore Jennifer Meyer diamond bezel and turquoise marquise stud earrings and Madewell jacket
Meghan Markle wore Jennifer Meyer diamond bezel and turquoise marquise stud earrings and Madewell jacket
Meghan Markle wore Jennifer Meyer diamond bezel and turquoise marquise stud earrings and Madewell jacket
Meghan Markle wore Jennifer Meyer diamond bezel and turquoise marquise stud earrings and Madewell jacket
Meghan Markle wore Jennifer Meyer diamond bezel and turquoise marquise stud earrings and Madewell jacket
Meghan Markle wore Jennifer Meyer diamond bezel and turquoise marquise stud earrings and Madewell jacket
Meghan Markle wore Jennifer Meyer diamond bezel and turquoise marquise stud earrings and Madewell jacket
Meghan Markle wore Jennifer Meyer diamond bezel and turquoise marquise stud earrings and Madewell jacket
Meghan Markle wore Jennifer Meyer diamond bezel and turquoise marquise stud earrings and Madewell jacket
Meghan Markle wore Jennifer Meyer diamond bezel and turquoise marquise stud earrings and Madewell jacket
Meghan Markle wore Jennifer Meyer diamond bezel and turquoise marquise stud earrings and Madewell jacket
Meghan Markle wore Jennifer Meyer diamond bezel and turquoise marquise stud earrings and Madewell jacket
Meghan Markle wore Jennifer Meyer diamond bezel and turquoise marquise stud earrings and Madewell jacket
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited Auwal Mosque in Cape Town
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited Auwal Mosque in Cape Town
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited Auwal Mosque in Cape Town
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited Auwal Mosque in Cape Town
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited Auwal Mosque in Cape Town
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited Auwal Mosque in Cape Town
Meghan Markle wore Staud Millie Dress
Staud Millie Dress
Meghan Markle wore Madewell Jean Jacket
Madewell Jean Jacket
Meghan Markle carries Madewell Canvas Medium Transport ToteMeghan Markle wore Brother Vellies Huaraches Flats
Madewell Canvas Medium Transport Tote        Brother Vellies Huaraches Flats
Meghan Markle wore Jennifer Meyer Diamond Bezel and Turquoise Marquise Stud Earrings
Jennifer Meyer Diamond Earrings

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Ce serait dommage que bébé Archie ne voit pas son père avec des cheveux !

    1. Miryam, I apologize if I misunderstood your comment, since my French is rather limited, but did you say that it would be a pity if Archie doesn't get to see his father with hair? If so, I can only imagine the trauma of billions of babies whose fathers are bold.... SMH
      Meghan look fine with this outfit, nothing spectacular, but contemporary and cute. The dress that she is wearing to the Mosque, reminds me of the one she wore to watch Harry play, but with a belt, not fantastic, but I think that that was the intention as not to attract much attention and be appropriately covered out of respect to their hosts faith.

    2. Cherry, you did not misunderstand. Myriam did go there. I can't imagine why.

    3. Anonymous25/9/19 01:13

      One would think that a father who is there to provide guidance and watch his son grow up is all that really matters. Miyram has lowered herself to cheap shots at someone who will not respond. They are a lovely couple who do well in their representation of the crown- Belle

  2. Anonymous24/9/19 16:37

    Meghan has very strong own style and I like the way she stick to it. Jean jacket with white shirt looks very nice. - Siri

  3. Anonymous24/9/19 16:46

    Well, I love the casual denim outfit. Apart from the slightly unkempt tucking in of the shirt in the front, she looks casual and relaxed and smart. And she is glowing!... as can be seen in the longer green/brown outfit with the respectful scarf over her head in a place of worship.
    No complaints here. Meghan look very good.
    Anon 9:13

  4. What strikes me right away is that Harry and Meghan look so approachable. They are both dressed in a way that communicates that they are ready to interact with everyone. Meghan is wearing an affordable jacket, and her Huaraches are a nod to the region. I like that there is always some thought into some of the pieces she wears. I would imagine she has taken her engagement ring off simply because the flash and bling just wouldn't seem appropriate in these settings.

    The dress she wears to the Mosque is very respectful and appropriate. She stays with her preferred simple style, and it just works. I like the color, but I always have. She is sitting cross-legged on the floor in the Mosque, and remains perfectly covered. I like the choice of headscarf, and she wears it well. Afterwards, the dress transitions well to greeting well-wishers.

    1. Chardonn8r, you said exactly what I thought about their appearance and attitude. I couldn't find the right words for what I saw, but you did :-)
      Thanks for sharing this great observation!

  5. Anonymous24/9/19 17:36

    She looks simply chic .

  6. Anonymous24/9/19 17:43

    Meghan - The purpose of a head scarf is to cover the hair. I guess her "stylist" never told her. /Julie/

    1. I wore something similar and because of the fabric it kept slipping back. I've seen many other royals wearing it in a similar style so I don't have a problem.

    2. Julie, Meghan is in excellent company. Every royal woman that I found that has visited a mosque has shown her hair. I suppose you could say that Diana was the worst offender.

    3. She only needs to wear it inside the Mosque.

  7. Anonymous24/9/19 18:05

    Il y a même une mosquée à Cape Town : et bien depuis 1988, tout a changé dans ce pays mais en mal.......

  8. Anonymous24/9/19 18:16

    Habe mir das Kleid auf einer anderen Internet-Seite angeschaut-in voller Länge und ich persönlich finde es nicht schön. Es ist viel zu lang für Meghan, die ja nicht gerade sehr groß ist. Das Casual-Outfit mit Jeansjacke usw. sieht dagegen gut aus und steht ihr auch, obwohl ich es zu lässig finde. Ein bisschen mehr „schick“ wäre für so einen Besuch, Südafrika hin oder her, für eine Herzogin angemessener.

    1. Elisabeth: She tries to fit into the surroundings. No jewels, no haute couture. I say no more.

  9. Anonymous24/9/19 19:12

    The first outfit is really simple and fresh. The second outfit also isn’t bad either. The dress has a nice flow to it but the head scarf should have been more tidily places. And maybe she should have opted for an updo as Kate did years ago.

  10. Like the casual outfit with the denim jacket and the nice flats. Her hair is good here too, although the wind obviously blows it about a bit. The dress is obviously chosen to be culturally appropriate, and comfortable for sitting on the floor. The best that can be said for it is that it serves its purpose.

  11. Anonymous24/9/19 19:26

    I love the green maxi dress, so lovely

  12. Anonymous24/9/19 19:50

    Really, who cares?

    1. Anonymous25/9/19 00:16

      If you don’t care, why are you here?
      Please go troll somewhere else, we are having a good time 😂

  13. Anonymous24/9/19 20:23

    The purpose of the scarf is to actually cover the hair and I'm sorry, but the greenish dress, or whatever the color is, is the ugliest thing I've ever seen, looks like a sack from the grocery store, with short sleeves, going to the Mosque, she should have worn long sleeves, not short sleeves. Otherwise, other outfits have been appropriate for the trip, though fairly casual.... JT

    1. I read that women's attire should also be either a long dress or pants so the legs are covered. Diana and Kate both wore knee-length dresses. Queen Elizabeth has even worn a knee-length suit on one occasion. QE and Queen Beatrix both favor the headscarf over the hat. Camilla has dressed well, opting for pants. Letizia was stunning in a pant suit, while Maxima has worn long dresses (one heavily embellished) but has worn a short one as well. I think the main thing to recognize is that all are doing their best to show respect for a religion other than their own. It may not come across perfectly, but every intent is there.

  14. Anonymous24/9/19 21:39

    Now that is easy dressing, like it a lot. The olive dress is not bad, but too long, a bit shorter it would look perfect.

  15. Anonymous24/9/19 22:14

    Green is a good color for Harry. Looks really nice.

  16. I usually love Meghan’s choices but this is a big miss for me. The first outfit is too casual for a official tour, I think she could’ve chosen a more suitable dress or shoes. Not necessarily expensive ones, like queen litigia does.
    The green dress is awfully long and doesn’t do her any favor. And I wouldn’t like to be barefoot at a mosque, she could’ve worn pantyhose.

    Other than that her face is glowing she looks beautiful. But fashion wise this is a disaster in my humble point of view.

    1. The shoes she wore with her first outfit are from a company called Brother Vellies.
      From their website:

      While Brother Vellies offers a variety of styles, our company was built on the enthusiastic reception of our first model, the velskoen. Relatively unknown outside of Africa, the velskoen - pronounced “fell-skoon” and known colloquially as “vellies” - are actually the ancestor of the modern day desert boot. At the workshop in South Africa, a small group of men and women assemble a few dozen pairs of shoes a day by hand, using techniques refined over multiple generations. The workshop was established in 1963 and is an open space that welcomes artisans of all genders, sexual orientation, backgrounds and tribes.

  17. Contesto:"AnonimoJT":he estado en muchas mezquitas como turista y nunca me observaron las mangas cortas(hace muchísimo calor..) si descalza con medias,cubierta Teresa

  18. Anonymous25/9/19 06:47

    Ich finde das Jeans Outfit sehr schön. Es passt zu ihr und sie trägt es mit Lässigkeit und Eleganz. Royals sind Menschen wie Du und ich, außer dass sie repräsentieren. Warum sollen sie sich immer und immer zu jeder Gelegenheit herausputzen? Ja, es ist so dass sie ein bisschen Glanz verströmen, aber mir ist nicht so wichtig was sie anhaben, sondern dass sie ihre Aufgaben mit Hingabe und Leidenschaft erfüllen. Was nützt ein verbitterter Mensch in einem noch so schicken und teueren Kleid? Lieber etwas "down-to-earth" und warmherzig. Warmhezigkeit und Mitgefühl, das spüre ich bei Meghan und Harry au diesen Bildern. Im übrigen gefällt mir auch Harry sehr gut in seinem casual outfit. Und ich bin mir sicher, dass Klein Archie seinen Papa mit und ohne Haare sehr liebt!

    1. I love your comment! Beautifully said on all points.

  19. I love her most in jeans, white blouse and black slacks. The shoes are cute too. How young she looks, incredible!Liz.

  20. Anonymous26/9/19 02:29

    She is stunning as usual! - Capt. Marvel


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