Crown Princess Mary opened Kronprinsesse Marys Bro

On September 28, 2019, Crown Princess Mary of Denmark officially opened "Crown Princess Mary's Bridge" (Kronprinsesse Marys Bro) in Roskilde. Crown Princess Mary’s Bridge is a part of the new road connection, which links Tørslev Hage with Frederikssund. The road links the town of Frederikssund on one bank with the Hornsherred Peninsula on the other bank. The new road and bridge is expected to relieve traffic on the nearby 1935 bascule bridge Kronprins Frederiks Bro.
Crown Princess Mary officially opened Crown Princess Mary's Bridge in Roskilde.She is wearing blue coat and dolce Gabbana dress
Crown Princess Mary officially opened Crown Princess Mary's Bridge in Roskilde.She is wearing blue coat and dolce Gabbana dress
Crown Princess Mary officially opened Crown Princess Mary's Bridge in Roskilde.She is wearing blue coat and dolce Gabbana dress
Crown Princess Mary officially opened Crown Princess Mary's Bridge in Roskilde.She is wearing blue coat and dolce Gabbana dress
Crown Princess Mary officially opened Crown Princess Mary's Bridge in Roskilde.She is wearing blue coat and dolce Gabbana dress
Crown Princess Mary officially opened Crown Princess Mary's Bridge in Roskilde.She is wearing blue coat and dolce Gabbana dress
Crown Princess Mary officially opened Crown Princess Mary's Bridge in Roskilde.She is wearing blue coat and dolce Gabbana dress
Crown Princess Mary officially opened Crown Princess Mary's Bridge in Roskilde.She is wearing blue coat and dolce Gabbana dress
Crown Princess Mary officially opened Crown Princess Mary's Bridge in Roskilde.She is wearing blue coat and dolce Gabbana dress
Crown Princess Mary officially opened Crown Princess Mary's Bridge in Roskilde.She is wearing blue coat and dolce Gabbana dress
Crown Princess Mary officially opened Crown Princess Mary's Bridge in Roskilde.She is wearing blue coat and dolce Gabbana dress
Crown Princess Mary officially opened Crown Princess Mary's Bridge in Roskilde.She is wearing blue coat and dolce Gabbana dress
Crown Princess Mary officially opened Crown Princess Mary's Bridge in Roskilde.She is wearing blue coat and dolce Gabbana dress
Crown Princess Mary officially opened Crown Princess Mary's Bridge in Roskilde.She is wearing blue coat and dolce Gabbana dress
Crown Princess Mary officially opened Crown Princess Mary's Bridge in Roskilde.She is wearing blue coat and dolce Gabbana dress
Crown Princess Mary officially opened Crown Princess Mary's Bridge in Roskilde.She is wearing blue coat and dolce Gabbana dress
  1. Simply wonderful!

  2. Anonymous28/9/19 22:10

    She looks amazing. The hat, sensational! - Capt. Marvel

  3. Anonymous28/9/19 23:25

    Mary's hat blew off at one point. /Julie/

  4. Anonymous28/9/19 23:31

    Sorry, I forgot. Again... where is Mr. Fred? They named a BRIDGE after his wife - why wasn't he there to help celebrate? And he could have caught her hat when the wind lifted it off her head. /Julie/

    1. Anonymous29/9/19 05:21

      He is in Switzerland performing duties as OIC member. The Crown Prince is equally busy as his wife... he is taking over more of the formal duties as regent from the queen - not all of that involves showing of expensive clothes and having the press running after him taking his pictures...

  5. If you want to look "queenly" this is the way to do it... so sophisticated. Lovely Mary!

    1. One can only agree with all the positive comments she receives. Can't remember when she got her wardrobe layout wrong.

  6. Don’t often see CP Mary in a hat. She looks superb. Like the coat and contrasting dress as well. Great outfit.

  7. Ava Pittman29/9/19 01:37

    The CP looked so stylish and elegant, she has such poise and dignity, even when her hat is going in the opposite direction. I love what she is wearing, beautiful navy coat and accessories, sealed the deal for me. Red dress underneath, she has such flair and wonderful taste.

    1. She does indeed! The hat sealed the beautiful outfit as well as her lovely smile.

  8. Anonymous29/9/19 02:17

    Gorgeous, dress, coat, and hat! Great look.

  9. Anonymous29/9/19 09:56

    Quelle classe, jamais de faute de gout elle sera une reine magnifique

  10. La princesse est tout simplement parfaite !

  11. Anonymous29/9/19 13:08

    Oh wow, ich mag CP Mary sehr und sie liegt sehr sehr selten mit einem Outfit daneben. Dieses hier ist wieder einmal von eleganter Schlichtheit mit etwas Raffinesse (der verzierte Gürtel vom Mantel und der tolle Hut mit der wundervollen Blüte, der ein wenig keck auf ihrem Kopf sitzt), CP Mary trägt es wahrhaft königlich.

    1. Da kann man Ihnen nur zustimmen!

  12. Anonymous29/9/19 17:56

    Actually I don't really like those odd hats but Mary looks good even with that. The coat and the dress are so nice. - Siri

  13. Anonymous29/9/19 18:36

    Very elegant,great look.

  14. Anonymous29/9/19 22:05

    The hat is beautiful, however it looks a little out of place in this more casual setting. The coat and dress are beautiful.... jt

  15. She looks fantastic. Whoever CPMary’s stylist is, she (or he) is phenomenal.

  16. Vad än Mary har på sig så ser hon elegant ut! Beror det på att hon är slankare än övriga kungliga damer?

  17. WOW stunning from head to toe. Everything works to create this very polished look for CPM. Esp love the embellishment on her wrap around at her waist.

  18. Sie sieht einfach nur bezaubernd aus und auf dem letzten Bild erinnert sie mich irgendwie an Mary Poppins:-)

  19. Anonymous30/9/19 20:36

    Esta guapa y impecable pero parece que hemos vuelto a los años cuarenta.


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